As we wind down the 2023 year, we want to say thank you to all those involved in the protocol.
From end users to node operators to council members and core contributors: the work that you put in every day amplifies and advances the work that’s being done in an infrastructure that is poised to transform the capital markets industry. just passed its one year anniversary in early December, and has accomplished a number of notable achievements:
Became the 39th largest Liquid Staking Protocol in the Blockchain Industry
Crafted 15 Governance Proposals (SLURPs) over a 12 month period
Developed a full Tokenomics Revamp that properly aligns incentives between the Community and Node Operators
Attained a LINK Staking Reward Rate >2x that of Chainlink Native Staking
Attained an SDL Reward Rate ~40%-50% higher than Chainlink Native Staking
Developed a comprehensive Dune Analytics Dashboard that provides in-depth visibility of the Protocol
Built the Priority Pool which breaks down barriers for LINK token holders to contribute to the security of the ETH-USD Price Feed, and ensures sufficient LINK is always securing the ETH-USD Price Feed
At peak, attained over 1M LINK tokens in the Priority Pool
Went Cross-Chain for the first time
Became a part of the first batch of projects to integrate Chainlink CCIP
Updated the interface with more work currently in development
Increased total # of LINK staked by 50.013% from 750,000 LINK in December 2022 to 1,126,000 LINK in December 2023
Total LINK staked now stands at 1,131,544.08 LINK
Attained an all-time-high Protocol TVL of $29M in Q4 2023
Created the parameters for Community Council Seat Elections with the Community voting for the first time to elect 2 Council Members
Developed the AI-Chatbot SergAI
Though this certainly doesn’t encompass all of the achievements we’ve made since the beginning of the year, none of this was possible without the tireless efforts of everyone mentioned above.
You are what makes this protocol great.
To our community: Thank you for your trust. It goes without saying that we know choosing where to stake and participate in the Chainlink Ecosystem is a carefully thought out decision, and it’s not something we will ever take for granted. Serving you is a privilege, and engaging with you everyday in the Governance Forum and in Telegram keeps us on our feet and able to deliver more effectively for all parties of the Protocol.
To the Node Operators: You represent the brightest minds not just in the Chainlink Ecosystem, but across all of Web3. Your attentiveness, your hustle, your agility, and your breadth of expertise is something that continues to inspire us. The group of member-node operators that make up is delivering innovation that is paving the way of the future internet that we come to know as the Internet of Contracts. We thank you, and we’re privileged to work alongside you.
2023 brought its challenges. Collectively, we faced them with our heads up and tackled them together. Though this year and our journey wasn’t always easy, nothing worth doing ever is.
Today, we take the time to reflect, look back, and be proud of all that we’ve accomplished in the almost 13 months of the protocol’s existence.
2024 will no doubt bring challenges and opportunities of its own, but just like 2023, we’ll stand together shoulder to shoulder ready to take them on–and continue moving forward.
We hope everyone is having a relaxing holiday season with friends and family, and we hope everyone has a wonderful New Year’s celebration.
Onward and Upward,
The Team
Disclaimer: This communication is directed only and persons outside the UK, and should not be acted on by any person located in the UK. Any persons located in the UK should make their own determination as to whether their participation in the protocol could be subject to UK regulatory requirements, and makes no claims (express or implied), and accepts no liability, in relation to the potential application of UK regulatory requirements to such persons or their activity.