IO Summit 2024 Keynote (6/4)


6月4日公開のIO Summit 2024 Keynote(youtube)の文字起こし・翻訳をしました。

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【IO Summit 2024 Keynote要約】

  • AptosとIONETの提携

    • Aptosは数十万のオンチェーンモデルの支払いをサポート。GPUのインターネットの中枢となる

    • Aptosのネイティブトークンによって、暗号経済的インセンティブとメカニズムが提供される

  • エッジデータセンターと物理インフラストラクチャ

    • io.NETのエッジデータセンターは最大6つのコールドアイルコンテインメントユニットをホストできる

    • バッテリーバックアップルームがあり、ソーラールーフによって施設がネットニュートラルを達成

  • IO Venturesの投資戦略

    • IO VenturesはAIスタートアップにGPUコンピュートパワーを提供。その見返りとしてエクイティとトークン報酬を共有

    • IO Venturesはグローバルにリーチを拡大し、現状に挑戦するプロジェクトに集中

  • GPUクラウドの提供と展開

    • IOクラウドはエンジニアが任意のサイズのGPUクラスターを迅速に展開できる

    • 90秒以内に20,000 GPUのクラスターを展開できる

    • 展開されたクラスターの監視と管理が簡単に行える

  • IO Workerプラットフォーム

    • GPU所有者はIO Workerプラットフォームで自分のGPUをIOGに接続し、収入を得ることが可能

    • デバイスの活動や評判スコアを監視でき、報酬を引き出すことができる

  • BC8の導入

    • BC8は、io.NETのインフラストラクチャを使ってオンチェーンでトレーニング・推論された世界初の完全分散型エンドツーエンドの機械学習モデル

    • Aptosを支払いと計算証明記録のための基盤として利用。毎日50万件のトランザクションを処理

  • BC8の3Dモデル生成

    • BC8はUnreal Engine 5、Unity Engine、CryEngine、Frostbiteで使える高品質の3Dモデルを生成

    • bc8.aiでアカウントを開設し、3D画像を生成できる

  • 今後の展望

    • io.NETの取り組みはまだ始まりであり、急速に成長中

    • 今年後半にIOG Pythonフレームワークのリリース予定

    • コミュニティと共に未来を構築するための招待


【IO Summit 2024 Keynote全文】

This is the moment. I'm so excited to get to share with you what we have been building at IONET. We think the world needs to hear this.


We've been working on this for a while now. We've gathered the world's best engineers, pushing boundaries of what's possible and going to where no one has gone before. My name is Ahmed. I'm the founder and CEO of IONET.


My team and I are here to disrupt the AI computer industry. We're here to announce three incredible breakthroughs that will change the way you think about AI, compute and crypto altogether. In today's digital world, computing power is the life force driving our technology forward.


It fuels AI. AI that has changed our lives forever, reshaping industries and empowering innovators to create world we have yet to see. Imagine if every single processing chip in the world united in one compute network, working to solve humanity's most challenging problem.


Well, no need to imagine, that's the Internet of GPUs. In short, we call it the IOG, and it's why we're here today. IOG is born from a simple, yet profound question, what if accessing GPU compute power was as easy and seamless as accessing the Internet?


We all agree that the world needs fair, democratized, and permissionless access to AI compute power. Especially because IOG is now the world's largest AI compute network ever. And it's our job to grow and defend it all together.


In today's digital era, computing power is not only an asset or commodity, it's equal to digital oil. In fact, China's spending on semiconductors now surpasses spending on crude oil, signaling a shift toward digital infrastructure.


This invaluable resource currently consumes a staggering 70% of a startup's funding, where establishing an ecosystem where compute acts as the central currency. This ecosystem provides a suite of tools and services for building, training, and deploying machine learning models end -to -end on -chain at massive scale, all facilitated through the power of Aptos and Solana behind the scenes.


This enables users to deploy their models for real -time inference or efficiently train and fine -tune them. To put it simply, I .O. represents the currency of computing power. Just as the US dollar is the standard for all transactions, I .O.


Coin unlocks computing resources on a global scale. I .O. seeks to become a universal compute exchange medium for large -scale AI startups and enterprises worldwide. Did you actually know an estimated 90% of the world's computing resources lies dormant and fragmented across consumer devices, data centers, and crypto mining farms?


This massive reserve is underutilized, preventing us from unlocking huge economic potential. I .O. is here to harness this idle capacity. To further expand on our vision, I'm joined by Avery, the co -founder and CTO of Aptos Labs.

