Humanity Protocol AMA(5.23)

5月23日に開催されたHumanity Protocolの初AMAの文字起こしと翻訳が完了しました。





こんにちは、皆さん。今こそ人類が主導権を握る時です。私はブラッド・マクフォール、Humanity Protocolのマーケティングリードを務めています。そして、Humanity Protocolの素晴らしい創設者、テレンス・クウォックを紹介させていただきます。彼がこの初回AMAを開始し、皆さんを歓迎いたします。


こんにちは、皆さん。参加していただきありがとうございます。ここにいることをとても嬉しく思います。私はテレンス、Humanity Protocolの創設者です。皆さんが参加してくれて嬉しいです。これから数ヶ月、数年にわたって本当にエキサイティングなことをしていくつもりです。Humanity Protocolの要点は、昨年私はさまざまなブロックチェーンやプロジェクトと関わりながら、ブロックチェーンエコシステムの何が問題か、そして一般的なインターネット世界の何が問題かを考えていました。












Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. It's time that humans take control. This is Brad McFall. I am a humanities Marketing lead and I'm going to introduce the amazing founder of Humanity Protocol, Terrence Kwok He's going to start off this inaugural AMA and I'd like to welcome everybody as you come on in.

こんにちは、皆さん。今こそ人類が主導権を握る時です。私はブラッド・マクフォール、Humanity Protocolのマーケティングリードを務めています。そして、Humanity Protocolの素晴らしい創設者、テレンス・クウォックを紹介させていただきます。彼がこの初回AMAを開始し、皆さんを歓迎いたします。

Yes Hello, and if you have some questions, you can put them in the chat. We'll try to grab them and there'll be some time afterwards to talk but welcome. Welcome Terrence. It's wonderful to have you here.


This is your protocol So it's going to be 30 minutes to find out all about about it Enlighten our community here about what's the background and the story of founding of humanity and your vision as well as answering some questions So Terrence go ahead and let us know more about Your background how you founded Humanity Protocol and then share that vision you have for for the humanity protocol Sure.

これがあなたのプロトコルですので、30分間でその全貌を明らかにしてください。私たちのコミュニティに、Humanity Protocolの背景や創設のストーリー、そしてビジョンについて詳しく教えてください。また、質問にもお答えいただきます。それではテレンス、あなたの背景やHumanity Protocolをどのように創設したのか、そしてそのビジョンについて教えてください。

So Brad, so what 30 minutes of talking about myself, which I do all the often or it's 15 minutes No, five minutes about five minutes of talking 10 or 15 minutes We'll talk with the answer some questions from the community and then we'll have 10 or 15 minutes to open the stage We'll call some people up and we'll talk with them and find out what questions they have for it for you for the few minutes protocol Sure, sure.


Sure. Sure. Thanks, Brad. Yeah, so hey guys, thanks for joining in and Very excited to be here. My name is Terrence. I'm the founder of humanity protocol Glad to have you guys on board. I think we're gonna be doing some really exciting stuff over the coming months and coming years The gist of humanity protocol is that you know, I think last year I was Interacting with all sorts of blockchains all sorts of different projects and thinking about how you know what's broken in the blockchain ecosystem and then thinking about also what's broken in just the general internet world, right?

もちろんです、ブラッド。こんにちは、皆さん。参加していただきありがとうございます。ここにいることをとても嬉しく思います。私はテレンス、Humanity Protocolの創設者です。皆さんが参加してくれて嬉しいです。これから数ヶ月、数年にわたって本当にエキサイティングなことをしていくつもりです。Humanity Protocolの要点は、昨年私はさまざまなブロックチェーンやプロジェクトと関わりながら、ブロックチェーンエコシステムの何が問題か、そして一般的なインターネット世界の何が問題かを考えていました。

And started having conversations with Yat from Animoka, with Sandeep from Polygon, and then we said, you know what, since the ICU days back in 2017, people have been talking about how blockchain would be a great use case for identity.


And so, you know, we sort of settled on, let's build the ultimate identity chain for Web3. And then, you know, over time, the whole idea evolved to becoming not just about identity, but also humanity.


Because if we think about what is happening in the internet space right now, whether it's in Web2 or Web3, artificial intelligence is taking over. It's becoming harder and harder to tell whether somebody is a human being or not.


