PlayerX Has Landed! Alpha Test live on 2/11, 3PM PST

Hello, World!

As Une, we are a group of people that believes in two things:

  1. We can retake our own values from centralized companies and organizations.
  2. With blockchain and the metaverse, we have our best shot at making the world better place.

These are big dreams. Some will call us foolish, and rightfully so. It won’t be easy, and it won’t be quick.

But we believe that, with the right people, we can do it together.

This is why we are a DAO. The people building Une now come from all around the world. We don’t clock in, and we don’t ever clock out. We are building for our shared vision, and that vision is our purpose, our drive. This is why we are Une, and our moto is As One.

We still have a lot, a lot of work to do.

However, as a DAO, we believe that starting from the right point, involving the right people, getting the right feedback is the most important part of our role as the first builders for this community.

This is why we have planned Walk as One, and will be sharing what we are building with the community right from the start, right from Alpha, so we can all take the first step together.

Walk with us, and welcome, PlayerX.

Who is PlayerX?

PlayerX represents the new digital nomads. Those breaking free from conventions, from boundaries, from the barriers of countries and languages. PlayerX sees that life isn’t about grinding away for a company or a CEO. PlayerX sees that we need to think for ourselves, work for ourselves and live for ourselves. Because this is how we can be free from the many restraints of our centralized past, this is how we can claim our own values.

We are PlayerX. We are Une. On the blockchain, it doesn’t matter where you’re from, or what you do. We all share a commonality. We are all our own individuals.

We are in a very special time together. The pandemic has proven that the way we lived, worked and connected has been shackles built by societal norms, a façade that at a moment’s notice, faded away. Why did it take so long for us to adopt remote work, when we already had the same tools available for years? Why did we spend our time, money and energy to dress up a certain way, to travel to work, to put up a front when none of it really mattered?

What else are we so accustomed to, that are really just rules and expectations placed upon us for the benefit of others?

We are on a very special mission together- to build a Metaverse where every one of us can claim our own values. PlayerX’s casual bottoms, but still SFW top, represents the start of this shift. For our individuality. For our own values. For our own future.

We are all PlayerX.

What is Walk As One?

PlayerX: Walk As One is the first ever NFT event on UneMeta, only for alpha testers. It will be live on February 11th at 3PM PST.

200 copies of each of the 8 basic versions of PlayerX NFTs rest in 1600 Meta Boxes.

Each of the 8 possesses a superpower, and when a person collects all 8, one of the special 200 PlayerX NFTs will be rewarded.

What is a Meta Box?

A Meta Box is a tool that Une is building to contain NFTs. Think of it like a mystery box. You won’t know what you will get, until the box is opened. Une is testing the Meta Box feature right from alpha. When it’s ready, the Meta Box tool will be open the the public, so everyone can design, create and trade their own Meta Boxes.

All 1600 PlayerX Meta Boxes will be given to those that connect their wallets, and can be purchased on a first come first serve basis until they run out. Only one Meta Box can be purchased at a time to limit whales, and a basic PlayerX NFT can only be used to unlock a special PlayerX once.

Walk As One is meant to reward Une’s alpha testers. Those that connect their wallet will receive 1 or 2 free Meta Boxes, as well as 500 $UNE, a representation of social value on UneMeta. Those that unlock special PlayerX NFTs will receive 1000 $UNE, and the first 10 to do so will unlock 5000 $UNE!

Who will you unlock?


How can I participate?

First – Go to and connect your wallet!

How to get PlayerX Meta Boxes:

  1. For a free Meta Box, all you need to do is connect your wallet!

  2. If the connected wallet holds ≥ 5 ETH, get an additional free Meta Box!

  3. Meta Boxes will also be on sale for 0.08ETH each at event launch.

    *All Meta Boxes are first come first serve, until all 1600 run out.

How to get PlayerX NFTs:

  1. Unlock Meta Boxes.
  2. Trade with others on

How to get the Special PlayerX NFTs:

  1. Collect and hold at least 1 copy of each of the 8 basic PlayerX NFTs.

  2. Trade on

    *First come first serve until all 200 run out.

    *Each basic PlayerX NFT can only be used to unlock a special PlayerX NFT once.

**Additional perks for alpha testers**

  1. Connect your wallet to earn 500 $UNE
  2. If your wallet has ≥ 5 ETH, earn a bonus 1000 $UNE
  3. The first trade you make will earn you 500 $UNE
  4. Provide quality feedback to earn 500 $UNE
  5. If you unlock a special PlayerX NFT, you will earn 1000 $UNE!
  6. If you are 1 of the first 10 people to earn a PlayerX NFT, you will get 5000 $UNE!

What’s in the future for PlayerX?

Walk As One is the kickstart event to introduce the worldview of PlayerX and UneMeta. As a part of the UneMeta ecosystem, PlayerX will inherently have the opportunity to interact and collaborate with other DAO projects that is a part of the UneMeta roadmap. PlayerX owners will also be designated stakeholders of these DAO projects. (Small spoiler: an upcoming DAO project, Noah’s Ark, for all the animal lovers out there, is coming soon ^_^)

Numerous Web 3.0 projects and brands will also be joining forces with Une on PlayerX, in the forms of crossover NFT drops, exclusive events and more. Une recently became partners with the leading decentralized social protocol, RSS3, to build the social aspects of Une together. As a part of this partnership, Une and RSS3 will also drop special editions of PlayerX as a part of an exclusive event. (More to come on this!)

We are also actively working on the collaborative gamification of PlayerX, including VR/AR and interactive experiences on platforms like Sandbox VR, Decentraland, Cryptovoxels, Somnium Space and more.

As a part of Une’s goal to transform social value, Une will also link the offline and the online. PlayerX owners will be eligible to attend events/meetups and purchase/claim physical collectibles and merchandise. Une also encourages the PlayerX community to cultivate its own unique culture, as a DAO should.

Walk with us. Together, we can retake our future.

Live on February 11th, 3PM PST. Learn more at

We Are Une.

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