IOはこのアイドルキャパシティを活用するためにここにあります。私たちのビジョンをさらに広げるために、Aptos Labsの共同創設者兼CTOのエイブリーが参加しています。

Good to see you, Ahmed. Hi, guys. I .O. and his vision of building the currency of compute has the potential to create a new way of interacting with AI products and services. That vision for the next generation of AI, we need an ex -generation blockchain partner.


Absolutely, Ahmed. Aptos Network is that partner. And I must say, it's inspiring to see how I .O. compute as a currency vision aligns perfectly with Aptos' technical capabilities. Built -on move, Aptos introduces a safer, faster, and more performant way for builders, like I .O.


Net, to spend more time innovating and less time trying to start to do blockchain infrastructure. It's fascinating, isn't it? When you think about this, the fusion of IONET's computing resources with Aptos blockchain infrastructure fits perfectly in the intersection of crypto and AI.


And that's exactly the reason why we chose to deploy our AI models and inferences products on Aptos. Simply put it, Aptos has already demonstrated the ability to sustain more than 25 ,000 transactions per second and has processed a record of 2 billion transactions in a single day.


That's actually 13 times more than VisaNet can support. With high transaction throughput and the lowest fees in the industry, Aptos also has plans to scale to over 1 million transactions per second with its parallel architecture.


Aptos is a partner that IONET can trust to scale its AI products well into the future. Looking beyond scalability and speed, Aptos and IONET both recognize the future of AI will undoubtedly collide with Web3 and decentralization.


The preservation of open access. and decentralized ownership of the content produced is a critical piece of the future of AI that is just now taking center stage. Decentralized physical infrastructure networks, like IONET, are building the foundation we need to ensure that AI products and services are accessible to everyone around the world.


At the same time, we both are committed to setting the new standard in responsible AI. Both Aptis and IONET are collaborating on building data lineage use cases, such as the proof of compute, which we will mention later, and exploring how blockchain can provide a transparent and immutable record for assets and works developed by AI.


Together, this collaboration provides opportunities for developers to accelerate innovation at the intersection of AI and Web3, and we are excited to build a future with IONET. Thank you, Avery and everyone.


Tori has something powerful to share with you next. The demand for compute is currently 2 .5 times greater than supply, and given that compute requirements for AI are doubling every 3 .4 months, this gap is only growing.


It's clear the industry's approach to cloud computing is simply unable to keep up, but this actually represents a major opportunity. To understand why, let's look at the market. The top three centralized cloud providers, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, represent a combined market cap of over $7 trillion.


Much of this value has been driven by the recent rise of AI. In fact, the demand for compute is so extreme that last year, China literally imported more chips than oil, confirming what the CEO of Intel has already stated.


Compute is the new oil. And digital oil isn't cheap. Chad GPT alone costs over $700 ,000 per day to operate. With the release of Sora, OpenAI's text -to -video -generated AI platform, these costs will only continue to rise.


And OpenAI is no longer the only game in town. Applications like Mid -Journey, Bard, and GitHub Co -Pilot are quickly capturing market share, along with thousands of AI starters. While there's no shortage of AI innovation, there is a shortage of AI compute.

そして、OpenAIはもはや唯一の存在ではありません。Mid-Journey、Bard、GitHub Co-Pilotのようなアプリケーションが急速に市場シェアを獲得しており、数千のAIスタートアップが存在します。AIイノベーションが不足しているわけではありませんが、AIコンピュートは不足しています。

Fortunately, Ionit is here to fill that gap. And we're doing this with a novel solution called decentralized cloud computing. Today, our infrastructure is valued at more than $3 .5 billion. With more available enterprise grade GPUs to cluster than Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure combined, Ionit provides open access to compute on demand at a fraction of the cost of traditional cloud providers.

幸いなことに、io.NETがそのギャップを埋めるためにここにいます。そして、これを分散型クラウドコンピューティングと呼ばれる新しいソリューションで実現しています。今日、私たちのインフラストラクチャは35億ドル以上の価値があり、Amazon AWS、Google Cloud、Microsoft Azureを合わせたよりも多くのエンタープライズグレードのGPUをクラスター化しています。io.NETは、伝統的なクラウドプロバイダーの費用の一部でオンデマンドのコンピュートへのオープンアクセスを提供します。

In short, Ionit is bringing AI to the world in a way that's better, faster, and cheaper than anything else on the market. This is already live. And let's see how the industry and community are responding.


