Starting your Crypto Journey~

Beginner’s Guide to Cryptocurrency~

Hello and welcome to my first ever scuffed beginner’s guide to the land of Crypto. (Note* I will probably miss and or skip over things unintentionally, so I will place cute anime pictures here and there to distract you heh)  ~Voids~

Please be advised that this is for educational purposes only and only covers the very basics of the basics

There is a note at the end for the few people that read to the end haha

I decided to write this beginner’s guide for new users since venturing into the vast lands of crypto can be intimidating and scary (as it was for me). And my IRL friends wanted to get into crypto as they saw me constantly talking about it haha.

Yeah, there are plenty of guides out there and this could just be one of the many, one advice I do wish to share is “Please do your own research before you buy or ape into anything”

First of all, I'd like to introduce myself as Voids!

I’m currently a University Computer Science Student and have been in the Crypto/NFT scene for a couple of months now and I’ve loved every single bit of it. I’ve worked on several projects as a moderator and it’s helped me learn a lot about the NFT community.

There’s one special person that I must say thank you to and it’s @0xcarnation, they’ve introduced me to many things and inspired me to write and do more with my life.

Thank you so much Cari <3


(Terms I believe you should know if you’re starting your adventure and journey into the land of Crypto. If I missed any important terms or need to correct any definitions please let me know)

  • Cryptocurrency: a digital currency in which transactions are verified and records maintained by a decentralized system using cryptography, rather than by a centralized authority. E.g. BTC & ETH
  • Blockchain: Recordkeeping, a blockchain is the result of sequential blocks that build upon each other
  • Satoshi Nakamoto: The pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin. No one knows the identity of Nakamoto
  • Vitalik Buterin: The individual responsible for inventing Ethereum in 2015
  • Decentralized: The transfer of control and decision-making from a centralized entity to a distributed network.
  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi): No intermediaries such as banks, governments, or other financial institutions are involved in financial activities.
  • Decentralized Applications (DApps): Applications that are designed and deployed on a blockchain by developers
  • Smart Contracts: A smart contract is a self-executing program/contract that is run with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code
  • Gas: Basically a “fee” whenever you make a transaction on the blockchain
  • HODL: Stands for “Hold On for Dear Life” haha
  • Cold Wallet: A secure method to store your cryptocurrency completely offline
  • Hot Wallet: A software-based cryptocurrency wallet connected to the Internet
  • Fiat: Fiat currency is government-backed and not backed by any commodity
  • Stablecoin: Stablecoins is a type of cryptocurrency that attempts to offer price stability and are backed by a reserve asset.
  • Altcoins: Typically any coin that isn’t Bitcoin haha
  • Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs): A cryptographic asset on a blockchain with unique identification codes and metadata that distinguish them from each other
  • Node: Computer that connects to a blockchain network

Here have some water~ remember to always stay hydrated and take occasional stretches!

Exchanges + Charts

Wooow the exchanges section, learning to buy some crypto heh

First of all, please don’t be afraid of the many exchanges you can spend your money on and buy Crypto, just find the ones which work for you :3

Keep in mind that you don’t have to stick with just one exchange, use them to your advantage!  They all have their own pros and cons!

Exchanges (There’s more but I’m too lazy to get them)

Places to look at the Charts (I’m still too lazy)


***Wallets section~ ***

There are wallets that can hold the “coins” BTC, ETH, SOL and so on but it gets a bit more complicated when you start to use things like DEX and further explore that specific blockchain. The “coin” is the primary crypto for the Blockchain and the other crypto’s on these blockchains are called “tokens”

Please do your research on the wallets that you choose to store your crypto on!!

We will be using the terms Cold Wallet and Hot Wallets here as they are different and good to understand

Cold Wallets

  • Ledger
  • Trezor

Hot Wallets

  • MetaMask
  • Coinbase Wallet
  • Trust Wallet
  • Phantom (SOL)

Cold Wallets: are a secure method of storing your cryptocurrencies completely offline. These kinds of wallets are more secure and protect your crypto from things such as hacking and theft.

There is still a possibility that you lose your cold wallet E.g. your cold wallet falls out of your pocket. So please be careful and take note of where you put your cold wallet :3

Hot Wallets: are wallets that are easily accessible (can transfer funds etc) as they are connected to the internet. Compared to cold wallets these wallets are susceptible to hacking and cybersecurity attacks as they’re just like files on the cloud.

So please proceed with caution with everything you do relating to money.

AND never ever, I repeat NEVER EVER give out your seed phrase as this will allow others to have access to all your funds on that wallet.


Lastly, is community! This part is optional but I personally highly recommend it!

This might be personal but I don’t mind if it somehow convinces people to step out of their bubble and talk with other anons online heh.

Personally, I’m a fairly introverted, quiet and I don’t really talk much. However, I took the risk of reaching out and dmed people, I didn’t want my personal crypto journey to be lonely. Adventuring out and walking out of my comfort zone was one of the best things I’ve done. The crypto community over on Discord and Twitter have been amazing and friendly, I’ve met many fantastic people ranging from amazing artists, amazing smart crypto enthusiasts and amazing farmers heh.

All of the friends that I’ve made so far during my adventure have been super nice. I just want to say thank you to everyone I’ve met and talked to <3

Cheers to everyone and I hope that this guide helped and brings in more new people to Crypto. Best of luck in your journey! If you ever want to talk, my dm’s are open :P

Thank you for reading my very first article/guide thing heh (I might do more but I don’t know heh I’ll see)


(Note* I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, grammar, errors or anything T ^ T I’m just writing these very basic things as I didn’t have anyone to teach me the basics, I hope that this guide/article or whatever you want to call it can at least help further your basic knowledge heh have a great day <3 Even if you already have the knowledge, I’m proud of you, keep up the hard work! you’ll make it <3)





Credits to all of the artists, I don’t know where to find the actual source


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