Eternal Garden

Eternal Mirror

Let’s build a world.

I am TK, a singer-songwriter and producer based in Los Angeles, CA. I strive to create music that paints vivid soundscapes and tells compelling stories. I believe that my music reflects my own unique journey, but also strive to find a common thread that connects people together.

As an artist, I try my best to create something that brings people together, but I recognize that I'm still learning, growing, and trying to improve my craft. I have been fortunate enough to have several years of experience as a multi-instrumentalist, both in the studio and on tour. I hope to use that knowledge and experience to continue to create something special and meaningful, and to keep growing as an artist.

At my core, I’m a storyteller, and I’ve always had a passion for being a part of something greater than myself. I make music as an expression of my ideals, principles, and beliefs: Love, Empathy, and Unity. For these reasons I am invariably intentional about how I make music and how it is presented.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. I take my personal diaries and build worlds out of every passage. My music is just as much an expression as it is a journey of self-discovery, and bringing you along for the adventure is so much more fulfilling.

In a world of 24/7 news cycles, algorithms, and trending topics, it’s harder than ever to make meaningful art that can cut through the noise. The pressure to conform to the status quo is heavier than ever. Web3 has given me the freedom to express my artistry authentically and share my stories with anyone who will listen. Releasing Eternal Garden as one cohesive project was important to me. I want to represent the artists who are intentional about their work and remain true to themselves. I want the music, the narrative, and the message to come across clearly and eloquently. I want to leave a legacy that extends far beyond the reach of my voice. I want to leave heirs to a throne built upon the foundation of my essence. I want to make my future self proud.

I’ve always been a risk taker. A pathfinder of new possibilities. Because everything you want is on the other side of comfort. For that reason, I want to thank you all for taking the hard road with me, because at the summit is a vision for the world that perhaps only we will ever see.

Web3 has given me the freedom to express my artistry authentically and share my stories with anyone who will listen.

As a music industry professional, crypto investor, and tech founder, I have made a name for myself in the rapidly growing web3 music space. I am proud to be recognized as one of the fastest growing music NFT artists and have become a leader and pioneer in this exciting new industry. With over 70 ETH in trade volume generated from multiple successful NFT collections, and the sale of over 9000 Music NFTs in recent months, I am continuously pushing the boundaries of what is possible in this space.

I am dedicated to providing a highly diverse and educational experience for all walks of life, and this is reflected in my work as a consultant for some of the biggest platforms and projects in web3. I am best known for selling out my latest NFT collection, "Eternal Garden", which comprised of 700 unique music NFTs. I’m writing this recap in the hopes that other independent musicians will take it and use the process & tools to launch their own projects.

Eternal Garden

Eternal Garden is a brand new audio-visual experience. A series of music releases that follow excerpts of a deep rooted narrative culminating in an NFT collection. The Eternal Garden NFT collection consists of:

  • 700 NFTs

  • 7 songs

  • 7 Visuals

  • 7 Forbidden Fruits

Eternal Garden is a manifestation of my inner-most desires. I poured my heart and soul into creating this collection I wrote, produced, and performed all of the music, and along the way I was fortunate enough to have the help of some incredibly talented individuals:

  • Aidan Graven (Production, “Fantasy”)

  • Brett White (Production, “Never Forget”)

  • Refi (Featured Artist, “Waiting”)

  • Karey (3D Design)

  • Ladidai (Project Management)

The Story

Eternal Garden follows the story of Caius, an angel cast out of heaven by the goddess Flora, tasked with a mission to terraform a now desolate and uninhabitable earth. Though his mission was successful, he broke the singular rule necessary for an angel’s survival. Caius falls in love with an earthly being, later revealed to be a centuries old shapeshifter, and falls into a deep slumber. Locked in a daydream, he relives the memories of a thousand men, unlocking the secrets of the human condition as he experiences love, heartbreak, and resentment over and over again. He awakens to a world on fire and stripped of his angelic blessing. To reclaim his power and fulfill his promise, Caius embarks on a treacherous journey to the Eternal Garden - a portal between Heaven and Earth, and the source of their vitality.

As I delved deeper into the character's story, I found myself becoming more and more invested in the journey of Caius and the themes of love, heartbreak, and the human condition.

I’m delighted to explore the world of Eternal Garden with you all for the foreseeable future.

How It Started:

After success with a few web3 releases, I turned my attention to web2 and brainstormed with my team on how to release music cohesively between web2 and web3 and their respective cadences. We opted to release music every 3-4 weeks to DSPs, and package all of the music into one NFT collection.


