Dogesquatch Official White Paper



Ever since the dawn of civilization, the “powers that be” have always maintained the highest level of secrecy regarding the fundamental truths of humankind. They have managed to control society through the flow of information. Evidence and testimonies regarding sasquatch, aliens, time travel, psychic abilities, our human origins, & more have always been heavily compartmentalized and guarded. These records are often classified and kept from public knowledge through sophisticated counter-intelligence operations, threats, slander, coercion, confiscation of evidence, and worse. In the past, believers were shamed, shunned, discredited, and punished for reporting such things.

“Knowledge is the most valuable asset.”

Controlling the public in this way is another form of slavery, wherein the general public unassumingly continue their daily lives while the power brokers use institutions to keep people in a “survival” loop. Abundance has been under attack for decades. This becomes a perpetual cycle and MUST be disrupted in order to achieve FULL PUBLIC DISCLOSURE.


  • Dogesquatch - $SQUOGE was created to solve this problem. Our mission is to decentralize the truth. We intend to do this by utilizing blockchain technology to imprint permanent records of major events, which provides immutability & transparency. This will help to make these truths nonfungible and accessible to any human in any country.

  • We intend to acquire and tokenize real-world assets such as rare photographs, videos, documents, artifacts, collectibles, etc. These assets will help back the value of $SQUOGE. The real-world assets will be collectively owned by the community via the treasury.

  • We will also produce short documentary films called “The Squoge Files”. Each episode of the docuseries will be auctioned off as an NFT. All proceeds from the NFT auction will be held by the Squoge Treasury and will be utilized to purchase real world assets mentioned above, along with continuing to grow the project.

  • The $Squoge community will curate the stories to be included in the master database. As the community grows, ownership will gradually shift into a DAO, whereby the original creators of DogeSquatch (Cryptorado & Chocorado) will relinquish control when the community/DAO compels them to do so.

  • $SQUOGE represents a higher level of consciousness, freedom, fun, love, kindness, wisdom, empowerment, community, humanity, and most of all TRUTH.

    Cryptorado & Chocorado

  • A.K.A. “The ‘Rado Brothers” (actual brothers), have spent their entire lives researching the abovementioned topics.

  • Have been involved in web3 since 2021 and web 1 & 2 since their inception.

  • Cryptorado was a contributor to web3 projects such as Own The Doge (Bark Tank Council Member) and helped coordinate in-person events such as ETH Denver & Dogepalooza. Cryptorado’s background includes quality control for the manufacturing sector, information technology, running an online survival gear store, former professional day trader, former financial planner, and 20+ year chart topping musician in the EDM genre.

  • Chocorado is an award-winning artist and meme lord, known for his attempts at transmutation through juxtaposition of dualistic topics like realism and surrealism, new and old, light and dark. His background also includes working as a chocolatier, a quality management professional in the mfg. sector, a collector of culture, student of consciousness, and web3 maxi. He also contributed to Own The Doge - assisting with marketing & events like ETH Denver, NFT LA, and collaborations with other DAOs and charities.

    $Squoge Use Case

  • The $SQUOGE token is a community token.

  • $Squoge purchase is NOT required to participate in our community. Anybody can join our Discord and Telegram communities and participate in discussions, research, story submissions, etc.

  • Holders of $SQUOGE can gain access to higher “classification” levels of information within our community server. This allows users to select the level that they want based on how involved they want to be.

  • The Squoge Treasury will be utilized for operational expenses and to perform our other missions, including but not limited to increasing overall liquidity, purchasing Real World Assets (mentioned in “Solution”), future airdrops, and giveaways.

  • The $SQUOGE token supports the community’s overall mission of utilizing new and evolving web3 technology to imprint permanent records to the blockchain, cementing a legacy and moving closer to FULL PUBLIC DISCLOSURE regarding the various truths that have been obfuscated for so long.

    Trustless Tokenomics

  • Official Contract Address (Base ERC-20): 0x589C8E8fE013133B41ABf546C819787a75688690 ($SQUOGE)

  • Fixed Token Supply 42,069,420

  • Cryptorado Founder tokens locked (100%) for 1 year (10% of total supply) 4,206,900

  • Chocorado Founder tokens locked (100%) for 1 year (10% of total supply) 4,206,900

  • Early Supporter Locked Our earliest supporter locked 75% of their tokens for 1 year (4.9% of total supply) 2,060,726

  • Squoge.eth (Treasury) Balance as of the writing of this white paper 18,049,466

  • Mint & Freeze Revoked

  • Buy / Sell Tax Tax not modifiable 0% Buy / 0% Sell

  • Liquidity burned at token origination 100%

  • Circulating Supply Available Tokens 33,655,620

  • Website:

  • Token Contract (BaseScan):

  • Founder Token Locks via Team.Finance:

  • Original DogeSquatch NFT:

  • Token Deployed & Liquidity Burned:

  • Squoge.eth Treasury Wallet:

  • “The Squoge Nest” Discord Server:

  • SQUOGE/ETH Pair:

  • DexScreener SQUOGE/ETH Pair:

  • GeckoTerminal SQUOGE/ETH Pair:

  • Cryptorado X Account:

  • Chocorado X Account:

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