


今回のタイトルで使用したグラフィックは、io.netの公式ディスコードのGraphic Artist「Lunab⭕y ᯅ」が作成した作品です。公式ディスコードに参加されてる方は彼を探してみてくださいね。





  • エアドロップと報酬の配布

    • IOステーキング参加者に対するエアドロップの実施。

    • シーズン3のエアドロップ請求プロセスとシーズン1およびシーズン2の和解。

  • ステーキングと報酬

    • ステーキングの重要性と100 IOが各GPUに対して必要。

    • ステーキングによってIOが流通から取り除かれ、プロジェクトにとって有益。

    • 定期的なブロック報酬プログラムへの移行。

  • 技術的な更新とパートナーシップ

    • Movement Labsとのパートナーシップについての詳細。

    • いくつかの大きな取引所での取り扱いが進められている。

    • 特定のハードウェアコンポーネントがワーカーとして動作するのに適していない場合、ドキュメントの更新が行われる。

  • APAC市場への注力

    • 日本と韓国への訪問予定。

    • APAC市場での大きな注目を集めるための戦略。

  • セキュリティと詐欺対策

    • テレグラムボットの存在しないことを確認。

    • 安全な操作とリンクの二重チェックを推奨。

  • コミュニティとマーケティング

    • コミュニティ報酬プログラムの移行(Gitcoinのような形式)。

    • Redditの利用についての議論と助成金の提案。

    • 小規模なマーケティングチームの活動とフォーカスエリア(ディスコード、テレグラム、Twitter)。




All right. Good morning. Good morning, everyone. How's it going? Good going. Uh, everyone's happy today. It's almost like, uh, it's almost like the price is up. People are, people are in a good mood.


What if, what if the price is down? Could we be unhappy? I'm gonna, I'm gonna start getting some folks in here. Uh, let's get this show on the road. You guys know the drill. Uh, I'm gonna invite people up, feel free to jump in, raise your hand.


Uh, I'll keep an eye on Japan so I can answer questions as we go. Um, but let's get this on. Hey, Husky, how's it going? Hey, Reena, how's it going? I'm glad you were on stage. Uh, where are you now?


Right now, right now in Bali. Um, so just join Bali. Amazing. I hear our, I hear our very own Hans is headed to Bali after, after Japan. So amazing. We need, we need more, uh, IO community and team meetups around the world.


You know, I know to us. That would be amazing. I mean I think there were some people talking about meetups but if we could do like a global meetup that would be insane. I think that would be so much fun.


But yeah, how many people would show up and stuff? Yeah. Yeah, we'll see. I mean I think there's a lot of options here especially like what I like to do is make it convenient or you know a meetup where you fly out just for a meetup can be a bit tricky but like meeting up around you know different events that are already happening I think is a really really easy thing for us to do.


Yeah, true. Or like a local meetups and then we just post it on Twitter things like that. That'd be so fun. Yeah, yeah. I love it. Alright, let's jump in. Actually, you know, for those of you who haven't met Reena, Reena is actually our new head of community.


Reena, what is your official, what's the official title and role do you know? Yeah, so also things are getting added as I go, but I basically was onboarded as the executive representative, right? So I am team executive representative and now I'm also head of community.


So I'll be juggling two different roles I hope to you know, help out as much as I can and make all of you proud I'm super happy to be here super happy to be in this amazing team. So thanks for the opportunity I just couldn't be happier right now I love it.


Well, you and I will be working very closely together Looking good time. I'm sure we're gonna make some big things All right. Let's get let's get this show on the road. Uh, we got a few people up here from the community Please keep raising your hands Hans is here.


I think he'll help pull some more people on stage as well But let's get going what we can do this. I'd love to do this traditional AMA style So let's do one question if you try to ask who I will do you Because I know there's a lot of us.


I'm sure people have things that they want to do So let's get started. Frank. You want to go first down? That sounds good. First of all happy TTE guys Um, okay. So can you guys hear me? Yes again Okay, cool.


So last week was Computex and Intel had announced their new lunar lake processor and Apparently what they did was they copied the Apple M2 chips where the RAM is on board with the same package as this Does that now qualify it as a secure enclave which can be used in aisle dot net And do we plan to support that within when it is coming out next month?

先週、Computexがあり、Intelが新しいLunar Lakeプロセッサーを発表しました。どうやら、彼らはAppleのM2チップをコピーして、RAMを同じパッケージ内に統合しました。これによって、これがセキュアエンクレーブとして認定され、io.NETで使用できるようになるのでしょうか?そして、来月それがリリースされる際にサポートする予定はありますか?

So I was wondering if we're going to be supporting that So I think with a lot of these new products like me We need to do some testing and benchmarking first, but I don't see why not right. I think it's a really cool opportunity for us So let's put it tentatively and typically researching and you know, it's going to be understood understand what we're doing.


We'll We'll do it. Awesome Awesome, I appreciate your question. Um Who's next? Let's get a bad end. Uh, a tarry Let you guys up here Can I go ahead? Yes, I can hear you. How's it going? Good morning.


Good morning, good morning. So, my question was, since I came to know that Taptops hadn't supported more the season 3, so I just wanted to know that being a part of season 1 and season 2, now, will I, if I run a worker, so will I get any talk rewards or not?

おはようございます。私の質問ですが、Season 3ではラップトップのサポートがなくなったと聞きました。Season 1とSeason 2の一部だったので、今ワーカーを運用しても報酬を得ることができるのでしょうか?