Eternal Garden involved a thorough planning process to ensure its success. I consulted many trusted builders in the space to get opinions on how to execute this project. For example, the team considered adding generative artwork with unique variations and rarity traits, but taking advice, ultimately decided to focus on the artist and project narrative along with the music. As you can see, I planned everything from the beginning, to during, and after the Eternal Garden release.

To sell out a collection of this size, it took the support of different tiers of the web3 ecosystem.

  • Platforms

  • DAOs

  • Whales

  • Collectors

  • Fans

Marketing (Reference Tools Used)

To maximize the reach and impact of our "Eternal Garden" marketing campaign, we deployed a range of marketing tools. Laylo was pivotal in our process, serving as our primary SMS and mailing list platform for disseminating updates and announcements directly to our fans' inboxes and phones. This direct line of communication ensured that our most dedicated followers received timely information, exclusive offers, and personal touches, fostering a closer bond between us. Meanwhile, social media platforms like Twitter and IG amplified our voice, allowing us to engage with a broader audience, share sneak peeks, and create buzz. Bonfire played a crucial role in our virtual event promotion, ensuring that our audience was well-informed and eager to participate. By combining the use these platforms, we ensured a comprehensive and cohesive marketing approach that resonated with both our core followers and potential new fans, driving the success of the "Eternal Garden" project.

A Study on Collectors:

Recently, I’ve been a huge advocate for collector equity. Creator assets that exist on the blockchain today have huge potential to amass value in the future. We have current collectors and investors to thank for growing the web3 music space and investing in artists, making a bold statement that conditions for artists should and can be better. These pioneers are typically forward thinking, and have the resources and information to create and take advantage of these opportunities. The next evolution of collecting is giving a wider audience of music fans equal opportunity to share ownership in their favorite artists and reap the benefits of holding these assets in the future. Creating more equitable and digestible processes and opportunities for collecting digital music will be integral to accomplishing this.

Free music NFTs have become a popular choice for artists looking to grow their collector bases. This is a great way to invite new and native fans into your web3 world without the financial barrier. We’re also seeing the emergence of earn-to-mint formats for music NFT collecting. Like or pre-save a song on Spotify and you can claim a free music NFT. I wanted to implement both of these models without giving up the potential for financial gain as an artist. This train of thought led to the concept of allowing cutting-edge platforms to purchase a set number of Eternal Garden NFTs & partnering with me to create unique experiences well beyond the mint date. These experiences will provide fans the opportunity to claim these NFTs for participating and helping me grow as an artist.

Collector Motivations:


  • Mid-Long Term

    • Collects NFTs to build portfolio with the intention of selling at a much higher price in 3-5 years.
  • Short Term (Flipper)

    • Collects NFTs to resell NFTs within the first week of the drop.

Traditional Collector

  • Less financially motivated, more interested in showcasing the size or quality of their collection.

Fan / Supporter

  • Primary motivation is the appreciation of the artist, the art, and the utility/experiences they can enjoy.

Many of these motivations overlap as intentions for collecting music NFTs exist on a spectrum.

It is important for artists and the web3 ecosystem to find a balance between the different types of music NFT collectors, as each group brings unique value and can contribute to the success and sustainability of the ecosystem.

Investors and flippers may be more focused on financial gain and may not have the same level of loyalty to the artist or platform.

Traditional collectors may also be more interested in the size and quality of their collection rather than actively engaging with the artist or utilizing the platform for experiences.

On the other hand, fans are more likely to engage with the artist and utilize the platform for experiences such as exclusive content, concerts, and other interactive events. This level of engagement helps to create a strong community and generates ongoing support for the artist and platform. This, in turn, can lead to greater sustainability as the artist and platform will have a dedicated fan base that is invested in their success. Additionally, fans may be more likely to actively promote the artist and platform to others, helping to bring in new users and further contribute to the sustainability of the ecosystem.

I view Music NFTs as extremely valuable creator assets. From a long-term perspective, it can be especially beneficial for artists to consider selling their NFTs to their core fans or people from communities that they would like to see benefit from the long term value work. NFT assets have the potential to help close the financial inequality gap between communities for collectors as well as artists. For collectors from underrepresented communities, NFTs can provide a new avenue for investment and financial gain. In traditional art markets, collectors from marginalized communities may face barriers to entry and may not have the same level of access to resources and opportunities as more privileged collectors. NFTs can provide a more inclusive and accessible platform for collectors to purchase and collect art, potentially leading to greater financial stability and success.

