


今回のタイトルで使用したグラフィックは、io.netの公式ディスコードのGraphic Artist「Lunab⭕y ᯅ」が作成した作品です。公式ディスコードに参加されてる方は彼を探してみてくださいね。



  • プレミアムロケーションの基準についての確認

    • プレミアムロケーションと標準ロケーションの定義をプロダクトチームに確認し、具体的な地域を特定します。
  • クラスター地図の修正

    • クリミアがロシアとして選択されている問題について、地図の修正を優先的に行うようにリクエストが提出されています。
  • 通知システムの導入計画

    • ノードのオフライン通知をTelegramやメールで受け取れるようにする計画がありますが、現時点ではまだバックログにあります。
  • ノードごとのレポートの提供

    • ステーキングでも各ノードに対して個別のレポートが提供される予定であり、詳細な報告が今後改善される予定です。
  • 技術担当者への連絡方法

    • 個別の技術的な問題についてはサポートチケットを利用するように案内しています。
  • M2チップの報酬と需要の関係

    • M2チップが他のデバイスよりも多くの報酬を得ているのは、プールの飽和状態の違いによるものであり、需要が増えれば報酬は減少する可能性があります。
  • プロダクトフィードバックチャンネルの閉鎖理由

    • プロダクトフィードバックをDiscordからチケットシステムに移行し、リクエストが失われないようにするため。
  • 報酬のクレーム期間後の未クレームトークンの処理

    • クレーム期間後にクレームされなかったトークンはコミュニティプールに戻され、コミュニティの活動に再利用される。
  • 新しいリーダーシップチームの紹介

    • 新しいリーダーシップチームがDiscordやTwitterで自己紹介する予定であり、チームの強化が進行中です。




Help answer questions and we can get some folks up here to chat, but let's jump in why don't we get people who want to jump on and Ask questions or talk or hang out feel free to raise your hand. Well, we'll get this going Yes How's it going man?


Awesome. Thanks. I Want to congrats you with successful launch block rewards. That's awesome. Great. Thank you And want to discuss couple of things First of all, there is in speaking documentation There is a criteria for premium locations and can you find out what are those premium locations and what are standard locations?


Great question. Let me let me talk to the product team and see what those regions are I'm unsure if they've released the full set of regional pricing, but I'll ask them to get that back to you Well, some things I know I know for a fact that like, you know in the US US Australia, Japan Like these are these are up there.


I just don't know exactly what the other regions are Okay And another thing on cluster map that dynamic map where you can select region Crimea is selected Russia and the question was already raised to ambassadors in order to fix that Like embarrassing thing.


Can you please take a look that and take it as a priority to fix that issue with map? The that issue has been submitted I Understand the I understand sort of like the social And geopolitical implications of that generalization.


It's not intentional It's I think there is a ticket for it but I'm not I'm not going to be able to promise you that they're going to fix it first. Right. As you could probably imagine there's a number of things that they're working on.


It's not an intentional oversight. You got it. The next thing is regarding that there are situations when node is went offline and obviously we are not notified about that. Are you do you have anything in plans to set up some notifications to telegram or email the status of node change the miss block blah blah blah with ability to select what notifications and where to send to react immediately.


Great question. Notification system is still in the backlog but the team does have it in their workload to give you an understanding of what is the highest priority right now is to get staking up. So I hear you.


a number of different front end and UI and quality of life related things that need to be built. So I'm acknowledging it and I think that we need to do it. I've passed on this feedback to the team multiple times and what they told me is that they will build it and they're trying to get some of these core things out first at the right.


Yeah, any sort of, I don't know, maybe open API that we can use for our own to create our own bots while you are booking that in backlog will also be great to use API instead of changing and just sending messages.


Or we can contribute also some way, I don't know, any opportunity to get that in those notifications because yeah, as right now, all missed blogs and we don't have anything for what and when that happened and what we need to do.


Okay, thanks. And also as like node operator for guys who don't have any technical details, for example, for those rewards in season one, season two, season three, we needed to create separate gowns to track what node was, how many points to see through season because there was no, there were no until the report for each of node.


And I guess that it will be changed in staking also. So each node will have separate report how how much tokens in staking and reward and worker work will be introduced, right. We will speak to table for each node.


