Let's set the VIBE.
First Vibehead was created on 23rd April 2021.
First Vibehead was minted on 5th November 2021.
Today is 9th April 2022.
And we had quite a journey in-between.
Experienced Joy, Excitement, High Motivation & Passion to Demotivation, Failures & Depression.
**And then JoJo jumped in.
**A Weirdo, An Artist, A High Vibe dude, Loves Experiments and trying his hands in Music.
What else? He's a hoot!
This is his Story now.
We've learned a lot about the NFT space and have faced a couple of failures. Facing these challenges made us more mature leaders, but many people think the space is crowded and that it's just a gambling game. We believe there's still a lot of space; we just need to have a clear vision of the direction we want to take and that NFTs are the best way to form future brands together as a community.
The goal is to have a long term vision and short term roadmaps that keeps evolving with time.
We are a creative and artistic team with unique and crazy ideas. We love experiments. We want to leverage this and focus only on creating stuff that we love doing.
Pointers to Vision