What’s the point of chimkins? Below our our vision for these plump cluckers, who were distributed for free to Rekt Gang holders and numerous NFT communities.
Before we had money, people used to barter for things. Basically exchanging goods without even needing money: 2 chickens for 1 carpet, 1 chicken for 1 honeypot, etc…
Rekt Chickens are barter goods, or commodity money. How so?
Rekt Gang alpha is well known for its decent win ratio, multichain scope, and being ‘‘early’’ on the latest Web3 news.
Having access to Rekt Gang alpha requires an NFT from the Rekt Gang OG collection (Rekt Wolf, Trippy Wolves or Rekt Bulls). The floor price for the Bulls (cheapest entry) is currently 55 USDC, which is a high barrier of entry for some.
Hence, we have established a ‘‘chickenscription’’ model where you can send 1 chicken to the Rekt Gang DAO and receive 1 month of access to the Alpha channel.
NFL last man standing is a tournament we run in Rekt Gang Discord that uses chickens for buy backs into the game.
Soon we will release a Rekt Racing game that will rely on the same skillset required for NFL picking (maybe a little easier)
In this game of skill, contestants will be using chickens as commodity money to participate.
Do you identify as a chicken? Chickens have original pixel art, all done by our incredible artist Cudo. They also have some really cool tech features:
Polygon chickens are stored fully onchain
Base chickens are the 1st minted out PFP on Base
Stargaze chickens were the 1st to use delayed reveal mechanic
Solana chickens are an entirely free and FAIR drop to Solana communities (no WL grinding, no allocation to Rekt Gang)
You can “stake” your chickens for points. At the end of the month, you can spend those points for tangible prizes.
Merch, nuff said
There will only be 20000 chickens on ALL chains. Cudo has meticulously created the art for 20k chickens and we do not intend to increase supply above that number. That being said, currently we have 17420 chickens in circulation on multiple blockchains:
5000 on Stargaze
5000 on Solana
6420 on Polygon
1000 on Base
If opportunity arises, to complete supply and take advantage of new tech, we could free mint (or very low cost mint) on a promising blockchain. At the time of writing, there are NO plans to mint chickens on any chain, but we would like to keep that option open.
Chickens are cool and fun art, but also commodity money in the Rekt Gang ecosystem. We will be exploring additional use cases for these fun friends. Last but not least, as the DAO accumulates chickens, we are considering redistributing these chickens to OG holders.