Reporting sophistication is only going to get better. I agree with you, right, like a lot of things were aggregated a lot of things were extrapolated for earlier seasons, and there's only going to be improvements in terms of what breakdowns and node level reporting, you'll be able to see.


can't give you a realistic timeline on what that's gonna happen but I agree with you I think it's really important right overall some of the themes that I'm hearing are we just need better tooling for node operators right whether it's notifications or recording or anything like that it sounds like we need to have better tools for people who are offering nodes in the network to be able to understand what's going on so this is all really good feedback as you guys can see from the Blockaward update right the UI is improving there's more I don't think it's gonna be an overnight fix at all I think the team I think the tech team has a lot that they need to do one of the things that's happening at IO is that the leadership team has changed so we have we have a new CEO he's put in he's bringing new folks putting new folks on the executive team I'm still we know waiting to hear from the new executive team like what you know but what the priorities are and I'm gonna try to make sure that The marketing team right in the community team here that Hans and I are part of are able to communicate that to you guys So it's gonna be really interesting.


I actually think that In the weeks ahead, you know, we may actually try to get some of these new Executives on these AMAs. I'm sure you guys are hard of hearing from just me and also The the new leadership is going to be able to give you like more direct answers, right?

実際、今後数週間でこれらの新しいエグゼクティブをAMA(Ask Me Anything)に参加させることを考えています。私からだけではなく、新しいリーダーシップがより直接的な回答を提供できるでしょう。

Whereas unfortunately I just want to point that like when you have one node random one GPU running and you hope to see that's one thing, but when you're operating like 10 20 Nodes for different guys that that kind of get pretty to handle those accounts and all notifications That will be in one place with one account.


That would be like great Yeah, yeah, I run I run a few notes also that's it's uh You know, there are a bunch of things that are a little bit high friction And last question who I can contact from like tech guys because I have like some of nodes that Just eight eight one hundred.


They're hard on the oven always failed after three minutes three minutes And that's all for another one a 100 getting hard right for 30 40 50 minutes and that 0 .00 coins the Lord and some It uses another use of the technical one to the table don't want to Build here to discuss some technical issues Yeah, like I said, I Yeah, this is not not a great venue to discuss technical issues It was sort of like individual issues with with points or learning of that cuz I I don't have any access to data So I can't purple shoes or anything for you.


Unfortunately the the marketing team The marketing team does not get does not get access to to the subsystems that are important unfortunately So I hate it when I have to tell you that to go to support, but I'm gonna have to ask to go to support.


I already have all support tickets that I know that that's like you need time and those guys need time I just if there is like some some way to contact with any tech guy so he's green and all those beauties and some other stuff that I faced and found that would be awesome.


Yeah I hear yeah I hear yeah the uh you know it's difficult to ask for for patients but I you know I'd ask you for your patience with them we appreciate it they're they're definitely working through a bunch of things.


I will you know I'll I'm sure some of them are in here we'll try to bug them to make sure they get to the tickets as fast as possible. Okay okay and thanks thanks again great job. Thank you. Who's next?


What else you guys want to chat about? Nothing we've got a shy crowd today if there are no questions, I am happy to get back to work No one Hello hello, how are you doing? Hey, how's it going man? How are you?


It's been a while Thank you, I would like to ask you a question about well latest maybe As you know like when speaking comes There will be some amount We require to stay in order to be a broker and I wonder if you have any plans as a validator or something like a more like subsequent level of staging something like validator I Think it should be more sophisticated today It's gonna be I think that to start the minimum is gonna be a hundred IO for every single GPU But that's intended just to be a simple But some other folks in the community have brought up right and you know,

お久しぶりです。ありがとう。質問があります。最近のことについてお聞きしたいのですが、ステーキングが始まると、ブローカーになるために一定の金額が必要になります。バリデーターとしての計画や、ステーキングの次のレベルとして何か考えていますか?もう少し洗練されたものにする予定でしょうか?現在、各GPUに最低100 IOが必要になる予定です。しかし、これは単純なものとして意図されています。他のコミュニティのメンバーからも意見が出ており…。

we're sort of aware that you need to be able to have A sliding scale depending on the value the GPU because it wouldn't make sense to bond the same amount for every single device Right. Yeah, the tiny fraction of of an 800 or an h100, but it's a very large percentage of you know a lower tier device so I think the idea is You know My perspective is it's good to get the tool of the product out first and then the actual like assign variables or parameters for what users And stay for certain things like that that can be added later.