The truth? Our success would have not been possible without the support of some of the titans within the tech and web3 industry. We've been joined by the incredible teams at HackVC, Multicon Capital, Sixth Man Ventures, OKX Ventures, Aptos Labs, Surana Ventures, M13, and many others, as well as prominent leaders to name a few, Solana founder Anatoli, Aptos founders Mo and Avery, Yatof and Emoka Brands, Sebastian the co -founder of The Sandbox, and not to mention, several C -level leaders among the world's largest GPU makers.

事実?私たちの成功は、テックおよびWeb3業界の巨人たちの支援なしには不可能だったでしょう。HackVC、Multicoin Capital、Sixth Man Ventures、OKX Ventures、Aptos Labs、Sora Ventures、M13などの素晴らしいチーム、そしてSolanaの創設者アナトリー、Aptosの創設者Moとエイブリー、Yat SiuとAnimoca Brands、The Sandboxの共同創設者Sebastien、そして世界最大のGPUメーカーのいくつかのCレベルリーダーなど、多くの著名なリーダーが私たちに加わっています。

This long list of leading VCs and angels is only part of the supporters that have backed the AIO vision. And together, we've raised over 40 million dollars in an oversubscribed Series A round, further endorsing our mission and turbocharging our execution.


We've crossed the unicorn mark in our first 10 months, and this is just the beginning. Hey, I'm Anatoli, co -founder of Solana and CEO of Solana Labs. The magic here is real. It's hard to believe that the Solana ecosystem first met AIO only a year ago, fresh off their win at the Solana Grizzly Hackathon.


And only a few months ago, I watched them present live and launch their MVP at the Solana Breakpoint Conference. When asked why AIO chose Solana, I heard the team say Solana is fast, cheap, and just works at scale.


I couldn't have said it better. Solana's mainnet handles tens of millions of transactions per day with fees less than half a cent. Solana is exactly that, fast, low -cost, and scalable. AI is one of the fastest growing industries today, and to support that growth, IO needs a blockchain partner and ecosystem to help them handle that scale.


Solana boasts impressive scalability, handling over 30 million transactions across the network's 1 .5 million active addresses daily. Over the next 24 months, AI companies worldwide will have demand for tens of millions of GPUs.


IO is a massive opportunity to be a global leader for GPU workloads, and Solana is a massive opportunity to help IO succeed. Using Solana Pay, IO can seamlessly accept payments on Solana, matching users, developers, and hardware around the world at the speed of light in a fraction of a sun.


Let's dive deeper into the Solana ecosystem and what it brings. Over to the Dubai studio with Lily, who will tell you more. In the rapidly evolving world of Web3, finding a platform that not only supports growth but accelerates it is critical for pioneers like Ionet.


With powerhouse projects such as Orca, Jupyter, Meteora, and Backpack, Solana is not just a blockchain, it's a launchpad for cutting -edge applications and rapidly growing enterprises like Ionet. These platforms offer unparalleled support for such projects, ensuring that launchers have the tools they need to succeed.


from day one. On Solana, liquidity flows freely, enabling projects to thrive in our vibrant and dynamic ecosystem. But it's not just about having the resources, it's about being in an environment where innovation is the currency.


Through events, hackathons, and direct support, the Solana Foundation goes above and beyond, working hand -in -hand with teams like IONET to push the boundaries of what's possible. Indeed, IONET has already been a strong supporter of many of our initiatives, sponsoring several Solana hackathons and working closely with partners like Colosseum.


Working together, Solana and IONET are building the world's largest decentralized network for AI compute, redefining the status quo and democratizing AI for all. Ahmad, I hand it over to you. Remember, IONET is the world's largest AI compute network, and IONET is compute as a currency.


That's why sustainability is so important here. IONET fosters a healthy ecosystem where the IONET workers who contribute their computing power are rewarded. AI developers building on the network have seamless, low -cost access to the compute power they need, while also being incentivized to work harder on building new models and leading a totalitarian frontier.


The most inspiring part that this network belongs to all of us. Now, what's backing this massive network is an overclustering tech that deploys on each iWorker node. That's the IOG core tech. Amazing, think of it like this.


All the workers in the network are connected like an ant colon, coordinated and doing their work nonstop. The network as its core is accessed via the IOG framework. Here, engineers have open source compute power, which means you're literally running a Python code on your laptop that automatically runs on the Internet of GPUs.