So, great question. Season 3 is designed to have block rewards included. However, the tech team is currently handling the block rewards timeline, and so we need to wait for them to give us an update on when that's going to roll out.

素晴らしい質問ですね。Season 3ではブロック報酬が含まれています。ただし、技術チームが現在そのタイムラインを管理しているため、ブロック報酬がいつ展開されるかについては技術チームからの更新を待つ必要があります。

If it rolls out in season 3, then you guys will get rewards. If it doesn't roll out in the June time frame, then the block rewards will start whenever they tell us they start. So, all in all, should I continue to run the worker?

Season 3でそれが開始されれば、報酬を受け取ることができます。もし6月のタイムフレームで開始されなければ、技術チームが開始時期を教えてくれるまで待つことになります。つまり、ワーカーを続けるべきですか?

Yeah, there are worker rewards in season 3 as well. They aren't supported, I guess, for the laptops, right? Oh, great question. Specifically for the laptops, I think a lot of laptop support was deprecated in Season 3, but the higher -powered Macbooks are still supported.

はい、Season 3でもワーカー報酬はあります。ただし、ラップトップについてはサポートが廃止されたようです。いい質問ですね。具体的には、Season 3では多くのラップトップサポートが廃止されましたが、高性能なMacBookはまだサポートされています。

So that is a final decision, or will it be improved further down the line? It is likely that the laptops support being wide while down is a final decision for Season 3. Thanks. Thank you. Who's next?

それは最終的な決定ですか、それとも将来的に改善される可能性がありますか?Season 3ではラップトップサポートが廃止されたままが最終的な決定のようです。ありがとう。次は誰ですか?

I'll go. Can you hear me? Hey, congrats on the launch, by the way. It was awesome. My question was mostly, do we have any more information on staking and kind of how that's going to work? Yeah. So staking is going to be a self- and delegated stake, which means you can stake to your own nodes and stake to other people's nodes.


The exact UI and mechanisms you'll sort of feel that UI you'll have soon. We're planning to push that requirement out 60 to 90 days from launch, so people who are running workers have time to accumulate IO and just sort of get their affairs in order before you're forced to stake IO in order to be part of the network.


I'm sure it's not an issue for most of the people here or for a lot of the folks who've been involved before, but if you're a large data center and you need tens of thousands of IO to stake, we want to give people some time to figure that out.


What else am I going to say on staking? Yes. Staking rewards will- the availability rewards as well as staking rewards will be separate, so you'll get rewards for idling, right? Which requires staking, but then on top of that, you will also get staking rewards.


So a lot more of that, I think, is outlined in the docs. The exact timeline of when that rolls out, it's going to be 60 to 90 days from when we listen. Okay, good to know. Will the idling rewards and all the rewards be denominated in IO?


They will all be denominated in the I .O. and the availability rewards, however, will be valued in USD. The sort of benchmark for the availability rewards are in USD. And that's to just stabilize the rewards, right?


Basically, the project is taking the volatility risk on the token to a certain degree. Gotcha. Will we be staking, like, two specific worker nodes? Or, like, can you stake to your own or somebody else's?


Like, I guess, what's the difference? Like, if I stake to some H100 over my 40, 90, am I gonna be better off with the H100 because it's more powerful? Can you hear me? Yeah, sorry. We'll get to you in a moment.


You won't earn... Your staking rewards are not based on the hardware. It's based off the performance of the node. Because staking is a collateralization mechanism, right? that's our way of making sure that nodes parts device normal so nodes with higher uptime will will provide more safety rewards because there there's online right because if you're not online that the safety you don't get safety rewards so what will naturally happen is the market will look for the nodes and was performing and we'll stay to those notes and stuff okay cool thank you of course who's next so can you hear me guys yep we can hear you mta8 IR you are next yes yes yes it is so nice to be here one thing I wanted to ask is there a solos stake liquidity provider tokens I just want to stake my solo IU tokens if there is a platform please do share with me thanks yep so we talked a bit about staking within the IO that protocol right so which we just talked about that if you want to stake single -sided IO on a liquidity platform I recommend you today but right now you can go to me you are up you can provide single -sided liquidity in a concentrated liquidity pool okay things are not things of course of course obviously read about you know permanent loss all that good stuff educate yourself who's next yes of course so I had accumulated the points in the season two program by you know providing workers but I was unable to add my soul on a bullet in their account because it was disabled and enabled again and I missed the window to add my soul on a bullet Will I be able to get the airdrop from Season 2 in the future?

あなたはステーキング報酬を… ステーキング報酬はハードウェアに基づくものではありません。ノードのパフォーマンスに基づいています。ステーキングは担保メカニズムですよね?それがノードが正常に動作することを保証する方法です。稼働時間の長いノードはより多くのセーフティ報酬を提供します。なぜならオンラインだからです。もしオンラインでなければセーフティ報酬を得ることができません。したがって、市場はパフォーマンスの良いノードを探し、それにステーキングすることになります。オッケー、わかりました。ありがとう。もちろん、次は誰ですか?みなさん、聞こえますか?はい、聞こえます。MTA8IRさん、次はあなたです。はい、はい、ここにいるのは本当に嬉しいです。私が聞きたいのは、ソロステークの流動性提供トークンについてです。ソロIOトークンをステーキングしたいのですが、プラットフォームがあれば教えてください。ありがとうございます。はい、IOプロトコル内でのステーキングについて少し話しましたね。シングルサイドIOを流動性プラットフォームでステーキングしたい場合、現在はUniswap V3をお勧めします。そこで集中流動性プールにシングルサイドの流動性を提供できます。もちろん、インパーマネントロスなどについてもよく理解してください。自分自身でしっかり調べてください。次は誰ですか?はい、Season 2プログラムでポイントを蓄積しましたが、アカウントが一時的に無効になっていたため、Solanaウォレットに追加できませんでした。その後、有効になったときには追加するタイミングを逃してしまいました。将来的にSeason 2のエアドロップを受け取ることができますか?

