My Digital Alter-Ego - Meet Teji
January 31st, 2022

What the F**k is Teji?

Teji is a reflection of myself — The word Teji is my “real” name spelt backwards with an added i — like iPod. 

History of Teji

Both the word Teji and the character now associated with it, both began as seperate entities. Originally, I called myself Teji Temple — I used to like the idea of having a two word name like Juice WRLD or Post Malone. Now the reason why I bring up Juice WRLD & Post Malone is because I was using the alias Teji Temple to anonymously release music online — probably because I was too afraid of attaching my real identity to my work. 

Now, along the same timeline as me releasing music under Teji Temple I began trying to build a Lyrical Lemonade clone in Australia called Chapter Begun. I used to shoot music videos, interviews and sneak into shows. During this time Lyrical Lemonade founder Cole Bennett would introduce his own character Lenny — This made me realise I wanted my own Lenny for whatever I was trying to build. 

Early Teji sketches
Early Teji sketches

Soon this rough looking alien bear character I’d scribbled would now become known as Teji and Teji was ready to see the world. So, I packed my bags and headed for Vietnam — I bought a motorbike and rode from Ho Chi Minh to Hanoi not only backpacking but spray painting my newly made character across the country — This would become Teji’s first official mark on the world.

Hidden Teji in Vietnam
Hidden Teji in Vietnam

The Vietnam trip ended with an impulsive flight to Tokyo where I visited Takashi Murakami’s Kaikai Kiki gallery where I met LA based artist T-Rex who’d been hosting an exhibition alongside Ian Connor and the Sickö brand— the entire Tokyo trip opened my eyes to what’s really possible.

Teji prints made in Tokyo
Teji prints made in Tokyo

Not long after arriving home from Tokyo would I dive into the world of NFTs. I recall my first NFT purchase being an NBA Top Shot moment — I didn’t think much of it at the time but almost seemingly overnight did my portfolio transform into 99% illiquid JPEGs. 

Teji meets the blockchain

From the beginning I wanted to mint my own character to the blockchain —  I didn’t want to use another brands image to define myself online, I wanted to use Teji to build my own brand and online identity. The first iteration of Teji was inspired by Pixel Vault’s Punks Comic which took the simple pixel art of several Crypto Punks and turned them into 16 fleshed out characters — hence my decision to create a barebones pixelated Teji which I could also use to develop a narrative around.

Genesis Teji NFT
Genesis Teji NFT

I am now gearing up to release a free to mint collection of 1000 unique Teji characters which will play a role in the Tejiverse — Now, I’m not going to promise any utility with holding any of my NFTs but what I do promise is an entry ticket to my world. 

Well, what does this so-called world of yours consist of? 

Well you’re just going to have to come along for the ride and see where Teji takes you..

Are you ready to trip?

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