First AMA with Blast Royale in Chinese, what a new-generation Gamefi

Q1. Please introduce yourself, team and background of Blast Royale?

Q1. 请介绍一下你自己、团队和Blast Royale的背景?

Founded in March 2019 by NeilMcFarland and Anil Das-Gupta.

Neil McFarland started as a commercial artist before finding himself as UX agency 

UsTwo in London. That company did all of the UI and UX for Sony Ericsson phones 

and have an intrinsic understanding of intuitive flows for complex actions. Around 

2008 games on the iPhone started taking off so Neil launched an experimental 

project with a few other staff members called Whale Trail. This game was a relative 

success so UsTwo decided to make an entire games team, which Neil sourced and 

headed up. The achieved first-time success by making the mobile smash hit and 

multi-award winning game Monument Valley, for which Neil was the Product Lead for.

This game did so well that UsTwo span out its own games studio; UsTwo Games, 

which Neil spearheaded, moving them out of the UsTwo central office and to their 

own premises in Oval. Alongside a sequel to Monument Valley, the team also 

produced a VR title ‘Lands End’, a launch title for the Samsung GR VR. It also 

attracted diverse talent from across the globe and doubled in size. Alongside game 

production, Neil also developed the IP rights for both Whale Trail and Monument 

Valley resulting in both a publishing deal with Penguin books for Whale Trail and the 

acquisition of the film rights to Monument Valley by Paramount pictures. After 

achieving success with both games and studio growth, and with no equity piece on 

offer, Neil decided it was time to start his own studio. Through a friend he was 

introduced to Anil who coincidentally was also looking to start his own studio at the 

same time.

This game did so well that UsTwo span out its own games studio; UsTwo Games, 

which Neil spearheaded, moving them out of the UsTwo central office and to their 

own premises in Oval. Alongside a sequel to Monument Valley, the team also 

produced a VR title ‘Lands End’, a launch title for the Samsung GR VR. It also 

attracted diverse talent from across the globe and doubled in size. Alongside game 

production, Neil also developed the IP rights for both Whale Trail and Monument 

Valley resulting in both a publishing deal with Penguin books for Whale Trail and the 

acquisition of the film rights to Monument Valley by Paramount pictures. After 

achieving success with both games and studio growth, and with no equity piece on 

offer, Neil decided it was time to start his own studio. Through a friend he was 

introduced to Anil who coincidentally was also looking to start his own studio at the 

same time.

Anil Das-Gupta has been in the games industry for over 15 years. As a teenager he 

used to skip school to play Street Fighter 2, 3 and Alpha in the Trocadero arcade in 

Central London (which now is just a stone’s throw away from the new First Light 

office). Anil loved this series so much that he ran his own Street Fighter tournaments,

eventually running one that had over 1000 people attend. This love for games led 

him to study Computer Science at university before ending up working for Capcom in 

Hammersmith, creators of Street Fighter IV and being involved with that project and 

several other high profile hit games. Turns out all that playing Street Fighter paid off 

after all!

After a while Anil moved into the mobile games division at Capcom, which was an 

exciting new space with lots of opportunity. He would end up working on several 

early F2P games on mobile that generated impressive revenues for a fledgling space.

This piqued Anil’s curiosity in F2P and led to him becoming a Product Manager, 

analysing the metrics behind the game to understand what made it so successful, 

sharing his learning on the hit games industry blog and podcast Deconstructor of 

Fun, preaching the revolution that F2P would bring. Anil subsequently went on to 

work for GREE, NaturalMotion and Wargaming but always had an eye on creating his 

own startup after experiencing what a paradigm shift in the games industry could 

lead to after his experience with F2P.

He was introduced to Neil via their mutual friend and both swiped right on Founder’s 

Tinder! Both had strengths in the areas the other was looking for, and so First Light 

was born.