Unfortunately not. Yeah. Yeah, unfortunately not. If you did not enter your Solana Wallet during the window or during a calibration, the unclean rewards will basically just be recycled into additional rewards for the community.


We do have a reconciliation process that Hans and I will run. Just bear in mind that the reconciliation process was intended for people who did add wallets, but their wallets were unable to claim. Maybe they lost access or something, but we're going to try to facilitate it for those people.


Please reach out to me directly. We'll see what we can do. And the reason why I can't reward most people if they didn't add a wallet is because anyone can just say that they had X amount of points to give me their wallet.


It's swapping wallets. It's a little bit easier. Okay. Okay, Michael. Alright, who's next? Yeah, just one thing, we did always make announcements regarding trading wallets, I remember posting announcements a week before the real end.


Can you guys mute if you're not talking? Hello, hello, maybe you have some information after season 3, what about role discord? Do you have some rewards or something like this, say about this? We will not be doing discord role rewards after season 3.


We'll have other programs for the community, but I would very much like to get away from discord role grinding. We'll do things like funds and grants for content creators and other programs, but I don't want it to be role based.


Thank you. Thank you. Who's next? Can I go? Can I go? Please. Okay, I saw you there. Hello. Good morning. I use like two notebooks to one of my job and another for working on it, but one of them broken, so I can use just one.


To my job, I use the docker. I'm an engineer, so I need the docker. When I install the ionat, I lose all my images and volumes. Is there anything I can do to bypass this and use my docker's mason volumes and ionat mason volumes?


Can you open a support ticket and we'll take a look at your specific case, because there's a couple of questions that we would need to ask you in order to better understand what you're doing. This is not a great forum for universe.


by tech support. Okay, thank you so much. Thanks. And let's uh, let's leave the tech support questions out of this. There's 340 people in here and they don't want to hear about, you know, what's going on with their worker.


Who's next? Hey, I just had a quick question. I was gonna, what's the timeline on us being able to provide compute power for say, like the unreal engine stuff or unity. You guys can provide. Yeah, you can actually provide compute power today.

次は誰ですか?こんにちは、ちょっとした質問があります。例えばUnreal EngineやUnityのようなコンピューティングパワーを提供するタイムラインはどうなっていますか?提供できますか?はい、実際に今日でもコンピューティングパワーを提供することができます。

Us developing, like clustering for those is more of like a developer facing product, but you can provide compute capacity if someone actually wanted to cluster or buy access from us to run those. They could, it's just more complicated.


Us developing those products are just a bit easier. Yeah, we currently can. That's all. Very cool. Of course. And I think you've been waiting. Yeah, go for it. Okay, first of all, I'm happy for the listing because I just bought this token today.


But the question I wanted to ask is, I don't know if the team members knew about the POOX that Viget is actually advertising for all community members on Twitter. So I don't really know if you guys have seen it because I think it's a good addition for the members in the community.


I haven't seen it. I'm not really sure what you're talking about. But I will check it out. Sounds interesting. Alright, okay. Thank you. Can I go next? Yeah, of course. Andrew was first. Okay, go for it.


What's the confidence level that what IO is providing is going to be sought after by a lot of people? Because I see there are not that many jobs and this is a bit disturbing for some of the community.


I agree. I think that the sales team, the BD team needs to... It's time for the BD team to step up. What's for this way? A lot has been done to get us to where we are today to launch the token to get the listing.


Obviously, these seem to be reflective, right? So make sure you guys have seen when a token exists, when a token goes up, project is a good project. Tech is good. People pay attention to the project.


And the opposite is also true. So having a token and having a liquid token is actually really helpful. in the process of driving more deals through the pipeline. And so without a doubt, we're pushing the BD team to really get things in the gear because it's sort of their turn to carry the project.


Yeah, okay, thanks. Thank you. All right, who's next? Benazus, I think you were talking a second ago. I thought you were going to stay long. Yeah, can we? Yeah, yeah. And compared to Rancher yesterday, I appreciate that.


What I want to ask is about the Season 3 God of the Days. Are you very worried about those people who are actually doing the Season 3 God of the Days for now? Yeah, there's going to be some rewards for Season 3.