It not only has the power to serve 100 million plus users at ultra low latency, it's also able to coordinate jobs for clusters distributed across 139 countries with tens of thousands of GPUs in a single cluster, building the cloud flare of ML model inferencing.


We used Ray .io, the open source core technology, without which Chagibati, Uber, Instacart, and many other AI -based products would never exist. And we took it to the next level, building what we think is the world's most advanced scalable and safe distributed computing framework.


Hi, I'm Aline, Senior VP of Engineering at IONet. Our platform already allows for the distribution of AI and Python applications on a vast GPU grid, and we are enhancing our capabilities with IOG. So we created a fork of RAID to customize both the core for better operation within the decentralized network and the application libraries for a more user -friendly experience.


IOG introduced backend customizations for optimal integration with IOG's unique network, including our specialized autoscaler for the IOGloud, which will be supported by graph and scheduling algorithms.

IOGは、IOGのユニークなネットワークとの最適な統合のために、バックエンドカスタマイズを導入しました。これには、グラフおよびスケジューリングアルゴリズムによってサポートされるIO cloud専用のオートスケーラーが含まれます。

We are also improving the dashboard with IOG -specific operational metrics and geographical node details. For developers, IOG simplifies the distribution of AI applications through a direct interface with the IOGloud and pre -built code templates.

私たちはまた、IOG固有の運用メトリクスおよび地理的ノードの詳細を表示するダッシュボードを改善しています。開発者にとって、IOGはIO cloudとの直接インターフェースと事前に構築されたコードテンプレートを通じてAIアプリケーションの分散を簡素化します。

This makes advancing AI scaling accessible, not only to staff engineers in big techs, but also to AI creators worldwide. From confidential computing and zero -knowledge jobs to AI model training and tuning, our clusters scale up to thousands of GPUs.


Imagine that compute power filling decentralized agents and enabling low -latents model inference. This is an open -source journey where global collaboration will shape the future of decentralized AI.


Let's see how it works in practice. First, let's install the IOG package. Click Install IOG SDK. Then we set up the credentials for the IOG platform. IOG Authenticate and input the secret token. which you can obtain via web with your IO account.

実際にそれがどのように機能するかを見てみましょう。まず、IOGパッケージをインストールします。「Install IOG SDK」をクリックします。次に、IOGプラットフォームの認証情報を設定します。「IOG Authenticate」を実行し、秘密のトークンを入力します。これは、IOアカウントを使ってウェブで取得できます。

Now it's time to run the code. We are going to train a computer vision classification model and tune its hyperparameters to improve accuracy. And as part of the tuning, we will run the training with 1 ,000 different configurations.


Here we are tuning the learning rate and momentum. The model training with the data loader is implemented on this function, train PyTorch model. Our example model takes about one hour to train each one of the 1 ,000 different configurations on a single GPU.

ここで、学習率とモーメンタムをチューニングしています。データローダーを使ったモデルトレーニングは、この関数「train PyTorch model」で実装されています。私たちの例では、1,000の異なる構成のそれぞれを単一のGPUでトレーニングするのに約1時間かかります。

That means our tuning takes 1 ,000 hours or 41 days of processing time. But we can have it done by the next hour by connecting to an IOG mega cluster of 1 ,000 GPUs and running all trials all at once.


So let's watch the code being executed, the initialization of the connection, the setup of the mesh VPN, and the allocation of GPU resource from the available cluster capacity. The trials will start soon.


Let's fast forward. Here we have the best accuracy out of the 1 ,000 trials. That's the power of distributed computing. Why wait for 41 days if we can have it in one hour and for 90% cheaper? Did you like it?


Our IOG SDK Python package is plain to be released for the general public next quarter. So sign up for our waitlist if you would like to be part of the beta release. Now, Maher will walk us through the IO elements.

私たちのIOG SDK Pythonパッケージは、次の四半期に一般公開される予定です。ベータ版リリースの一部になりたい場合は、ウェイトリストにサインアップしてください。さて、マハーがIOエレメントについて説明します。

Hey everyone, I'm Maher. I'm the Chief Experience Officer and it's a privilege to share with you how at IONET, we're not just designing the future. We're reimagining what it means to lead the world through innovative design in Web3.


In the quest to build the world's largest AI compute network, we've recognized a fundamental truth. Technology alone does not shape the future. People do. And at the heart of connecting people with technology is design.


