


今回のタイトルで使用したグラフィックは、io.netの公式ディスコードのGraphic Artist「Lunab⭕y ᯅ」が作成した作品です。公式ディスコードに参加されてる方は彼を探してみてくださいね。




  • イベントの開始と変更点

    • HansとRitaがモデレーターを務め、会話形式のセッションに変更。

    • AMA(Ask Me Anything)でなく、コミュニティとの対話を重視。

  • ステーキングと報酬について

    • ステーキングのリリースは45日から50日以内。

    • ブロック報酬は6月25日に開始。

    • 参加者は日々の収益を得て、日々のクレームが可能になる。

  • 価格の動向と市場状況

    • IOの価格が最高値から約20%下落。

    • 一般的なアルトコインも苦しい状況にある。

  • コミュニティ活動の推進

    • コミュニティミートアップやコンテンツ作成を奨励。

    • ベトナムやインドネシアでのミートアップ事例。

  • トークンスワップとボーナス

    • IOステーカー向けのAetherトークンスワップに関する追加情報。

    • パートナーシップの結果として、トークンボーナスが提供される予定。

  • プロジェクトとエンジニアリングチームの取り組み

    • エンジニアリングチームが新しい技術的課題に取り組んでいる。

    • 技術的なファイアサイドチャットの提案。

  • Shadidの離任について

    • Shadidが公式にはio.NETと関係がなくなったことの確認。




All right, good. Good morning, good morning, good morning. Hope everyone is having a fantastic Wednesday or Thursday.


No, it's a Wednesday for everyone. I don't think anyone is on Thursday yet. Good morning, good evening. If anyone were you in the world, happy to hang out with you guys today. Sure, there's plenty to talk about.


I'm just getting my day started here in the West Coast. So, apologies if I sound a little sleepy. But we're gonna go ahead and have team Hans and Rita help moderate today. They will be bringing people up.


I do want to continue to slightly augment the format of this. As you guys probably know, typically after these, you know, token launches, airdrop media starts to cycle down a little bit, the community gets a bit more focused.


The people who are here to extract value tend to leave. The people who want to stick around for the long term and want to support the project tend to stay. And so this does not have to be an AMA. It can be a conversation.

価値を抽出しようとする人々は去り、プロジェクトを長期的にサポートしたい人々が残ります。このセッションはAMA(Ask Me Anything)である必要はありません。会話を楽しみましょう。

I'm going to generally entertain having like longer form questions, discussions. I want you guys to talk to each other, not just talk to me. But we'll open this up and see where it goes. So Hans, Rita, if you guys wouldn't mind, just start throwing some people on stage.


Let's get this thing kicked off. Yep, 1940 guests. Same thing. All right. And if you guys want to come up here and talk, please throw some requests up here. This game will will pull you guys up. Before we get some post, maybe I'll just kind of riff a little bit.


Obviously, there's been a ton of change. You know, we are now one full week into kind of new iron that CEO new leadership. I know there's a bunch of things going on. Market's a little crazy. Martin Shkreli has been in GCR in public.

ご存知の通り、多くの変化がありました。新しいCEOのもとで一週間が過ぎました。様々なことが起きています。市場も少し混乱しています。Martin ShkreliがGCRで公に発言しています。

I think our CEO and founder should be has launched a new project. We can talk a little bit more about that today as well. And I know some folks here have some questions around staking. So lots to talk about.


Why don't we get some folks up here to ask some questions and we can get started. You guys know what's the type of questions in chat, too, if you don't want to. We don't want to. I'm going to take some chat, chat questions, so some folks are asking when open with drop button and UI.


I just saw the linear jigger for those that's coming in the next week and a half. Del Monte is asking when staking available, so a couple things on staking, one is we just finished out the spec for the last piece of staking.

次の週半ばに来る予定の線形ジガーを見ました。Del Monteが「ステーキングはいつ利用可能になるか?」と質問しています。ステーキングに関していくつかお話しします。まず、ステーキングの最後の部分の仕様を完成させたところです。

I think we're probably 45 days or so to 50 days away from having staking released. It is important for us to make sure that staking is reviewed and audited by multiple parties, so it's one of the reasons why it'll take a bit longer.


We don't want to mess around with a staking -like product where people are locking up a lot of value, so we'll let you guys know and keep you guys updated on where that is, but our goal is to still get it out.


days of PPE. The one -hinged chat asks, why price dump? I don't know if you're asking about IO or asking about the overall market, but at least the amount is probably like 20% off highs. Bitcoin E, also 14 -15% off highs.


So you're gonna, I mean generally speaking, most alts are having a bit of a pain. I don't think it is just IO. Rifgif1686 asks, did all verified workers get block rewards? Yes, all verified workers will get block rewards when it launches on the 25th.


It is not live just yet. And Back to Death asks, what is the plan for next activities? The season 3 will end. We will distribute season 3 plus the reconciliations on July 1st. Staking, I expect will be live within 45 to 50 days.

