Introducing...The Vibe Trillionaires

Hello! We are The Vibe Trillionaires, and we’d like to briefly introduce ourselves, our vision, and what makes us a revolutionary project.

Who are The Vibe Trillionaires?

In the simplest terms, The Vibe Trillionaires are a band made up of 13 virtual avatars.

From left to right: The Crystal, Shroomami, Fela, B222L, Floyd the Tree, Jet, Mogo, Zen Flow, Lemon Girl, Glamingo, Purrusha, Bam Bam, Lily Crush.
From left to right: The Crystal, Shroomami, Fela, B222L, Floyd the Tree, Jet, Mogo, Zen Flow, Lemon Girl, Glamingo, Purrusha, Bam Bam, Lily Crush.

But we’re not just like any band. We are unique for one very important reason.

You can join this band.

But how?

A band of 13 avatars

The word “avatar” comes from ancient Sanskrit, and is defined by Google as… 

Source: Google
Source: Google

We wouldn’t exactly call ourselves deities, but we would call ourselves teachers, as well as manifestations of an idea

And what idea is that? What do we seek to teach?

The value of creativity and collaboration.

The two pillars of The Vibe Trillionaires: Creativity and Collaboration
The two pillars of The Vibe Trillionaires: Creativity and Collaboration

Our mission

As a band, our main goal is to help you tap into the abundance of creativity that lives within yourself and within every living being.

Unfortunately, we find that this wealth of creativity is, far too often, “locked” away from us. There can be many reasons for this, but we’ve continuously identified that creativity is often hindered by self-doubt, fear of failure, and overthinking. We think that these negative emotions often arise from our attachment to our sense of identity. 

Whoa, pretty Zen - we know. But for real…

Artists - how many times have you thought to yourself, “this doesn’t fit my sound,” or, “this doesn’t match my style?” And even for those who “aren’t artists,” have you ever found yourself thinking, “I don’t draw, make music, or do anything ‘artsy,’ so I must not be very creative?” 

The power of avatars

The ethos behind The Vibe Trillionaires is to create freely and fearlessly. By using virtual avatars, we take advantage of the ability to detach from our own identities, thereby unlocking an infinite source of creative potential.

As a Vibe Trillionaire, you can create anything. Be anyone. The possibilities are endless, and the only limitation is your imagination.

But why limit it to just one person’s imagination?

The power of collaboration

Now that we’ve detached from our identities and unlocked an infinite source of creativity, we believe the next step towards scaling and amassing an abundance of creative vibes is through collaboration.

We want you to “become” one of these 13 virtual avatars and make the music, draw the art, design the clothes, and create whatever it is that you’ve always to create, collaborating alongside 12 other high-vibrational individuals. We want you to join us in an exciting and experimental endeavor towards amassing a wealth of vibes and re-amplifying those vibes back into the world.

This is what it means to be a Vibe Trillionaire. This is what we seek to achieve by inviting you to “join the band.”

How to join the band

We don’t know how the process of on-boarding individuals to the band will play out exactly, but we have a solid idea, and it all starts with community.

We’re on the search for other high-vibrational individuals to join us in building an online and IRL community where creativity and collaboration can flourish.

Starting asap, we want to begin collaborating with anyone and everyone on anything and everything. Whether it’s music, visual graphics, video, or fashion design, we want to work together with you, and we want members of our community to work together with each other - even if it’s completely unrelated to the band.

Our goal is to establish our foundation as a band that supports a creative community and fosters exceptional collaborations inside and outside of The Vibe Trillionaires universe.

From within this community, we envision finding the first 13 individuals to become The Vibe Trillionaires.

wait…the first?

That’s right. Just like how Aang was The Avatar before Korra, these virtual avatars have the unique ability to act as artistic mediums for an infinitely never-ending cycle of artists.

Kind of like reverse reincarnation - the body (the avatar) lasts forever, but the soul (the artist “possessing” the avatar, for lack of a better word) is dynamic and ever-changing.

In this way, The Vibe Trillionaires unlock an infinite amount of creative avenues until the end of time. Until infinity.

You can become a Vibe Trillionaire, write, produce, and release the 3 song EP you’ve always wanted to make, and then pass along The Vibe Trillionaire to the next high-vibrational individual.

Example A: Purrusha the “Wubcat”

For example, we’ve been somewhat playful with the idea of Purrusha the Cat being known as “Wubcat” and becoming the sought after Vibe Trillionaire among dubstep, riddim, and EDM producers.

“Wubcat” becomes a fun creative exercise for these artists to collaboratively sculpt a sonic identity for, being passed around amongst the EDM community and inspiring artists to make the best song they’ve ever made now that it’s “their turn with the cat.”

Artists and producers can remain anonymous, freeing themselves of any pressure to adhere to self-imposed standards, styles, or brands - simply focusing on making good music and having fun with the cat for the short (or long) time they have it. As this goes on, Purrusha becomes more and more known as “The Wubcat” in the EDM community until next thing you know, Skrillex wants his turn with the cat.

Of course, that’s quite some time away, and for all we know, Purrusha might become the “Country Cat” instead. This silly little dream of ours just helps us explain the big picture vision and the endless possibilities behind The Vibe Trillionaires.

Let’s talk business

If you’re familiar with the media & entertainment business, you’re probably thinking about the copyright ownership nightmare that the above scenario would entail.

You also might be thinking to yourself, “Yes, being able to create freely and fearlessly with a band and community of high-vibrational individuals sounds cool and all, but…how will people be compensated for contributing their precious time, energy, and intellectual property to this project?

In short: We are founding a next-gen media and entertainment parent company for The Vibe Trillionaires universe, with separate subsidiaries for the band’s IP, publishing, recording, and merchandising enterprises. By doing this, we will be able to fairly and properly compensate creative contributions in whatever creative outlet one wishes to contribute towards.

This is a very brief and simplified overview, and we know there are a lot more nuances and details to fully lay out, but to prevent from making this introductory paper too much to take in all at once, we will soon be publishing a second paper explaining in-depth how we envision managing rights ownership and proper compensation for creative contributions by leveraging decentralized technologies and organizational structures.

More than just a band, but a revolution

As you can see, our long-term vision for The Vibe Trillionaires includes much more than just starting a band. It involves starting a creative revolution.

We want our message on the importance of creativity and collaboration to resonate with everyone, regardless of their background. Creativity and collaboration are just as important when it comes to business, science, technology, and every facet of life.

The Vibe Trillionaires were not only created to be a medium for artists to channel their creativity through, but to be a medium for spreading the importance of creativity and collaboration through.

As much as we strive to inspire artists, we equally strive to inspire the engineers that will use their creativity to invent a way to clean our oceans of plastic. We strive to inspire the businessmen and businesswomen who will use their creativity to finance renewable energy sources.

To be a Vibe Trillionaire is to simply believe in the same values that we do when it comes to creativity and collaboration.

To be a Vibe Trillionaire is to use creativity and collaboration towards making this world a better place.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read about us.

We can’t for you to become a Vibe Trillionaire.

You can join the band now by visiting, joining our Discord, and subscribing to our email list.

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