


今回のタイトルで使用したグラフィックは、io.netの公式ディスコードのGraphic Artist「Lunab⭕y ᯅ」が作成した作品です。公式ディスコードに参加されてる方は彼を探してみてくださいね。







Or there's no liquidity depth on chain it's very easy to move the token price up and down one of the ways that you can protect against that is the project can invest a lot of tokens if we're putting that liquidity on chains so we've committed five million IO to put on chain in partnership with Meteora to help buffer that volatility, right?


It doesn't counteract selling, but it protects against the effects of it. You guys have all traded checkpoints before, I'm sure. When you sell a token that's got like $50 ,000 liquidity, and you sell $100, you move it like 3%, right?


So liquidity will help dampen a lot of that effect. And then two, we're working with market makers and liquid token funds to make sure that there is some buy side pressure, right, to dampen the effect of selling.


There's going to be sellers. And one of the ways that you can prevent a lot of selling is kind of continuing to build, right? We will be rolling out staking and announcing staking after launch. We also distributed the tokens, right, very broadly.


I know some of that, you know, some of that wider distribution makes some of you guys unhappy, but one of the reasons why you distribute the token broadly is because no individual holds a ton of token, right?


The thing that I keep my eye on is, yeah, there are some workers, there are some whales that provided compute that will be getting a lot of token, right, like there are quite a few large data center farmers on the network.


I do expect some selling pressure. And I can't predict the markets, and this is not financial advice, but like, look at what happened with Filecoin, right? Filecoin was a really interesting case when all these whales farmed their airdrop, they airdropped the tokens to the whales, and the whales didn't sell, so they ran the token price up to like $100 or $200, and then they sold.


And so the dynamics, I think, are not super predictable or very clear, but we have a few things in place to basically dampen volatility. Is that helpful? Who's next? Nobody can ask another question. Are we ending early today?


Hey guys, is my mic good? Yes it is. Here's my question. If my computer failed to pass a proof of work at May 31, or the network connection went some wrong and failed to get the snapshot, what will happen?


Great question. I'm going to give you the best answer that I can, which is what I know, but please stay up to date with the team and continue asking. Right now, it does not sound like Jadita is asking workers to be online for a snapshot on the 31st, so I don't think anything will happen.


If that changes, I will make sure that he lets everyone know. The possibility of failed to pass the proof of work is existing. It's not. It's about 1% on my computer. So if this problem happens too widely, what will you guys deal with it?


I don't know if I totally understand your question. Are you saying that what will happen if too many people fail proof of work? Yes. Well, if you're failing proof of work, and it's not your fault, then we will try to credit you.


If you're failing proof of work because your GPU is fake or something else happened, then you won't be eligible to earn awards for that period which you failed. My 1419 failed about twice in 20 days of work.


So the possibility is existing. It sounds like you probably have legitimate work and maybe recently failed proof of work for whatever reason. I don't think that changes your eligibility for the period that you did serve.


And if anything changes on that, I'll make sure it should be less of a no. Right now my understanding is that for periods where you pass proof of work and provide a capacity that is measurable, you'll get credited.


Okay, thank you. Thank you. I think it's somebody next. Hi there. Sorry if you've already answered this. I might have missed it. But is there an update on TGE and plans around TGE? Yeah, so we've got a partner.


We've got a watch. I can't share anything more with all this stuff going around on confidentiality. We all have to just be very careful what we're going to share because effectively if any information leaks then the listing gets pulled.


So rest assured it's coming, it's coming soon, I know that's not a fantastic answer, but we will be launching as soon as humanly possible. I understand, thank you. Gromo, Nick, you're up next. And Harshubali.


You guys hear me? Good luck. Yeah, sorry. Hi everybody, how's it going? Good, how are you? Great, great. I have one question, wrote it in the chat. How is it going with the submission form for users that got filtered out by the Anticipal eligibility requirements?


25 ,000 people submitted forms. It's going to take us a long time to get through them. Like I said, there's a couple hundred thousand undistributed tokens from season one. We plan on using that. The list of people who submitted forms is very, very long.


