Roach Builder Report 6.0

Hey there, coaches! It is time for the next builder report on the Roach Universe. We got some really exciting news for the community as we approach the public launch. The team has been cooking a lot behind the scenes:

Major Race interface update

After countless hours of testing and polishing the core gameplay, we came up with the production ready race interface design and successfully implemented it. The race now features a clean and slick interface, boasting various 3D effects on the track such as traces, boost animation, coin collection, chart shaking, etc.

Interface 2.0
Interface 2.0

Roach Encapsulation

Roaches are born within the universe, and in order to transfer your roach to another account or sell it, you will have to encapsulate your roach in a cryo chamber. Thus, the roach will be taken out of the game and stay in a cryo chamber until opened by you or the new owner.

Roach inside the cryo chamber 🥶
Roach inside the cryo chamber 🥶

Affiliate program

Influencers and opinion leaders are able to join the affiliate program and get a share of the users’ commission from race entries they bring in. Conditions for joining the affiliate program will be published before the public launch.

  1. Concept – done

  2. Contracts – done

  3. Design – done

  4. Backend – done

  5. Frontend – to do

Affiliate Program 1.0
Affiliate Program 1.0

Referral program & Trax rewards

The referral program is available to everyone right from the start after registering an account. It allows you to earn Trax points by participating in races and inviting friends to join the Roach Racing Club.

  1. Concept – done

  2. Contracts – done

  3. Backend – done

  4. Design – in progress

  5. Frontend – to do

Referral program and Trax rewards
Referral program and Trax rewards

Breeding update

The breeding smart contract was updated and redeployed to enable the breeding process and genome mixture to produce a new offspring.

You first Roach is born!
You first Roach is born!

Roach Sharing

This functional enables the non-owners to enter a race without purchasing a roach, and on the other hand it allows owners to share their roaches to keep them busy and earn Trax points.

User registration and onboarding

The first steps are the most important. In order to help the newcomers experience the game unhindered we created the onboarding flow that a newly registered user will be able to enter a free race with a shared roach and win Trax points.

  1. Concept - done

  2. Design - done

  3. Frontend - in progress

Money system update

The contracts were largely extended in functionality and updated according to the addition of affiliate and referral programs, roach sharing and Trax points system.

Genesis Mint page

The mint page design is updated to host the gamified Genesis Mint. In order to mint a Roach you will need to spend a certain amount of Trax points, which you can earn by racing and inviting your friends to Roach Racing Club.

  1. Concept - done

  2. Design - done

  3. Contracts - done

  4. Backend - to do

  5. Frontend - in progress

This is it for now, coaches! Hope you enjoyed this Roach Builder Report. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and join our Discord. Stay in touch – we keep on cooking!

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