私が聞きたいのは、Season 3のGod of the Daysについてです。現在、それを行っている人々について心配していますか?はい、Season 3にはいくつかの報酬があります。

Alex and I are going to make a big clear for going to be some details on us. In Season 3, there are 5 million tokens for workers, 2 .5 million tokens. for like community ambassador discord stuff and two and a half sorry two and a half million tokens for the combination of discord community galaxy etc etc etc um so it'll be basically 33 percent for workers sorry 66 percent for workers 33 percent for community related things um i'm going to uh these are man you get one question and one question only who's next i'll go if uh i can please all right hey uh my question is i know you probably don't uh i don't know if you do or not have much uh involvement with the sales team but do they have like user groups uh or as uh you know potential customers i mean i've read a couple of articles about data scientists and how difficult it is for them to understand how to get that and get ai you know aggregations stuff like that or gdu units into their system is that something we're looking at or addressing or how's that working when you say user groups do you mean like places where they're communicating with customers or when you are you talking about like target customers oh i see uh we have an onboarding team that talks directly to customers if you are trying to onboard you have a problem uh we we typically will set up a group to to make sure that things are working for you um or if you're already on board you're having a problem that it sounds supporting but the short answer yes we do have different pathways for customers and companies that are having issues to talk to us uh we we already work quite a few companies that are you know in various stages of deployment and so we typically will you know work with them if you're talking about okay so it's setting each ask a good question.

アレックスと私は、いくつかの詳細を明確にする予定です。Season 3では、ワーカーに500万トークン、コミュニティアンバサダーやディスコード関連に250万トークン、そしてディスコードコミュニティ、ギャラクシーなどの組み合わせに250万トークンが割り当てられています。つまり、ワーカーには66%、コミュニティ関連には33%が割り当てられます。これで質問は一つだけ受け付けます。次は誰ですか?はい、お願いします。私の質問ですが、営業チームと直接関わっているかどうかわかりませんが、彼らにはユーザーグループや潜在的な顧客はいますか?データサイエンティストがAIの集計やGPUユニットをシステムに統合するのがどれほど難しいかについてのいくつかの記事を読みました。これは解決に向けて取り組んでいることですか?ユーザーグループとは、顧客とのコミュニケーションの場を指していますか、それともターゲット顧客について話していますか?オンボーディングチームが顧客と直接対話しています。オンボーディングに問題がある場合、グループを設定して状況を確認し、問題が発生している場合はサポートします。簡単に言うと、はい、顧客や企業が問題を抱えている場合には、異なる経路で対話する方法があります。いくつかの企業とすでに協力しており、さまざまな段階での展開を行っています。いい質問ですね。

Dev community, that's different. I don't think we have a dev community today and I'm actually looking for someone who can be like a strong head of dev rel if anyone knows anyone. So that offer is out there.


Okay, cool. Thank you. Thanks guys. Alright, who's next? Can I go? Yeah, of course. Hi everyone. So I heard you yesterday and I was really impressed by the future of IO. I'm currently based in Nigeria, Africa and I run a tech startup myself and I've realized that on IO that the demand, the supply is more than the demand, which I think you've tried to ask for the order people have answers and questions.


So I'm thinking to, in make this It becomes like a mainstream solution for cloud computing and service. You guys had to look to providing services for smaller companies, startups, and how this can help them.


Because from where I'm coming from, this is one of the major issues we're having. And at the same time, I also feel like, for me personally, I have like two workouts on the platform. So trying to run, to work simultaneously, because getting a job isn't so profitable for me.


At least I did pay in this stage of the project. So I wasn't sure if it was a good investment for me to just be funding power and internet to stay available. So I'm thinking, if there is anything in the platform towards startups and smaller projects, how IO can help smaller companies for startups?


So I don't think it's about the size of the company. It's sort of about the nature of their compute demand. So most of the company, actually every single company that uses Hiota as a customer today is AI really.


And the requirements, the overhead requirements for AI compute are a lot higher than what you would get out of other forms of compute. Simultaneously, the revenue, like the cost per compute hour that AI companies pay is typically higher as well.


And so there's a weird balance here. There's this idea of where does the network focus? If we believe that AI is growing, it's going to be the next big thing, then we want to focus our attention on AI and AI use cases.


If we think that crypto is going to be the next big thing or one of the next big things, then we should make sure that we have a way to serve crypto infrastructure. I would argue that if there were three use cases that are particularly exciting for defense and compute defense, it's gaming AI and crypto infrastructure.


in TK and TK infrastructure, to be clear. These are fairly resource intensive use cases that command fairly high, or fairly strong unit economics and they're growing industries, right? So that makes it attractive for our network.


Whether or not that aligns with the specific type of compute you're providing is, you know, TK, I don't know what you're providing, but I'm not gonna talk about whether or not it's a good investment for you because I just don't know all the details of your situation.


Definitely, definitely. All right, so thanks. You've actually answered my question. I'm just not coming from, I'm just trying to look at the other side of it. Instead of us just trying to always look at what we can get from it, how can we sustain what is already coming in?


How get people coming up to use this platform? And at the same time, I feel it would be nice if the, maybe the customer, the business. can post more about the partnership and the companies that are already on board, so that we can hold up, the community can have a sense of growth as well.


Because on the Telegram group, earlier I heard somebody asking, I saw somebody asking, how is it possible for the token that was just launched for us already having close to how many new ones are evaluations.


So, people don't just want to see who's like that, they want to see how it's happening and just... Did you just ask how a token could be worth millions of dollars to me for after launch? Okay. My man.


Welcome. Welcome the crypto. Yeah. Who's going to tell him? I'm just... Alright. It's your question. It's your question. I'll just tease it. I'll just tease it. We do need to talk more about the customer sales team to keep it in high gear.


I agree. Alright then. We're going to move on to the next question. Who's next? Hi. Can I go next? Of course. Okay. I have a question about staking. I have to max an M3 and an M3 Pro and then an RDX for DDT.