So just bear with us right now. It's going to take a little bit. Okay, okay. I have a few friends that got some issues with, you know, after Rama, they didn't get tier two. And once he planned, although he had a Galaxy passport, he's not eligible, you know.

ですので、少しお待ちください。時間がかかると思います。わかりました。私の友人がいくつかの問題を抱えています。Rama(?)の後、Tier 2を受け取れなかったり、Galaxyパスポートを持っているのに適格ではないと判断されたりしました。

This is just the... I know. There's not going to be a way. Just to let you know, man, like, look, there were many people who sort of got filtered out by Galaxy when we asked their devs to export all of the eligible Anticipal users, right?


It's not going to be perfect. Like, I'm just telling you right now, it's not going to be perfect. A lot of people got filtered out. There's no way for us to track down exactly what happened with every person, right?


I've talked to a few users, some of them. Some of them just did not find their sole address. We had a couple of users check the wrong address, did not provide the right address. We had seen people provide, like, non -salona addresses in Discord.


Like, there's a lot of user error. There's potentially some bugs in their Anticipal as well. There's not going to be a really great way for us to get everyone. I know that's super disappointing, right?


And I think that's part of the challenge of doing these things that are pseudo off -chain. community these community programs that are not like the workers where they're trackable and verifiable there's always just gonna be a little bit of like you know there's gonna be a lot of room for error right it's not all on -chain again I know it was a warning I think the thing is like look yes people invested their time and I really appreciate that we really appreciate that I think the trade -off is like look no one had to send any money to do this right at least the non -worker stuff we're gonna try our best but it's not good it's not really perfect I just want to tell you that right now okay just one suggestion just to try to push galaxy to do they drop as they should do you know it's not Hey, I can just just tell me If you interrupt me and I'm just gonna kick you off the stage okay, okay, okay?



It's not galaxies fault either right we're talking about Headly experimental early stage platforms that are trying to track tens of thousands of user actions Enormous room for user error enormous room for platform bugs right it is what it is I?


Think the piece of this is like and I'm not trying to be dismissive of these issues right There's only so much that we can reasonably do and only so much manpower that we can reasonably commit Right we are we're trying to We're trying to I mean literally circulating a Google form and manually going over people's responses is an incredible amount of effort right and We're going to try our best because your time is valuable right and we're going to try to make sure that We can get the best outcome for everyone But our number one priority is still to make sure that the platform moves forward It's to make sure that the workers who invested money into the network are Are compensated right and can see that liquidity?


We're Going to try our best in the galaxy piece right, but but it's not a system that we fully control There's a lot of room for user error right it's not programmatic at all and so It's going to be what it's going to be all right Yeah, okay, okay, okay, that's it for now, and I just want to say a few words of appreciation for the team Which is probably working hard to deliver all the yeah yeah I said we're trying our best man and sorry to interrupt you like short -term it sucks when when we say hey we're gonna try our best galaxy but no guarantees right I know that sounds terrible long -term it will be better that the team spent time building the platform getting us to launch as opposed to spending hundreds of hours chasing down tens of thousands of forms right for a galaxy which is ultimately in the long run going to not be a very big deal thank you crypto data Thank you.


Hello? Hello? Sorry, it's not me. I think I saw the plans for season 3 and there is additional like a galaxy mission and I see the token share is like almost half of the walker share so I would like to know the motivation behind why like the galaxy have such a large share in season 3.

こんにちは? すみません、私ではありません。シーズン3の計画を見たところ、Galaxyミッションが追加され、トークンのシェアがワーカーのシェアのほぼ半分であることがわかりました。なぜGalaxyがシーズン3でこんなに大きなシェアを持っているのか、その動機を知りたいです。

It's actually identical to the share close to the share that existed in season 1 but should be wanted to wanted this allocation. I think the other piece is that by the time season 3 or rather partway through season 3 our hope is that emission rewards and block rewards will be impacted and so the air drop is not the only way that workers will earn and will no longer need to sort of subsidize workers with an air drop instead we can just use the network as it was intended to be used.


