Created by Reylarsdam, Creyniums is a generative Cryptoart collection featuring 6900 animated tokens designed from 1800 hand-drawn frames.
Crafted in the span of an entire year in the depths, pits and flames of the 2022-2023 bear market and risen from the ashes of the 2021 collective Crypto Calavera project, Creyniums serve as a tzompantli of humanoid faces that reflect the tumult, joy, chaos and excitement of our present crypto-times.
Deriving inspiration from ancient mythologies, Mexican Day of the Dead, the NFT Community and collage & animation techniques, Creyniums aspire to push generative art into artistically uncharted territory.
The idea for Creyniums arose in mid 2022 after the Crypto Calavera roadmap was not completely fulfilled. To make things right by CC holders and build ahead on a fresh trajectory, Reylarsdam took the initiative to create a brand new project.
Creyniums are designed out of 600 animated assets divided into 13 main traits, comprising a total of 1800 hand-drawn frames.
The traits are divided into 3 sections:
Background (Environment - Mandible - Maxilla - Zygomatic - Frontal)
Creynium (Dental - Visor - Nasal - Orbit 1 & 2)
Extras (Garment - Mask 1 & 2)
This collection doesn't emphasize a rarity scoring system, instead Creyniums put equal importance on every asset, making art the leading element within this project.
There are also 42 special 1/1s divided into 2 sections:
Cryptoart Day
Cryptoart Night
CREYNIUM Drop Dynamics
The Creyniums drop date is set for Mexican Day of the Dead (Nov 1st 2023) and will be done in 3 phases: (1) Airdrops; (2) Free EOS Claims; (3) Public Sale.
(1) 2500 Airdrops (Snapshot: 26- Oct- 4:20 PM EST)
Eligible wallets:
REY 1/1 holders
Calavera holders
Creyzie 1/1 holders
HEY HO LFG holders
Top 69 Creyzie holders
50 Creyzie raffle winners
REYVOLUTION series holders
(2) 2500 Free claims for EOS holders (Snapshot: 28- Oct- 6:09 PM EST)
(3) Public Sale (1900 tokens - 0.01 Ξ each)
AIRDROP - 9 - 10 AM EST (Reveal image only)
EOS CLAIMS - 10 AM EST - 14:00 PM EST (Instant Reveal)
Special thanks to Sartoshi, Santana.eth and all the Calavera, Creyzie and REY holders.