It was all a meme

A long time ago in a Discord far, far away…

…Lived many of the employees of a large crypto exchange.

They were hanging out, flipping jpegs, aping into ponzicoins, and researching new crypto projects around the clock. They loved the space and kept up with the latest developments in crypto. After many late nights chatting about the next thing in Web3, DAOs began to enter the conversation since constitutionDAO was gaining traction. It was established that a DAO was the perfect new ride for our group.

Speaking of rides, we had to actually figure out what our newly formed decentralized-autonomous-organization would do. Sensibly, our first idea was to form a collective who would provide the entire world access to crashing and destroying a Lamborghini. All proceeds would (somehow) be donated to a charity or nonprofit. Even though it was a great idea, we had to do something a bit more helpful.

LamborghiniDAO will dogeocratize crashing lambos– for charity
LamborghiniDAO will dogeocratize crashing lambos– for charity

The Plan? A Blue Chip jpeg DAO

At the time, the first “blue chip” NFT projects were starting to come into focus, demonstrating to the world what value an NFT could actually provide. And as a natural consequence, a lot of people were becoming priced out of these blue chip NFTs. It was there we knew we could make a difference. **Our DAO would offer the ability for a regular person to own a piece of a blue chip NFT.**The first hurdle: What to name it? We thought and thought some more. After much thinking, we came up with “The DAO”…and then reluctantly went back to thinking. We knew NFTs were pretty much misunderstood by the public, evidenced by: “I just right click saved ur NFT lol”, “Those are a scam right?”, and “but I can’t hold it. Why would I want an NFT of a house?”

Of these glowing critiques, “RightClickSave” was (and still is) our favorite. It’s an homage to mainstream misunderstandings of web3 ownership, and reflective of our old understandings of Web2 ownership.

We kicked off the DAO funding and raised $1.3M almost overnight. With the participation of all of our new members we scrambled to make our first purchase; a Cryptopunk for 85 ETH bought directly off the smart contract (no pressure, right?) Afterword we managed to make a few high-profile NFT sweeps, had some successful flips, and received a handful of unexpected airdrops. We’d grown the treasury by over 200%.

A New Challenger Approaches

RightClickSave DAO enabled us to see the potential for large groups to pool their efforts and capital, and the excitement that comes with living on the forefront of Web3. It also showed that the technology still isn’t perfect, and that decentralized orgs don’t always make it to every opportunity. Many of our colleagues and DAO members wanted to build exciting new Web3 tools and products, but lacked the right channels for their efforts or capital to fund their projects.

From the remnants of RCS DAO, Right Click Save Ventures (RCSV) was born to stoke the growth of new tools and projects, and help them succeed. RCSV combines the DAO mentality (group ownership, transparency) with the efficiency, accountability, and fast decision-making of a more traditional and centralized org. It is led and run by the same RCS members who live and breathe crypto. Some of us are devs, product experts, VCs, founders, lawyers, and more. We’re applying our domain expertise to fix pain points in Web3’s investment and DAO space.

The Future, Right Click Save + You

We’ve been focused on delivering the tools and tech missing from Web3, attracting new investors and partners, and operating a playful but disciplined org that is faithful to our investment hypothesis. Our next main initiative is an SPV raise for investors to be part of the blue-chip NFT journey. It will focus on identifying and acquiring the next generation of blue chips and create brand new tools to inform the future of investment in Web3.

Want to get involved?

Thanks for reading Write Click Save!

You can always reach out to us at We have a Discord that we hang out in daily as well. I also post updated content on my Substack via Lacrosse State of Mind.

We hope to see you there! 👋



Lacrosse’s Substack

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