Shortly afterwards Matt Ryan came on board as the third cofounder and CTO Anil and

Matt had worked together in the past at NaturalMotion and Playrmakr, a UK sports 

games startup and so they decided that third time's the charm and he joined the 

company after successful stints at Lionhead, Sony and NaturalMotion

Blast Royale的开发公司由NeilMcFarland和Anil Das-Gupta于2019年3月成立。

尼尔-麦克法兰最初是一名商业艺术家,并就职于位于伦敦的UsTwo UX设计公司。该公司为索尼爱立信手机做了所有的用户界面和用户体验,对复杂动作的直观流程有着深入理解。大约在 2008年,iPhone上的游戏开始兴起,尼尔和其他几个员工发起了一个实验性的游戏项目,名为  "鲸鱼之路"。这个游戏取得了相对的成功。


这款游戏做得非常好,以至于UsTwo成立了自己的游戏工作室:UsTwo Games。

在尼尔的带领下,他们离开了UsTwo的中央办公室,搬到了他们自己在Oval的办公室。他们搬出了UsTwo的中心办公室,搬到了位于Oval的自己的场所。除了《纪念碑谷》的续集之外,该团队还制作了一款VR游戏 "Lands End",这是一款为三星GR VR推出的游戏。它还吸引了来自全球各地的不同人才,规模也翻了一番。 除了游戏制作,尼尔还开发了《鲸鱼之路》和《纪念碑谷》的IP版权,并与企鹅图书达成出版协议。纪念碑谷的电影权被派拉蒙电影公司收购,在取得了游戏和工作室发展的成功之后,由于没有股权,尼尔决定是时候开始自己的工作室了。通过一个朋友,他被介绍给阿尼尔。巧合的是,阿尼尔也想在同一时间成立自己的工作室。

阿尼尔-达斯-古普塔已经在游戏行业工作了15年。在十几岁的时候,他曾经逃学去伦敦市中心的Trocadero街机厅玩《街头霸王2、3和Alpha》。伦敦市中心的Trocadero街机厅(现在离First Light的新办公室仅一箭之遥)。阿尼尔非常喜欢这个系列,以至于他举办了自己的街霸锦标赛, 最终举办了一次有超过1000人参加的比赛。对游戏的热爱使他在大学学习计算机科学,最后在Hammersmith为Capcom工作,是《街头霸王IV》的创造者,并参与了该项目和其他几个著名的热门游戏。事实证明,所有玩过的《街头霸王》都得到了回报!

一段时间后,Anil 进入了 Capcom 的手机游戏部门,这是一个充满机遇的令人兴奋的新领域。 他最终将在手机上开发几款早期的 F2P 游戏,这些游戏为新兴领域带来了可观的收入。

这激起了阿尼尔对F2P的好奇心,使他成为一名产品经理,分析游戏背后的指标,了解是什么让它如此成功,在热门游戏行业博客和播客Deconstructor of Fun上分享他的学习,宣扬F2P将带来的革命。Anil随后为GREE、NaturalMotion和Wargaming工作,但在经历了F2P的经验后,他一直想创建自己的创业公司,因为他感受到了游戏行业的模式转变。

他通过他们共同的朋友介绍给尼尔, 两人都在对方寻找的领域有优势,于是First Light就这样诞生了。


Q2. Could you tell us more details about how to play the game, and what are the advantages compared with other gamefi projects?

Q2. 你能告诉我们怎么玩这个游戏吗?以及与其他gamefi项目相比有什么优势吗?

To play the game you need 3 pieces of NFT equipment and a mobile device. After making an account either in game or through our website, you will be able to login and use any NFT items that are associated with your Metamask wallet.

The game has several game modes, but the primary one is a 30v1 last man standing Battle Royale, where you earn Crypto based on how well you do in each match.

The main advantage / plus points of our title is that it’s a game made by gamers for gamers! We’ve tried to make a really fun game based on our years of experience working on top titles. We’ve also optimised the game to run on lower powered devices; we know that many P2E players are in territories that don’t have the latest device, so our aim is for the game to run really nicely on both high and low end devices. 




Q3. Is Blast Royale a mobile game or not, if not, do you have any idea to create a mobile terminal later?

Blast Royale 是否是一款手机游戏,如果不是,你是否有想法以后创建一个移动终端?

Mobile first game. PC version may come later, but every gamer in the world has a phone, so we want as many people as possible to be able to play it.

Blast Royale是手机作为第一位的游戏。PC版可能会在以后出现,但世界上每个玩家都有手机,所以我们希望有尽可能多的人能够玩到它。

Q4. Could you introduce the tokenomics of Blast Royale, Can you explain the play-to-earn model of  Blast Royale?

