Onchain Identity?

In the digital realm of Web3, where transactions and tokens intertwine to craft the fabric of our on-chain identities, I faced a tempest that threatened to unravel the essence of my digital existence. This narrative is more than a personal account; it's a testament to the power of community, resilience, and a remarkable journey back from the precipice.

On an ordinary evening within the welcoming walls of Zo House, immersed in the camaraderie of the Degen Lounge, the unexpected happened.

Zirius at the time was hosting a Poker@Zo Tournament in Singapore during Token2049 but still calls me.

“Bro tumhara wallet hack ho gaya” (Your wallet is hacked)

My wallet, the cornerstone of my digital identity, was potentially compromised. The rush to my room, a frantic glance at Etherscan - my fears materialised before my eyes. Unauthorised transactions had drained my wallet of Founder NFTs and all my ETH. The initial shock was visceral, the loss immeasurable.

Last minute transfers
Last minute transfers

The panic that ensued could have spiraled, but for the immediate embrace of
Zo House. Kushal, ever the anchor, helped me stay grounded, while Prashant, a seasoned degen, reassured me—not all was lost. His quick thinking and the close-knit fabric of our community allowed me to salvage what remained of my digital identity. In those moments, Zo House was more than a physical space; it was a collective force, a sanctuary that harboured me from the storm.

3 out of 4 saved right away!


Compelled by the unwavering support of my peers, I voiced my ordeal on X, a distress call echoing into the digital void. What about all the on-chain history and memories though I pondered

The digital ethers of X resonated with support, advice, and solidarity. Druva stepped forward, bridging me to a anon “white-hat” hacker, a cult figure in the shadows of the web3 space, who would deploy a reverse sweeper bot to reclaim the remnants of my on-chain life. Here is how he did it: Web3Rescue

In the aftermath of the breach that left my digital assets scattered to the winds, the loss of a Founder NFT stung with a particular intensity. It was more than a token; it was a piece of my identity within the blockchain, spirited away by an entity known only as @0xprabhakar. The prospect of its return seemed slim until 0xprabhakar himself reached out, moved not by the potential for profit but by the ethos of the community we've nurtured.

He shared that he had witnessed the effort and dedication I poured into building our community, day in and day out. This observation, coming from someone who had remained a silent observer, underscored the impact of our collective endeavour. Motivated by this spirit of community and recognising the NFT's significance to me, he offered to return it - a gesture that bridged the gap between anonymous online transactions and the real, tangible connections that form the heart of the Web3 world. This act of kindness reaffirmed the power of the community bonds we've forged, showcasing the deep, often unseen ties that connect us in the blockchain universe.

This journey through adversity illuminated a profound truth: our on-chain identity is intricately linked to the communities we foster. The collective action of the Zo, the founder members, and even an enigmatic trader like Prabhakar, reinforced the notion that our digital selves are anchored in a network of support and shared values.

The ordeal transformed into a celebration of collective spirit and resilience. Each step, from the initial shock to the triumphant recovery, underscored the strength found in unity. This story, while originating as my own, evolved into a shared narrative—a testament to the enduring power of community in the expansive and often volatile landscape of Web3.

The True Loss: On-Chain History

While assets were partially recovered, the true loss lay in the intangible—a rich tapestry of on-chain history associated with the account, a digital legacy built over countless transactions, interactions, and moments. This loss, irreplaceable and profound, served as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities that lurk in the shadows of innovation.

Once again, all my Founder members are Rockstars, thanks for saving my ass.

zo zo~

Gutter Dog I lost during the hack.
Gutter Dog I lost during the hack.
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