はい、それでは次の質問に移りましょう。次は誰ですか?はい、次は私ですか?もちろんです。ステーキングについて質問があります。M3とM3 Proを最大限に活用し、さらにDDT用にRDXを持っています。

I was wondering if the amount of IO that needs to be staked going to be the same, regardless of the GP or the CPU model? One more time for me. I have, like, blood tougher. Oh. Yeah. Okay. Is the amount of IO that needs to be staked going to be the same, regardless of the CPU or the GPU model?


Baseline, yes. When we first roll out staking, the intention is for us to remove complexity and have the same requirement, no matter what type of hardware you have. As the price of IO... We'll have to change that, right?


Because if you're staking 100 IO for a graphics card and IO is, you know, let's say IO gets $50, right? That's $5 ,000. It wouldn't make sense if collateral was, you know, $36. year of 4090 with $5 ,000 right since it's literally worth more than the car so some adjustments will need to be made as the price of IO changes but generally speaking when we start it will all be the same, it'll be 100 IO okay thank you that's all I have you're welcome who's next yeah buddy I have a question please hit me with it if our GPUs are workers for IO net we worry about long long -term effects such as Skynet or GPUs become sentient you know I'm not super worried about that I'm worried about those you guys see those robotic dogs have machine guns on the back of them I'm worried about those things I'm not worried about IO I think I think we're gonna be in the clear yeah But those dogs with the machine guns, I don't know how I feel about them.

もし100 IOをステーキングしてグラフィックカードを手に入れる場合、IOが例えば50ドルになったとしましょう。それは5,000ドルになりますよね。それなら、担保が36ドルだった場合は理にかなわないでしょう。5,000ドルの価値があるのに、文字通りその価値よりも低いですから、IOの価格が変わるに連れて調整が必要になります。しかし、一般的に言えば、最初はすべて同じです。つまり、100 IOとなります。分かりました、他に何か質問はありますか?はい、どうぞ。質問があります。私たちのGPUがIOネットのワーカーである場合、スカイネットのような長期的な影響や、GPUが意識を持つようなことを心配する必要がありますか?そのことについてはあまり心配していません。むしろ、背中に機関銃を載せたロボット犬を見たことがありますか?あれが心配です。IOについては心配していません。大丈夫だと思います。でも、機関銃を載せた犬についてはどう感じるか分かりません。

I think they have flamethrowers now. You can buy them. They're like five thousand dollars. You know, as an aside, I do own one of those Yilong Busker flamethrowers from like six or seven years ago. No way.

今は火炎放射器もあると思います。買えますよ。5,000ドルくらいです。ちなみに、私は6、7年前にYilong Buskerの火炎放射器を買ったことがあります。まさか。

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah, fantastic. It's like a water gun that shoots flames. Wonderful for it. But anyway, thank you for your time. Anyway, yeah, of course. Thanks. Who's next? Hi, mate.


Please. Yes. My question is actually concerning the season three air drops and to confirm what I learned today that laptops are not available for season three air drops. Most laptops are not eligible.


We. We noticed that most laptops just they are providing reliable or not computing power for us to really market. And so I think some of the higher end, I think they'll call me up. I think laptops of the M2, M3 chip are eligible still.


But most of the like, you know, I think they're a bunch of basically T .I. It's like those are those are going to be eligible. OK, what did I do? But I will say this. I will say this. I have not looked at the docks in a while.


My team actually no longer has access to the docks being handled by the technical team. So if you guys look at the docks for season three and I'm wrong, then it is what it is. Right. If I'm wrong and they're in the docks, then we'll make them eligible even though we didn't want to.


So whatever the docks as far as support eligibility goes, we'll honor that. But the intention is to actually remove them from eligibility. OK. I think I looked at the docs today. What do you see? I looked at everything, but I didn't see anywhere it was where it was specifically mentioned that laptops are not eligible.


I was only told in my account. There's an inclusivity list. Yeah, there's a list of things that are eligible, so we need to be on that list. Okay, okay. And then on that note, if you maybe at a point find out that certain hardware components are no longer compatible or eligible to provide to run worker to be good also updates the disonly documentation, because a lot of people were running into failed verification and there's a lot of things going on on the channels so that people are went exactly the course and stopped actually asking the same multiple questions, you know, occupying and then wasting everybody's time.


So to be good, as soon as you find out that certain hardware components are not really viable again for this kind for the to run worker to be good to update. mission with the dorks as well. Yeah, there are a lot of self -adoxing these updates.


Okay, thank you very much. Thank you. Who's next? Hey, Emorett, you never DM'd me then. Like, I gave you my telegram and I welcomed you to DM me on telegram and you DM'd me on Discord? Everyone, or I would say everyone, but most people here know that I've never checked Discord DM's.


I'm just not gonna do it. I don't know what's going on. But I'll give you my telegram and you can literally DM me whenever you want. Alright, who's next? Thank you. What's next for IO now? What should we be looking for?


What's the next update for? You know, after this AMA, we've got to go to the Movement Labs headquarters in San Francisco. We're cooking up something really fun. We've got something dropping next week with Movement and with a couple of other big blockchain infrastructure players in the space to keep your eyes peeled for that.

次のアップデートは何ですか?このAMAの後、サンフランシスコのMovement Labs本社に行きます。とても楽しいことを企画しています。来週、Movementや他の大手ブロックチェーンインフラ企業と一緒に何かを発表する予定ですので、それを注目してください。

We're working really hard on staking. Right now, that's probably the second most important thing that the tech team is doing. And then, yeah, I would really like to get one go towards how that's the most important thing that the tech team is doing.