I remember reading a Twitter post a couple weeks ago, and it was like a joke, somebody was asking, you know, what makes us human? And the answer is, you know, clicking through all the traffic lights on a CAPTCHA, right?


So nowadays, you know, it's super difficult to figure out whether you're interacting with a bot, you're interacting with a human being, and then all sorts of internet applications. Historically, economic value is generated because of human beings.


Advertising, you look at Facebook, you look at Google, you look at Twitter, advertising dollars are only spent because brands and companies are hoping to be able to reach a human audience. Bots generate little to no value to companies that are trying to sell their products, right?


If we look at in the Web3 space, there is airdrops, right? But obviously, there are a lot of people, a small number of people are able to essentially whip up these industrial farms, bots, programs to sort of manipulate and take advantage of these airdrops and capture a very large share of them, and then consequently dump them and make a lot of money at the cost of the wider community that is actually trying to be engaged.


So what we actually want to do is build a ZKVM layer two blockchain where inbuilt there is proof of humanity mechanisms to essentially allow apps and other protocols to be able to check, number one, whether an address is a human being or not, and then number two, potentially to add in other sorts of attributes to this address down the road, potentially your KYC, your educational credentials, where you went to school, where you worked, et cetera, et cetera, everything encrypted, securely stored on unchain.


Nobody has access to it, but except for you, and you can give permission to different sort of applications to make use of this data and earn. money from it. And all of this is done through zero knowledge proofs.


So that that's that's what we're building with humanity. And we're super excited about it. We as some of you were most of you are aware, we recently raised our seed round of fundraising at $1 billion of valuation, which is relatively unheard of, or relatively rare.


It just it's testament to the fact that a lot of people are really excited about what we've built. We, you know, announced a partnership with layer zero, so that we can bring proof of humanity to over 50 different blockchains, so that it's not really just limited to our own blockchain, but actually all the chains in the web three ecosystem.


And obviously, I think one of the key differences between us and other blockchains is is is having the native ability for identity, right? And with the humanity piece, one thing that we're doing is also leveraging biometrics.


We're using palm prints and palm veins for recognition to check whether you're a unique human being, which we believe to be way, way, way less invasive and dystopian than what something like Worldcoin is doing.


So, you know, that's essentially what we're doing. We're very excited about it, and I think that's sort of my five -minute intro. That's very cool. It's an amazing future we're headed into, and humanity protocol is really moving us, bringing us right in there.

ですから、これが私たちの基本的な取り組みです。非常に興奮しており、これが私の5分間のイントロになります。本当に素晴らしい未来に向かっており、Humanity Protocolは私たちをその未来に導いてくれています。

We have a few questions. Just to everybody in, I guess we see it, I have an audience of almost 1 ,000 people now. It's quite impressive, just getting started here on Discord. We also have community managers that were out surveying and talking to people and got some questions for you, so I wanted to bring some of them to you.


The first one is, when is the testnet? I understand there's gonna be a testnet coming up at some point, where we'll be able to see some more than what we've seen so far. Yeah, so I'll be honest with you guys.


The private testnet, or sort of what we call the DevNet, has actually been live for the last couple of months. So whether it's some of our investors, partners, they've actually been playing around with it, testing it, that's why they have so much confidence in our ability to actually deliver.


It's really not just an idea, it's not just a couple of guys standing around and saying, hey, we're gonna do this, and let's go raise a bunch of money, right? And so that has actually been live for I think since March, since the beginning of March.


In terms of a public testnet, the intention is for us to launch it sometime in June or July. But because there requires quite a fair bit of testing. testing and whatnot. So we might actually still just be opening it up in phases.


Nice. Now, as you open that up and it comes online and is available to the public, if somebody wanted to test a network, you know, have a network node for verification, what equipment would be needed to do that?


Yeah, so we are. Yeah, so what we're actually going to do, you know, if I if I if I thought that's a very good question, because if I if I think about sort of what we're doing with proof of humanity, there are two sides to to this network.


Okay, there is what we call the identity validators. So they are the issuers of verifiable credentials, think of them as, for example, your school that issues a certificate saying that you went to you graduated with a bachelor's degree at the school.


Or it might be, you know, a financial institution that actually says, you know, your ky seed, or it might be, you know, the human institute, our mother company, that actually says, you know, you've gone through a palm print scan and we can certify that you're a unique person, right?