まだライブではありません。そしてBack to Deathが「次の活動計画は何ですか?」と尋ねています。シーズン3は終了し、シーズン3の報酬と調整は7月1日に配布されます。ステーキングは45日から50日以内にライブになる予定です。

So that puts us at the end of July. And yet block rewards will be live on the 25th. So instead of waiting a full month to recruit earnings, users will now be able to earn on a daily basis and claim on a daily basis.


So there's still going to be more regular rewards for everyone. And then of course, don't forget that there's going to be a bit more information coming out around the Aether token swap for IO stickers.


And so there's going to be a bit of an extra, I think, fun token bonus for everyone coming up here as a result of that partnership. All right, I see some people on stage, so I'm going to come up and let you guys ask some questions.


Rebel, do you want to get us kicked off? I can't hear you guys coming in a little echoey. Is there any chance? All right. Can I say something? Sorry, please. Please, of course. Yeah, actually, I just joined and wanted to ask, first of all, will there be any more seasons like right now in galaxy or like similar activities not only galaxy does but like i don't know other activities and um also so i just i just want to say it's like uh you're so passionate about iunet and i just want to i just want to say thank you uh from community people's like on every ama you're speaking about are you and you're like yeah you're just nice yeah i just nice to hear something for you and you're a nice person and thank you very much you know i i appreciate that i should have you talk to my wife uh so you can say nice things about me and she can hear it all jokes aside um to answer your question i don't think that we will be doing these sort of formal large bundled seasons going forward because for two reasons one is i don't enjoy trading like very predictable and telegraph unlocks, right, via like large token distributions.


And two, I think that having people wait an entire month to receive rewards is a little bit painful, right? So what we're gonna transition to is block rewards. Block rewards for workers, as well as staking rewards for our community members.


When those go live on the 25th, and then again towards the end of July for staking, that will help provide a steady stream of IO rewards for participants. Simultaneously for the community, we're gonna move towards a more of like an ad hoc model where we give out grants, right?


We give out grants to community members and to organizations and the teams to basically do activation. So right now, you know, there's a bit of like discord farming and there's galaxy farming and, you know, it's nice to be able to get rewards, but it doesn't bring you guys closer together, right?


It feels very PVP, it feels very individual. We're going to move the bulk of community rewards over to things like setting up meetups or funding longer form content creation for multiple people. Those types of activities, I think will bring the community together and still allow us to distribute IO rewards to all of you.


Hopefully that answered your question. All right, who's next? Don't be shy. Yeah, there we go. Thank you very much. Please. Yeah, keep it rolling. At some point, I would say our job's getting paid by USDC and sometimes recently started to get payments by IO.


So when I'm getting USDC and when I'm getting IO, as a whole question. So we are slowly transitioning over to IO based payments. This is a part of us, you know, we want to make IO the currency of compute, right?


So we want to make, we want to make it so the entire system is built on IO, both charging. IO for compute and paying out for compute and IO, you're going to continue to see some of this testing. Once it's fully complete, we'll put out an announcement and let people know that it's fully transitioned.


I know that there is some conversation around user choice. I don't want to promise that to you because I don't know what the timeline is, but I know that there's some conversation around allowing users to choose whether they're paid in IO or paid in USDC, and there will simply be a slight fee to get paid in USDC.


Okay, because for me, what will happen, we started to use the USDC from the beginning, but because it's a stable coin. So getting paid with IO, like for the past few days, one of my workers got hired for like a hundred hour.


So with a certain price in IO, but the IO price is dropped along with the whole market, of course. So there'll be like a chance to sometimes it's unfair for the worker or for the person who rented the worker.


for the price changes. I agree. One of the issues with a good volatile assets in crypto is that there is price fluctuation. But you have volatility at the downside and volatility at the upside, which is why we're still doing a bit of testing.


And I do think eventually we want to build out a system that allows people to choose if they get paid in I .O. or get paid in USDC. And we'll basically just charge a small fee if you want to convert the I .O.


to USDC for you. Take care of it. Of course. Hello, Oskie. I'm from Vietnam. Can you tell me in the session about AROG, which shop is this called Viv Aether AROG? And I see you mentioned the contest session in the session about AROG.


What is it? So let me make sure I understood your question correctly. You're asking me how Discord roles will translate to the July 1st airdrop. And two, I think you asked me about a contest. So we're not going to be doing specific kind of grinding based Discord airdrops.


There's going to be an airdrop to Galaxy folks. We're going to airdrop folks who were part of the content creation in Discord. I think I asked if you need to start giving out content creator roles. So those who are part of the content creation community, I think we'll be able to receive distribution of awards.


And then we're also going to be distributing tokens to our ambassadors, our moderators, and our community managers. As far as the competition goes, I know that there are a few things the community team is doing.


I'm not up to date on community competitions. But if there's anything where the moderators or CMs or team members can be part of the competition, Talked about providing rewards for competition. I think there was something like one of our partners those will also be distributed on Okay, so I don't know if you guys know this but Vietnam is my favorite country Love you.


Yeah, okay. Who's the best? Who's there hey guys in how's it going? Yo, what's up? So I had this little concern about Block awards and stuff like that. So I I've been seeing some people in chat that are experiencing some problems with laptop GPUs in general and We've been experiencing this like since the past month About people complaining not being eligible for season 3 with laptops, but a most of your laptop models that are usually a Temperature is sifted and so on cannot pass the work algorithm and they cannot get verified because of that and I am guessing that they're not eligible for block rewards either, right?


