Complaint Cards #1 & #2
January 20th, 2023


If you haven’t read the following two articles, we highly recommend reading them to understand the context.

Complaint Card #1 & #2

On December 16th, 2022, we dropped the genesis complaint cards (for FREE, well, except gas) because we wanted to bootstrap the community and share some fun; since then, it has taken a life of its own.

Official announcement

Complaint Card #1

The theme that started it all “Freedom to complain” featuring none other than @punk6529 by @blocknoob_

This was an open edition until the end of the year, as fate would decide 569 of these were minted at the end of the claim period.

Official Mint Link was -


Complaint Card #2

The card that resonated with every seizer and essentially everyone in the ecosystem was by Zamunda.

It won hearts and all 690 editions got minted on the day of


Official Mint Link was -

These two cards set the tone of what today is becoming a complaint meme/re-meme ecosystem.

Edit - Collectible Entry

This article is a collectible, and it is supposed to be free with 69 editions; however the price ended up being fat-fingered to 9 ETH, and I don’t see a setting to edit any of it.

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