I think the important thing is that we build The staking So maybe the race it can be changed block walls can be changed in the future, right Yeah, they'll be you they'll be adjustable The the network itself, right like I sort of think about the project in two and two layers you have like the mechanics of the network and the systems that govern the rewards and monitoring of the network.


And then you actually have like the variables or the balance, right? Which is, you know, is it 100 or is it 150? The variables are easy to change once the team is satisfied that the actual mechanisms work.


And, and I think the, the idea, right, ultimately is that you have a, you have a core team build these mechanisms, but then eventually with, with hope you, you can make the, the balance of these variables subject to decentralization, right?


Like the idea is that the network should be the one voting for how much IO is required to run a, run a node. The network should be voting for, you know, what the fees look like for certain types of devices, right?


This progressive decentralization I think is, is important. I got it. Thank you, man. Of course. KATHRYN A new look at your A new look at your A new look at your forecast this morning... Yeah, I had a question with regards to the timing of the second and I apologize if you've already covered that It's a right now tentatively planned for the end of July beginning of August 45 is Okay, cool.


Cool. And I'm just looking at the docs under the formula And it might be subject to change but the per mode max state Equals the device max steak times two plus three the sum of the modifier options Is it is there like talk to me like I'm an elementary school version of that formula Yeah, so there's some variables in there that are a little bit unclear But the intention of the max steak on a node is that it should be the sum of the max steak per Devices that make up the node the reason why you need a max steak per node is because you wouldn't want a Single node or single device to have like infinite steak on it Right,


like if everyone's state against a single node that the network would not work So there has to be some kind of upper bound on the state And then words that can be received from any given device or any given node Okay, yeah that makes sense Thank you.


What else, guys? I heard someone say in chat, if you guys are too shy to speak up when I'm up here, then there can't be any complaining to Discord, right? Thank you. Gene, you're asking what a normalized score of block rewards is, there is really no normalized score, right?


Because everyone has different data, different uptime, different devices, different connection speeds, et cetera. So your block reward score is independent to you, generally speaking. Oh, sorry. Yeah, of course.


Yeah. So, um, I have, uh, like I have a bunch of Macs that are workers and I have four H100s. Um, they're all running well and they're all showing the correct uptime and download upload speeds except for my one and two worker.


It's showing an incorrect download and upload speed. I'm just wondering if there's any fix for that. H100 is probably not, you're, you're probably running it, uh, like, you know, out of a data center.


Is your M2 running on a residential connection? It's actually, I got a five gig down, five gig up, uh, fiber from AT &T. Interesting. And, and are the H100s on that same line? They are. Yeah. Got it.


Uh, that seems funky. Can you, I would maybe drop a support ticket in, but the generally like latency measurement is really finicky. Um, it's, it tends to be really difficult to get like exact latency measurement.


So it may not actually be the connection. It could just be what the device is reporting your connection speed is, or whatever the connection speed is when we ping the device. It's annoying to say, but typically it resolves itself, assuming the device's connection is stable.


But if it's not intermittent and it's chronically reporting the wrong issue, then I would chat with support. Usually for consumer devices, they just tend to report the up -down incorrectly. Or the way that we're pinging in, or the cadence in which we're pinging in, is not providing the right result.


Okay, yeah. I do have a ticket in that the engineering team and I have been in touch. I just want to prove to you further updates. For whatever reason, the M2 is the only one that's reporting inaccurate to download and upload speeds.


I'm just wondering if I might just have to re -register that worker in particular. Yeah, possible. The max that you would lose out on is like a single hour's worth of reports when you terminate and restart.


Because the hour blocking that you terminate, you would not get credited for. And then when you restart, you would have a partial block. So there's not a ton of downsides to just disconnecting and restarting.


Okay, how about for ignition 3? Because it was online this whole month. You won't lose it, right? Because ignition 3 is based off of a proportion of total possible uptime. If I had hardware 1 and I created node A and node B, node A and node B would just be fractions of the total available rewards.