That's correct. So I can't tell you, I can't resolve the technical portion of that but I can tell you that if they're not passing block rewards then they won't be getting rewards and I think the issue here is it's more around, it's more around security, right?


If the device cannot pass block rewards we cannot verify that it's real, which is annoying I know but we want to have that layer so that we're not diluting the folks who did pass the verification. Now the work that's being done to fix that for real devices and laptops, I'll need to check with engineering all that because I have zero idea where they are with it.


Thank you. say that enough of the laptop GPUs can't even pass the proof of work. So maybe removing them from supported devices list might be a good idea for now because a total percentage of people can pass the proof of work test with laptop GPUs.


It's a really small amount of information that it gets removed. Okay, thank you. Thank you. I'll keep it rolling with that Can I go can you hear me first Hi guys, can you guys hear me? Yes again. Oh, thank you for taking this call I mean I went to your spy So actually I'm from Most of the bases in Singapore as well.


We are actually from Automata. So we have a lot of machine code and we like to work with collaboration Yeah, so I was wondering that you guys linked us up in some ways. Of course, DM me on Telegram and I will get you connected to the BD team and we'll make something happen.


Oh, okay. Thanks, Husky, so much. And maybe I will just DM you on there. Thank you so much. Of course. I appreciate you coming. Can I ask? Are you sure? I have one question about this award that will be from the 25th of June till the 1st of July, if it's true yet.


I think there's a bit of a misinterpretation there, but we can come back to that. What? The rewards that start on June 25th do not end on July 1st. So the July 1st distribution is for Season 3, which is all of June, which is sort of a bonus program.


And then the rewards that start on the 25th. will actually be in perpetuity. It's like it's an always -on, always -on incentivization program where we're going to pay out IO to workers and then to combat that revenue that's coming in will be used to buy back IO.


So we'll basically be cycling the abortion system. Yeah, I understand. Thank you for answering. And one question is about like, do we have to take some IO coins to get some coins in season three and this program from 25th of June or it's another part of like a container of firenet.


So today? No, there's no staking requirement. One staking goes live towards the end of July, the beginning of August there will be. Okay, so for now we just need our nodes to re -fight and they need to be working like for much more of time than we can provide for that.


Yeah, correct, correct. Okay, okay. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Hi guys, can I go? Yep. Hope you have a nice day. My question is, I gotta re -fight M2 and 28 jobs right now, but all of them gets failed.


Why it happens? I don't know why your specific jobs are failing. There's a couple of reasons. My computer gets jobs. It gets failed all the time. M2. I know what I'm saying is, I'm not looking at your specific device.


So I have zero idea why it's happening to you specifically, but there's multiple reasons why jobs can fail. Your internet connection might not be good. So when you get a job, you get added into a cluster with multiple nodes.


It's possible that you... your, the node that keeps failing, right? So the whole cluster keeps failing, or there could be another node in that cluster that keeps failing, for the few different reasons why.


But, if you're out of the technical issue. It's a little specific device, I think. It, it may not be your device, right? It's any, if any device in the cluster fails, and the cluster fails, then it fails.


I don't, because I'm not looking at your specific device right now. I have no idea why it's failing for you. But if you want support, like technical support, please open the ticket. I do not know, man, I just checked.


I got 28 jobs, and all of them failed. I was wondering about this. You said it. No. Thank you. Put it this way, man. If you get 28 jobs, and they keep failing, I'm gonna guess that it's your node. That is, yeah.


Okay, all right. I can add something to that, you know? I know some reason, like, some people are creating clusters, and chances of them immediately. like one minute or something so that's why you don't get anything from it oh just because they can't yeah sometimes we're seeing we're actually seeing like Martin Shkreli was deploying like hundreds of clusters and yeah meal so can I ask you that okay does it work for airdrop though am I still counted as the guy who got job or airdrop you're on the network so the airdrop is really not related I mean there's some level I think waiting for jobs but you're not waiting for the jobs the jobs get canceled but you're still you're still eligible like you're a clusterable it means your device has passed verification right able or Wi -Fi and how much like how fast is your Wi -Fi 100 megabytes like we try to connect with cable I have the same problem I have a lot of canceled jobs lately and I think it's something like Ashley said you know somebody is just in clusters here and then just I remember when I was in Wi -Fi I got four jobs and it worked well like two hours one hour it didn't matter okay but now like all concept it's failing it keeps failing and like Husky said it might be about cluster I don't think it's up to you it doesn't depends on you because you say you in the past you completed some jobs yeah the old internet seems like stable like 500 megavits I mean you can say that then most of the people feel I don't think it's because I have the same I have one and I have the same thing as well like lately I got three four jobs and they're they're all just canceled in one minute okay okay or they just don't like us man yeah okay thank you I'm out yeah I'm gonna I shot you kind of piggybacking off that but the first to bitch the kind of I'm having similar issues with kind of failures I've kind of checked all my workers I'm assuming it's chalked up to their either people initiating job and not reading them they that kind of like the one minute thing they just do it as a test to see how the platform even works but is is there a I know we're probably still working on a lot of the text up to you but now that we have that kind of out of the tested product how do we prevent some of these failures especially I think I put some in Discord a few days ago, kind of what regular networks doing, where they kind of had like three tiers.


