My New EP 'so fly' – An AI Collaboration, Not a Replacement

GM Vivid here, I am a producer of electronic music with some alternative/indie pop flavor. I’m excited to announce, I've just received the final masters in for my new EP called 'so fly'. The first single, ‘Quench My Thirst’ will be released on May 3rd!

artwork for 'Quench My Thirst'
artwork for 'Quench My Thirst'

The AI Elephant in the Creative Room

This project is my take on that whole "AI is gonna steal our jobs" panic – especially for those of us as artists. As all artists know, we put in the sweat and tears to get good. Thousands upon thousands of hours in most cases. Then out of the blue this software appears that anyone can use to spit out something with minimal effort.

Even though a lot of the outputs are currently far from perfect, this is the worst it will ever be and it’s getting better with every passing day. It was a crazy realization once I experienced it for myself and understood the implications this tech has on the future of art creation and consumption.

I’ve been seeing a lot of mixed sentiment on socials. Everyone seems to be going through the stages of grief as the reality of the situation becomes more apparent.

Some of the questions, fears and insecurities I’ve been grappling with:

  • How will I be able to make money as an artist if everyone can make music with the push of a button?

  • The market is already severely oversaturated, will people even care about what I’m releasing when they can generate their own music, fine-tuned to their tastes?

  • Was this entire musical journey a waste of time? What is even the point of learning new skills that will eventually be optimized and deemed obsolete as soon as chat gpt 5 drops?

While working on the music for this project I wanted to face these feelings of fear and unease I had head on. What if AI wasn't the enemy, but a collaborator? On this EP, I played with AI to experiment with my vocal tonality, to create cool cohesive visual branding... stuff to help materialize the vision I had in mind. And I’m proud to say, this is my absolute best work yet. I’m really excited for you to hear it soon!

Calling All Superfans: Become My Executive Producers!

Now, this part's special. If you're all about supporting what I do, head over to my Zora page. I just dropped something big.

Mint this token to officially become an executive producer on 'so fly'! Here's why this is awesome:

  • Official Executive Producer Credit: Get credit on the all releases, digital and physical related to So Fly!

  • Free Stuff: Everything I put out on the blockchain related to this EP is yours (not including one-of-one mints).

  • Hang Time: We'll jump on a 30-minute video call. Can be used for a music lesson (saxophone, production, bass, etc.) or just chill and chat.

  • Early Access: Hear the EP first, access to demos and stems.

  • Creative Input: A direct line of communication with me and other supporters. Share your input on marketing decisions and rollout strategy.

The Mission: Every penny from this mint goes directly back into pushing this EP, so I can share the music with as many people as possible. There are ONLY 10 spots for executive producers, and if they don't get filled in a month, that's the team.

If you love my sound, and want to help me keep making it, your support means the world. Let's do this!

A little more background about me

Me performing with the Nick Swift Band
Me performing with the Nick Swift Band

I've been a full-time musician in Austin, Texas for the past 6 years. If you are an Austin native, you might've seen me performing saxophone with the Nick Swift Band or at various gigs around town. I also share my musical knowledge by providing private lessons and conducting a middle school band program.

I’ve been playing music since the 5th grade, so like 18ish years. Since then I have played saxophone and bass in a few different alternative/indie rock groups and even started a brass band in college called Sooza (they are still active in Gainesville, FL).

I started the project Vivid Fever Dreams in 2020 after realizing how difficult it was to coordinate bandmates and how expensive it was to book the studio time needed to be constantly releasing music. Since then I have been using the project as a way to improve my musicianship, learning how to produce music in Ableton, and sing over my own tracks.

I joined the onchain music movement in 2022, I was burnt out from the algorithmic lottery known as TikTok and I really believe in the idea of musicians being able to sustainably support themselves through small enclaves of dedicated fans as opposed to trying to hit a jackpot and get an editorial playlist placement.

Most of my music for Vivid Fever Dreams has that alternative/electronic/indie/funk vibe but recently I’ve been exploring some other genres and have playing around with some more EDM/bass music sounds. I put out some unofficial flips on my soundcloud last month, and hope to start getting some more DJing gigs in the near future.

Appreciate you taking the time to read and listen!

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