Accompaniment: The supplemental listening selected for your reading pleasure today is ‘Someday My Princess will come’ by the great Jazz artist, Miles Davis. A beautiful rendition of the original song by Larry Morey, Frank Churchill and Adriana Caselotti for the then-banned 1937 movie of Snow White. The song is about a princess meeting her perfect prince. Such delusion, we thought, was an ample analogy to anyone thinking of investing in Urbit. You can listen to that here, while you read.
If you’re a crypto VC or just a general investor in the tech space, reading this, you’re likely somewhat jaded with the current market and sick of seeing all the ZK/infra/gameFi/AI/DAO tooling decks coming across your desk.
You’re thirsty for something bold, something new. Alpha that isn’t passing the lips of your peers, that you want to keep suppressed and do a deep dive into. You’re looking for the next Polygon, only, those times are Monogone. A one-n’-done banger of shared delusional psychosis seeing ‘tier-1’ VCs pumping out $2billy FDVs just because they go to the same goat yoga class in Berkley and once did a DMT trip with the Head Engineer.
I’m going to address those wants, I’m going to fulfil your desires.
Recently a ‘semi-prominent’ investor by the name of Evan Fisher claimed that Urbit is one of the most investable technologies emerging in today’s tech landscape, almost mutually exclusive from all things ‘web3’ and crypto.
In this memo, we will look into those claims that ‘The smartest people are building on Urbit’ and answer questions such as:
What even is Urbit?
Who are those people?
Can we make money from it?
giga has been subversively penetrating the Urbit ecosystem over the last couple of years, most notably their hot and sultry ‘Assembly’ in Miami filled with e-girls, agriculture neo-Christian chads and @balaji. As well as their recent ‘Volcano Summit’, an 80-person developer event held on top of a Volcano in El Salvador.
After being offered multiple illicit substances (we didn’t partake, of course), we decided to go even deeper and figure out the answer to the question:
Now, one doesn’t just invest in Urbit, one must enter Urbit.
If you’re not in Urbit you literally cannot invest in Urbit.
Why? Well,
The asymmetric-through-the-roof bets that we all know and love are going to come from the highly undervalued companies spawning over the next couple of years.
That is to say of course, from the Ecosystem itself.
If you want to have access to that deal flow, you’re gonna’ have to be on the network and with your ear to the ground.
You might have seen that you can invest in address space.
Galaxies and Stars make sense, Galaxies disproportionately so.
Planets not at all.
Nonetheless, you’re not going to get the maximum ROI from address space.
That’s just a lower-risk, lower-reward bet.
You’re going to get it from funding all of the incredible talent stored away RIGHT IN PLAIN VIEW.
Therefore, you need to go play around. At the end of this article, we will give you the steps to take to get yourself set up. Then you can start seeing the ecosystem for yourself and understand its investment potential.
We must warn you, however, that there are many factors to take into consideration when investing in Urbit. If you’re not aware of these or are for whatever the case may be, ‘sensitive’, Urbit may not be for you.
Below, I will attempt to detail just some of the factors you have to know, before you take the leap.
That’s right, there are no tokens, no SAFTs. Urbiter’s believe everything should either be a) ‘Free’ or b) ‘A paid service’. Point ‘b)’ may make slightly more sense, a novel mechanism, in which people exchange money on a periodic or one-off basis in return for a good or service. This concept, currently being tested to the mahoosive addressable market of 400 Urbiters will see a revolution in how we do business, they say.
A world apart from the protocols and tokens that we may be used to seeing in what was promised to us as the marrying of us making lots of money while doing lots of public good. In Urbit, they take a very problematic view that public goods probably shouldn’t be tokenised and that potentially, they should be built for grants or for free.
The latter, that of ‘being free’ is of course a symptom of their ignorant anti-capitalistic values and wanting to ‘do some good in the world’, not a narrative LARP to call themselves a ‘Public Good’ and raise a bunch of money like they should be doing.
Fundamentally, there are no small market cap FDVs (sic: Fully Diluted Valuations) getting pumped out that we can get allocations in and juice post-market launch, only ‘equity’ or ‘grants’. This is of course, idiotic, and will fundamentally stop the adoption of Urbit as people can’t speculate or make money from it.