I know we have the connectivity tier and stuff like that, and location tiers. But there's no way we can prioritize work with them, maybe have more jobs on the network and also don't really readily fail.


And then maybe do some kind of tier system there as well. So, the question on tier systems, or I guess comments on tier system is that yes, I think a reputation system in the long -term makes sense. I think the technical feasibility of prioritizing workers with a higher tier system also makes sense, but I don't want to speak for the reasons why some of these jobs are failing to what Oakes was saying.


Some of these can be caused on the renter side. Some can be caused on the supplier side. What I think maybe we should do is, this is not the forum, right? Because I literally can't help you guys in terms of troubleshooting, but I think what we can do is maybe bring in technical leadership here.


Many of you have probably seen our CTO and our CPO, Bill and Gora kind of chatting around on Twitter, but you guys probably never met them in Discord. So, we can have some of these folks in here and do a bit more of like a technical fireside chat and we can talk a bit more about the technical path forward.


Yeah, no, that sounds all right. Yeah, but probably not the Discord forum, but I think a lot of people especially who have been running remotely for a while would really appreciate that. Even when I'm in Discord, I'm not that, you know, that good on the technical side, but some of the people in Discord have been turning up a lot of really, I guess, seemingly good points to me, and so seeing them kind of answered really won't be great.


So, let's do it. I think it's a fantastic idea. Awesome. And then, sorry, take a big time. with maybe a question. So I think this person brought up by a couple of people more obviously brought the point to it as well.


I'm trying to dig into actually looking at the revenues. The revenue opportunity, not just looking at the total industrial market. I know we were discussing, trying to onboard more enterprise and actual business buying talent.


I know Ether Cloud has also been a big deal of actual money. Mine's a $10 million contract, it looks like, to me. What's our focus move forward for revenues high? Is it going to be bigger enterprise contracts?

Ether Cloudも実際のお金の面で大きな役割を果たしています。私には1000万ドルの契約のように見えます。今後の収益の重点は何でしょうか?より大きな企業契約に焦点を当てるのでしょうか?

Or is that a revenue share with Ether, as well as I guess the more of her revenues up? And I, in turn, I am. Yeah, great question. We are doing, we are doing co -deals with Aether right now. I probably shouldn't be talking about this, but there are some joint go -to -market auctions right now with Aether that's happened to those multi -multi -million dollar deals.



They just take forever. A lot of the deals that Aether is bringing out right now are really strong gaming projects that they've had on board. I think they've been working on it for years. These deals take a while to mature and to materialize.


We're also in the process of bidding a number of these large AI companies, but again, when you're talking to an endropic or character AI -level company, the technical due diligence and some of the conversations that we're having, they're just in forever, which is one of the reasons why our BE team has been so busy.


We're trying to get our foot in the door, or we have our foot in the door, I think, in most of these conversations, but as you can imagine, it's quite a competitive field, especially when you're trying to bid versus web2 companies as a web3 company.


We do a lot more as an industry to prove ourselves. There's a lot more questions around security and compliance when you're buying decentralized compute. So, the challenge is that, yeah, it's an uphill battle, I think, for decentralized compute, but from a pricing perspective, we're super competitive.


We're definitely the cheapest. When we go to market with Ather, we're the cheapest option out there, the most affordable, which is really attractive for a lot of these foundational model training projects and large AI companies.


Oh, yeah, absolutely. I mean, that's kind of what I'd be finding for all of you to look at. I mean, every small partner on the market, the cost is not, there's no debate on the cost, but in terms of actually like to talk about the difficulties we're having, or maybe the longer process of getting on these bigger clients, I mean, maybe I'm just not paying attention to them.


much as I should be having people die. But if we could just kind of go through somebody's challenges going through and kind of let people see what's going on, honestly, to be this big, some people have, they may even help sometimes with outside.


Really, I think there's a lot of work there that we need to do, to be honest, and for me, it's a conversation like our BU team needs to continue to balance, right? We can drive quite a bit of a short -term interest.


The types of projects start using hundreds of thousands of dollars a month in compute, but chasing some of the really big players, you know, playground and drop a character, what else is really big, like minstrel, some of these guys who we could potentially work with to consume multiple millions of dollars a year, that is something that we still, I think, not just we as an IO, but we as in like a larger decentralized compute industry, like That's something that we still have to prove.

例えば、毎月何十万ドルものコンピューティングリソースを使用するプロジェクトです。しかし、本当に大きなプレイヤーを追いかけること、例えばPlaygroundやCharacter AI、Minstrelのような、年間で数百万ドルを消費する可能性のあるプロジェクトを追いかけることは、まだ証明する必要があると思います。これは私たちIOだけでなく、より大きな分散型コンピューティング業界全体が証明する必要があることだと思います。

And I think that there's a good opportunity for IO, especially with a partner like either backing up the enterprise supply side, to be among the first to win one of these contracts. Because I look at the landscape of compute providers, and these nodes are coming in, they're saying, hey, look, we want other boxes of H100s, right?