了解です。Ignition 3についてはどうですか?今月ずっとオンラインでした。Ignition 3は総可能稼働時間の割合に基づいているので、失うことはありませんよね?もしハードウェア1があり、ノードAとノードBを作成した場合、ノードAとノードBは総利用可能報酬の割合になります。

So you would technically sum almost the same. You would just get them against separate nodes. Okay, that's great. Thanks for your help. Yeah, of course. Hey, someone in chat asked about recent downtime across all nodes.


There was a brief DDoS attack that rate limited us on off zero. which is which is required for devices to connect. So even though the network was fine, it basically took down every single device for like 30 minutes.

最近、off zeroに対するDDoS攻撃があり、それが私たちを制限しました。デバイスが接続するためにはこれが必要です。ネットワーク自体は問題ありませんでしたが、すべてのデバイスが30分間ダウンしました。

What the team did was basically they just extrapolated rewards for every single device for one hour, and the devices were reconnected. So I think that, yes, there's always work that's being done to make the network more full tolerant.


What tends to happen with with something like IONET is because we rely on some third -party services, right? There's third -party services for device uptime, like measuring heartbeat. There's third -party services for authentication.


If one of these services goes down, or it's not even they go down, basically what happens is when the whole network comes online, every device attempts to connect to these services, and the service basically goes, wait, why are there 40 ,000 requests coming from IONET, and then they re -limit us.


And that causes the recovery time to be a bit longer. Some of this is just us working with these providers to make sure that they're providing us with better, more fall -tolerant service. Some of it is also for Austin, continuing to find ways to make our own now.


Sorry. Someone's asking about the M1 chip, like Max and Ultra. I believe that the Max and Ultra is coming back. The marketing team did not control eligibility for the reward programs that's coming out of products.


So if they decide to bring those back, then it'll show up in the eligibility list. Bobby, you're asking a question around M2 machines receiving more rewards at RTX 4090. You guys probably noticed that if you're running an M2 computer, you're getting a lot of rewards right now.

Bobbyさん、M2マシンがRTX 4090よりも多くの報酬を受け取っていることについて質問していますね。M2コンピュータを使用している場合、現在多くの報酬を受け取っていることに気付いているかもしれません。

Think about it this way. You have a fixed pool. That pool is split 80% to GPUs and 20% to CPUs. Just like any liquidity or rewards pool, if there's a fixed number of rewards in a pool, but there's not that many workers in that pool, then everyone is going to get a lot of rewards relatively because that pool is not saturated.


When you go and provide liquidity for a really weird pair, and there's not that many people providing liquidity, even though the overall bucket of rewards is smaller, each individual liquidity provider gets more.


But as more people add M2s, then obviously the per M2 reward share will go down. These are just market dynamics. I would consider this an opportunity, if you're looking at it and going, hey, I can actually get more rewards by running in the M2 pool, then I would absolutely do it.


Not financial advice, but you guys can calculate the relative rewards and make decisions that way. Fahad, yes. Galaxy user rewards in season three. And yes, if you fail a job for that hour, you will lose the rewards for that.


Jake, it's, again, it's pool dynamics, right? So more effectively, if you stop, if everyone stops providing compute, like hypothetically, right? Like let's say everyone pulls their devices. Well, now you have 100% of their awards going to whichever lucky bastard puts their device back on the network.


And so it is market dynamics, right? It's basically, if there's no saturation in the pool, then whoever's left in the pool gets to earn a lot of rewards. There's a lot of saturation in the pool, then the pool gets split between a bunch of people.


And so this should like ebb and flow until you reach an equilibrium where people who are happy with what they're getting stay in the pool and people who are not leaving. I think someone was trying to ask a question on the voice chat.


jump back in. Yeah. Hi, everyone. I want first to congratulate team and also the community. Really, really great job on the community. I have two questions. First is, let me see, channel product feedback has been close on TGI day.


What was the thinking behind that? And the second question is, can we get back our permissions to post links? Permissions to post links? I'm okay giving information to post links again for anyone who is a core supporter or of.


We'll talk to the community team to see if we can make that happen. Product feedback channel, I see it. I wonder if it was closed or maybe like access restricted. We are trying to, I'm trying to move things out of Discord and into like a ticketing system just because it's easier for people to consume.


The product and engineering team tend to not spend a ton of time in Discord. You're mostly talking to like me and the community team and ambassadors and like Discord is a great place for us to hang out and chat, but it's not a very good place to organize product feedback, for example.


