Recap of AMA with Stone Aeon

Stone Aeon

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Q1.首先请嘉宾简单介绍一下自己和STONE AEON

Could you please briefly introduce yourself and Stone Aeon?

A:Hi, everyone. I’m James, Lead Game Designer of Stone Aeon. I had my first introduction to blockchain in 2017, and have engaged in three NFT projects and two GameFi projects in 2021.

Stone Aeon takes the Stone Age as the main game background and unfolds the user’s game world around seven different civilizations and races.

By challenging abundant tasks in various scenes in Stone Aeon, users can improve and exercise their characters and win corresponding resources and token rewards. At the same time, Stone Aeon introduces a pet breeding system to add more fun to the game.

大家好。 我是 James,Stone Aeon 的首席游戏设计师。 2017年第一次接触区块链,2021年参与了三个NFT项目和两个GameFi项目。

Stone Aeon以石器时代为主要游戏背景,围绕七个不同的文明和种族展开了用户的游戏世界。

通过在Stone Aeon的各个场景中挑战丰富的任务,用户可以提高和锻炼自己的角色,并获得相应的资源和代币奖励。 同时,Stone Aeon 引入了宠物饲养系统,为游戏增添更多乐趣。

Q2.STONE AEON作为PlatON链上首个GameFi项目,就您个人而言,PlatON为何今年开始触及链游这个领域,或者说您是怎样看待GameFi行业未来发展。

Since Stone Aeon is the first GameFi project on PlatON, in your opinion, what brings PlatON to the GameFi field this year? Or, how do you look at the future development of GameFi?

 A:At the very beginning, we talked with multiple public chains, many of which are GameFi veterans.After several rounds of communication and negotiation, we eventually decided to join the PlatON ecosystem, because we saw two valuable characteristics in the PlatON team: rigor and creativity.

As far as I am concerned, the PlatON team shows much vigor in the pursuit of perfect technology and product refinement.

From our communication on massive technical details, I even feel like I’m PlatON’s “client” rather than part of its ecosystem. PlatON’s capability of engineering practice and technical implementation, which is unique to business service providers, has impressed me a lot.

PlatON is never eager to jump on the bandwagon. Instead, it has been making steady progress step by step and focus on the long-term development. Having laid a solid foundation for the past few years, PlatON naturally set foot in the GameFi industry this year.

The second characteristic it has is creativity. It’s quite rare to find such a rigorous team with infinite creativity, which can be evidenced by PlatON’s privacy-preserving computation network.This decentralized fundamental system for data sharing and privacy-preserving computation serves as a bridge linking data owners, data users, algorithm developers and hashing power providers, and offers full-cycle data services. Frankly speaking, this is more like a product developed by a large Internet company.

PlatON’s profound technical competence can be vividly illustrated by the implementation of such a complex product philosophy and business model, injecting much confidence into us in the prospects of the PlatON ecosystem.

I believe the industry will focus on the “real” game. GameFi will embrace a boom when users can fully enjoy a smooth, intriguing experience in GameFi games, not for profits but for fun, just as they do in AAA games.

一开始,我们接触了多家公链,其中有不少是GameFi老手。经过几轮沟通和谈判,我们最终决定加入 PlatON 生态,因为我们看到了 PlatON 团队的两个宝贵特征:严谨和创造力。

在我看来,PlatON 团队在追求完美技术和产品精细化方面表现出极大的活力。

从我们关于大量技术细节的交流中,我甚至觉得我是 PlatON 的“客户”,而不是其生态系统的一部分。 PlatON 的工程实践和技术实施能力,是商业服务商独有的,给我留下了深刻的印象。

PlatON 从不急于赶上潮流。 相反,它一直在稳步前进,并着眼于长远发展。 PlatON 打下了这几年的坚实基础,今年自然而然地涉足了 GameFi 行业。

它的第二个特点是创造力。 PlatON 的隐私保护计算网络可以证明,能找到如此严谨、创造力无限的团队,实属难得。这种去中心化的数据共享和隐私保护计算基础系统,作为连接数据所有者、数据用户、算法开发者和算力提供者的桥梁,提供全周期数据服务。 坦白说,这更像是一家大型互联网公司开发的产品。


我相信这个行业会专注于“真正的”游戏。 当用户可以在 GameFi 游戏中充分享受流畅、有趣的体验时,GameFi 将迎来繁荣,这不是为了利润,而是为了乐趣,就像他们在 AAA 游戏中所做的那样。


Q3.众所周知,如今市场中已有越来越多的GameFi项目,那么你认为与其他相比,STONE AEON有什么特点?或者说是优势

Among the increasing GameFi projects in the market as we can see today, what characteristics or advantages do you think Stone Aeon has compared with its peers?

 A:Stone Aeon is a fully autonomous role-playing game built with an excellent game engine, making itself a large multiplayer online game.Users can gain glory and rewards through different game scenes in Stone Aeon’s metaverse.

SANFT, the abbreviation of Stone Aeon NFT, represents NFT assets in Stone Aeon and is the symbol of VIP membership. SANFT holders are also partners of Stone Aeon, and will enjoy management rights and benefits in Stone Aeon.