And then Hans and I are making sure that the rest of this airdrop claim goes well, that we have a really smooth claim for Season 3 and that we do reconciliation for Season 1 and Season 2. And I know you all love airdrops, but I'm really excited to be putting IO Net's airdrop season behind us and kind of transitioning to more constant rewards for the community, for workers.


And then we've got to start planning. I've got to start planning for token 2049. I think that's coming up soon. We want to make a pretty big splash in. in APAC market, so the team is going to be, or at least, yeah, at least I will be out in Japan and Korea in August, early September, and then we'll do TOGAM mid -September.


Yeah, I'm on holiday. APAC markets are really important for you guys, for us, you know, like a lot of, a lot of companies in Asia that are kind of jumping into AI, but everyone focuses on like Western companies, so one of our tactics is if we go to markets that people are paying a little bit less attention to, it'll help us grow really fast.


Thanks. Thank you. Thank you. good well no one has questions and I've got a number to hang out have some folks up here just to chitchat we've got about 25 minutes left can anybody ask a question? are you guys connected to any port on 3D ground because we sent the other port on 3D ground I'm trying to be but then to get out.


That's a great question. They're there. It's not nobody that bought on telegram That's awesome. You guys have sent gas fees First of all, that's not how that's not how gas fees work like like how long have y 'all been in crypto?


What's the last time you had to send someone gas fees? I think my friends hello, that's that's not that's feasible. What most of them videos it does keep deaf ears I'm definitely sending that speech.


She's this morning. Oh, they're about the other stuff So let's welcome to this a PM it to us. Yeah We will never ask you to send ever I will never ask you to send them send me money No one will ever ask you to somebody up on this team the company will The telegram bot is a hundred percent fake any always use a bit of length right like Double check the links if you see them discord and it's not coming in the announcement channel Disregarded if it's not coming from the official Twitter disregarded, right?


Make sure you guys practice some really really safe opposite during this full market. I've had a lot of friends get drained There's a lot of scams out there, right? Don't click links that you're not sure of Don't connect your wallet to anything that you're not sure of if you're gonna connect your wallet, you know, do it in a safe environment Be safe out there.


There is no telegram I Would like you to do one more thing for me it gets I'm trying to send you guys How like you to repeat what? So they will know for victim That's not sometimes. It's gonna go like you just repeated line that he speaks so I can post it on my page.


It gets yeah Yeah, yeah, you will do Hans Hans when you have a moment today, you drop into the announcements that there are no That there are no telegram bots Yeah on it Yeah, thank you Thank you Thank you.


Don't be sending gas mues to people, my lord. That's not how gas mues work. Alright, I'll keep getting some folks up here, but would my transition into a hangout now? Hello? Hey, how's it going? Hey.


I just wanted to chime in. I heard you guys held some partnerships. There's some rumors going around that veracity is one of them. Is that true? There's a rumor going around about us about what? That you're working with veracity.


Is that true? Veracity. I personally have not heard of them. it's possible that someone on the BDD team is, but if someone is saying that they're working with us, they're trying to solicit investment or something, just be wary.


I would say, unless you can verify in a press release or on our official Twitter, just take caution. Okay, thank you very much. Yeah, yeah, of course. I don't wanna outright say no, because I don't know, I don't know if someone is working with them.


SCFU asks, is this still possible we're in the LLM1 cluster? You can run an LLM1 cluster, why not fly it, why not? Make a cluster run LLM1, you totally can. If you're trying to train one, you probably need something that seems safe, but if you're just operating in cluster, you're operating LLM, or in currency, that's certainly possible.


In fact, I think I still have an open bounty, right? I was saying that if someone could run Grok, like Twitter's Grok, or XA has Grok on a cluster, I'll pay you for it. If you deploy Grok on a cluster for film and video, I will give you a thousand USD.


And I'll pay for your compute cost, whatever your cost, it costs you. Wait, what are you talking about? It's in sort of an open bounty. Yeah, like if anyone books a cluster on IONet, if you go to IONet, and you book a cluster, and you deploy an instance of XAIs Grok, I'll give you a thousand USDs.


Yeah, it's gonna be 100 IO for each GPU. So if you have six GPUs, it will be 600 IO. And a lot of people ask, why would we do this? It's kind of expensive, blah, blah, blah. One staking removes IO from circulation, so it's good for the project.

そうですね、各GPUに対して100 IOです。だから、もし6つのGPUがあるなら、600 IOになります。多くの人が「なぜそんなことをするのか?ちょっと高いし、なんやかんや」と聞きます。一つは、ステーキングによってIOが流通から取り除かれるので、プロジェクトにとって良いことです。

But more importantly, it runs down, right? creates an economic decision where you have to decide whether it's worth running the worker, right? Because you have the stake IO, which means that now there's a, that's why it's sort of a work state company, right?


You have more at stake, and so it creates a different financial mechanism to determine whether or not it's working. Cool. Del Monte, yeah, what's up? Okay, really appreciate it. And I want to know, do we have to do at the season four and the trend in the future?


I don't know if we're going to do a season four. I think each season takes like two years off my life. So, you know, I don't know how much more I have to give to you guys. Barely annoying to run the, like, you know, to organize the seasons, like the Stryker token.


So I think what we're going to do is wrap up season three, you know, we'll see how we feel about season three. I'd like to transition to more of a regular block -reward type program where people get paid regularly instead of waiting a whole month, which is less work for us, right?