So I think they're trying to move out of Discord into like a ticketing system where your request doesn't just get lost, right? We'll bring the links back. I'll talk to the community team about the product feedback channel.


Okay, thank you. Ramitiko asked the same question about GPU and CPU rewards. It's a pool saturation thing about like there's 20%. Think about it this way. There are 20% of rewards are going to CPUs and And there's just not as many, like, maybe on a number basis there's quite a few CPUs, but there's like a bunch of low -tier CPUs, so the CPUs are just getting, like, outsized rewards.


You know, I didn't decide to make it 8020, and I should've decided to make 8020 before he left, so let's make it. Mark Larr asked, for Galaxy rewards, is it just the bound Solana wallet? So, please bind your Solana wallet to Galaxy.

私は80対20の割合を決定しませんでしたが、彼が去る前にそれを決定すべきでしたので、そうしましょう。Mark Larrが質問しました。Galaxyの報酬についてですが、Solanaウォレットをバインドするだけですか?ですので、SolanaウォレットをGalaxyにバインドしてください。

I know there's a lot of confusion there. When I clear that up, you have four days. Bind your Galaxy wallet. On June 30th, in, like, the morning PSC time, I'm going to ask Galaxy to export all the wallets.


If your wallet is not bound to Galaxy, I'm not going to help you. Hi, I asked you. Can I ask a question? Of course. In the previous AMS, you mentioned about the ZK chain that works on Apple nodes. Are there any improvements in that regard?


Yeah, you know, I am not like a AI engineer or anything. It feels like there's still quite a bit of excitement around all devices being able to run workloads. I think we're seeing even outside of IONET, right?


There's a lot of folks who are trying to do like model imprinting on Apple phones, et cetera. So I'm not counting it out entirely. At the same time, I also haven't seen a lot of innovation or advancement in the AI space overall using consumer Apple devices.


So it might be a question for someone who's smarter than me. I feel like there still is a lot of potential, but I think we still need to figure out, especially the customers of IONET, right? I think the customers of IONET still need to figure out whether or not they want to be using Apple chips to run their businesses and run their model imprints.


Yeah, thank you. It is good to hear that still they are improving. It is a really exciting topic, actually. Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't count it out yet, right? I feel like consumer devices just get more powerful every day.


Something that I was also looking at too is this is so unrelated to AI, but there's that video from late last year that Vitalik was talking about how we're moving towards state storage on mobile devices.


Like if we end up getting stateless compression, you can actually run mobile validators. I think it's this kind of thing, right? Where just everything gets faster, storage gets cheaper, processing power on handheld consumer devices and just like laptops gets even better.


It's hard to imagine a world where eventually these devices are not useful, but whether or not they're... like in high demand right now is that you know questions are left up to the market yeah actually you're asking will there be changes in 8020 distribution yeah yeah I think after after season 3 right we can think about changing it not something that I'm in charge of but balances are always under discussion is Caleb you asked can season 1 claimers receive season 3 rewards for galaxy yes if you well you can't claim your season 1 rewards in season 3 but if you earn rewards in season 3 then yes you can absolutely claim those rewards all right I think five people have asked about 30 30 80 TI workers earning less rewards so I'm just gonna say acknowledge I see it I see your question I have no idea why that's the case and I am not in charge of changing those rewards but we will pass it on to the team that is in charge of thinking about relative rewards between device Clearly,


there's a lot of you guys with 30 ADTI's who knew they were so popular Mr. GM 26. That's a great question. What rewards are not claimed after the claim period they are reverted back to To the community pools.

3080 TIを持っている人がたくさんいるようですね。彼らがそんなに人気だとは知りませんでした。GM 26さん、それは良い質問です。クレーム期間後にクレームされなかった報酬はコミュニティプールに戻されます。

So for example, I think there was like Don't quote me on this. I think there were about a million tokens that were not claimed out of season one in season two Those rewards are actually getting recycled back out to community grants and community efforts So like some of the things that we did with Huns and like flock and you know, these different these different things Those rewards are gonna go used to be paying those.


There's also a bunch of users who like You know don't all DM me at once but like I know some people will have their wall attack or like lost their seed phrase and While generally I want to tell you guys like too bad don't lose your seed phrase you know, we had we had some time and We are manually reviewing those issues and allowing people to claim late All right, Erson Erson's reporting that there is something wrong with the 30 ADTI Rewards calculation.