So that's 800 H100s for a long duration of time. There is no one else in crypto, right? That can actually provide that level of capacity. And so when we go to a market with Aether, we're basically looking at a market where we're not really competing with crypto projects.


We're literally competing with Lambda, we're competing with RunPOD, we're competing with AWS and all those guys. Yeah, so it's a bit of a, it's pretty uncomfortable to be honest, right? Like when you're going up against these really, really, that sounds good, but we got to get out there, right?


Like the only way to get there is to continue to try. Yeah, and that's, I think a lot of people also kind of act on the same thesis that the crypto's great and then do these small project trading is cheaper for these small startup companies.


That's fantastic. I'm all for that. But if we're looking at tangible business model, how do we grow IODA to actually be a market player, take TAM, take actual some revenue share from these massive Walmart companies, and they need to be getting those forever.

それは素晴らしいことで、私はそれを全面的に支持します。しかし、具体的なビジネスモデルを考えると、IOを成長させ、市場プレーヤーとなり、TAM(Total Addressable Market)を獲得し、これらの巨大なウォルマートのような企業から実際の収益シェアを得るにはどうすればよいのでしょうか。

Enterprise grade, actual companies are spending consistent, free of kernel revenue. So those big contracts that Aether has for a long time. So I think that's the right direction. So let's get to here.


Cool. Also, we are hiring for BD. I think I mentioned this last time, but we're hiring some folks on the BD side. people primarily looking for people with traditional enterprise sales experience not necessarily crypto beauty that fits you or someone you know by dmro i do do sales for them but i don't know i have no experience in this space oh good all right guys who's next yeah but question um bill i hopefully have an answer awesome um well i guess i have two questions one is a little bit more if you can't answer it's fully fine and the other one's more of the enterprise level question uh so for the o dot bot how is it not a conflict of interest if there's engineers and i o dot net working on the o dot bot project and it's asking questions so here here's where here's where i'm at And I'll caveat this by saying, like, these are my opinions only and not the opinions of the company.


I think there's still a lot of questions on, like, legal and policy could be sorted. So here's my view. My view is that Shabib is kind of really excited to build something new. Like, with any bootstraps, most people are kind of reaching out to their community, like, in an immediate circle to kind of help them launch something from ground zero.


It's important to, you know, obviously, you should need to step down, right, as the CEO is no longer affiliated with the business in an official way. Obot is really interesting. I haven't dug deep into it, and I wish him and that project the best.


Right now, Obot is an ecosystem project in the sense that I own it as permissionless so they can use IONET compute, but they are not officially endorsed, sponsored, or backed, or affiliated with IONET.


On the subject of employees, like, most crypto startups, right, we do not have extraordinarily clear HR policies. I don't have a head of HR yet. The function is relatively young. So, I think, officially, there's no policy that IONET employees cannot help or participate and be, you know, involved in other things.


However, I do share some of your concerns that sensitive roles, like engineers, right, probably should not be shared between two companies. And so, we are having internal conversations about, you know, how we want to handle this.


By no means, you know, are people forced to work at IONET, right? I know I joke about logging engineers in a basement, and I only do that on weekdays. But, you know, we will probably implement something where if people do want to go work for Obot, amazing.


Very happy for them. Wish them the best. But it's unlikely that we're going to long -term allow people to... kind of do both, both from a security perspective and also just for a focus perspective, right?


Like we want people who are excited about IONet to be at IONet and we want people who are excited to be at other projects, whether it be Obot or something else to go and dedicate their time with those projects as well.


Great, that makes sense. And my second question is more of a enterprise level. While I'm at my background, I'm the lead developer for business transformation in Volkswagen Group. I'm trying to look at new solutions that are better than GCP, AWS and Azure or not necessarily LLM training, but the pre -LLM training interface.


So I was wondering when the right LLM would be expected because it's not ideal for the company to deploy a cluster when we already have a contract with AWS, but it could be more beneficial. in case you look at Ray, LLM, for like hugging face models.

LLMをいつ導入すべきかを考えています。すでにAWSと契約しているため、クラスターを展開するのは理想的ではありませんが、より有益になる可能性があります。RayやHugging FaceモデルのようなLLMを見てください。

So what's it, I don't know if you're reading my brain, but literally this morning when I woke up at 5 a .m. our head of product just announced that we've actually deployed our first internal product to allow people to inference using Ray off of a hugging face model.

おそらく私の考えを読んでいるのかもしれませんが、今朝5時に起きたとき、私たちのプロダクト責任者が、Rayを使用してHugging Faceモデルから推論を行うための最初の内部製品を実際に展開したことを発表しました。

I have not even had time to sit through and read that GitHub push, but maybe I can connect you directly with our other product and you can talk a little bit more about your requirements. I actually, I don't think that what we built and release today is necessarily going to satisfy all of your requirements or your use case, but it's a beginning.