That means that any investment we make, must be on the mandate of ‘long term’ and we have to ‘generate revenue’ and that kind of stuff. Which frankly, we have no time for. Why wait for revenue and build genuine businesses when we can just chain-hop and dump our tokens on retail 18 months into our vesting schedule?
The position at giga is that this is LAME and we should not be encouraging this type of behaviour in our portcos.
As I’m sure you’re coaching your founders, the real job is to find great market makers, get listed on a tier 1 exchange, find deep liquidity for your token, and get that sweet sweet profit. That is, of course, the real job of crypto founders.
There is none of that in Urbit. Urbit is roughly 60-80% identifying as Mormon and as you may have heard, Mormons are the go-to experts on long-term storage of food.
Much like the storage of food, Urbiters are building sustainable supplements to make our life better forever and ever.
One of the hardest parts of the Urbit-pill to swallow is that it defacto puts a large percentage of your portfolio out of business and does so in a nonchalant way.
Okay, so you’ve been investing in Social primitives like Lens, and you’ve been investing in DAO toolings like DeWork or You’ve been looking at the next ‘Crypto-chat’ app that kills Discord. PHDs in mathematics who should be thinking about how we settle on Mars are instead building tools for token-gating a community so that they be a ‘Social DAO’.
Yeah, all that gets killed by Urbit, overnight.
Urbit and the teams building skins on top, such as Holium, Tirrel, Uqbar and Tlon, give users a much better experience out of the box. It’s more secure, with better functionality, and a better UX that you’re truly in sovereignty over.
(And it ‘just’ works).
In the examples below, we look at Realm, built by the Holium team. Realm aims to be a primitive base for online communities. Not just ‘DAOs’, the tiniest of tiny segments one could possibly address. All online communities.
Realm has community and context built into the heart of its user experience. In this tweet, you can see an example of a user switching between said contexts. Imagine a different context for each game you play, or for work, etc…
Urbit is the underlying OS. Realm, Landscape and to a certain extent, Escape, all act as skins on top, much like a Linux flavour, if you will. In the example of Realm, you can think of the hierarchy as:
Community || Context
C’s Theme, Apps and Setup
C’s Community Centres
Group Chats
Static Posts
Visual Identification
Shared Community Spaces
Keep in mind that these spaces are unique to each community yet are sharing the same computing, data and application standards. Meaning, these skins and Urbit $apps act as the primitives, just done much better and *are already* working.
Unfortunately, that means ‘poof and goodbye’ to the value of the majority of your portfolio.
For another example, using Urbit primitives, the team at Uqbar casually created an app called ‘Pongo’, which is essentially Telegram except you keep and manage the data.
Uqbar is actually ‘The only’ tokenised project emerging fully out of the ecosystem, working on Urbit-native smart contracts. So, in very real terms, this isn’t their ‘main’ thing, yet they still got this up n’ running in mere months:
There are many more unique projects and businesses coming out of Urbit, taking advantage of the technology and their insider-domain knowledge of it. Leveraging Hoon and Urbit to build quickly. Going to market to a true early adopter audience of core raving fans that will give them a feedback loop going forward.
Due to all of this listed above, Urbit is very bad news for your portfolio. It’s just… it’s just not going to end well for them.
‘Go-to-market’? Never heard of it.
Unlike in most businesses, or businesses masquerading as DAOs, Urbiters don’t have ‘business people’. Sadly, they are essentially a community of developers. That means that anything to do with money is a third or fourth order of consequence, way behind just impressing other Hoon devs.
The reality of the matter is, they’re doing it (whatever ‘it’ is) because they’re ‘passionate’ about what they build, or something else of that non-profitable nature.
They don’t really seem to get business. Instead, you will hear constant mumblings of ‘We need to do it for the aesthetic’, or we should ‘Build whatever is channelled to us’.
That actually isn’t made up, I’ve heard Urbiters say those things.