また、ウォレットがハッキングされたり、シードフレーズを紛失したユーザーもたくさんいます。全員一度にDMしないでください。一般的には「シードフレーズを失くさないでください」と言いたいのですが、手間をかけて手動でこれらの問題を確認し、遅れてクレームを行うことを許可しています。さて、Ersonが30 80TIの報酬計算に問題があると報告しています。

So like I said acknowledged I see it We will we will make sure that We'll make sure that team takes a look at look at it. All right No, and and my let's go you you cannot have tokens for losing your mind, I'm sorry Rain asking about the m2a gigabytes like I said we don't make decisions on what is supported what is not supported if The product and engineering team has decided that the m2a gigabyte is not supported They probably have good reason for doing so but we can try to get you an answer Zifer X asks how long until we can expect rewards for doing real work on our hard reverse just block rewards?

では、確認しました。チームがそれを確認するようにします。すみませんが、気を失ったことに対してトークンをもらうことはできません。RainがM2の8ギガバイトについて質問していますが、何がサポートされるかどうかの決定は私たちが行うものではありません。プロダクトとエンジニアリングチームがM2の8ギガバイトをサポートしないと決定した場合、それにはおそらく正当な理由がありますが、答えを得るように努めます。Zifer Xが、実際の作業に対する報酬をハードウェアで期待できるまでの期間について質問しています。

That's a good question. Depends on what kind of device you're running. I think the H100 and A100s are like fairly booked out. The team is doing a fairly good job of selling those. Demand for those is reasonably high.


I am unsure when there's gonna be demand for whatever device you're running. If you're running a 4090, I just saw that there's some research coming up for using those. If you're running a potato in your bedroom, then you know maybe never.


Maybe you just earn rewards for running a potato and hopefully that's okay. Someone said that they can't chat but had a question. Oh Del Monte, great name, love the orange. Does worker have to be online at the time of snapshots?

もしかしたら、古いコンピュータを使って報酬を得ることもできるでしょう。誰かがチャットできないけれど質問があると言っていますね。Del Monte、素晴らしい名前ですね。オレンジ色が好きです。スナップショットの時にワーカーはオンラインである必要がありますか?

That's a good question. I tentatively want to say no. There's sort of no reason for us to require a snapshot, right, because we're theoretically getting proof of work done regularly, and we can measure your hourly contribution with block rewards now, so I think it would be really stupid to require a snapshot, but I will ask the tech team and see if that's something that they're trying to do.


Folger, why is my worker offline despite the fact that my Docker is working completely fine? You know, I'm not sure, but drop a ticket and then someone will take a look. Rimple asks, hi, will those who couldn't see their season two points and didn't receive the airdrop be able to receive their season two rewards in season three?


You did not see points in season two. Probably means that you didn't earn points in season two, but if you want to DM someone or actually support can also handle that as well. And if it's, you know, if I need to take a look at it, I will.


We will we can check on like your specific problem. Well, Roy asks, what is the business outlook? What are the potential customers? How can we get people to use I own that? Great question. So on the business side for enterprises, we have a sales team that is that existed before, but is being overhauled.


So like I said, we have new leadership. They're looking for a like a chief revenue officer, like, you know, head of sales kind of person to come in and really drive more demand for the business. If you guys are the person, you know, let me know.


But on the retail side, like individual kind of direct usage, I think that I think that we just need to do more like outreach marketing. Right. It's sort of up to the team, up to the community, up to everyone that's participating in the project to like spread the word about I own it.


And if people want to run, you know, research or run individual compute loads that, you know, they know about I own it and are trying it out. RP0124, any SLA on tickets? I don't know what the SLA on tickets are, to be honest.


10 plus days sound like a lot, so I will go and, let me walk over to the guy that runs that team and hit him in the head for you and tell him to take a look at your tickets. Dice ass, will miscalculated rewards be added?


Unlikely, to be honest. I don't know if Miss Vic will, maybe the team will find that there's a chronic miscalculation and fix it, but it's unlikely that someone's gonna go into a specific node and adjust their rewards.


Okay, any plans for those who are not workers, post season three, not programmatically, so, I think I mentioned this before, but there are gonna be grants and incentives for projects and for people who want to do community events, community initiatives, et cetera.