So that means like you kind of expand the way like users can earn the rewards? Yeah if you look at the docs right the air drop mechanism is not really a long -term solution for worker rewards right? The idea is that when you are connected every hour you are earning via emissions protocol emissions and that can't happen until the token launch is obvious.

つまり、ユーザーが報酬を得る方法が拡大するということですか? そうです。ドキュメントを見ればわかるように、エアドロップのメカニズムはワーカー報酬の長期的な解決策ではありません。アイデアは、トークンがローンチされると、接続されている時間ごとにプロトコルエミッションを通じて報酬を得るというものです。

So the idea is that the token will launch shortly which will allow workers to earn from the token emissions and the air drop the season 3 worker was no longer need to be so large in order to support the worker network.


Yeah okay I understand yeah there's additional part for the reward so also like for a guy galaxy, I heard your answer for the previous question about how you automated the CBO things. But I really think like finding the Solana address to the galaxy is not really a good way because that's not something like the boat cannot do.


That's just something like normal people want to think about that. For example, I use that but I usually use the Ethereum address to login and because they're in the mission there is a part to let you submit your Solana address so people won't think about that you need to do the binding things and that step element a lot of normal people.


So I would like to know for the season 3 galaxy because of the season 1. Without I think many people were probably will be discard encouraged for the things. So like is there anything like Can help the normal people gain the trust for the for the for the mission to continue to do the galaxy thing yeah, so Look, I'm gonna say this again, right?


I Personally apologize for the miscommunication and some of the challenges around having users find their salon address Sort of no way around it, right? That was the criteria. We asked people to do it.


It's confusing Generally speaking galaxy can overall be a little bit confusing right? Like these airdrop programs are not Straightforward to deploy. I mean look at look at what's happening with layer zero one organization.

一般的に言えば、Galaxyは全体として少し混乱を招くことがあります。これらのエアドロッププログラムは展開が簡単ではありません。例えば、私たちよりも100倍大きいLayer Zero Oneの組織でも同様のことが起きています。

That's a hundred times larger than us Right. It's tricky. There's bots and farmers everywhere projects are Contending with an influx of Farmers and civil activity. It's not going to be perfect, right?


the second thing is If users don't want to participate in season 3 on galaxy, I get it. I'm not going to be bad, right? It is what it is. If less people participate The rewards will be less diluted and the people who do choose to participate will earn more But that's just how it is, right?


That is the financial pendulum pendulum and People can decide what they want to do with their time like I'm not gonna sit around and force people to do thing right We all we all make choices Yeah, right So that's the only concern is like you don't want to do get you don't want to get animated at the last Minute right you do all the things you require but at last then you change the rule and it says, okay You don't you didn't do this.


They you are not eligible for that. That's what happens in season 1. So Do you think there's similar thing or any unexpected thing will happen at season 3? We made the change to bind your Solana address because we needed it for us to be able to automate detection of on -chain activity.


It's the easiest way to do it. What I realized was that with a Solana submission, we saw instances where like hundreds of accounts were submitting the same exact Solana address, which is a very interesting way to remove symbols, right?


I don't know why they just submitted different Solana addresses, but they submitted all the same addresses. And I agree with you that a bot could also probably connect a different wallet to all the different Galaxy accounts.


I'll say it again. It was not ideal. Retrospect did not enjoy the way that that happened, but it is what it is, right? It's in the past. We've spent a disproportionate amount of time talking about 2 .5 million tokens in Season 1, right?


Give or take, roughly. I don't know how much more time you guys want to talk about this. I'm happy to continue talking about it, but I'm going to tell you right now that I largely view it as an extraordinarily large distraction.


We're going to try our best to fix it, but imagine the amount of analysts, database, engineering team, resources that we need to put against this, and how much that is detracting away from us actually getting the launch out there.


I think most of you guys would be a lot more happy if the token just existed, instead of us spending another three or four weeks trying to deal with a very tiny percentage of total tokens, just by two cents.


If this matters a lot to you and everyone says, nope, we don't give a shit about the future of the project or the token launch. We want you guys to focus on Galaxy. Who am I to say no? I'm going to take your feedback into account.