And if we can hear a little bit more about exactly what you want to do, we can kind of give you a bit more information on how far off we are and potentially incorporate some of your requirements into what we're building.


Yeah, I've been, I sent an email and this project first started, but I didn't hear anything back. Basically we would have to go through like architecture review board, security review board, but I'm also trying to test out on a smaller budget before scaling different projects.


But I was trying to see if there's some way to schedule a media demo or something. Of course, I just dropped my telegram in chat for important part and happy to help. And I'm very familiar, our team is mostly very familiar with enterprise review and due diligence cycles.


I was at meta or Facebook before it was meta and our chief of product was, he was at any scale and was actually an early contributor to Ray as well. So we're here to work with you to kind of poke and keep the tires a bit and see if this might be something that works.


And as far as like smaller budget type stuff, like we're more than that, you know, we would consider it to be this feeling join explore. and we'd be more than happy to fund that initial exploration. Okay, yeah.


I'll, uh, DM you on the Telegram map, but, um, for the overall meeting, it would have to go through, probably Outlook anything she's meeting. It works for me. Alright, thank you. Will you join me? I'm not sure who goes next, sorry.


I just, uh, I had a question. I just wanted to see if, uh, files went. It's still a part of, uh, I, uh, couldn't seem to fund it on the website. They're still a supplier. I don't think we put logos on the homepage, or I can return it when it goes back, but if you go to the Explorer, they're still in there.


Okay. Alright, I appreciate it. Yeah, I was just, uh, I was looking through there. Maybe I didn't look hard enough for, like I said, I know it used to be on the front page, but, I appreciate it. Thank you.


Of course. Hey guys, um... I dragged a little late, so I'm not sure if anyone's asked me to do any of that. Just wanted to check what's happening with the tokens that were unclaimed from Season 1 and Season 2.


We're going to redistribute some of those via reconciliation. For example, a lot of folks, I think, went in and included their finance decentralized exchange wallet. But we're going to go ahead and see how many of those we can swap out.


Otherwise, they will be recycled for the inside of the future. Thank you. For the active, which should be used in CPUs? Probably for the community incentives, actually. We already have block rewards and an entire pool of IOs that's dedicated towards workers, so any of the unclaimed air dropper rewards will cycle back through for...


Any of the Galaxy campaigns, or you know, whatever else we're going to do. Yeah, there's a number of things that are active right now for July 1st, but anything that ends up being unclaimed, it's a minority amount of tokens, and we can use that for, like, just more ad hoc community incentives and grants and stuff like that.


Alright, cool. Thank you. Yeah, of course. Oh, so you got it. Hey, how's it going? Yes, I had. Well, like what you said previously, I'm just wondering, can you give us more clarification on the community incentives regarding, like, community meetups or the content creation?


Yeah, yeah. So, here's what I'm really interested in. I'll say, I'm also interested in hearing what you're interested in, but here's what I'm interested in. We did a university meetup that Hans hosted.


in Turkey. Eric and our community team did a really cool meet -up, I think a two -day meet -up in Vietnam. We've had a couple events in Indonesia and I think even some like other ad hoc ones around the world.


I want to do more of that, right? I can't promise you that I will be able to be at all these. In fact, I can definitely promise you that I can't go to all these because my wife will murder me, but I want to fund more of these, okay?


I know that we have a huge Turkish community and I know that we have a huge community in Indonesia, we have a huge community in Vietnam, we've got a fairly large community in other areas of ad hoc. I really want to get you guys together, right?


That can be as easy as, you know, funding a venue, that can be like funding a bit of food and drink, right? Just stuff that like gets people together. It can be us sending, you know, some of our team members that are closer geographically.


I would love to do more so. for cities right in the sense of like I do think that a lot of the innovations happening in you know the 19 to 22 year olds that are discovering new technologies and pushing this forward right also they're involved in research so I want to I want to do more of that and so if you guys are are able to facilitate that then we'd be happy to get involved as I am right well I love the idea because I'm I'm not sure whether you remember or not but yesterday I actually closed and asked you about the email address on the IONet just to figure out I'm troubleshooting at the moment to communicate with the university I've been actually using the IONet cluster for my show like large learning model analysis development but it's quite hard to persuade them to use IONet at this stage from the university level so in that sense it would be good to meet up as a whole in person and discuss about this and hopefully this can facilitate the access to the major Institute so I think it's a good idea Agreed.


Agreed. Thank you. Yep, of course. Thank you. I'm are you asking was that I was? You mentioned that you have A40s that caught the tail on that. Are you asking when you'll have a better way to manage multiple devices?


Can you say that again? We'll see you in the next video. Yeah, I think I follow you, and I think that these are conversations that we'll need to have to sort of improve how we balance as a network over time.


And also, something you guys have probably noticed is that the entire network theme model is today fairly centralized and potentially even a little dated, and something that we want to eventually transition progressively in a more decentralized way.


I think this idea of essentially set network fees to add rewards distribution is helpful to get the network going, but over time it should all be like market balance and dynamic. Thanks for watching!