Q4. 你能否介绍一下大逃杀的游戏规则,和他的play-to-earn的游戏模式?

  • Players need 3 NFT items to play the game

  • Players with NFT items earn Crypto at the end of every game based on their performance.

  • There is a pool of Craft Spice (secondary token) available to harvest every day, based on the total number of NFT items and their current durability.

  • NFT items can be loaned to other players / scholars via our marketplace. WE have a “scholarship suite” similar to Pegaxy to make it easy.

  • We have multiple secondary token sinks; repairing NFTs, replication, crafting and as entry for high-stakes tournaments.

  • 玩家需要3个NFT项目来进行游戏

  • 拥有NFT物品的玩家,在每场游戏结束时,根据他们的表现获得加密货币。

  • 根据NFT物品的总数和它们当前的耐久度,每天都有一个Craft Spice(二级代币)的池子可以收获。

  • NFT物品可以通过我们的市场借给其他玩家,我们有一个类似于Pegaxy的 "奖学金套件",大家都能容易上手。

  • 我们有多个二级代币消费场景;修复NFT、复制、制作和作为高风险比赛的参赛资格。

Q5. Is the game user friendly for the inexperienced newcomers? 


We believe so because it’s a Battle Royale game! Twin sticks, move and shoot, survive to win!

我们相信如此,因为这是一款大逃杀游戏! 双棍,移动和射击,生存下来就能赢!

Q6. Is there a mechanism to overcome the so-called spiral death which the gamefi projects always happened?  have you considered on this issue?

Q6. 是否有一种机制来克服所谓的螺旋式死亡?因为一般游戏项目总是发生这种情况。 你是否考虑过这个问题?

We are taking steps to manage the project for the long term; we don’t want the coin price to 50x on day one and be dumped straight away so have selected many tier 1 VCs who will hold their tokens for a long time.

We plan to support the game for a long time, with an extensive feature roadmap and gameplay improvements. In traditional Free-to-play, games can last for years, sometimes decades and ideally we would do the same thing. We think if the game quality is there, the project will sustain. 



Q7. Is there a lot of exposure in terms of marketing, are there any media partners or separate media exposure channels?

Q7. 在营销方面曝光率怎么样,是否有任何媒体合作伙伴或独立的媒体来支持?

Since coming out of stealth mode we’ve expanded our marketing team, hired top tier PR and Growth agencies to support our to go market strategy and brand exposure. We’ve had a fantastic level of organic growth in the last month, recently reaching over 5k members in Discord.


Q8. What about the native token of Blast Royale, and what is the unity of the token?


The BLST token is used for staking, but also a small amount is needed for every action in the game; repairing, replication, crafting, entering top tournaments. In general more of the secondary token is needed, but some primary token is also needed.

It is possible to earn BLST in the game, by winning leagues and tournaments. 

Currently the Token is not used for governance, but it’s something we are looking at and long-term would like to transition to, pending the results of various legal cases worldwide. 




Q9. Security is essential issue in the Crypto world, can you tell us how do you consider it in the game? In-game cheating or scripts cross-site scripting is usually very unfair to the other players, do you have any countermeasures or solutions to avoid it?

Q9. 安全是加密世界的基本问题,你能告诉我们你在游戏中是如何考虑的吗?游戏中的作弊或脚本跨站脚本通常对其他玩家很不公平,你们有什么对策或解决方案来避免这种情况吗?

Our engine is deterministic, that means every action performed on the client has to be authorised by the server. So if the client tried to hack to do more damage, the server would not verify it. We also have some tools aimed to stop things like aimbots and bots in general too.

In terms of Crypto security we take this very seriously, especially given the recent hacks on the Axie Infinity treasury. 


在加密货币安全方面,我们非常重视这一点,特别是考虑到最近对Axie Infinity国库的黑客攻击。

Q10. Tell us about the roadmap of Blast Royale?

Q10. 请告诉我们关于Blast Royale的路线图?

  • NFT drops will take place once the Deathmatch Campaign is over. Some lucky Deathmatch players will get Whitelisted based on their contribution and to thank them for taking part. 

  • NFT drops will then take place in several rounds throughout May.