Don't take me wrong. I didn't criticize the things. I just say in future, if people want to do things, like probably can think about a more objective way to communicate with the community and to prevent such things happen again.


So I know there's nothing to change for the past. We just say anything we can improve to do for the future. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. I take the feedback super seriously. Right. Like we're always trying to improve.


Hey, thank you very much. Yeah. Thank you. Crypto data. Yes. Can I speak now? I was just without the microphone before. Hello, everyone. I have just two quick ones. The first one is I was failed. Verification failed for almost the whole month.


And I just managed with the support team and the chat to go verify just... two or three days ago. So what is gonna happen with those 27 days I was online, but as long as you are verified, it counts the previous days.


Is that correct, Hashki? Yeah, that's the current plan. I'm gonna say this one time, I know I didn't say at the top, but like Hans and I don't have any access to the support system or the database or your workers or any of the back -end data so we can speculate for you.


And if you're having a really hard time getting in touch with support, I can try to put you in touch with them. But the two of us are unable to troubleshoot for you live, if that makes sense. We don't have visibility in any of that.


So I think you should be fine. I don't know the details of your workers, right? If you want to DM me after this, I can try to put you directly in touch with support. they can try to troubleshoot your issue yeah i have the only like last time as well a week ago one month ago but no answer anyway um another question the last one is about um is there gonna be any update about choice seeing the supplier and if yes when if no why uh updates on what this what's for the supplier using the supplier at the moment we cannot choose nothing just open an account and open workers or create workers just on a unit how we cannot choose another supplier like brando you you're saying like why you can't choose another supplier when putting your worker on the network yeah can you DM me i'm gonna tell you to open a ticket but you're probably gonna hate me can you open a ticket can you DM me on uh on telegram we'll try to get you sorted okay okay i have no idea what issue you're running into right so is that the problem just with me or i'm unsure i have no idea um it's that's one of the reasons why we try not to take troubleshooting questions on these things because i don't know if your issue applies to just you or if it applies to um a bunch of other people right i mean the website at the moment is it's made that that way that we cannot choose the supplier that is i think for everyone if you go now on the website if you try to make a new worker is like everyone i think know that you're talking in the ux flow if it's uh if it's completely missing from the ux then then let me ask our team and I'll try to get you an answer right.


I don't know. I don't know the answer. Thank you. Yup, Milligan, you are up next. Or Faye. Hello. So I just have two questions. The first one is that towards the end of the first season, why do the multipliers between different workers vary so much?


You know, with some increasing by only one fold, right? While others increase by five folds or even more. So I understand that the point for the first season will no longer change. I still want to know why.


and like why why they change from season one to season two from season one to season two what do you mean sorry i don't understand i'm trying to clarify your question are you asking me why they change from season one to season two or why they change during no no no no no just in season one you know uh basically it seems like at the end of the season one the points change a lot right some get like the boat but others may get five times or even 10 times uh i see what you're saying you're saying not the multiplier that was in the dog you're saying yeah during during the process of calculating the points why was there so much variation in the points that were shown yeah great question um so shadid and his team were uh recalculating points with the engineering team towards the back end of season one i don't again Hans and i the marketing team does not have any details into like the database right so i can't tell you exactly what was happening but i can tell you that what they were trying to do was to accurately and precisely calculate the points in a way that captured as many real users as possible my understanding at a high level is that the first iteration of points calculations was very strict and it excluded a lot of civil but it also excluded quite a bit of real users and there was a lot of feedback that was given and so they modified the way that they were distributing and calculating the points and that led to that age that some people saw why some people saw a small change or why some people saw a big change i don't i don't know what the exact query or formula they used was but i know that there was a shift part way through that calculation in order to include more users in the reward system Okay, okay, thank you.


And my second question is, in the third season, there will be some DZ rewards, right? Yes, the movie rewards for workers and for non -workers. DZ, Galaxy, both of them. Correct. Okay, so are there any tier requirements for these rewards?


I don't plan on running any more Discord roles, Discord role -based rewards. Personally, we may do some small one -off things in Discord. There will be some light questing on Galaxy, and then the worker rewards in Season 3.


