WAH by GARD WUZGUT Digital Collectible Explained

TLDR; WAH productions revolved around the ‘what ifs’ and hyperbole. This is us exploring new avenue to keep enjoy doing music. Purchase WAH collectible using ROTI, you’ll get streamed 10 ROTIx/month. 10% of WAH royalty collections is offered to the holders and distributed annually by the Artists. Just trying stuffs.



DSPs: Spotify, Music, YouTube

Date: June 19 2022

Transfer: Soulbound

Royalty: Yes

Pool: Pool 1

First thing first…

Ask almost all creatives, they’ll always have the “What Fans Want?” or “What’s Next?” voice at the back of their head. Specially, when it comes music making. That voice, signal or noise, will either make or break yourself along your career journey. Only if you chose to die in the booth though…


In searching for the ‘everlasting’ fun and enjoyment in music making, I went deep into the rabbit hole for this WAH by GARD WUZGUT release by building a pilot project which underlies the music project itself.

That is the digital collectible of WAH by GARD WUZGUT.

Now, as it destined to be, everything after the fact must or should revolves around this “Web3” space. Because…

With the idea of autonomy, composability, ‘block building’ in making arts, it helps writers, producers or creators to see their composition in “3D” in real-time. It takes practice, though. That is the grindset; see far beyond what is perceived.

That’s the approach on WAH by GARD WUZGUT digital collectible project.

Where do the owner stands in between the music and Artists?

Conventionally, we music consumers would just take it in via streaming services or direct purchase/support the creatives. Some eventgoers or just relatively socialite may form and develop deeper relationships with one another. That will take labor, paid services etc to get that. Only if you intended to do so. Lol.


The idea or ‘block’ for this digital collectible is as soon as you collect it, you’ll be streamed with 10 ROTIx monthly. On top of that block, you own a partial of WAH by GARD WUZGUT future royalty income. Given there are only 10 digital collectibles offered, the income funneled to Pool 1 will be equally distributed among these digital collectible owners. The Pool 1 is open to all to be viewed and monitored all the time. That’s some incentives and numbers thrown right there.

Does this make us try scheming to shift you from being our listener to “investor?”

Literally, anyone could participate whether or not you are interested in the music/arts itself. This is somewhat a walled garden in an open world. It would just take interest to walkthrough the garden. Anyone could collect and be part of the work; be it directly or indirectly.

Extracting value from your audience/demographics is one thing, borderline diabolical shit anyways, but to try include what makes you ‘YOU’ is another discourse we could have in-depth in the future, maybe... So, fans make us, ‘US’.

Is this how we include ‘you’ in our creative process doing WAH by GARD WUZGUT? Short answer, yes. This that ‘unless it comes with an 808, a melody and some hoes’…

Incentives, numbers, or whatever that latch on to a digital collectible project is just noise. Point. Blank. It’s about if the creators and listeners enjoy coexisting together at given period of time or not. Check balek.

With OFFS8 release is around the corner, an exhaustive how-to collect will be posted. Better things yet to come…

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