We don't have to do a bunch of administrative work at the end of the month, everything just happens automatically. And then for the community rewards, we'll transition more to like a Gitcoin type of thing, right?


Where people can propose community initiatives, everyone can float on it, and once that win will get funded, but that's kind of how I'd like to do stuff going forward as well. Okay, very appreciate it, and very grateful to be part of it.


Thank you. Yeah, yeah. Look, I think, yeah, what's up? Can I ask you one more question? Of course. Just a quick one. Someone may have asked this question before, would IONet community will be getting the Azure support distributed?


Yeah, so Ather and IO have decided to swap $50 million with the tokens with each other. We are going to, we are going to mutually pick a date when those tokens are going to be priced against each other, and then, yes, we're going to airdrop Ather to IO Stakers.


That's not public yet. I'm giving you guys the alpha. It will be for Stakers, because Stakers will also be workers, right? So that's how we'll distribute the tokens. I just want to look at the calculation.


What I'd love to do is have some baseline Ather drop for IO Stakers, and then scale it up based on the user. So it's only for the IO Stakers in the future? Yeah, yeah, it is. Great. Thanks. Thanks for your time.


Of course, man. Alright, looks like we're slowing down to the questions. My God, I put my telegram in the message. U .S .D. on me. I appreciate you guys joining us today. I'm going to hang around here and chat for, you know, 10, 15 more minutes if you guys want.


I have a question. You're alone? Yeah, yeah, please. Is the locations and the season rewards are the same and how I can claim them? I haven't claimed anything yet from the portal or from the tools. I'm so sorry.


It was a little fuzzy for me. Can you say that one more time? Yeah, I do have some season rewards points on my account. Those I haven't claimed yet. I don't know the procedure. And I see some comments about I .O.


locations. I think there is some air trucks of I .O. talking is happening. And that's true. the way to claim this yeah yeah it's you go to the which is the foundation they issue the tokens and you claim them there okay those are converted to tokens and you claim them at IOG .net okay yeah thank you careful don't click on bad things check where you're going all that good stuff yeah all right yeah yeah go for it I was just gonna ask when on reddit there's a there's a a sub that's IO underscore net is that official there's only 200 members in there and nothing else that's probably not a federal yeah yeah it's not official you guys just start focused on yeah you just don't focus really much on reddit yeah so I don't you guys know this but the ironic team and at least my team is very very small so so the marketing team is comprised of me Hans who's wonderful and on the on the chat right now and then Zach who I believe is on holiday today coming back tomorrow so there's only three of us we don't really do a ton of which we try to not do anything too broad we try to keep it to like discord a little bit of telegram and that you know we should post on Twitter that's our that's our bread and butter well that's that's kind of a skin if there's anything the community can do potentially you know kind of help get more jobs on the network I don't know if having a reddit would potentially help but yeah I think it would be bad I think one of the first things that I'll be proposing once we get community voting up would be I think I want to do like a you know a forty or fifty thousand dollar grant for some folks to prop up for reddit get that you started so my bio for sure.


I do a little bit of moderation on Reddit, but yeah, if you guys need any help on the Reddit side of things, I can definitely help out. We're totally welcome to that, man. That sounds great. Awesome.


We've got a little bit of time. What are people excited about? Oh, you guys are just staring at charts, right? That's what we're doing today. And DK think was funky yesterday. Is DK think the new big draw?


I know aether dropped today, guys. Yes, I was just going to ask about that. What do you think about aether, airdrop, and the whole situation going on later? What situation going on with aether? I just looked at their Discord and some people seem to be very disappointed in the distribution.


And also, when we distribute rewards and 5 ,000 people complain, I'll say this, obviously it's unfair for me to say this, but I'll just say it. People who have never launched a project and done an airdrop should not complain about airdrops.


It is a painful, multi -month process to deploy an airdrop. And you kind of know, every single time I've done it, this is my 20 -second airdrop that I've run. Every single time I do an airdrop, I dread it because I just know that thousands of people are going to hate me for about 24 to 48 hours.


Because you never make people happy, right? Everyone's always upset. I'm sure it'll be fine, though. How's that? Was IO your best airdrop? No. Oh, okay. No. What's up, Mark? So, I didn't mean to cut you off.


No, I think we're rushed to say people will trust me with the airdrops and the Zoey's issues. But I'm going briefly this morning, which was more so, that's people that had that eligibility for it. I mean, you and I have a number of badges.


And how would you kind of go when you put the balls for it and everything like that? People are now showing zero badges and ineligible. So, I think that's the issue with less so, how much they received.


Oh, it was like a technical problem? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And I think they put a cool sheet for them to fill out, but their tickets are going to be getting made. It's like crazy. Yeah. I mean, you know, I have a lot of empathy, man, because we know how that feels too, right?


Our community has kind of been through the ringer as well. But I think the hallmark of a good community is one that has kind of gone through some stuff like this, because you'll notice it's a bit more quiet around here, right?


Not super quiet. We still have 500 people on this AMA, which is great. but it's kind of great to just have like, it's kind of great to go through something like this and see who sticks her out, right?


And you know, like I've been around the block before. I don't know what's gonna happen with the markets, right? You don't have a good instinct on what's gonna happen with this project. And I always laugh when I see people like get upset over small things that peace out and I never see them again because you know what they say, right?


