The New Adventures of Capybars

Nick tiredly sank to the stone floor of the corridor and wiped sweat from his forehead with his paw, the dim light from the old torches barely dispelled the darkness and created a mysterious and gloomy atmosphere in the room, the flames flickering from side to side from gentle breeze highlighting the cobwebs in the corners and the dark gaps in the old walls. After sipping water from his flask, Nick took out his diary and Sam's map from his backpack, and unfolding them on the floor, began for the hundredth time to study the coded text looking for the key to the last door, which blocked his way to the ancient treasury. Time-darkened wood lined with dull strips of iron blocked the way for Nick and the only way through was to solve the combination! On the rotating brass disc there were symbols in the form of animals, fish, and celestial luminaries in a circle, and which of them and in what sequence should unlock the door Nick had absolutely no idea. " Damn it!" - he swung and slammed into the floor in a rage, and immediately hissed in pain blowing on his bruised paw, and the echo picked up and ricocheted off the walls carrying his cry down the corridor. "Adeniyi, you're supposed to be here!" - Nick cringed, thinking, and stared at the notes again.

 A few months ago, when Nick had inherited his Uncle Guy's estate, he had no idea where fate would take him. As a child, he loved to visit his uncle, and every year during school vacations he went to Mar Chiquita Lagoon, where the old manor house stood on the shore. Guy was a historian, and he had a huge library of books, scrolls, and maps in his house, from which he read about events of bygone days. Every night in the living room by the fireplace, Nick listened to incredible stories about the ancient tribes and civilizations that inhabited the river banks and lakes of their continent, about how new cities and technologies emerged, how languages and traditions were born. His uncle was a great storyteller and, as his aunt said, an impossible dreamer. Guy's favorite story, which Nick knew by heart, was about the SUI tribe: it told how in the old days near Kafayate three friends established a town called Los Mysten and their names were Sam, Evan and Kostas. According to the legend, they went through fire and water together, traveled a lot and saw enough on their way. One day Evan suggested to his friends that they use their knowledge to start a new civilization! His plan was to create a perfect place where all the capybaras could live in safety, fed and happy! And so, having found a suitable valley, protected by mountains from the winds and with full-flowing lakes, on the banks of which grew many fruit trees under the rays of the gentle sun, the friends set to work. Evan became the head of the city and managed it wisely, capybaras from all over the continent flocked to Los Mysten. Kostas took on the role of architect and realized his talents in elegant solutions in the construction of streets and squares, building a system of canals so that each house stood on the shore and at any time you could go out and swim right on the doorstep. And Sam became a shaman and helped the inhabitants with communications and even invented a new language - move, in which he recorded his chronicles for descendants. At the end of the story, my uncle each time pointed to the map hanging on the living room wall in a beautiful frame in a prominent place and the journal carefully kept under the glass of the display case just below the map: "These are the main treasures in my entire collection! This map marks the entrance to the secret vault where the treasure of the SUI clan lies! And the journal is the key to this vault, written by Sam (himself)!" All his life his uncle had been trying to decipher the move language so he could read the journal and go on his quest, but he had failed. And now Nick, standing in the living room of his old mansion, was sadly looking at his uncle's treasures and thinking about his unrealized dream, when he had an idea that he would regret more than once in the near future: " Maybe I should show the map and the diary to Adeniyi, he's a smart guy, maybe he will figure it out!" In fact, this is where our amazing story of the capybar's new adventure begins.

After writing letters to his friends, Nick started to wait; his friends Damir and Adeniyi arrived by the end of the week, and Damir kept swearing that Adeniyi was off the hook after reading his letter about the opportunity to study the diary and map of the SUI tribe, and every minute he pushed his friend as if it might help him get closer to the coveted artifacts. From the doorstep Adeniyi hugged Nick and asked him to accompany him to the library, to provide documents, coffee and sandwiches, and to stay out of the way while he did his research. Damir, on the other hand, after cooling down a bit, went to the lagoon for a swim. Technique, cheerful and smiling as usual, showed up three days later talking about how he had successfully hitchhiked to Mar Chiquit and was now looking forward to a new adventure. In the evening the friends gathered in the living room by the fireplace and, getting comfortable, got ready to listen to Adeniyi, who, looking over the group conspiratorially, began his story: "So, I suppose Nick has already had time to tell you Uncle Guy's favorite legend! I don't know if there's any other evidence of the SUI tribe's existence besides this map and journal, no trace of their civilization has been found!" "So, maybe it's just a beautiful fairy tale?" - Damir threw in skeptically. "That's what I thought!" - Adeniyi grimaced, "But there's no smoke without fire, and in these few days I've managed to translate something, so listen to what Sam writes!"

Where the sleeping giant rises from the earth,

A wall of water hides the unseen entrance!

The way to treasure lies beneath the earth,

Where fire, air and water unlock three gates of secret!

But only those who knows the meaning of the SUI,

Will have the chance to pass the last of gates of secret!

Adeniyi looked around at his silent friends and continued: "So, I have studied the maps and I think I have found the place described by Sam!" Walking over to the table, he unfolded the map and pointed at one place, "There is a volcano here, and on its slope there is a waterfall, I believe this is the location that was described there!" "Beyond the wall of water! That's right, I told you you had a big head, Adeniyi!" - Nick squealed cheerfully, "Well, are you ready to go in search of the treasure of the ancients?!" The friends looked at each other and nodded together - let's go!

To be continued ...

The story was prepared by the SuiCorner team. Please respect the copyright! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter ;)


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