SANFT is irreplaceable. Each SANFT is 100% unique, and has a totem representing its own civilization. Only 8,128 SANFTs have been minted, so they are of great collection and investment value.

Stone Aeon 是一款完全自主的角色扮演游戏,采用出色的游戏引擎打造,是一款大型多人在线游戏。用户可以通过 Stone Aeon 的元宇宙中不同的游戏场景获得荣耀和奖励。

SANFT是Stone Aeon NFT的缩写,代表Stone Aeon中的NFT资产,是VIP会员的象征。 SANFT持有者也是Stone Aeon的合伙人,将享有Stone Aeon的管理权益。

SANFT 是不可替代的。 每个 SANFT 都是 100% 独一无二的,并且有一个代表自己文明的图腾。 SANFT仅铸造了8128枚,极具收藏和投资价值。


Could you please explain to us how Stone Aeon’s economic model is designed? How will users join this game and earn profits in the game?

 A:As a fully autonomous community-driven game, Stone Aeon has designed a complete economic system and incentive model to drive all participants in the community to jointly govern and create the world of Stone Aeon.

All game products are permanently stored on the blockchain as NFT assets and can be freely combined and traded. In Stone Aeon, prudent investors can obtain continuous and risk-free fixed income through staking, and aggressive investors can enjoy higher returns through competition.

All SANFT holders are members of the guild and will constantly receive guild rewards. We plan to distribute 20% of the ecosystem rewards as guild rewards and another 20% as guild governance rewards.

All game products are permanently stored on the blockchain as NFT assets and can be freely combined and traded. In Stone Aeon, prudent investors can obtain continuous and risk-free fixed income through staking, and aggressive investors can enjoy higher returns through competition.

We will share 50% of the game revenue with these 8,128 SANFT holders, and they can replace the character avatars in the game. Of course, the higher the level, the more profits users can get by staking.
All users will be able to mint their favorite characters in the game. They can stake, fight, and trade in different game scenarios for benefits.

作为一款完全自治的社区驱动游戏,Stone Aeon 设计了完整的经济体系和激励模型,驱动社区所有参与者共同治理和创造 Stone Aeon 的世界。

所有游戏产品都作为 NFT 资产永久存储在区块链上,可以自由组合和交易。 在Stone Aeon,审慎的投资者可以通过质押获得持续无风险的固定收益,激进的投资者可以通过竞争获得更高的回报。

所有 SANFT 持有者都是公会成员,将不断获得公会奖励。 我们计划分配 20% 的生态系统奖励作为公会奖励,另外 20% 作为公会治理奖励。

我们将与这 8128 名 SANFT 持有者分享 50% 的游戏收益,他们可以替换游戏中的角色头像。 当然,等级越高,用户通过质押获得的收益就越多。

所有用户都可以在游戏中铸造他们最喜欢的角色。 他们可以在不同的游戏场景中进行质押、战斗和交易以获取利益。


What strategic development plans do you have after Stone Aeon is launched?

A:It is our vision to create a genesis virtual game world that can grow and iterate continuously and develop into a native metaverse civilization driven by fully decentralized community governance and construction.

StoneAeon is fully community driven and evolved.StoneAeon is equipped with rich game rules and a complete economic system.StoneAeon becomes a true metaverse ecosystem game beyond everyone’s imagination.

After nearly a year of preparation, we expect to launch SANFT this month, and will provide GameFi capabilities and token listing plans in the future. Users may refer to Roadmap and community announcements for the specific schedule.


StoneAeon 完全由社区驱动和发展。StoneAeon 配备了丰富的游戏规则和完整的经济体系。StoneAeon 成为了超乎所有人想象的真正的元宇宙生态系统游戏。

经过近一年的准备,我们预计本月上线SANFT,未来将提供GameFi能力和上币计划。 具体时间安排可参考路线图和社区公告。

Q6. Is there a mechanism to overcome the so-called spiral death which the gamefi projects always happened?  have you considered on this issue?

Q6. 是否有一种机制来克服所谓的螺旋式死亡?因为一般游戏项目总是发生这种情况。 你是否考虑过这个问题?

A:The primary cause of death spirals is the unreasonable design of in-game consumption, as well as the constant additional issuance and release of tokens.

In StoneAeon, we have created many PVP gameplays to provide a place for users to compete with each other in the game. As the race goes on, resources will be consumed, and such resources will be offered as community rewards and reenter the value ecosystem of StoneAeon.

For example, users may invest SCGT to compete with others, and whether they win or lose, part of the investment will be consumed, which generates deflation.

This part of SCGT investments could be burned or recovered by the community for the distribution of ecosystem rewards or other purposes. The more intensive the PVP system is, the lower the probability of a death spiral.