Not just any design, but design that prioritizes the user experience at every turn. Familiar platforms like AWS, Google Cloud and Azure often presents a significant learning curve for engineers. Recognizing this challenge, we have created a user experience that is straightforward and seamless, enabling the deployment of the world's most advanced clusters with unprecedented ease.

単なるデザインではなく、あらゆる場面でユーザーエクスペリエンスを優先するデザインです。AWS、Google Cloud、Azureのような馴染みのあるプラットフォームは、エンジニアにとって大きな学習曲線を伴うことがよくあります。この課題を認識し、私たちは世界で最も先進的なクラスターを前例のない容易さで展開できるユーザーエクスペリエンスを作り出しました。

Ease does not come at the cost of availability. IO Cloud has 100 times more GPUs than major players in the crypto market. Allow me to repeat this. That is 100 times more GPUs than major players in the crypto market.

容易さは可用性の犠牲を伴いません。IO Cloudは、暗号市場の主要プレイヤーの100倍のGPUを持っています。繰り返しますが、暗号市場の主要プレイヤーの100倍のGPUを持っています。

That's almost as many as Google Cloud or Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure. Now, let me introduce you to IO Cloud. Let's start with IO Cloud, where engineers can seamlessly deploy GPU clusters of any size to power their AI compute needs.

これはほぼGoogle Cloud、Amazon AWS、Microsoft Azureと同じ数です。さて、IO Cloudを紹介します。エンジニアが任意のサイズのGPUクラスターをシームレスに展開し、AIコンピュートニーズに対応できる場所です。

IO Cloud is truly pushing the boundaries of innovation. Engineers don't have to wait two weeks to do KYC or three weeks to access their GPUs. At IELTS, you are 90 seconds away from deploying a 20K GPU cluster.

IO Cloudは本当に革新の限界を押し広げています。エンジニアはKYCに2週間待つ必要も、GPUにアクセスするために3週間待つ必要もありません。io.NETでは、20,000 GPUのクラスターを90秒以内に展開できます。

We are here to serve your model end -to -end, from training to inference, and to provide a solution to all of your problems. Let's start with the homepage. Here, you can deploy a range of clusters in a matter of seconds.


We currently have three powerful options, Ray, MegaRay, and Kubernetes. And we have several more advanced setups in the pipeline, like Unreal Engine and Unity, powering the metaverse. On the right side, you can see a high -level overview of your existing clusters once they've been deployed.

現在、Ray、MegaRay、Kubernetesという3つの強力なオプションがあり、メタバースをサポートするUnreal EngineやUnityなどのより高度なセットアップも進行中です。右側には、展開されたクラスターのハイレベルな概要が表示されます。

These cluster cards will give you a high -level overview of performance, processor type, and hours served. Now, let's start by deploying a array cluster. Deploying a cluster on IONET is a simple and a quick process.


Once you make your feature selections, your cluster will be deployed within 90 seconds. In this example, let's deploy a array cluster. Select the cluster type appropriate for your model, general workloads, training, or inference.


Select your level of security and compliance. Your model graphs and weights are end -to -end encrypted so that no one can access them. In addition, all of the data traffic and transit between the GPU workers is TLS encrypted.


We also have SOC 2 as an option. We've been partnering with enterprise -grade data centers with SOC 2 compliance to ensure the highest level of security. Choose a location for your GPUs based on your needs.

SOC 2もオプションとして提供しています。SOC 2コンプライアンスを持つエンタープライズグレードのデータセンターと提携して、最高レベルのセキュリティを確保しています。必要に応じてGPUの場所を選択します。

Maybe you want to bring inference closer to your users. Or, if you have low -latency ML -powered quant algorithms, you'll probably want your devices to be close to stock exchanges. We cover regions all over the world, in North America, Europe, and Asia, and we're expanding every day.


Select your desired connectivity speed. This way, you only pay what you need. If you want to save on connectivity, you can simply select the lowest speed. If speed is more critical, you can select higher tiers.


Select your GPU model. We cover a diverse range of cards, from high -end, RTX series, and all the way up to Nvidia, A100s, and H100s. We're also the first cloud provider that can cluster Apple chips, M1, M2, and M3.


Apple chips have a powerful neural engine and high -memory bandwidth that make them attractive for AI use cases. With IONET, millions of Apple device owners can contribute their compute capacity and start earning on their hardware.


Select the appropriate cluster purpose with our out -of -the -box configuration that will be ready for your existing codebase with no additional setups. Since we're deploying ArrayCluster, I'll select RayApp.


