UniDex Dev Update February
February 14th, 2023

Hey everyone! Just another update post from the UniDex team.

We’ll cover topics related to the token, upcoming releases, ideas to explore, and more. We’ll be pushing out a few more update articles specifically targeting the release of SwapsV3 and PerpsV3, so this mid-month dev update will serve as a general overview.

Token updates

No this isn’t changing fees or anything. We are just seeing what we can do to partner with some protocols to give you more freedom and utility with the UNIDX token.

Concentrated Liquidity

The UNIDX token now sits on six chains, and three of these can offer high-volume concentrated liquidity pools. ETH, Arbitrum, and Optimism all have UniswapV3 deployments which let us actively market make our POL & allow others to provide single-sided UNIDX liquidity.

As more people are learning about concentrated liquidity & market making, we want to build partnerships and products to help simplify the process while putting your UNIDX to work. To start, we’re opening up a few team-managed Arrakis vaults which will help concentrate your liquidity positions & compound those fee rewards. You can click here for those unfamiliar with uniswapv3 liquidity managers to get a quick overview of them.

Arrakis isn’t the only option in the ecosystem though. We’re partnering with a few other protocols to bring liquidity concentrators, auto-compounders, and similar LP tools to give users more options for their positions. Using past results, these vaults have churned out between 40% APR on low token volume months, to 400% as of recently given the increased volume.

Solidly Wars

Solidly fork protocols have recently taken off. Velo, Equal, and Grail specifically have done very well in this market attracting TVL and a good token economy. Previously, we were participating in Velodromes token economy by bribing our vAMM-UNIDX/DAI gauge, receiving Velo & OP, relocking rewards & bribing, and repeating the cycle. This gave a very low-cost method to grow liquidity for the token on optimism, and at one point almost surpassed the 900k TVL ETH pools.

We’ll expand the playbook by participating in the Equalizers gauge wars on FTM & exchanges on Arbitrum. This means that this would be another source of yield for UNIDX holders willing to LP, but more importantly, allowing holders on Fantom to have some liquidity to trade again. Liquidity on Arbitrum has already surpassed that on Optimism, but we will still be encouraging the liquidity there.

Fee discounts (The Big One!!)

We’ve been thinking about how we can further encourage token usage, importance, and a healthy economy. We have a fairly solid plan combining the best parts of referral programs, competitive practices, and happy holders.

Since SwapsV3 is releasing soon, we’ll discuss our plans for the new swap aggregator.

To keep things short, if you have UNIDX, you’ll enjoy fee discounts no matter the platform you trade on. This means if the aggregator is integrated into another platform like DeFiLlama, Li.Fi, or any other meta-aggregator. Trading through these platforms will earn you a fee discount and allow for better net outputs per trade. The fee discount is also variable. We can encourage a higher fee discount on one platform (or even a discount without needing tokens) over another as part of a promotional partnership.

This opens up some interesting future integrations… We can have swaps integrated on a large players platform like GMX and offer discount fees permanently on a token treasury swap agreement. Maybe another wallet service like coinbase can offer in app swaps at a discount by purchasing and locking UNIDX tokens.

Its the ultimate referral program

The discount table is yet to be decided as of now, but we do have some interesting discount partnerships/integrations on the way. We’ll release more details once SwapV3 is released and in its dedicated article.

Platform updates

Brief Intro

We want to give a short update on both V3 platforms and their progress. We’re very close to the launch of both platform’s V3 updates with swaps releasing first & perps releasing after. Again we want to ensure we take our time for a smooth launch as very important integrations with platforms like DeFiLlama will be a huge player in driving volume through our superior aggregator. We want to make sure we get it right the first time and not the 3rd or 4th update. The original timeline is still in place, but our working speed will decrease the closer we get to ETHDenver as we will travel to the conference and make booth/event preparations. Likewise, we will be at the convention the whole time during our stay so we will also have more off-duty devs as we network and station our booth. It’s been a very chaotic month as new ideas come up as we build out the platform and new integrations pop up while we unveil more and grow our reach.

Thank you guys for being so patient with us. We know everyone is very excited about the upgrade and we believe this will be our inflection point that catapults us past the big guys.

V2 updates

We’re going to deploy the leverage on multiple new chains in preparation for the upcoming perp aggregator & app chain. The pools will be focused around decentralized stables just as we’ve done with our Optimism deployment.

Here’s what the deployments would look like…

  • Canto: NOTE

  • zkEVM: DAI

  • Arbitrum: DAI

  • Avax: DAI

  • Polygon: DAI

We plan to deploy some pools like Canto before ETHDenver, and networks like polygons zkEVM is targeting to release mid-March so we would be waiting on that launch. We plan to have a day-one deployment once their mainnet goes live. For those that ask about zkSync, we already have a deployment on the testnet’s there as well, however, the mainnet launch for zkSync won’t arrive till late Q2-Q3.

Wrapping up

We’re very close to another large update for the project, but there’s much more to come once we tackle what we’ve publicly mentioned through these articles. We’re also working on options aggregation, orderbooks for our app chain, and back to focusing on new crazy trading pairs for enthusiasts for a short list.

We would also like to thank all our new supporters that joined the community and mission. We watched the project grow to $25,000,000 in market cap as we proceeded to do cartwheels since we were finally being noticed for all our work.

Once again, thank you for your support.

Discord invite link — https://discord.gg/unidex
Twitter — https://twitter.com/UniDexFinance
Telegram Group — https://t.me/unidexfinance
Telegram Announcement channel — https://t.me/unidexapp
Website -https://www.unidex.exchange/
Aggregation Terminal — https://www.app.unidex.exchange/
Leverage Terminal — https://www.leverage.unidex.exchange/
Leverage Leaderboards — https://www.comp.unidex.exchange/
Business Inquiries — marketing@unidex.finance

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