So that's the identity validator side. And then what we actually have are what we call ZK proofers. So think of them as sort of verifier nodes where if any sort of application or any sort of ADAP wants to connect to the network and check if this address is a human being or not, maybe it's a game, right?


A game or an airdrop protocol says, we only want each real human being to be able to claim one share. Or it might be a DeFi protocol or a reward asset tokenization platform that says, we actually need you to be KYC.


You need to prove that you are above a certain age and you have X amount of net worth. All of these sort of applications protocols would be pinging what we call these ZK proofers in order to be able to get hold of this information.


And what we're doing is, you know, we are gonna be sort of allowing people to acquire licenses to become a node for these ZK proofers. And the whole idea is we're making it as user friendly as possible.


So essentially a basic laptop could be used to run them. Or at the very least, you could even delegate them to some partners that are gonna be running the nodes for you. So, and drawing on the question on the testnet, the intention for us is to actually open up the testnet probably for people who have acquired ZK proofer nodes, as sort of the first batch of people to be able to leverage our incentivized testnet.


Very cool. Nice. Now let's say I was out digging a bunch of ditches and my hand is all messed up but I wanted to get my hand, you know, scanned. Is there any issue with injured hands? Do you have to have your veins and your everything looking all perfectly fine?


Or can that be variable? So in the first phase, what we are doing is prints. So to be frank, your hand probably needs to be uninjured and in sort of normal conditions for you to be able to register as a as part of a human in terms of network.


But very Yeah, because fingerprints, if you have scratched up fingers, you know, it kind of doesn't really work, right? Or, you know, but what we're going to be launching soon is also Palm Veins. And that's actually underneath the surface of your palm.


That requires a little dongle. We're gonna be starting to, we're probably gonna start bringing on partners to acquire them and start running these hardware devices in the coming months. That actually goes through to underneath your skin.


And so the surface area does not matter as much. But ultimately for us, the palm prints and the palm veins is sort of the first step to a wider network of different sort of attributes and verification techniques for a human being.


Great, thank you for that very detailed response on that one. So if I wanted to collaborate with Humanity Protocol, do you have some particular avenue that you like that to be done, partnership request opportunities?

詳しい回答をありがとうございます。それでは、Humanity Protocolと協力したい場合、特定の手続きを行う必要がありますか?パートナーシップのリクエストや機会に関するフォームがありますか?

Is there a form to fill out or do you want people just to come here to Discord and have them talk to our community managers and we can get the information onto you that way? Yeah, so I mean, we have a pretty small and lean team of people who are trying to work with all sorts of partners, whether it's apps, people, KOLs or protocols, et cetera, et cetera.


I believe my guys are setting up a form so that that can be circulated. If not, feel free to reach out to any sort of admin or community mods in Discord on Telegram, ping us on Twitter, we're always open to talk.


Yeah, great, so that's what we'll do. We'll post that form here on Discord for people to have. We've also set up a ticket system where you can put some requests into the ticket system, but once we get the form, that will make it a lot easier.


You won't have to go through the ticket system. So great, that's perfect. Okay, so those were the questions that our community managers had collected from the audience a little earlier. I guess we're gonna call some people up to speak and to ask some questions, and I see there's a lot of questions.


There's quite a few people here that would like to speak. Let's see if we can, are you ready to answer some questions, Terrence? Yeah, sure, happy to. Okay, great. All right, I'm gonna call up one of our outstanding members here, okay, Schwann.


And if I mispronounce your name, just please let me know. And let's see if he comes up here. Okay. And if you unmute yourself, OX Schwann, Schwann, you might just, you can start speaking. Hey, everyone.


Hi, I'm Shubham. I'm glad to be here. Hi. So I just, I wanted to ask a question. My question is, what is the significance of the position number on the wait list? Oh, the, the significant. That's a good question, right?


So what we're actually gonna do is, as I mentioned, we're probably gonna open up the testnet phase by phase. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna start with the people who hold, people who have hold a ZK proof for licenses as the very first batch.


And then shortly after that, we're gonna open it up to X number of people within the testnet wait list. And then after that, probably to the public. So for us, it's figuring out who's the most engaged, who is helping us drive as much awareness and attention to humanity protocol.