As you can see, we have several more integrations in our pipeline that are coming soon. Then, choose between our master configurations. All clusters come with pre -configured master node, selected from reliable, security -compliant, and community -owned data centers.


Now, we just have a couple steps left, and your cluster will be ready to deploy. Name your cluster. I'll call this DemoTest. Enter how many GPUs you want in your cluster, and select how long you want your clusters to run.


You can select your duration on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis. At the bottom of the page, you can see the average price per card for the cluster meeting your specifications. Finally, click Deploy, and your cluster will be ready in just 90 seconds.


And that's it! A simple and quick process. Our system is permissionless, with no KYC and no limitation on the quantity of GPUs. You just need to make your selections, and IONET takes care of the rest.


The Cluster page shows all of the clusters you've deployed on our network. Click into a specific cluster, or an overview of its specs, the performance of each worker device in your cluster, and the amount paid.


Just like that, you have deployed a RAID cluster. IONET Cloud is up to 80% cheaper than major players in the market. We are talking about the same performance quality and reliability for a fraction of the price.

このようにして、RAIDクラスターを展開しました。io.NET Cloudは市場の主要プレーヤーよりも最大80%安価です。私たちが話しているのは、同じパフォーマンス品質と信頼性を、わずかな価格で提供するということです。

Now that we've experienced Cloud, Gaurav, take it away. Thank you, Mayor. My name is Gaurav, and I'm the CTO at IONIT. Today is a significant moment as we introduce the groundbreaking platform that propels our mission to democratize GPU power worldwide.


At IONIT, we are not just imagining the future, we are creating one, where earnings from AI compute market isn't limited to a select few, but becomes a universal standard. The IONWorker platform allows GPU owners to connect their GPUs to our IOG, the Internet of GPUs.

io.NETでは、未来を想像するだけでなく、AIコンピュート市場からの収益が一部の人々に限定されず、普遍的な標準となる未来を創造しています。IO Workerプラットフォームにより、GPU所有者は自分のGPUをIOG(Internet of GPUs)に接続できます。

And by doing so, GPUs become a valuable asset, generating a steady income stream. So whether you're a big data center, a mining farm, or just a professional miner with underutilized GPUs, you all now can become the digital oil driving the AI revolution forward.


Guided by the revolutionary principles of Web3, our innovation breaks free from traditional boundaries to empower people across the globe. Similar to ants tirelessly working to support their colony, GPUs should also be utilized to their maximum potential.


No matter where you are, you can join our community of workers, much like ants in a colony. Now let's have a look. Next, let's go to IONWorker, where suppliers can connect their devices, monitor them, and keep track of their accrued rewards.

あなたがどこにいても、アリのコロニーのように、ワーカーのコミュニティに参加できます。では、見てみましょう。次にIO Workerに移動し、サプライヤーがデバイスを接続し、監視し、報酬の累積を追跡できるようにします。

First, click on Connect New Device. On -boarding is a fairly intuitive process. Name your device. I'll call this God of Node. Next, select your operating system. We support Mac, Linux, and Windows. Select your device type, GPU or CPU.

まず、「Connect New Device」をクリックします。オンボーディングは非常に直感的なプロセスです。デバイスに名前を付けます。今回は「God of Node」と呼びます。次に、オペレーティングシステムを選択します。Mac、Linux、Windowsをサポートしています。デバイスタイプを選択します。GPUまたはCPUです。

Then run the script to download and install Docker and all of the drivers. Finally, run the Docker command. command and connect your device. Next, you can monitor your devices on the devices page. Let's click on one of our test nodes as an example called worker node.


Here you can monitor your device's activity and keep track of your reputation score that's driven by your uptime. The earning and rewards page allows you to monitor and withdraw your accrued earnings.


Once you set up your account, connect your Solana wallet to IO so that you can claim your rewards. You can also view all of the compute jobs your devices have and keep track of how much you've earned.


Join IONET and make your GPUs count. PC8 is the world's first fully decentralized end -to -end machine learning model, trained and influenced on -chain using IONET's infrastructure. This cutting -edge product leverages the power of IOG, the internet of GPUs.


BC8 is a prime example of a decentralized AI, with Aptos as the underlying payment railway to pay for inference compute fees, model owner's royalty fees and proof of compute record. Picking at 2 million transactions on Aptos coming from 500 ,000 image generations a day, BC8 is an example of how on -chain proof of compute can be used to power transparent and openly verifiable inferences.