Okay, okay, thank you Okay, I just had a question about like how the points for season two Gonna be shown on the dashboard because are they gonna just add up to the season one or it's gonna be like a new Like UI update where I can see that this isn't two points because I run the workers both in season one and season two Yeah, I agree.


Great question. So What I asked for not necessarily what's going to happen But what I asked for is for the UX team to split out season two and season one rewards What they end up doing I'm unsure that's gonna be up to the engineering and UX team to put together.


That's should eat steam. So Okay, and do you know roughly when we're gonna get the points calculation for season two Is it gonna be well, I assume it's gonna be faster than season one But you have a rough estimate of like a week after fingers crossed.


It's faster than the season one, right? That's quite a process I don't I I'm not the one calculating it so I don't know but I would hope the beginning of April It definitely won't happen within days, right?


It's not gonna be immediately after the 31st, but the hope is it happens shortly after Okay And the just the last question Can we for example if I run the workers for season two, but I don't want to run the workers for season three Can I just switch them off on like the first of June and they should be fine for season two or yeah Yeah, more than one idea Cool.


Thank you Can just say one quick thing I Notice that there is no formula for calculating the rewards in the dock. There wasn't a pass But now there is not anymore. So maybe that's like I would be you would be actually useful.


There is the factors But there is no formula anymore. So like like we're kind of like in the blind to understand how, which factor are more important and which are not. You're saying like in terms of uptime, work done, et cetera.


Yeah, like uptime, like there are four factors, A, B, C, and D, and connection speed, like the type of worker, like the job done, the uptime, but like the formula is gone. And so actually we cannot know like, okay, I have this amount of workers, these are the type of workers and like try to forecast as well, like what is like a fair, because it's kind of important because like you, like as a, as a person that is providing workers to the network, like I'm trying to understand my profitability, try to forecast it.


And now I'm completing the blind, like it's very hard for me to forecast here. Cause I don't have any idea or like the only thing I can see is the amount of workers on the network and try to make like, you know, an estimate.


my share of the network, but I don't know what factor are influential or not. But in the past, it was that formula, but now it's gone and probably has been changed because since the original formula was in the docs, in the beginning of April, I think now it's a bit different because if not, it wouldn't make sense with the points I had in season one.


But it would be nice to have the formula that was using season one and it's going to be using season two and three in the docs. I completely agree with you. Unfortunately, the docs are not under our control and the engineering team have decided to obfuscate that formula for now.


I'll give them this feedback and let them know that you guys want to see it in public. Thank you. Welcome. Milligan, Milligan, you're up. Hey man, how's it going? Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you man.


Yeah, all good. So my question is just with regards to the announcement that was made yesterday just on the QEMU workers. Can you just explain a bit more in terms of how that's going to work in terms of season two rewards?


Because I'm a bit confused. I'll need some clarification if possible. Yeah, it's a great question. It was kind of sprung on us a little bit quickly. So when we were asked to put that announcement out there, I had advised that the team had committed to giving users a bit of a longer heads up on some of these changes.


What I heard from the engineering team was that there was a very large attack that was happening using QEMU CPUs to basically spoof and spam the network. And so they immediately deprecated support for those CPUs.

エンジニアリングチームから聞いたところでは、QEMU CPUを使ってネットワークをスプーフィングやスパム攻撃する大規模な攻撃が発生していたため、これらのCPUのサポートを即座に廃止したということです。

I do not know what the... final decision is in terms of like retroactive points impact for users because I know that there are some users who are running QEMUs and doing so legitimately. My hope is that they find a way to credit that activity in a fair reasonable way for users in May, but that's still that's like an ongoing it's an ongoing technical process like I'm waiting for them to support details.


Because like you know I just find it quite frustrating really because had I known I would have changed my I would have changed my BPS over but it feels like I'm being kind of penalized for having you know a QEMU worker and then finding out a day before season two ends that you know the rewards are not going to be kind of included.


