150,000 MATIC Rewards for LPs on the time-vested v3 staker

A couple of months ago we wrote about a fork to the Uniswap v3 staker, we had been working on, that allows for incentives program creators to add a vesting period in which positions must remain in-range to receive the full amount of rewards accrued. In summary, the point of doing this is to avoid automated ultra-concentrated strategies from dominating and taking most of the rewards by deploying positions that would otherwise be unprofitable.

During the next 28 days we will be distributing 150,000 MATIC, kindly sent over by the folks at Polygon, as staking rewards for 8 selected Uniswap pools on Polygon, pictured below.

revert v3staker
revert v3staker

The purpose of this, aside from incentivizing liquidity for the selected pools, is to a primary test of the above described vesting mechanism, as well as test the UI for a dapp which will be open sourcing soon, currently deployed at v3staker.revert.finance

The dapp allows anyone to stake or unstake positions, as well as create incentives program for any deployed Uniswap v3 pool.

How to Stake

From the dAPP

  1. Create (or you may already have) a position in one of the incentivized pools

  2. Go to v3staker.revert.finance

  3. Connect your wallet

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to stake your position

  5. You can unstake any time you like, but unvested rewards are forever lost.

From your Revert Dashboard

You can also stake or unstake, as you usually would, via your revert position dashboard.

  1. Create (or you may already have) a position in one of the incentivized pools

  2. Go to revert.finance

  3. Connect your wallet

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to stake your position

  5. You can unstake any time you like, but unvested rewards are gone, forever.

How to Create Incentives Programs

Anyone can create incentives programs by interacting with the deployed smart contract directly, the incentives programs are permissionless and uncensorable.

For convenience we created a UI that helps with the incentive program creation process, check it out at

We hope that this app, along with the time-vesting mechanism for incentives, will be useful to other organizations that would want to incentivize liquidity in Uniswap v3 without requiring managers, intermediaries, or off-chain computation.

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