More than happy to do marketing grants for people, but I don't think we're gonna do like Engagement questing seems kind of low value, right? There's already a bunch of investors and a bunch of community members who propose like some really cool ideas For content creation for meetups and other community like efforts.


We're definitely going to be funding those Uh Gravog Nick says 1 .4 5 million. I took the claim. Yeah, so it's around 1 1 million So we're gonna use those right like the the unclaimed tokens are not going to be used for anything outside of community So we will find a way to recycle them back into community programs or community rewards and everything's on chain so you can Hold the leadership team accountable to that.

これらの活動には確実に資金提供を行います。Gravog Nickが1.45百万トークンをクレームしたと言っていますが、実際には約1百万トークンです。これらの未クレームのトークンはコミュニティ以外の用途には使われず、コミュニティプログラムやコミュニティ報酬に再循環される予定です。すべてがオンチェーンで行われるため、リーダーシップチームに対して透明性があります。

I told them that these tokens should be reserved for community efforts Any plan to split GPU market to be any to be more fair for individuals. I Don't know what you mean. Do you mean that like if you're running a like laptop GPU You feel like it's unfair compared to an enterprise for a GPU Yeah, I mean the reality is the the GPUs in the way that they're balanced should be based off of the demand for that GPU I think a 4090 should be fairly In the middle of the road,


but I want to be honest guys like if you're running a 3080 or like a Worse than that and you want to compare that to an a 100 it feels like you know The reward should be balanced towards the relative cost of the hardware right and the relative demand for that hardware I'm sure that there's gonna be a way for the team to monitor demand and balancing is according Mr.


GM 26 ass Earnings before June 10 not showing Interesting I will ask the the team I don't know if it's like a front -end thing or like a chronic issue But I agree we should be showing reports correctly and we should be paying our rewards correctly.

Mr. GM 26が、6月10日以前の収益が表示されないと質問しています。これは興味深いですね。チームに確認しますが、フロントエンドの問題か、あるいは慢性的な問題かは分かりません。ただ、レポートが正しく表示され、報酬が正しく支払われるべきだと思います。

Xyfor asks, what is the purpose of IONIT paying people to have indefinite idle hardware like potatoes if they wouldn't get jobs? Dude, don't ruin it for the guys who have potatoes. I feel like I'm running a 3060.


Listen, I think for AI and higher -end compute workloads, potatoes are not that valuable, but I'm still holding out on the hope that the team listens to me and decides to support web -3 infrastructure because I think the AI is sexy and all, but you know you can really run a lot of stuff on 3060s, right?


Like you can run like validators, you can run all sorts of things in a distributed fashion on low -run devices and I think that there's a real market for that. Unfortunately, no one listens to the guy with a dog as a profile picture, so you know.


We're going to continue to continue to push on that. And like Tommy MDQ says, you know, there's definitely inference workloads that can work for the lower end devices. It's just a matter of, you know, who's running on IO debt, what they need and what they're.

これからもその点について推進していきます。Tommy MDQが言うように、低性能デバイスで動作する推論ワークロードも確かにあります。それは、io.NET上で何が必要で、誰がそれを実行しているかに関わる問題です。

Thank you. And let's go, yeah, we do actually want to add more modernization pathways. I think stuff like hot storage is really important because you have more complete solution. So overall, there should be plans to expand the way that the network, or what the network supports.


It shouldn't just be GPUs. XRP talking about H100s getting all the rewards. Yeah, listen. So there's a lot of ways to play this, right? So there's a world where you already own potatoes and you operate the potatoes in the network and you earn whatever rewards you earn for operating your potatoes.


You know, that's just nice to have. And then you participate as a staker against H100s and A100s and you earn a portion of their rewards. Not financial advice, but that would feel pretty smart to me.


You know, if I hypothetically was a person who was running his own nodes in the network on his potatoes and then had extra IO to stake, that might be what I would do. Steven asked, what is the approximate date for season three TGE?


I don't know about TGE, but you're going to be able to claim in five days. It's going to be July 1st. You'll be able to claim. Yay, putting out the meta. Yeah, listen, man, I'm not going to lie. So if you look at like if you look at like a network, right, you look at depends, there's basically like a very straightforward endgame, right?