Thank you. Thank you. Correct. Thank you. That's a quick question. I have a little bit off topic, sorry. I know Ironet does possess their own, I would assume their own hardware. Is there discussion on the, I guess...


taking some of the revenue from the workers and the network in general. We have partnerships and building out more about what the hardware can make it more kind of enticing for large companies to say hey we keep building our network from our 1800s, A1s, and whatnot.


We do want to focus more on the enterprise side of the equation and that's mostly just market driven because of what these companies want to use. That isn't to say that if demand profile used towards the market or lower end of the market, like long tail, or if something changes in focus, right?


Like I've always talked about the web 3 infrastructure. Like the web 3 infrastructure does not need necessarily enterprise grade devices and so as that mandate shifts and evolves, I think there's going to be more and more opportunity for a wider distribution of devices on the network.


But it is all market driven, right? As to a certain extent, like a decentralized marketplace should have some of these as a tool. No, that doesn't make sense. That is, they would obviously give this reason in the hardware and the squad.


I'm just thinking more so for building up the moat where we have all this optimism around you know, deep pain, crypto, everything going on right now, especially IONet, that's great. But how do we build it to be sustainable and control?


Let's say, you know, the market shifts and whatnot and people starting to draw on their hardware from the network that we don't really have much control necessarily over. It would be good to have kind of somewhat of a backstop let's say we do take on bigger partnerships and enterprise contracts.


We need to be able to fulfill these. So, whether it's long returns, you know, without borders like such as being played to cloud or whatnot. for buying harbors before that that reason. Once you start fancying up and building up these kind of contracts and you've got continued and I actually brought a really good point about and I think you guys might be already working on this.

これらを満たすことができるようにする必要があります。例えば、Play to Cloudのように国境を越えた長期契約やハードウェアの購入などがあります。その理由で契約を増やし、構築し始めたら、それを継続する必要があります。そして、皆さんがすでに取り組んでいるかもしれない非常に良いポイントを挙げました。

Kind of be able to just easily extend the contract where I'll see your initiated mustard you can just go an easy way to rehire it or maybe even just enter a longer like a year time frame so you can reserve that harvest simply.


So I think that you're hitting on a couple of points right what one is and one that I care a lot about is you know we I know that could buy a partner aether can supply hardware but at the end of the day like that locks up a lot of people from participating in the network if the network goes highly enterprise right so what's the solution to that and I think that there's sort of layers of decentralization in compute one is decentralization of suppliers right that's if you have more people supplying their own GPUs to the network.


And the second is decentralization at the ownership level. And there's some projects like we just partnered with Compute Labs, we announced that yesterday, where, look, I'm also not gonna buy an H100, right?

二つ目は所有レベルでの分散化です。昨日発表したCompute Labsとのパートナーシップのように、一部のプロジェクトでは、私もH100を購入するつもりはありません。

That's a 40 grand, I don't want a $40 ,000 paperweight. One H100 is not that interesting, I don't know how to operate it, I don't have a data center. But I would love to participate in that economy. And so what projects that Compute Labs are doing or I own it, is they're basically fractionalizing the enterprise for each Compute and these devices, and they're allowing users to basically own a piece of it.

それは4万ドルで、4万ドルの重荷は要りません。一つのH100はあまり興味深くありませんし、操作方法もわからず、データセンターも持っていません。しかし、その経済に参加したいと思っています。Compute Labsやio.NETが行っているプロジェクトでは、基本的にエンタープライズ級のコンピューティングとこれらのデバイスを部分的に所有できるようにしています。

So instead of having to own a full H100, own and operate it, and currently expense, you basically are just investing money in a tokenized asset, and then you're getting yield off of that. Which I think is like, when we were talking that they were saying that the average investor can expect with 50% APY on the account.


Which is fairly good, right? Like for a return profile on a, you know, asset -backed token. And so I think that'll hopefully unlock a lot more participation for networks like I've met. And just to get more people exposure to the enterprise side of this equation, right?


As opposed to, you know, a lot of people here are like, I only have a laptop, I can only buy MacBooks, you know, $1 ,000, $2 ,000, $500 does not really get you a competitive piece of equipment as an individual.


But this changes that. That's exactly where I'm going. Yeah, where, I understand the whole, the pieces where I eat and I'm a decent nation animal, or what I think that's pretty well involved in it. That's kind of where I was leading to where I've met, it's not necessarily where I'm on, but it's just that you, you know, build a more of a set relation to that.


Then also is that double -edged dichotomy where that's then, like, and gets what I've met ever just set out to do as a mission statement. So yeah. That's kind of like the idea of the fractionalization given people that have exposure of that.


But it also is the risk mitigating factor where we can then be able to provide the contract. to build contracts when they come down the line. Yeah, I'm with you, man. I think you're hitting on all the right points, which is like, you know, we, what I heard at first started was, all right, let's aggregate decentralized compute at both the enterprise and the retail level, but then you sort of see the market and the market is going very towards the enterprise level.


And so how do you balance that, right? If we want to continue to go to market on the enterprise side, but we want this community and all the people that support us on the retail side are going to be able to participate as well.


And if you, if we believe that it's going to be a long time before retail compute is able to compete, which I think might be the case, then that means we need more pathways for the regular person to be able to like marginally participate in compute, right?