  • The Token will debut on a launchpad in late May

  • The Token will be listed on several exchanges in later May, after the launchpad.

  • The Marketplace will be live, allowing players to buy and sell NFTs. and giving the token immediate utility.

  • The game will be available on Testnet for some players in June.

  • The game will be available worldwide in Q3, assuming the game is bug-free and the token economy is balanced. We don’t want to launch a game that is not ready yet, which has happened to other titles, e.g. Thetan Arena.

  • NFT投放将在死亡竞赛活动结束后进行,一些幸运的死亡竞赛玩家将根据他们的贡献获得白名单,以感谢他们的参与。

  • 然后,NFT投放将在整个5月份,分成几轮进行。

  • 代币将于5月下旬在发射台上首次亮相。

  • 代币在启动板之后,也将在5月下旬在几个交易所上市。

  • 游戏内市场将上线,允许玩家购买和出售NFT,并使代币立即发挥作用。

  • 游戏将于6月在Testnet上向部分玩家开放。

  • 游戏将在第三季度在全球范围内推出,前提是游戏没有错误,代币经济是平衡的。我们不希望推出一个还没有准备好的游戏,这在其他游戏中也发生过,例如Thetan Arena。

Feature Roadmap (Not in order)


  • Free to Play version. (Free players can’t earn though, they just get access)

  • Duo and Squads

  • Leagues and Tournaments

  • Bushes and cover mechanics

  • In game powerups

  • In-game supply crate drop

  • 免费玩的版本。(免费玩家不能挣钱,他们只是获得访问权)。

  • 双人和组队

  • 联赛和锦标赛

  • 灌木丛和掩护机制

  • 游戏中的升级道具

  • 游戏内补给箱出现

WIth the game, we want to work closely with our community and hope you have suggestions for us so we can make a great game we both enjoy playing!


我们公会成员对Blast Royale给予了很大的期望,提前留下了很多的问题,我选出了几个,需要您回答一下

Our guild members have great expectations for Blast Royale, and left a lot of questions in advance, I have selected a few, and I need you to answer them


Q:Annabella!RPD —

Are there any rewards for participating in the closed beta? Or will it have any impact on the official launch of the later game?


A:Throughout the Beta Testing event, we will be hosting tournaments and player vs team matches and activities with rewards that will be earned, such as:

  • $BLST tokens

  • Whitelist spots for our NFT sales

  • Special Discord OG role (benefits TBA)


  • $BLST代币

  • 为我们接下来的NFT销售提供白名单名额

  • 特别的 Discord OG 角色 (利益待定)


Is there an alliance or guild system in the game?


A:Not at launch but it’s planned as it’s been a popular request from our community. In general we listen closely to the community behind the game in terms of feature development and our future roadmap.



When is the project IDO? How to participate? What is the price of NFT? How do users who participate in the test get the NFT whitelist?


A:The IDO will be at the end of May. We can’t announce who it is with yet, but this information will be shared when it’s ready. NFT prices will be shared in due course, but we can say one thing - we want our game to be accessible so our NFTs won’t be too expensive to acquire.

Stay tuned to the channel for information on how to get whitelisted.



Q:POW战队|冒险家|RPD —

Does the game have plans for multiple chains? Will the game update other gameplay modes? Like zombie mode?


A:For now we are just supporting Polygon but it’s possible we will support other chains like BSC in the future. We will observe the overall Crypto world to see what is popular before making decisions like this.

Deathmatch Mode shows the power of engine and that we can support multiple game modes. We do intend to add additional modes in the future and will ask the Community what modes they like. But we are prioritising features like Duos, Squads, Leagues and Alliances first.



Q:链上达人 —

more Chinese MODs, and does not pay much attention to the works of community members in the Chinese area (visually, most OGs are monopolized by foreign friends). What specific promotion plans does Blast Royale have in the Chinese market next?

接下来,Blast Royale在中国市场有什么具体的推广计划?

A:This is a great question. We have just come out of Stealth Mode and recently began our marketing activities to grow our project. We now have a team of moderators who cover various languages within Discord, however there are many languages to cover and so our plan is to make sure there is adequate moderation for all international channels, ensuring an inclusive and fun environment within our server. We are currently looking into moderation for our Chinese server and will update the community as soon as possible.







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