BC8 also supports third -party model integrations hosted on IONET's decentralized cloud. Our journey with BC8 started with our stable diffusion -powered model, setting a new benchmark in text -to -image realism.


Trained on a massive 10 terabytes dataset, it has already been embraced by tens of thousands of our community members, who adopted character generations by BC8 as their social media identity. Now, let me take you to the next and best part of our journey, as BC8 leaps into 3D.


Our latest innovation breathes life into text, generating stunning 3D models for AAA game engines that can be used in Unreal Engine 5, Unity Engine, CryEngine and even Frostbite. This opens a world of possibilities for creators.

私たちの最新のイノベーションは、テキストに命を吹き込み、Unreal Engine 5、Unity Engine、CryEngine、さらにはFrostbiteで使用できるAAAゲームエンジン向けの驚くべき3Dモデルを生成します。これにより、クリエーターにとって無限の可能性が開かれます。

It is nothing short of a giant leap for 3D content creation. To get a better grasp on what we are building here, all you have to do is visit bca .ai. Open an account and generate a 3D image yourself.


Here is how the magic happens. Upload your image or type your prompt. Hit generate and wait a few seconds. Now, you have a 3D model that is ready to be downloaded and used. If you wish to have better quality, you can click on upscale and let BC8 take your model to the next level.


In the future of the metaverse, it could be a gamer looking for a new weapon skin, or maybe a blunder designer envisioning a unique shape. BC8 will do that and beyond. What we have is a community -driven platform that levels the playing field for content creation.


It is literally about shaping that digital future. And I think Avi from Aptos has more to tell you about our collaboration. Today, IONet has already deployed their Genitive AI product, BC8, on Aptos.


Each inference transaction is recorded on Aptos, using the blockchain to both handle seamless payments, as well as provide a proof -of -compute record. With close to 500 ,000 transactions a day, just a few short months since launch, BC8 is an example of how AI inferences, among other AI workloads, will require the speed and scale that only Aptos can offer.


BC8 is just the beginning, as Basm showed in their new ML model, will be soon generating high -quality 3D models and AAA gaming assets. reshaping the game development industry. All of this powered in the background by Aptos Instant Proof of Compute safely and scalably on -chain.


Again, this is an example of only one use case powered by Aptos with hundreds to come. This ecosystem we are building will provide a suite of tools and services for building, training, and deploying machine learning models on -chain, facilitated through the power of Aptos and its ability to support payments for hundreds of thousands of on -chain models.


This essentially makes Aptos the backbone of the internet of GPUs. Each of these products will be supported by their own native token on Aptos, enabling novel, crypto -economic incentives and mechanisms that will help drive growth and adoption for all on -chain AI products.


Hello, I'm Hidde, and welcome to our Edge Data Center. We are proud to be part of the world's largest GPU DP network called io .net. Welcome to our server room. In this room, we can host up to six cold aisle containment units, hosting 120 racks in total.

こんにちは、私はヒッデです。私たちのエッジデータセンターへようこそ。私たちは世界最大のGPU DPネットワークであるio.netの一部であることを誇りに思います。こちらが私たちのサーバールームです。この部屋では、最大6つのコールドアイルコンテインメントユニットをホストでき、合計120ラックを収容できます。

We mostly utilize Web3 and the GPU powers rented at io .net. Our Edge Data Center has a two megawatt redundant power connection. Each of these cold aisle containment units are connected with a power bar below our race floor.


The perforated floor tiles between the racks allows fresh air to reach the GPUs. This is where the magic happens. These clusters are packed with GPUs who are being rented out to the io .net platform, generating revenue while serving customers.


This is what the physical infrastructure behind IO .NET looks like. This is our battery backup room. These batteries are able to sustain our data center operations for at least two hours, if there is an outage on the local grid.


These battery systems are being charged by our own solar roof, which is providing enough energy to make our facility net neutral during summer. Thank you for watching and see you at IO .NET. Hello, I'm Hashim, and I'm the managing partner of IO Ventures.

これらのバッテリーシステムは自社のソーラールーフによって充電されており、夏の間に施設をネットニュートラルにするのに十分なエネルギーを提供しています。ご覧いただきありがとうございました。それではio.NETでお会いしましょう。こんにちは、私はハシムです。IO Venturesのマネージングパートナーです。

IO Ventures is IO .NET's investment arm acting as a catalyst for propelling machine learning startups with on -demand GPU compute. AI startups spend more than 80% of their total capital based on compute power, with even smaller projects burning over $500 ,000 per month.

