10 UX Patterns that Crypto Needs to Standardize Now

I’ve prattled enough about the native token maxxing problem. But it felt like it was too inconsequential. There are things that hurt so much more. So I’m listing them to convince you that we need to set the UX standards for crypto:

1. What shows to the header after wallet has connected

Do we really have to show the address inside a button?

Or can we provide a richer context about the connected wallet?

2. This switch network button

Does it really need to be red and screaming?

Or can we make it less threatening but noticeable, and provide an actionable step to fix it?

3. Where the user can find their wallet info

Gotta agree which one place the user can definitely see their info.

4. Showing the app’s UI without needing to connect

The lack of context can drive first-time users nuts and hiding the UI until user has connected should be criminalized.

5. Showing tokens’ dollar values

The users don’t care how many tokens they have if it doesn’t translate to any dollar value.

6. How wallet sign-in options should look like

Confusing new users with too many options will not be the future of france. There must be a standard design that looks the same in every app and only shows an expandable list to avoid overwhelm.

7. Modals to tell when a browser wallet action is needed

8. Locking period warning before token deposits

9. This LP dashboard

10. Interface to make the token approval flows less insufferable

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