They can buy back higher. Oh no, 100% and the challenges that IO went through, I think that did linkage to the other projects that actually made a strong group, the whole that market got for market. It's not only made our project even stronger or people kind of see on the currents that you guys fix so many other things, that's just made our project 10 times stronger.


I think the issue with some of the projects, the team doesn't, I guess, I trust them more. kind of learn from them states and try to write it, or not even write it, but try to make the community stronger for it.


So I think that's what I .O. did, and that's what I found. Appreciate it, man. Yeah, I mean, what's a project without a little bit of more, right? I feel like one I .O. Net for the first few months was definitely on easy road.


I've never seen a project grow so fast. I .O. Net, of all the projects I've worked on, was the one that grew the fastest pre -toker lunch. Like the sentiment, the sentiment just came out of nowhere, right?


Like we went from zero to the hottest thing on the block. And even then I was thinking to myself, wow, this is like a little bit too easy. And then of course, a lot of the squarely stuff happened, and I enjoyed it, man.


Like, you know, my true sense is he's kind of a jerk, but it's kind of fun to hand -to -hand combat with a guy like that. You can see something that's smart and capable, and, you know, I would argue that we came out okay.


In fact, I think we came out stronger, came out on top. It was good to have that in our history, right? He was a smart and great villain that I think we needed. I mean, it's how people do broker teams at things, even if sometimes they're a little bit bloated, but to be fair, he did bring up a lot of points that really did help the network in general.


Yeah, he wasn't wrong. He wasn't wrong, and he kind of kicked our ass a bit. The tech team brings a lot of stuff that he called out. And, you know, when it comes to crypto projects, the one thing that I always tell, you know, is a lot of projects come and ask, you know, hey, how do you build community?


How do you grow a project? And I always tell these founders and CMOs and stuff, you can't have a fan base without having the eaters. That's just like rule number one, right? Like you've got a favorite sports team.


You need someone else to hate your sports team. Otherwise it's no fun, right? Like tribes are. tribes are no fun if there are no no other tribes. The same thing goes for like you know you can't be you can't be a hero if there's no villain right there's like there's no there's no conflict so you know I don't I don't want us to go out and like attack other projects like I never want us to be that community but we should all get really comfortable with people maybe not loving us or not thinking that IO is the best thing because you need someone to you need someone to prove wrong and you know like you need someone to buy your bags right like if everyone if everyone's already bought it like who's gonna keep buying it challenges for project were inevitable.


The fact that we got it before early on early ish on I think is one of the better things to come out of this entire situation so again it's not a bad thing that that happened every project can be challenged everything you look at any part of the project you've been in space for a while especially like you know as well I think it actually was in fact more benefits out Is what it is Yeah, I agree and you know what I always remember like When when we went through the flood a bunch of projects like abandon their partnerships with us, you know Some some nicer than others some said hey, let's circle back on this some said hey We don't want to work with you guys you guys suck And I I always remember you know I mean like a lot of the projects that did have to have did not want to do anything with us You know didn't want to have anything to do with us.


We You know we see them kind of coming back in telegram now, so people see the If you look at the number of projects from the previous cycles Growth they I think you don't stand when you have more project you have more capital you have eyes on it.


That's going to that That sorts out some of the a lot of times But that's only good What makes a market otherwise I think that this cycle is so much different than the previous cycles if people around for those Where it's harder the money's harder to make it's hard to have that edge So but that's good because healthy competition Helps the projects that are really rising to the top Stand out, so I think competition is great.


I think criticism is great And I think a lot of people are gonna stand that this is this vastly different than previous cycles We have any smart money in here and you have people that might not be doing as much as you do and this is what I would recommend to everybody is You have you should you should be checking everything Yourself and really digging just everything and even myself about IO, I'm skeptical on some of the things about many of the things that are happening.


But you still, you can't buy into that ideology that this is yours, okay? And this is good, this is bad. So, just to recommend for everybody who wants to stay smart, moving forward. I think that will also be, that keeps the team, that keeps the whole project.


For my own truth, also, it's all good. Yeah, the wonderful thing about markets is that, you know, we don't have to argue about who's right or wrong, right? People can put money on the line, and it's nice.


There's no markets in front of our crews. So, a little bit of conflict is good. Like I said, you need someone to buy your bags, right? So, if everyone's bought into your own bags, who's going to buy them?


Yeah, yeah, that's the kind of, the more difficult, darker side it is. that there's a lot, a lot more smart money this time in our homes. So even more of a reason for people to really, really dig in, do their own due diligence, understand art dynamics, understand these things, because it's not the same cycle when you can just buy any of the top 50 coins and think you need to get five tax.


Smart money, especially when there's potential here like there is now in the cycle moving forward, smart money, it's a lot harder to make now. Yeah, I'm with you Matt, I'm with you. Alright, well I think that might wrap it up for today guys.


This has been really, really fun. I have a little bit more time this afternoon. I may come kick it in and try it with you all again. Guys, we launched the token, we made it. There's some more stuff coming soon.


Our team is working on a couple of more of the large exchanges for you all to make it easier to access the token. We're going to be talking a bit more about the partnership with Movement, hopefully this afternoon, maybe early next week, whenever that press release comes out.


And I will get you guys more information on staking, they'll get you more information on block rewards. I have not talked to our CTO today, he's out in Thailand. That's where he lives. So once he gives us a bit more timeline and information, I'll be sure to share with you.


Alright, thanks everyone. Have a great day. Good stuff man, good dog. Bye guys, take care.


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