Additionally, collectors from specific communities can support and uplift those communities by targeting the purchase of NFTs from artists or creators from those communities. This can help to support and invest in these communities, potentially leading to greater financial stability and success for the community as a whole. That being said it’s important to safeguard against the monopoly of these creator assets and there are a few strategies that can be implemented. These include setting price caps or floors, offering NFTs through a lottery or raffle system, and educating collectors about the importance of diversity and inclusivity.

I took all of this information and research into having 1 on 1 conversations with each of my previous collectors, and potential future collectors. As more of them pledged their support for the project, I created spreadsheets with tentative commitments utilizing live-updating ETH formulas to calculate numbers and set proper expectations.

We formed strategic partnerships with a few select platforms, protocols, and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) in the web3 ecosystem in order to create unique experiences and earning opportunities for holders of the Eternal Garden NFT collection. These partnerships include:

  • Lens Protocol: which allows all Eternal Garden NFT holders to claim their own unique .lens handle, immediate access to Eternal Garden communities, content, and activations across various Lens applications and access to Eternal Garden x AAVE IRL activations

  • HIFI Labs

  • Decent Protocol:

    • Staking: lock NFTs to earn rewards, such as $ROSES, a social token that can be used to unlock exclusive experiences and discounts

    • Rental NFTs: earn by leasing NFTs for a fixed period, for access to events, subscriptions, and trial runs

    • Vault/Treasury: a percentage of secondary sales collected in the Eternal Garden Vault, periodically unlocked for collectors to claim their share of ETH.

  • SymphonyOS: The easiest way to grow your fanbase and build your business. Smart automated marketing, all on-the-go.

    • 2 Months Free on Symphony Pro.

    • Custom marketing plan with the Symphony Team.

    • 1 on 1 Zoom call with the Symphony Founder.

  • Mochi: A team-based goal-setting game that allows users to earn a FREE Eternal Garden NFT by starting a Mochi journey and completing it with 100% accuracy.

  • Chainpass: The official Eternal Garden ticketing and RSVP partner, allowing concert-goers to utilize the blockchain for their ticketing needs.

All of these partnerships are designed to enhance the value and experiences of owning an Eternal Garden NFT, and also to provide new earning opportunities for holders.

Determining price and quantity

Determining the price for the Eternal Garden NFT collection was a delicate balance between valuing my work authentically and understanding the dynamics of the market. I have always been a strong proponent of artists pricing their creations based on their personal beliefs and the intrinsic value they place on their art. However, it's also essential to approach such decisions with a business acumen, keeping the market mentality in mind. During the time leading up to the drop, the trending price for NFTs hovered around 0.02-0.03 ETH. While our initial inclination was to set the price at 0.1 ETH, given the value and effort poured into the project, we eventually decided on a price of 0.07 ETH. This was still significantly above the average market price, reflecting the unique value of the Eternal Garden collection. Our decision was also influenced by the broader economic context, as the launch coincided with the onset of a bear market and the significant FTX crypto crash. Despite these external challenges, we maintained our optimism and focus, and, to our delight, the project sold out at our chosen price point, affirming the trust and belief of our community in the worth of Eternal Garden.


Eternal Garden was launched on November 25th, 2022 and in 7 days sold out 700 NFTs generating 38.26 ETH ($50,000) in revenue.

At the time of release, Eternal Garden was reported as:

  • Largest music NFT release in November 2022 by primary volume.

  • Largest project to utilize Sound Protocol by a solo artist.

As an Artist:

  • #1 Artist on 7 Day charts

  • #1 Artist on 30 Day charts

  • #3 Artist in All Time Primary Sales (Now #5)

Coverage in Billboard

I was blown away by the response to the collection during pre-sale and public sale, Despite the bear market, and above average collection size and mint price, the collection sold out completely, which is a testament to the hard work and dedication that went into creating it.

This response is a validation of all the hard work, time and dedication that went into creating Eternal Garden and It gives me immense joy and fulfillment to know that my art is being appreciated and valued in this way. But this project also offers a compounding utility in the form of online and in-person experiences, exclusive services and airdrops, which I believe is what sets it apart from other NFT collections and I truly believe it will be a journey worth taking.

I invite you to discover more about the collection at and be a part of Caius's journey, one that holds a special place in my heart.

Thank you

I want to thank you all for taking the hard road with me, because at the summit is a vision for the world that perhaps only we will ever see. I’m delighted to explore the world of Eternal Garden with you all for the foreseeable future. Get ready.

This is just the beginning.

Eternally, TK

Be the first to know of how the Eternal Garden universe will continue to expand. The team and I are working on the following: token launch, merch drop, sample pack, NFT drops, DSP releases, etc. Stay tuned via:

The Eternal Garden Telegram:

The Eternal Garden Discord:

The Eternal Garden Laylo:

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