その後、テストネットのウェイトリストに登録されている一定数の人々に開放し、その後、おそらく一般公開する予定です。私たちにとって重要なのは、誰が最も積極的に関与しており、Humanity Protocolの認知度と関心を高めるのに協力しているかを見極めることです。

And we're gonna essentially allow them to participate in the testnet first. And the reason why participating in the testnet first is valuable, because what we're gonna do with the testnet is, there's actually gonna be a referral system, whoever signs up actually needs to be referred by somebody.


And what we're actually gonna do is rewards in terms of daily engagement, rewards in terms of referrals, et cetera, et cetera. And the rewards essentially start halving as the number of users who join grow.


And so the higher you are on the wait list, the sooner you can actually get onto the testnet, which means that the more rewards that can be potentially acquired for being part of the network. Great, thank you.


Thank you very much. Is that answer your question? All right, we're gonna move you in back to the audience and we'll pull somebody else up here. Let's see if Lester come on up. Thank you. I'll send a few more invites out.


We may get a few people coming up together, so we have some people ahead of time. And if somebody else is here, we can get them in before then. Maybe some people from the audience that I'm selecting are not there.


See who else is here. Okay, Mikey, go ahead. Hi, good afternoon. Good afternoon. Hey, Mikey. What's your question? Well, my question is, I want to know, after the testnet, do we want to see if we are able to get the full roadmap for this project?


And also, I want to know the real -world assets that are associated with this token. Yes, I mean, in terms of, we haven't, we actually haven't published our full white paper yet, which we're actually going to do so probably in the next couple weeks.


It's very meaty and there is a lot of information about what we're trying to do, the full roadmap, not just in the next couple months, but for the next couple of years that we're trying to achieve. So definitely stay posted for that.


And then in terms of when it comes to the mainnet, the idea for us is to connect humanity protocol into as many blockchains as possible and then also look at powering different sort of platforms, whether it's for allowing people to actually issue mean tokens on it or to be able to actually run games on top of humanity protocol or working with different sort of DeFi platforms for reward asset tokenization, whether it's, you know, NFTs, real estate, essentially for us, it's really creating a blockchain that is as useful as Solana, as Ethereum, as Polygon.

そしてメインネットについてですが、私たちの目標はHumanity Protocolをできるだけ多くのブロックチェーンに接続することです。また、さまざまなプラットフォームをサポートすることも考えています。例えば、人々がミームトークンを発行できるようにしたり、Humanity Protocol上でゲームを実行できるようにしたり、報酬資産のトークン化のためにさまざまなDeFiプラットフォームと協力したりすることです。NFTや不動産なども含まれます。私たちにとっては、SolanaやEthereum、Polygonと同じくらい有用なブロックチェーンを作成することが目標です。

But with the added benefit that, you know, we can prioritize utility for human beings, especially, you know, when we look at a lot of these blockchains, it's really dominated by a lot of bot activity, different people who are writing scripts to try to take advantage of different sort of rewards and airdrops, et cetera, et cetera, which has not been official for the bulk of the population.


And so we're trying to change that. Okay, thank you. Cool. All right. Thank you, Mikey. McCoy, you're up. If you were active, go ahead. Yes, I'm audible, guys. You are. Yeah. What's your question? Yes, my question is more of a data privacy concern.


Yes. So can you explain how the humanity protocols? and scanning technology ensures user anonymity and security better than some other projects. Yes. So what we're actually gonna do with the conference, it's really interesting, right?

そうですね。Humanity Protocolとスキャン技術が他のプロジェクトよりもユーザーの匿名性とセキュリティをどのように確保しているのか説明していただけますか?はい。カンファレンスで実際に行うことについてお話ししますが、これは非常に興味深いです。

Because we are actually doing it directly on your device. So I think we had a tweet before where I was doing this with Yat, the founder of Animoca, where essentially directly on your own device, you could download an app and actually go do the registration.


And what we're doing is we're not actually taking video, we're not taking a photo of it, we're essentially analyzing the POM and taking a POM signature and then encrypting it, storing it on IPFS, and nobody has access to it, except for you, right?


