STARV4 Liquidity Pool Network Performance Update 7/10.

23,232 STARV4 has been burned since deployment on April 19th.

Swap rate of STARV4 has shifted from $1.00 to $1.04 since deployment. In that same time period other major tokens have shifted…

Matic from $0.68 to $0.51.

BTC from $63.7k to $57.6K.

ETH from $3.1k to $3.1k.

TVL for STARV4 has migrated to

QuickSwap V2 LPs:

USDT: $5,772.

MATIC: $4,190.

ETH: $2,934.

BTC: $1,124.

GHST: $1,050.

AI: $840.

AIMX: $720.

IXT: $578.

SFL: $576.

NAKA: $520.

OM: $398.

Polydoge: $398.

Other tokens: est. $1,000.

Balancer V2 LPs: $6,700. Composed of MATIC, USDC, GHST, ETH, BTC and their SS deravative token counterparts.

DodoX stableswap LPs.

MATIC - $14,215 [coefficient 0.003, swap fee 0.4%].

ETH - $5,313 [coefficient 0.01, swap rate 0.4%].

GHST $5,490 [coefficient 0.03, swap rate 3%].

BTC - $2,324 [coefficient 0.01, swap rate 0.4].

AI - $1,851 [coefficient 0.03, swap rate 3%].

GEOD - $1,051 [coefficient 0.03, swap rate 2%].

Bonsai - $912 [coefficient 0.05, swap rate 1.24%]

BOMB - $985 [coefficient 0.03, swap rate 2%].

Other pools - est. $4K.

Total Liquidity - est. $61K.

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