It's not that weird. Like the way that defense are going to go is that defense supply is going to be incentivized following the same exact demand curve, right? That. that drives on the other side of the network, so if everyone wants H100s, the supply side incentives are going to flow towards the H100s and A100s, but in order to keep, you know, the community incentivized, and honestly, like, in order to allow the community to participate in decentralization,


what the network needs to do is to allow the community a stake, because really, if you think about it, right, you are either voting, you're in both ways, you're voting with your dollars, right, you're either, you're either participating with your dollars, which is sunk into a piece of hardware, right, like you're holding a 3080, and you're plugging into the network, and you're 3080 depreciating as an asset,


but you have some like return profile, right, because you're, you're earning rewards in the network with your potato, or, and or, you are taking your, your IO, right, your IO is not necessarily a depreciating asset, it's a volatile asset in the sense that it carries value, that value fluctuates, but you're staking it against someone else's hardware, and you're earning, you have a return profile for staking right and bonding your your crypto kind of different ways to participate but if you expect all if you expect more incentives to float towards 8100 and 8100 then naturally you'd want to be a staker right not a harbor provider because you wouldn't really want to say like invest in potatoes if you think the rewards are gonna go towards something else if someday the rewards balance back out towards potatoes then hey like being an owner potatoes might be I'd be really smart right and yes Tommy that the state the limit of stake for 8100 is significantly higher than a lower tier device right because you're you're collateralizing or staking against something that one is more expensive and two generates more yield not a it's not terribly complex system out here and I think the I think the strategy would apply to any dependent with a staking marketplace not just not just ion that all right looks like we slow down a little bit so what I'm gonna do is I gotta get back to work and get the staking product out things to look forward to and things to keep an eye out for so block rewards are out I believe right now block rewards are in a phase where awards are accruing hourly but will be awarded in on a lump basis and then we will transition to an hourly reward claim we're just doing a piece at a time to make sure that things work correctly the life first is gonna be the season 3 claim a few things like please bind a Solana wallet to your galaxy profile please make sure that the address that you stick inside of your worker page is a custom you know self custody wallet we're gonna like honor the the the request to like swap the exchange wallets out for season 1 season two but if you put an exchange wallet in for season three I'm gonna tell you to go pound Sam these coffee paste is on a wallet like I think there were like seriously things there were like five hundred thousand tokens that I should have gone to users but they put in like an Ethereum address so you know let's not be silly here guys we have some really exciting stuff coming out next week related to IO chain that's all I'm gonna share on that there's there's gonna be an IO an IO chain that we're working on with one of our partners that's gonna allow users to allow people to basically build additional products that directly access the decentralized network of GPUs as opposed to booking through IO net so that's gonna be like you know honestly pretty pretty cool and then yeah staking staking we're looking at end of July early August I'm sure we'll talk about that again so there are some really interesting things coming down the line we're super excited for the next 90 -90 days.


And of course, I would encourage you guys to stay active on Twitter. I'm asking and hoping that the new leadership team gets some time to come to Discord or at least get on Twitter and introduce themselves because there's a lot of new faces that we brought on.


Our new COO comes from a really, really big VC fund called Neon. We've got a guy running strategy now. The new CSO is from Binance. We're bringing on a new head of recruiting, actually, also from Binance.


So the team is getting, the team is leveling up. And so I'm really excited for what's ahead. And Lyla Skow, sure, I will check out your Twitter handle. If there's some weird stuff on there, I'm going to block you.

チームはレベルアップしており、今後の展開が非常に楽しみです。Lyla Skow、もちろん、あなたのTwitterアカウントをチェックします。もし変なものがあればブロックしますよ。

And XRP, yeah, there should still be lots of eligibility after season three. Again, we don't make those decisions. So take that with a grain of salt. The product and engine team are going to figure that out.


But we will be here to communicate with you. Awesome, guys. I'm going to get back to work. Feel free to keep the chat open. Hans, if you want to see people going, I will talk to you all later. Thank you. でも、私たちは皆さんとコミュニケーションを取るためにここにいます。素晴らしいです、皆さん。私は仕事に戻ります。チャットを続けても自由です。Hans、もし皆さんが参加したいなら、後でお話ししましょう。ありがとう。 Thank you. Thank you for joining us. Have a good evening. Thank you. Thank you. ありがとうございます。ご参加いただき、ありがとうございました。良い夜をお過ごしください。ありがとう。ありがとう。

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