Now, when we’re in the business of making money, it’s really useful if the companies that we invest in, are also in the business of making money. Much like I mentioned before in ‘Factor 1’ where we speak about their novel ideas around exchanging goods and services for payment, they also have innovative ideas around what to actually build.
You see, in web3, we can just call something a ‘public good’ and wrap it in a DAO and bing-bang we got tokens baby. The Urbit community is not yet at that stage. They’re trying to build ‘things of value’ that ‘people actually use’.
Flying in the face of the argument of raising hundreds of millions and then shitting that into eco-dev, they’re building organic communities of developers building just for fun, and for basically 0 cost. These guys clearly don’t get money, let alone business and modern capitalism.
This is something that will come into account in the future, however, we at giga corp wanted to warn you now.
In the future, ‘them’, the government and big media, will try to brand Urbit and everyone associated, as fascists.
Due to what Urbit’s value in and of itself, that of:
Freedom from state-controlled cloud servers
True P2P encryption with no backdoors
An unstoppable new type of internet
Uncensorable corners of the new internet
Power to the individual
It will inherently, therefore, warrant damnation from globalist governments and media who find themselves unable to manage the narrative while losing power and control. Usually, when that happens, it’s a good strategy to brand said people as ‘Fascists’, ‘Terrorists’ or anything else that ostracises them from mainstream society in order to deter adoption.
You see, Urbit isn’t just technology, it’s an ideology. This isn’t new, crypto exhibits the same behaviours and patterns, as any other tech sector, or even academia. Filled with dogma and ideals of the ‘how’. ‘How’, is something much more than just the technology.
For Urbiters, Urbit is The Great Filter. This is the fork in the road that is offered to us in modern civilised society. With only a few steps to go, and with large web2 corpos a la Meta, Google n’ family, all already commingling with the government, its agencies and the media. It is an opportunity for humanity to say ‘No’ to this weird amalgamation (Sic: Cathedral).
Not so dissimilar to an autonomous zone in Portland, the frontline protests in Paris, or a training camp just 50 clicks outside of Karachi, the Urbit community is a fundamentalist one that aims to radicalise Hinfidels into their way of seeing things.
Usually, the founders that make us the most ROI on our capital are the dishonest, immoral ones, that can perversely pump our bags by showing their face and ‘announcing updates’.
This is not the case, however, in Urbit. In fact, in Urbit, it’s much more likely that the lack of integrity is sniffed out by the tight-knit community, with the clear-outsiders kicked to the metaphorical curb.
This has created a perverse cult of like-minded visionaries who spend their every waking hour working on mission-driven products, just like the children who toil away in Bangladeshi sweatshops to keep up with the AAVE orders of Merch every conference season.
Once you go down the Urbit rabbit hole and spend enough time there, you come out a different person, with a different worldview. You start questioning norms and having an existential crisis over the industry you’ve spent your entire adult life working in.
The developers in Urbit are only developers in Urbit, finding any grant or project they can let them do what they love, writing Hoon. One does not come back from that.
As the earth shifts into our next Mercury Retrograde and our outer chakras align with the now recognised UFOs appearing in everyday life, the time for the great filtering of earthlings is upon us.
Do we want to be perpetual slaves to the web 2.0 Davos Lizard people, or will we rise up and support freedom of compute? Will we see what’s right in front of us?
The best Urbit products are being built right now.
The Urbit bubble is coming, get ahead of it.
Yes, it’s early, with little to no prior traction. The underlying tech is only now catching up in both the literal and figurative, with where it needs to be at to serve users at scale.
None of the companies in the ecosystem have a track record and the company with the highest generated revenue is probably Native Planet, a literal hardware/software company and arguably the hardest type of company to build.
There is risk. Lots of risk. Though as the saying goes,
‘There’s no reward, without risk’
In saying all that, if you get in now, you’re getting in early.
The way to get in early:
Set up your planet and go boot it up. You can do that for FREE here.
Install Escape/Realm/Landscape - UI
Install Portal - Discovery
Find friends online and figure it out!
That’s it!
Go and understand for yourself.
You can ask anyone in the community for help, go directly to the Twitter pages of companies, they’ll all be more than happy to help you out and jump on a conversation with you.
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S, ~narpel-machul,
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