ttt treaty - sealed by lightning and stone

With honesty and boldness, we have immense hope for the future.

trust as our core

the towers three is an exercise in trust.

This is an exercise in continuously rebuilding, supporting, and creating community - creating spaces for people to show up as their authentic selves without the need to be anon for unconditional acceptance. We are exploring creating spaces in which love and transparency are valued. Value is created through existence, not what can be squeezed into the workload of an extractive 40-hour workweek.

We want to grow spaces where the voices of the globally marginalized are loved, supported, valued, and given visibility in ways previously denied to us. Web3 is a borderless, immutable force that is built by the people, Layer 0 (L0). Why not create and support spaces that reflect the immensely rich cultural and personal experiences of those who comprise that L0?

We imagine a future in which marginalized peoples feel welcomed to participate in web3 with no worry of retaliation, creepy guys in replies, or ostracization due to their lived experiences. We imagine a future in which accessibility efforts in web3 are grounded in an intersectional understanding of the different and overlapping privileges that our societies uphold. We imagine a future in which solidarity and financial resources are given without hoops to jump through; where financial empowerment isn’t based on oppressive conditionals or what a third party decides is “best for you”.

We are not here to fix every social and societal issue on this planet, but we do see ways that we can make actionable changes and, at the very least, support those who see web3 as a tool for their own liberation and freedom. What we want may sound like a lofty goal to some, but why not try to make the beauty of our dreams a reality?

The hard truth is that we will not be handed a subversive web3 without a fight. As is the generational reality for those at the intersections of historically marginalized identities - such as being queer, trans, BIPOC, femme, disabled - we will have to create our own spaces and build our own structures. In our attempt to build these spaces, we understand that those who have power will view us fighting for intersectional justice as a threat. Historically when marginalized people hold power structures accountable, the privileged retaliate. At the idea of losing power, they writhe in fear and will stop at nothing to maintain the system. As multiply marginalized people, we have to be ready for this response and build a liberatory and collective web3 nevertheless.

At the end of the day, no matter our technology, everything comes down to L0: the human layer. We are social first and foremost. We are trusting ourselves to lead our own liberation as we build in web3. Gigachads will hate it, but it will free us all.

what do we do?

In order to find solutions, we need to understand the problems. We have listed some of the ones we see below.


  • The material conditions of web3 are essentially indistinguishable from web2 and the rest of our world at large: wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few, a few who serve their interests of continued accumulation by denying access to, exploiting, and otherwise continuing to oppress marginalized peoples.

  • Web3 spaces and power structures are just not diverse, leading to bigotry against marginalized peoples being normalized and not held accountable.

  • Many of even the “diverse” orgs and areas are not intersectional - ie. not inclusive of non-binary people, do not critically examine how class and race intersect with broader marginalized identities like women, do not examine the systems or material conditions that they are operating in. It is rare for DEI programs to actually consist of narratives on material and monetary impacts. They generally are more pitched in terms of “exposure” or “networking”.

Now that we have identified the problems, let's explore possible solutions.

possible solutions

  • D+I means real, cold, hard money being funneled to marginalized people and those people being in positions of real, material power - unconditionally.

  • Coalition-building with a primary focus on critical analysis of material conditions and intersectionality.

  • A focus on solidarity, not charity.

  • Have panels that are majority global-majority people.

why the towers three (ttt)?

We are glad you asked!

who are we?

the towers three are three multiply marginalized web3 friends doing web3 stuff together. We are aligned and committed to building a future where this technology fosters our collective humanity. We value consent, autonomy, and communication in everything we do.

what’s our mission?

This is an exercise in trust. We all share one key.

  • For you: Help you find cool, inclusive web3 projects and people who are aligned with our values; bring visionaries together to collaborate.

  • For us: Build a ground up radically diverse and inclusive web3.

external monetary commitments

Thank you for supporting ttt. We are a consensus-governed collective of marginalized people. All received money is ours, we have full, complete, total autonomy over it and choose where it goes.

dreams and vibes

We have dreams of what ttt can accomplish but we prioritize our joy and mental health above all else. Below we have listed some of the dreams we have for ttt:

  • Bring together radical people in the web3 space

  • Build a repository of other aligned orgs

  • Boost other marginalized and aligned creators

  • Help coordinate mutual aid efforts in solidarity with mutual aid orgs

  • Speak at conferences

  • NFT project to highlight and fund marginalized artists

  • Help coordinate a conference with a coalition of aligned organizations

  • Gitcoin and other grants to fund our writings, contributions, and vibes to web3

We are radically exploring our collective humanity through digital and technological means of organizing: economically, politically, spiritually, and socially. We believe web3 is a critical tool for us to realize freedom.

We are not a monolith, we are the towers three.

Signed ttt

Rachel, En, and Sean

Find us on twitter and support us at thetowers.eth.

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