IO Venturesは、オンデマンドGPUコンピュートを提供することで機械学習スタートアップを推進する触媒として機能するio.NETの投資部門です。AIスタートアップは、総資本の80%以上をコンピュートパワーに費やしており、小規模なプロジェクトでも月に50万ドル以上を消費しています。

This is a substantial problem that is hampering the development of AI. And at IONET, we thought there must be a better way to solve this. Our proposition with IONET is simple. Provide GPU compute power to startups in exchange for equity and token violence to be shared with our GPU suppliers.


This approach is much more economic for startups than traditional venture capital and transfers massive value back to our GPU suppliers. And as IONET decentralizes AI compute, IONVentures aims to foster the IO economy through investing in the fastest growing AI and machine learning startups.

このアプローチは、伝統的なベンチャーキャピタルよりもスタートアップにとってはるかに経済的であり、巨大な価値をGPUサプライヤーに還元します。io.NETがAIコンピュートを分散化する中、IO Venturesは、最も急成長しているAIおよび機械学習スタートアップに投資することでIO経済を促進することを目指しています。

And today, we present something even more audacious. Unlike traditional funds who rely on a handful of LPs, IONVentures can access the entire IO network unlocking $3 .5 billion worth of compute power.

そして今日は、さらに大胆な提案をします。従来のファンドが少数のLPに依存するのとは異なり、IO VenturesはIOネットワーク全体にアクセスし、35億ドル相当のコンピュートパワーを解放します。

This grassroots movement will connect the global supply of idle GPUs with veterinary innovators, allowing them to unlock limitless potential while democratizing AI. Building on our ambitions, we are creating the IONVentures MegaGPU fund.

この草の根運動は、世界中のアイドル状態のGPUの供給を先進的なイノベーターと結びつけ、AIを民主化しながら無限の可能性を解放します。私たちの野望を基に、IO Ventures Mega GPUファンドを設立しています。

Our focus is on decentralizing investment, extending outreach globally and concentrating on projects that challenge the status quo, particularly those that share our vision to transform the industry.


This is a call to action for the most daring minds in AI. Our ambitions are global. IONVentures aims to connect with a diverse network of partners worldwide, including accelerators, research institutes, large enterprises, progressive public sector projects with machine learning startups, creating a supportive ecosystem for AI startups never seen before.

これは、AIの最も大胆な頭脳に向けた呼びかけです。私たちの野望はグローバルです。IO Venturesは、世界中のさまざまなパートナー、アクセラレーター、研究機関、大企業、進歩的な公共部門プロジェクトと機械学習スタートアップを結びつけ、これまでにないAIスタートアップの支援エコシステムを創造することを目指しています。

Our interest spans across various sectors at the intersection of AI, from enhancing smart city capabilities to gaming, fintech, telecom, and all the way to advancing healthcare and well -being. What lies ahead for IONVentures is both exciting and challenging.

私たちの関心は、スマートシティの能力向上からゲーム、フィンテック、テレコム、さらにはヘルスケアやウェルビーイングの進歩まで、AIの交差点にあるさまざまなセクターに及びます。IO Venturesにとって、これからの道は興奮と挑戦に満ちています。

And as we move forward with the launch of our GPU fund, we seek meaningful collaborations with groundbreaking projects. And together, let's embark on this transformative journey. Thank you for being part of this momentous point in the AI industries.


To know more, visit us at IONVentures. Ahmed, I give the last word to you. Today was amazing. We finally get to share with you what we have been working on. And as you all know, this is just our inception.

詳細はIO Venturesをご覧ください。アーメッド、最後の言葉をどうぞ。今日は素晴らしい日でした。私たちが取り組んできたことをついに共有できました。そして皆さんも知っているように、これは始まりに過ぎません。

A few months ago, iNet was a dream. Today, that dream is a reality, exploding faster than anyone could have imagined. Today we announced the release of the IO coin, the IO cloud, the IO worker, and most importantly we introduced the Internet of GPUs, which will empower us all to build and create a better world with AI.


We also showed you a sneak peek of the IOG Python framework, which is coming soon later this year. Join the revolution and visit iO .net right now and let's change this world together.

さらに、今年後半にリリース予定のIOG Pythonフレームワークの予告もお見せしました。この革命に参加し、今すぐio.NETを訪れて、一緒にこの世界を変えましょう。

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