Shroomiez; a Portal to Cross the Cryptoverse?

137 BeraShroomiez saw the light on May 7th this year, minting out in less than 60 minutes at approximately 11:22 PM GMT. A badge of honor for the brave Digital Mushrooms who had just enough BERA to cover gas fees for their free mint, powered by the earliest version of Beramarket’s NFT marketplace.

Hand-drawn by our amazing artist Gigi, these BeraShroomiez convey the mood of our beloved Shroomiez holders during this exciting phase of our collective Web3 journey.

A testament to the creative expression of the hand-drawn art which lies behind each Shroomiez NFT, infused by the essence of the chain its spores were about to see the light on; brought to life on the first version of Berachain, the Artio testnet.

When the first great Berachain tastenet migration occurred, from Artio to bArtio, these 137 very bearish but quite honeylicious mushrooms migrated to bArtio on June 19th at approximately 11:22 GMT, by airdropping every holder their own respective token. A testament to our credo that reducing unnecessary interactions will reduce the risks faced by users when navigating the on-chain world.

Artefact I - BeraShroomiez
Artefact I - BeraShroomiez

A sense of urge to proliferate on a chain that was being invaded by heartless AI “art” spurred in the hearts of the Shroomiez, so the AI machine was set in motion for good, and after multiple iterations of ensuring the right output was obtained and then carefully hand-selected, 333 Fermented Shroomiez were batch minted on bArtio on August 10th at 10:23 PM UTC.

These Fermented Shroomiez were airdropped to all Shroomiez NFT holders, as well as distributed to some partner communities for their own users to test the second iteration of the Beramarket NFT marketplace in closed beta. No one realized they were AI generated, and everyone was so stunned by the Art’s amazing quality that they refused to believe it was an AI generated collection when they were told it was. Sure, there was some degree of human input, such as uploading already existing Shroomiez NFTs (which were hand-drawn) as templates for the AI to work on and then recreate in its own unique, algorithmic way, but the output was still 100% AI generated.

A few holders listed their Fermented Shroomiez, most did so for relatively absurd amounts ranging from 60 to 900 tBERA, thinking they probably wouldn’t be bought. Instead, they all got sweeped.

Some Bears with really fat bellies eyed these seemingly chaotic yet peaceful creatures, and decided to embrace the uncertainty of their aesthetics.

Artefact II - Fermented Shroomiez
Artefact II - Fermented Shroomiez

Many were left with the sour taste of empty-handedness which arises from paperhanding an NFT whose true potential is only understood from the paperhandoor after having sold it’s very precious asset unknowingly of its potential.

The description was clear though: A collection made purely to be traded; the more you trade it, the more you will enjoy it (and its rewards).

So what are these rewards? Well first of all, you get yourself some extra tBERA if you just sell it, and even more if you trade wisely.

Secondly, but *maybe* more importantly, your genuine* trading activity will be weighted and rewarded with a score once Berachain mainnet goes live and the liquid backed Shroomiez see the light. That means a potential to earn an ever greater chance of owning one of the first Liquid Backed NFTs to ever exist, on Berachain yes, but also across the entire Cryptoverse if you think about it.

*By genuine we mean that trades back and forth between wallets that are clearly owned by the same owner will be disqualified)

**We like to stress the *maybe* because it is uncertain that you will earn a greater reward by trading the NFTs rather than just simply taking those BERA and go farm some BGT and call it a day while you wait for a potential early user/community airdrop at Berachain mainnet/TGE)

With the release of the liquid backing feature by Beramarket and with no more Fermented Shroomiez for sale, some users got really, really mad that they didn’t have any (or not enough) Fermented Shroomiez to enjoy the pleasures of borrowing some sweet, sweet liquidity against these liquid backed NFTs. Of course, it was just tBERA, but still, there were several pressing dynamics at play.

And so on August 16th at exactly 11:11 AM UTC, 222 MAD Shroomiez magically appeared on Berachain bArtio. Airdropped straight to the wallets of all Shroomiez NFT holders and Fermented Shroomiez holders, these Mad Shroomiez were clear with their instructions: These Shroomiez will get really Mad if you don't trade them enough.

The same previous AI-generation unacceptance arose from the community’s voice, but again it was short-lasted because their perception and appreciation of the artefacts was greater than the desire to question their source or even reality.

Therefore the smart Shroomiez will very carefully act on what they’re told and what they can merely perceive; yet the part which is to be highlighted is the act of acting, as it is decisive to harness the potential benefits of these occasions. Not always, but frequently.

Artifact III - Mad Shroomiez
Artifact III - Mad Shroomiez

In a world where AI generated content is proliferating like mushrooms after the rain, one must grow its appreciation for true User Generated Content, especially with digital assets (which includes NFTs).

You might have noticed that both Fermented and Mad Shroomiez have yet to reveal their rarity traits. What is going to differentiate them from other collections is that they will each have different probabilities of surviving the winter.

Those who make it, will inevitably reap the rewards of a frost-touched shroom, if you know what I mean.

In case you’re a Bear who can’t read properly, a short summary would be; a direct shift of energy from the unworthy to the worthy. Again, iykyk.

In simple words, some of them will witness a guaranteed liquid backing event, receiving the ability to cross the multiverse from their current static bArtio environment to a more prosperous, energetic one (Berachain).

Once they reach their destination, they will unlock unfathomable DeFi benefits such as being able to take loans against their true value (RFV) or be sacrificed to the Liquid Backing Moloch (collection treasury).

Like the cosmic mill, this mechanism is a perpetual value transfer machine. Letting you enjoy the benefits of the energy, before you decide (or someone else does for you) to pass it on.

Artefact XIII - Owners of this artefact coupled with this mirror article will receive a temporary key to voting on discord, as well as infinite other future goodies
Artefact XIII - Owners of this artefact coupled with this mirror article will receive a temporary key to voting on discord, as well as infinite other future goodies

We are one step closer to releasing our industry changing platform that will open the gates to the great liquidity floods that we long dreamed of.

If you want to curate and govern this digital forum making sure that rewards are directed to worthy projects and creators, then minting a Shroomiez NFT or any mintable piece is a way to support our mission while receiving the relative benefits once the time comes.

Cheerio, dear frens

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