So the whole concept for us is self -sovereign identity. What that means is you own your own identity, nobody has access to it, unless you give them access to it. which is very different from something like Worldcoin where you're going out standing in line and then go scanning your eyeball and then they actually capture the data and they store it for you know building out their models and the machine learning algorithms etc etc we don't do that so that that's for us it's you know keep privacy is a very important concern for us 100% is that good McCoy yep thanks man alrighty thank you Skeet go ahead you're there Skeet hello good evening good evening good evening what's your so can I ask if we if we're late to get some OJ rows and second I hope this is the this this protocol has you know started start for small investors that's it Terrence I'll take the first question there you know you're not late in fact that would be my last thing to say I guess I'll say it now at the end of the AMA today you all can handle go on over to the pick a roll channel and we have a bot over there which will give OG rolls to everybody that goes over and join so you're not too late for that one and I don't know Terrence you want to take the other question the what's the the second question is what was the second question sorry what the about the about the small investors we I mean we don't think it's too late right I mean we haven't launched yet technically right so we think it's really early because when we think about what we are trying to do take for example we actually raised our last fundraising round at a Billy's in, which is a big number.


It's a very big number. But if we compare it to what Worldcoin is worth, Worldcoin is worth around $50 billion. And then if we think about what this whole identity graph should be worth, we are thinking about something like a Facebook, where it's worth trillions of dollars.


Because ultimately, we think that in the world of artificial intelligence, it's important that somebody can come out leveraging blockchain technology to be able to prove that you are a human being. You can create 50 different email addresses, Facebook accounts, etc, etc.


But that actually carries very little value for advertisers or for businesses to try to reach you, which is the bread and butter of a business like Facebook and Google. So what we are actually solving for is the fundamental issues that are going to come up.


as artificial intelligence becomes more and more advanced and so that we can actually create the biggest identity graph for not just the Web3 ecosystem but also for Web2. Okay, great. How was that, Skeet?


Okay, thank you very much, guys. Thank you very much. Thank you. I'm going now. Terrence, would you like to take a couple more or you want us to close it up now? Or you want to keep going for some more?


I'm fine. We can take maybe like three more. I don't mind. Okay. All right. Let's see if we can get some people to come on up. Hello, Ashish, if you can give us your question. In English, perhaps. I mean, I wish I could speak all the languages.


Oh, it's okay. Maybe not. Busy with other things. All right. Let's try somebody else. you Okay. Here is Arcana, one of our community managers. Welcome. How are you doing? No, I'm not a community manager actually, yet, but thanks.


Thanks for having me here. So I have a pretty general question. I'd like to know more. How would you come up with this idea? I mean, the idea of human to protocol. So I have, we've actually been thinking about building sort of an identity blockchain for probably since 2020 2021.

ここに招いてくれてありがとうございます。一般的な質問があります。このアイデア、つまりHumanity Protocolのアイデアをどうやって思いついたのか知りたいです。実は2020年から2021年頃にアイデンティティブロックチェーンを構築することを考え始めました。

And essentially, we looked at all the different people in the space, you know, for example, Bitcoin, right? like the founder of Gitcoin, Scott, is a friend of mine and is also an investor in humanity.


A lot of these projects, the challenge is they haven't been able to figure out a way to scale to the masses. And so one thing that we start looking at is, hey, what are the niches? What are the things?


What are the applications that we can actually work with so that we can build this thing? And ultimately, we decided, you know what, let's not overcomplicate it. Let's start with proof of humanity instead of proof of human identity, right?


So proving humanity is important because figuring out whether you're a human being means that whether it's games or the different sort of protocols, applications, it will be useful to be able to leverage this for simple assistance.


Right. And then we decided, you know, instead of building a layer one, we might migrate to become a layer one layer later down the road. But, you know, building a layer two makes sense. And, you know, The polygon guy is Sandeep who is a friend of mine and also obviously sits on the board for humanity protocol.

そこで、レイヤー1を構築するのではなく、将来的にレイヤー1に移行することも考えつつ、レイヤー2を構築するのが賢明だと判断しました。ポリゴンのサンディープは私の友人であり、Humanity Protocolのボードにも座っています。

We said, hey, you know what, let's leverage the polygon stack to build a CKUVM layer two. And so different sort of things, different sort of ideas came together. And we thought now is the right time, because whether it's the web3 space with all the airdrops, all the games that are coming out, they need something like this, whether it's a web2 world where artificial intelligence is really fucking up advertisers with click fraud, et cetera, et cetera.