在 StoneAeon,我们创造了许多 PVP 玩法,为用户提供了在游戏中相互竞争的场所。 随着比赛的进行,资源将被消耗,这些资源将作为社区奖励提供并重新进入StoneAeon的价值生态系统。

例如,用户可能投资 SCGT 与他人竞争,无论输赢,都会消耗部分投资,从而产生通货紧缩。

这部分 SCGT 投资可以被社区销毁或回收,用于分配生态系统奖励或其他目的。 PVP系统越密集,死亡螺旋的概率越低。

Q7. Security is essential issue in the Crypto world, can you tell us how do you consider it in the game? In-game cheating or scripts cross-site scripting is usually very unfair to the other players, do you have any countermeasures or solutions to avoid it?

Q7. 安全是加密世界的基本问题,你能告诉我们你在游戏中是如何考虑的吗?游戏中的作弊或脚本跨站脚本通常对其他玩家很不公平,你们有什么对策或解决方案来避免这种情况吗?


A:By integrating RealRan VRF, StoneAeon could create gaming assets in a more random way. For example, the StoneAeon staking mechanism is the case to adopt the algorithm of random number generation to ensure all participants’ fairness and gaming balance.

As mentioned, it is difficult to generate onchain non-predicted random values for the public chains. Currently, most projects normally use onchain parameters as the seed like blockhashes to generate numbers. Although the blockhash is random, it could be calculated and predicted by validators or miners.

For the current RealRan VRF version, We uses the Nonce of the parent block header as the seed and generates the random number with the private key signature of the proposer of the current block.
As the nonce is verifiable, random and tamper-resistant, VRF using the nonce could contribute to providing random values for Web3 games to improve fairness.

通过集成 RealRan VRF,StoneAeon 可以以更随机的方式创建游戏资产。 例如,StoneAeon Staking 机制就是采用随机数生成算法来保证所有参与者的公平和博弈平衡的案例。

如前所述,很难为公链生成链上非预测随机值。 目前,大多数项目通常使用链上参数作为种子,如区块哈希来生成数字。 尽管块哈希是随机的,但它可以由验证者或矿工计算和预测。

对于当前的 RealRan VRF 版本,我们使用父区块头的 Nonce 作为种子,并使用当前区块提议者的私钥签名生成随机数。

由于 nonce 是可验证的、随机的和不可篡改的,因此使用 nonce 的 VRF 有助于为 Web3 游戏提供随机值以提高公平性。

Q8. Are there any rewards for participating in the  beta? Or will it have any impact on the official launch of the later game?


 A:Of course, we will kick off a giveaway event after the beta test starts to give back to users who participated in the test. You can always join our community and find out about the specifics of the test and event.

We will not delete users’ gaming records after the beta test, which means that StoneAeon will be officially live after the beta test begins. After StoneAeon goes live, we will keep refining the game and releasing upgrades, which is the building block that supports the long-term operation of the game. Meanwhile, community governance will also be activated to encourage all SANFT holders and community users to participate in the future iteration and gameplay design of StoneAeon, thereby creating a truly community-autonomous game. We also welcome more crypto users to the world of StoneAeon.

当然,我们会在公测开始后启动赠品活动,回馈参与测试的用户。 您可以随时加入我们的社区,了解测试和活动的具体情况。

 公测结束后我们不会删除用户的游戏记录,这意味着StoneAeon将在公测开始后正式上线。 StoneAeon 上线后,我们会不断完善游戏并发布升级,这是支撑游戏长期运营的基石。 同时,还将启动社区治理,鼓励所有 SANFT 持有者和社区用户参与 StoneAeon 未来的迭代和玩法设计,从而打造真正的社区自治游戏。 我们也欢迎更多的加密用户来到 StoneAeon 的世界。

Q9. Does the game have plans for multiple chains? Will the game update other gameplay modes?


A:Right now, product development is our No.1 priority

To us, PlatON is an enabling ecosystem in terms of community and support. In this great ecosystem, we can keep on improving our game without worrying about anything else.

Speaking of new plans, we are developing a PVP system, which will also be a milestone for StoneAeon.

After users become stronger via staking in the early stage of the game, the demand for more competition will definitely go up, which is a stage that all games have to go through.

Of course, in terms of the entire gaming ecosystem, we prefer being regarded as part of the StoneAeon community.

When the game remains in its infancy, we will be there to guide the development of gameplays, build the basic framework, and design the core system.

As the game matures, community governance will kick in, and users will be able to get deeply involved in the design of StoneAeon via governance. We envision a future when all users will become owners of StoneAeon.

目前,产品开发是我们的第一要务。对我们而言,PlatON 在社区和支持方面是一个有利的生态系统。 在这个伟大的生态系统中,我们可以继续改进我们的游戏,而不必担心其他任何事情。说到新计划,我们正在开发一个 PVP 系统,这也将是 StoneAeon 的一个里程碑。

用户在游戏前期通过质押变强后,对更多竞争的需求肯定会上升,这是所有游戏都必须经历的阶段。当然,就整个游戏生态而言,我们更愿意被视为 StoneAeon 社区的一部分。当游戏还处于起步阶段时,我们将在那里指导游戏玩法的开发,构建基础框架,设计核心系统。

随着游戏的成熟,社区治理将启动,用户将能够通过治理深入参与 StoneAeon 的设计。 我们设想未来所有用户都将成为 StoneAeon 的所有者。

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