Which means, you know, for $400 or $500 or less, you own a piece of fractionalized, you know, H100, A100, et cetera, that's sitting in a data center, and you get to enjoy the yields on that without having to, like, Put up $40 ,000, $50 ,000, plus know how to operate that device in a data center.


And I think that's probably the next two years or two, to be honest. That's where I think it's going. Yeah, that's exactly it. And it's making a convincing argument by basically laying out everything in a transparent, in the sense that when people start skipping around, they're like, I'll never start at four.


So having some good, how do you say, ways to display it to the network and the community, and guest servers that are saying, hey, if you're buying a fractional size or a lift, you're buying five hundred dollars.


Well, that's a smaller number, maybe. Or maybe it's a larger number for some people. But you've got to think, I have a bunch of risk profiles, and we're targeting still the decivilization, and people, the everyday kind of user, we need to have transparency there, where it's not going to go down.


People start saying, hey, this is going to go back down the same simple thing throughout that initially happened, or initially used to play the market. But then again, as a company side, a company also has to be building in, not just keeping bad actors out, but also making more children in the game.


Yeah, and this is a larger idea of a company needs to operate a way that is competitive, right? Like, you walk into a conversation where you're bidding versus AWS, AWS goes, yep, we've got A100s, A200s across the US, and then we go, okay, yeah, all we've got are 4090s and 3060s.


It's not a good bid, right? So, in that way, it's like, we have to partner with companies that compute labs that are offering fractional -wise compute and tokenized versions of, you know, accent -backed tokens that represent fractions of GPUs.

それは良い入札ではありませんよね。ですから、Compute Labsのような企業と提携し、部分所有型のコンピュートやGPUの一部を表すトークン化された資産を提供することが必要です。

Because that allows you to have, like, some level of decentralization, right? I think, operationally, it's not decentralized. but ownership -wise it is, and that's still a good first step, at least until retail GPUs are the way to compete, or the use cases change, and there are different niches where retail GPUs actually make a lot more sense.


Yeah, again, now I'm ahead of it. The same thing where it's emptying, we're moving in the proper direction right now, asking the right questions, but it's once you know one contract, the reason people only centralize entities like AT &T, we ask as well, whatnot, is that they know that their needs are going to be better.


Let's say they're a contract that, let's say 100 H100s, and let's say whatever partner or whatever H100s are using, plus food down, yada, yada, whatever, they'll have a supply to be able to then hire up another, get them another hire out of 100 H100s, specifically because if they're companies that are moving out of time, until they're not in the middle of doing these projects, whether it renders specifically doing, or so the rendering side and the gaming and production side.


They're on various supply lines, where everyone's on payroll. You've got to meet those timelines. So be able to fill those contracts the second you get a big contract and then you don't, you're not able to fill it at such a point.


See questions that help you apply to hire us out next. Yeah. Nice. Hello, guys. What's up, man? I'm going to take one last question here, because we're kind of up on time. So whoever's talking right now, please jump in.


Let's do this. Hello. You can hear me. Hear you. But I'm finding you. Until I'm great, man. How are you? Think I'm fine. Hope everybody's OK. I just want to ask you my question about the AMA, regarding Shadi, that as we all know that he left the project from the CEO or founder, whatever.


And now he's still appearing in the teams of IONet. But normally, as everybody knows that he switched to another is launching recently. But he's still appearing in the teams of IONet. I just want to ask a question like, why is it like that?


And if you can clarify, thank you very much. Yeah. When you say appearing in the team, what do you mean? Because he's not officially affiliated with ION anymore. So just wanted to double check. Yeah.


I mean, he's still appearing in IONet teams as a team member. Is he still working for IONet? Or do you totally focus on the project? Well, he's no longer working for IONET. Totally. Yeah, absolutely.


I think that does raise a similar good question, though, because I think that I brought this up last time, past years, that people, I guess, would want to know moving forward the voting rights of the board and actually lead as being seed bounder.


That'd be good to clarify for people. Yeah, I think there's going to be a larger statement around this from our new CEO as they get things done with the transition and all sorts of legal stuff that I'm not aware of.


But what I do understand is that Shadeed is giving up his equity and voting rights in the company. And there is governance around his original token equity grant that will be locked and then distributed him over time.


So the board will retain control. And there are some conditions around his resignation that after a long period of time, Tori and his CEO will want to discuss in public. A little bit about my pay grade.


So thank you. These are good questions, by the way. Sorry, can I just ask one quick question? I just wanted to know, how do you know, because I've had a bunch of jobs fail, how do you know if it's from a job being canceled or a move not working?


You don't. When that is good and UI feedback, I'll see if the engineering team can give some kind of slides that I didn't know in the future. That's all. Thank you. Again, I've run up on time. I'm going to be back to work.


This is super fun. If I have time later today or this week, I'll do another, like, impromptu hangout with y 'all. But I appreciate your guys' support. Obviously, it's been a crazy couple of weeks. Don't get wrecked in the markets.


Things are crazy, as always, and I'm around if you need me, all right? Later, everyone. Thanks for watching! We'll see you next time.


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