It makes sense for us to do this. So that's why we decided to really push this through in the last year or so. It's awesome. Yeah. Awesome. Actually, I really hyped about it. Can I ask you also about your strategic partnerships that you already done?


We have a lot. I mean, we actually have quite a fair bit of it, right? Obviously, we announced a partnership with layer zero. We announced a partnership with layer zero in the last, I think, two days.


We have a bunch that are coming up that we will be announcing. I don't know what my team has decided to announce as the next one. But I'll share it, right? So for example, guys like YGG, right? They're coming on board, thinking about all the guilds, all the games, all the people who are actually in this whole play to earn space.


We're partnering up with a bunch of AI projects. We're partnering up with a bunch of financial institutions in the traditional world so that there's a lot of things that are coming on board. Awesome.


Thanks for sharing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Have a nice day. Bye -bye. Yep. Thank you. Sam off. Go ahead. Hey there, Sam off. Hello everyone. Hello. What's your question? So my question is, so I have seen the wait, the waitlist is too long.


So when we are going to get, get our annotation. You said the waitlist is too long, right? Yeah. So the waitlist is long, which is good because it means that we have quite a lot of people who are interested in what we're doing.


My only recommendation is to, you know, see how you can get more people on board refer more friends to, to learn about humanity protocol so that you can move up the waitlist. Thank you. Thank you, Sam, for the question.

私の唯一のおすすめは、もっと多くの人々にHumanity Protocolについて知ってもらうために友達を紹介し、待機リストでの順位を上げることです。ありがとう、サム。質問をありがとう。

And our last question for today will be Vivian NFT. Go ahead, please. Hello, sir. I'm Vivian from the Vietnam community. And I have one question. In the near future, we can see the P08 aim to cover with infrastructure.


What are the conditions for infrastructure deployment here? If our country, Vietnam, has an active community, is it possible to deploy more widely than other countries? That's my question. Thank you.


Yeah, so from an infrastructure perspective, what I mentioned earlier in terms of the ZK proofers, we're going to make it super easy for people to run. They can run it on their own computers or potentially delegate it to node operators as a service.


So we're going to make it super easy, right? And what we're also going to do is, in terms of the ZK proofer notes, we're actually going to conduct a sale for the licenses very shortly. In total, there's going to be 100 ,000.


In the first phase, there's going to be 25 ,000. So we're actually just going through the planning right now, and we're going to be announcing more information about that shortly. Wonderful. Great. Thank you.


Thank you. Okay. Well, that wraps up a good, fast 35 minutes. Do you have any last thoughts or anything you would like to share, Terrence, before we close off for today? But we'll surely have more. Not really.


I mean, I think it's great. Thanks, guys, for tuning in. Really appreciate you guys being part of the community. You know, it's a very young and new community that we're building, so we rely on all of you.


you to help spread the word, get as many people on board as possible. We're now at 1975 people on the call. I'm just trying to see if we can get to 2000. Which we know we're, we're at 1980, 81, 80. It's close.


It's close. We just need another 18 people. But regardless, you know, I think, shit, it's going up now. So I think, you know, it's great, right? Like we're, we're, we're very young. We think we have a lot of potential.


Really appreciate you guys being, oh, shit, we're 1990. Now, just 10 more. So we're gonna bring up humanity. There you go. And we'll, we'll, we'll close off at 2000 when we get there. Yeah, so we, fuck 87, 86, 84.


Okay. We, yeah. So anyways, yeah, I'm just gonna say really appreciate you guys all. Joining this call being part of this You guys are super early And I think we have a lot of work to do Definitely welcome everybody's feedback When everybody to be super engaged Always feel free to ping me If you have any questions comments insults suggestions But really do appreciate you guys be here fuck 1998 1999 Okay So thanks everybody for tuning in Thank you.


And if everybody wants to go on over now to the pick a Role in the active channel of the active category. We will have a bot over there, which will give everybody the og role This is a one last chance to get the og role before we close that out for all the people that are super super early Thank you so very much to everybody that's here and Like to stop you for a second.


Ah, and here comes our our technical Humanity human is our tech wizard behind the scenes and he has I guess he has a closing imparting word for you all Could you please check your telegram? We have an announcement to make and you need to check your message for that Okay, we will do that.


Thank you and goodbye everybody Thanks a lot guys. Bye. Bye では、皆さんさようなら。ありがとうございます。さようなら。

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