I don't know who that was but I yeah I completely agree with you I mean like you know In the in the defense of the engineering team right like I get their urgency right you have you sort of have a Have an attack vector that you're trying to solve for technical perspective and you're trying to limit You know limit damage and prevent future abuse cool totally get that I think from a from a Community expectation and just you know just generally like customer experience perspective or user experience perspective I I think that there needs to be a way to reconcile real activity for June Yeah Yeah Here's what I do know right like what I do know is that we did not have or we don't have proof of work for For CPUs right because they're about GPUs right so the verification methodology for them.


It cannot be the same But like you know if we said If there is a situation where like hey look there's all of a sudden this fact that's being detected on some date Why don't we just take all the QE QEM you emu activity before that day market is valid Take everything that happened after that day market is invalid the impact and the impact you would be a lot smaller So that's that's the path that I proposed and would like to take You know again like my job is to be your guys's voice Internally, so I'm trying to advocate for everyone here But ultimately I don't run the engineering team and you know I have to kind of communicate to the founders So we'll see where they take it.


Yeah, I mean I'm hoping you know obviously that will be the case Because as I say like if it was for season 3 I completely understand obviously You know symbols and everything like I completely get that but I just feel you know Letting us know kind of a day before having the whole month kind of running through season 2 and then you know just you know to be told that you'd be completely excluded I don't think that would be right personally but hopefully I agree I'm not gonna keep going I'm frustrated for you man I'm frustrated for your computer I'm with you Alex as soon as I find out more I'll share sure all right thanks man thank you Karan Sharma you're up next we cannot hear you oh no we can't hear you 1984 cat you want to go first hello how are you brother can you hear me yes how's your man how are you doing husky and how you doing Hamza all good Yep.


We're doing good, man. Yeah. Today I just shared the stage just because to just put my gratitude and wishes for the Shadi and the upcoming APIC launch. I just want to be, you know, just wishing you all.


Thank you, ma 'am. We're working towards it. Thank you so much. And best of luck for your APIC launch. Thank you. G .T., man. Hey, how's it going, guys? Good, man. How are you? I'm good. I'm good. So I have a question a friend of mine asked earlier.


So me and a bunch of friends, we provided our GPUs in the last month on unit, but not for the rework point, or not for unit supply. We provided them for... Yep. So before the website update, there used to be an option to select for new worker.


We could select the render or unit. Right now, that option is not anymore. So my friend crypto data asked, like, will there be implemented again this option on the website? Could you hear my question?


I missed the background of it because someone else jumped in. Can you say the backside of it again? Sure. So before the website update, there used to be an option on the website. For each GPU that we added, there used to be a render for unit supply.


Right now, there's not that option anymore. So will there be implemented again this option, you know? Yeah. So someone else asked this question earlier. I wasn't aware that they upgraded or removed that UI you asked.


So I need to follow up internally. I don't know the answer to that question. Okay. Okay. Thanks. Hi guys, I am Arigula. So I just wanted to mention a few of the issues I was facing recently. Actually, one of my friends has a rig with 6 of 30 ATTA graphic cards in there.

内部で確認する必要があります。その質問には今のところ答えられません。わかりました、ありがとう。こんにちは、私はArigulaです。最近直面している問題についていくつかお話ししたいと思います。友人の一人が6枚のRTX 3080グラフィックカードを搭載したリグを持っています。

So I was just trying to set up the rig within just today and it went all well, it was working fine. But later on, like half an hour ago or maybe an hour ago, it was mentioning there as unsupported. So I also mentioned that the verification period.


So is there anything I need to do with that because I tried to raise the support ticket as well and the support was not going there? I can't go through your specific issue for you live. You can DM me later on Telegram and I will try to connect you with support.


Thanks. No, sure. Thank you so much. Nope, nope, no problem. Um, shove up. Um, Liko, can you hear me? Yep, yes we can. Uh, my question is when PGA is going to happen. Guess is as good as mine, man. No, I'm just kidding.


Uh, we have, we have a listing, we have a launch. I can't talk to you about dates because we can't violate confidentiality and risk to launch. So you're just gonna have to wait for now. We'll share information as soon as we can.


