Introducing Rehide: A Web3, decentralised platform designed to keep your confidential information secure

A Web3, decentralised platform that securely stores your data is finally here. Rehide has launched its testnet to the public. This innovative Web3 platform combines next-gen technologies including blockchain and the IPFS protocol to safeguard sensitive information such as passwords and private notes. Rehide is an alternative to Web2 password manager without the use of conventional, centralized databases.

Rehide: Your keys, your data

Many people store sensitive information such as banking passwords, email credentials and seed phrases insecurely on their devices. Some have taken an additional step to use Web2 password managers to assist with this storage for convenience and security. However password manager services, although convenient, aren’t as secure as they could be as information is stored in conventional databases owned and controlled by a centralized entity, making it susceptible to manipulation or even hacking. Recently there was a security compromise with one particular platform which left users and their sensitive data exposed and vulnerable to both identity fraud and financial loss. In short, they are insecure.

What Rehide does differently is protect encrypted information in a decentralised manner on the blockchain, using your personal Web3 wallet. This means only you, the wallet holder, can access your private information stored in your personal Rehide vault which is separate from other users’ vaults. Another key contrast with Rehide is data ownership. Rehide ensures not only your data is stored as securely as possible, but that you own it too which is made possible by the decentralized nature of the blockchain.

Rehide looked to Web3 to create a platform users can rely on not only for a more durable, digital security storage system but also one that puts the control and ownership back with the user by connecting their rehide vault to their individual digital wallet.

How does rehide work?

With rehide, you can mint notes as NFTs where the information within them is protected with multi-layered encryption and invisible to the human eye. To achieve this, it utilizes steganography, which conceals the information within a random text string, making it indecipherable to third parties. Additionally, rehide employs the AES 256-bit encryption algorithm, which, in combination with blockchain technology, offers an innovative solution for securely protecting information.

Rehide does not store any user data in a Web2 database. Instead, it utilizes the IPFS protocol to decentralize its storage. IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a distributed system that connects devices within a network, allowing for the storage of all types of data in a fully decentralized manner.

As for the blockchain network, rehide adopts a multi-chain approach and currently utilizes the Polygon network for its testnet due to its speed, security, and low costs. The platform aims to expand its reach once it launches on mainnet by integrating with other blockchains.

What features does rehide offer, and what are the costs?

Rehide follows a “freemium” model, which means that essential features will be available for free. This approach, based on Web3 technology, aims to be inclusive for everyone. Users who choose to utilize the platform only need to pay the gas fees of the network and platform, which are minimal. During the testnet phase, users can make use of test faucet funds without having to spend anything at all.

To log in to rehide, users will use their wallet (such as Metamask), which will function as the access key to sign and authorize transactions. Therefore, only the owner of the wallet can access the information, making it an innovative security practice.

Rehide will offer several free modules upon the platform’s launch, with a view to incorporate new functionalities in the future. Initially, there will be three ways to encrypt our sensitive information in the form of notes: using wallet signatures, with passwords, and creating public notes without passwords.

Each user will have a “Vault” where they can view their encrypted notes and access them whenever needed. Furthermore, rehide allows sharing notes with authorized wallets. Shared notes can be viewed by the recipient on their “Inbox”, similar to an email service.

Notes created on rehide can also include additional options to restrict access, such as a maximum number of views, an expiration date, and a price for reading the note.

While the basic functions of rehide are free, Web3 technology entails fees (gas) for minting NFTs, which vary based on the congestion of the blockchain network. Additionally, rehide includes a fee of 0.01 MATIC for each minted note (less than 1 cent), which will contribute to a Treasury fund aimed at executing referral programs and other community actions in the future, incentivizing organic and committed growth within the community.

Furthermore, if you mint notes using a referral link, you will receive discounts on this fee. Similarly, you will receive a rebate from every transaction processed using your referral link. It’s a win-win everyone!

Try the platform on testnet:

Final thoughts

Rehide provides an ideal alternative to other Web2 and traditional options for keeping sensitive information secure. One of its standout features is that it doesn’t store information in databases but instead uses IPFS protocol for decentralized storage and leverages blockchain and web3 technology to provide users with full control and ownership of their data. Moreover, the basic functions of the platform will always be free!

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