Modern Day Magic

Alchemy-Road to Web3

Take a look at any dictionary and you’ll get some version of the definition below for the word ‘Alchemy’ -- A word I’ve always not only liked the sound of, but the meaning as well:


any magical power or process of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value.

It’s magical. You’re trying to turn one thing from an earlier state into another ... from nothing into something. Whether that is water into wine or sand into gold -- from the times of old or jump to present day. Think chemists for a more literal sense, but what about artists using Artificial Intelligence? An artist takes either a common ‘word’ or ‘a ‘prompt’ and turns this nothing-special into a piece of ‘ultra-rare’ sought after, highly coveted art that adorns the walls of well-known collectors. What about the generative art category - when artists take a 58 encoded string, let’s think Fx hash, a piece of code made up of every day symbols and letters and almost magically turn those mathematical algorithms into an art collection that is something like Tyler Hobbs' Fidenzas? Is this magic? Could this be today's ‘Alchemy”? Ok, I know it’s not ‘magic’ but when you really think about it, doesn’t it ‘feel’ like magic?

When pertaining to the state of the blockchain, coding, applications, mathematical languages, ai art, fx hash & gen art algos, html & hypertext languages -- there will always be these instances of an everyday, commonplace item transforming into something that is catapulted past its competetoors. The name alchemy is a perfect fit for this developer's platform -- likewise the school a perfect match for anyone that wants to learn modern day ‘magic’.

It's nice to meet you, I'm an artist...mostly abstract, I've included some links to my art, but I'm trying to teach myself how to be my own tech support in the world that is and is going to be smart contracts & NFTS. Right now I am creating my own smart contracts using Manifold. I’d very much like to get a better understanding of said contracts. I’d like to be able to be my own tech support and add my own extensions to my own contracts — the goal is a better understanding of the code and the language in order to understand what I am signing my name to. 

WEEK 1 - Challenge 1


Who are you, and what is your software development background?

I’m an artist, always have been. My dev background is pretty much me teaching myself any and everything I can about smart contracts so I can understand what I am putting my name to. It’s come to the point that I would like to be able to ‘create' for others, but also advocate for myself when things go wrong as they always do. I’d like to be my own tech support and understand the space I’m in. I want to build. (I guess my software dev background is not terribly extensive! haha)

  1. Why did you want to complete this lesson?

I want to absorb as much knowledge as I can especially if it helps protect me in the NFT art space. It’s mostly about being my own

  1. When did you complete the project?

11.11.22 3:30am

  1. What technologies did you use?

Alchemy, OpenZeppelin, REMIX, MetaMask, OpenSea, Goerli, , Mirror, FileBase, IPFS, Github, Terminal, Notion (notes), npm, node.js, Discord

  1. What did you enjoy about the tutorial?

Following along was pretty easy bc I've been reading and dealing w smart contracts for a few months. I enjoy anything that has to do with NFTs and contracts so using Remix is really interesting. I'd like to get to the point where I can just put them together and create anything. I did add the burn function to mine so I can go back and learn a little about that as well. Hope that's ok!

  1. How do you think you can use this technology to build useful applications in the future? What are some specific example applications?

In so many ways. In creating NFTs for my art in the future, but in creating the apps that the contracts & NFTs run on. Apps like DUNE for analytics and ledgers and most importantly as mentioned above -- I’d like to be my own tech support in every way possible.

7.Who would you recommend this project to?

Anyone that wants to be ready for whats coming down the pipeline.

  1. What is the Ethereum wallet address you would like to receive your PoK at?


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