Okay, do you have any information about the exchanges on which exchanges are we going to launch? Uh, I missed the first part of that question. Did you see my expectation for when we're going to launch?


No, he asked the exchanges, but we cannot name them. Uh, I can't show that either. Okay, then. Uh, we don't call. Or, salty. Yes, I got one question. Um, is there any, uh, process of, in the future, are y 'all gonna include AMD, uh, GPUs, or is it just gonna be Nvidia only?

彼は取引所について質問しましたが、名前を挙げることはできません。そうですね、それもお見せできません。わかりました。質問があります。将来的にAMD GPUを含める予定はありますか、それともNvidiaのみですか?

I think the team is looking at Nvidia, or sorry, at AMD GPUs. Um, there are, there are, there's sort of a little bit more demand for Nvidia GPUs for AI workloads, which is where the team wanted to focus first.

チームはAMD GPUも検討しています。AIワークロード向けにはNvidia GPUの需要が高いため、まずそこに焦点を当てたかったのです。

Um, I know that there's been some discussion and we've expanded support to include AMD CPUs already. And so I know it's in the works. I can't give you a timeline specifically, though. I, I know it's on the roadmap, but, but not, candidly, not like a huge priority for the team.

AMD CPUのサポートはすでに拡大しているので、AMD GPUのサポートも進行中です。ただし、具体的なタイムラインはお伝えできません。それはロードマップにありますが、チームの大きな優先事項ではありません。

Okay, thank you. Yeah, you're welcome. Hello, hello, can you hear me? Yes, I can. Oh, great. Okay, so we previously mentioned that you do not plan to continue with Discord roles, so I'm curious if you plan to have some intensive programs for MVPs or content creators, or do you plan to continue with ambassadors?


We do plan to continue with ambassadors, there's sort of a new program that Shadeed wants to roll out after lunch. We do plan to continue with content creator, community events, it's just gonna look a little bit different, right?


Previously before we had a token, or I suppose we had sort of expected to have a token live by now, but previously when we had designed the Discord role system, it was pre -token, we wanted a way to track engagement and track contribution via the roles.


Obviously that system is imperfect, right? There's a lot of good things, a lot of bad things about it, totally understand. Once there is a live token, we can just transition to something that is a bit more direct.


For example, just giving people token grants to do things, very much like any other blockchain network. And so there will be other programs, it just won't look the same as it did, right? Where you're sort of tracking things via Discord roles, and then retroactively giving out or distributing rewards.


Ideally, we just moved to a very direct rewards distribution mechanism, and people can apply for token grants or tokens, we're doing so. Okay, okay, I see, thank you very much. Yeah, thank you. All right, we'll take one more question here.


I was looking at the block availability rewards page, and I think I noticed something that it's a bit strange, because, so like the inflation rate when the token is launched and the availability rewards are live, it's fixed, like it's fixed every year, then it goes down work time.


But then in the block availability rewards page, there is written that there is like a dependency on the price of IO, and this does not make a lot of sense, because like, for example, depending on the type of worker you have, you get paid not in an amount of denominator in IO token, but in USD, and then it gets converted to IO.


But that does not make sense, because the inflation rate is fixed. So like, for example, if you have not enough USD, like you've had too many worker on the network, then it will not be enough for everybody.


I just think that this type of language should probably be removed. You have a lot of specificity, right? Well, you actually don't have elasticity because you have a cap, right? Like, for example, if you have 4 ,000 token per hour at the beginning, right?


But if you have too many workers, then if you use the dollar amount, like you will end up like actually promising more that you can do. I think simply maybe like the language that is written that like it could be like, you know, somebody could take a second look.


Also it makes it more complex with no need. Like probably if you just say that, yeah, this is the amount we do per hour and we just distribute it according to which type of GPU you have, but fully, you know, you just distribute it to all the workers, like it will be more simple, you know, then just to make a complex calculation on this worker should be the worth this amount of USD.


And then you also need as an input, like a price, which like the price from the market, right? Sorry, I don't know if I explained myself very well, but. Yeah, let me try to address your questions and your comments, right?


