

Protocol engineer on the Teku consensus-layer client.
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Caching and Memory

July 24
Teku has always made heavy use of caching data, which is one mechanism for making sure we have the data available that we need, without having to load it from disk.

Attestation Gossip Processing

June 13
The opinions in this are mine, I’m not writing this on behalf of anyone, and ahm.. any other disclaimers you think should be here probably are… So anyway…
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March 15
Since the advent of the Beacon Chain, we asked for a stake for validators. At the time our story was basically "Once the merge is done, you'll be able to get these funds back".


March 15
I’ve setup this blog as a space to share ideas. Currently it’ll be consensus-layer centric, as that is my expertise. Maybe people will find it insightful, ultimately I’m representing my opinions, and it may not be 100% accurate. If there’s issues let me know and I’ll attempt to rectify any inaccuracies that you may have found.