So one, I think your understanding of the system is directionally correct. Two, you are right. There's no elasticity in the number of rules. because it's disinflationary fixed over a period of time, but three, there is elasticity in the incentive that is distributed per worker, therefore there's elasticity on the participation of workers, right?


If I have a pool of money, right, let's say a month one I have $10 ,000, and a month two I have $5 ,000, and we have people doing work, right, hypothetically, well, when the rewards drop to $5 ,000, every single worker earns less, right?


At some point, the workers will say, hey, we don't want to earn less, right, this is no longer worth our time, we don't want to earn less, so we're not going to stop working. Well, now you have less saturation on the supply side of the network, and the rewards can pay for more workers, assuming the USD value of your reward pool stays static, right?


Make sense so far? Yeah, that's fine. Is it a little bit complex to denominate in I .O. but value in USD? Sure. But that's what oracles are for, right? So it's not a terribly difficult technical thing to implement.


The reason why we want to do this is because the entire tokenomics side for supply is based off of removing I .O. from circulating supply via staking and via buyback and burn, which therefore improves token price generally, so that less token can afford the same amount of workers.


Obviously, that's a very idealistic system, and a larger market -wide systematic pullback is probably going to impact token price, but you will then have these cyclical, you'll cyclical periods, right, where the network can support more or less workers, right?


And there will be some workers who choose to not stay on, and some workers who do choose to stay on, right? They're splitters and alligators. The second piece of this is at the end of the day, the availability rewards are intended to subsidize network growth until we are able to drive enough demand for the demand side and the revenues paid to support the worker activity, right?


Today, the primary earnings stream is inflation, and the secondary earnings stream is revenue that's paid by renters. That needs to switch and will switch at some point in time, right, in order for the network to sufficiently become self -sustaining.


And so that's the idea. I understood overall the concept. It doesn't seem that adding the, as an input, the price of IO really changed much to me. Just that. It creates two problems, right? It's the, it's the antithesis of providing the value and denomination of IO.


So if I, if I value in USD, but denominated in IO, it means that as a worker, you have less risk when the token price goes down, right? Because there's a sort of a minimum floor, but you also lose upside, right?


So you have less downside, but also less upside, because when you receive the tokens, they're valued in USD denominated IO. So if IO, price IO skyrockets, you're actually receiving less IO per hour, right?


But you're receiving the same amount of USD. The price drops. The opposite also is also true, right? You're protected from downward price pressure. If you switch that and you value it in IO as opposed to dollars, well, you have more upside, right?


Because when the token price goes up, you're not receiving less IO. But the same is also true if the token price drops, you're not receiving more IO. Does that make sense? And so, yeah, but to a certain point, because like we think, I guess because it is made every hour, then might not be that different.


But for example, I said that the price goes up 30% in one hour. Like in that hours, like the network is static, let's say, like the new worker cannot come online fast enough. So you're going to end up with maybe some IO that you cannot distribute.


I don't know if you understood, because like they say that there is every hour you want to distribute $50 ,000. Like, but there is only like there is only like $30 ,000 worth of workers in the network, right?


So then you have $20 ,000 that they're there and you don't know how to distribute them. They might be a mismatch, right? No, no, it gets distributed to stickers. Anything that's locked over is distributed to stickers.


Oh, okay. Okay. That was not clear to me. Okay. So what is too much gets distributed to stickers? Okay. That was not clear to me. Yeah. It's always too much, right? Yeah. Under the current math, it's always too much.


Yeah, it should be. The hourly rewards are greater than the amount that needs to get distributed to the workers and the excess is distributed to stakers All right guys, I'm running for my next meeting.


So I'm gonna I'm gonna cut this as always. It's really good to talk you guys I know I know like there's a lot of questions floating around I know that you know that the the tech team and the founders are sort of heads down right now working trying to get us a launch so please Really appreciate your patience ons and I are here to try to take any feedback that you guys have We're here to be your guys as advocates within the within the team and the project.


So please continue to message us Those of you who I asked to DM me, please feel free to DM me and I will get back to you as soon as possible All right, thanks guys, bye Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Thank you very much.


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