Popular IP NFT Collection OWANGE Analysis

Official Introduction--A Little Story of Owange

The word “Owange” was inspired by its founder, Kong Andri's son, who always said owange instead of orange. After the Japan 2011 Tsunami, Kong decided to help the victims with his creativity. This is the initial motivation of Owange. Afterwards, Kong realized that his artwork would help people be more optimistic and happier in their daily lives. That’s the reason why he decided to develop Owange into a world-famous brand, spreading more happiness into the world.

Kong subsequently met other co-founders. This new team decided to elevate Owange to the next level and launched the Owange NFT project. It’s a place where people can not only connect with each other, but also make forever friends.
Slowly and slowly, more and more people feel loneliness and solitude after entering the world of NFT, rather than love and happiness.
However, Owange's vision is always to be "Your Best Web3 Friend", which means whenever people join Owange’s Discord, they would feel like visiting their best friends.

1.About Team

Who’s the Mastermind behind Owange?

Every once in a while, a spark of inspiration would generate the initial ripple of an fantastical story. “Owange” was inspired by Kong Andri's son, who always said owange instead of orange.
That’s all, this is the starting of the story of “Owange”.

The Japan 2011 Tsunami have destroyed more than 100,000 buildings, leading to thousands of homeless family. Kong Andri and his team members hope to help people be more optimistic and happier with their aritistic talents. Therefore, each of them came up with an idea to raise money for victims, and Kong Andri, proposed the “Owange”.

The Owange figurines, numerous people are queueing to attempt to get the figurines. Hereafter, the original Owange figurines were now become a precious collection.

Kong decided to enter the world of Web3 for new opportunities, after achieving the success of Owange IRL with excitement and happiness . He started researching about the konwledge of semantic web. During this process, Kong have met with 4 Web3 enthusuasts, who eventually became the co-founders of Owange. Due to their shared vision and values, these five guy determined to formulating their mission as bringing meaningful friendships and spreading joy into the Web3 world. And this is the beginning story of Owange in the world of NFT.

Team Member

Nash as CEO

Twitter:@nash712_ https://twitter.com/nash712_
Nash was an entrepreneur, having built the successful business as well the founder of @thegoldenowlNFT

Shin as COO

Twitter:@ShinXu https://twitter.com/shinxu
Operation&Analyst, used to be famous in the esports field. responsible for nurturing esports champion.

Lucky as CCO

Twitter:@luck_chan https://twitter.com/luck_chan 
A successful entrepreneur built his brick-and-mortar business from ground up

Brilliant as CMO

Twitter:@BrilliantLiu_ https://twitter.com/BrilliantLiu_
A community builder since 2015

Kong Andri as Aritist

Twitter:@kong_andri https://twitter.com/kong_andri
An outstanding artist, painter and toy-designer, from Indonesia

2.Roadmap and Future


Even in the beginning when we were starting out, our guiding principle has always been to underpromise and over-deliver. For now our focus revolves around our community, and implementing systems that would amplify that in the near future. It is challenging to determine the exact roadmap in this current situation, especially in the Web3 world, as we always “One day in Crypto equals one year in real life”. We would like to set up a total guideline for our project instead of a specific roadmap. Consequently, Owange is committed to focusing on the utility of the value of vision and Golden Circle. Meanwhile, our team is developing practical tools for holers.

  1. The Heatmap
    All holders of OwangeNFT can access our website and connect with their wallet, filling out the form containing your info. of region/Twitter account and so on and displaying it on our big world map website. It will differentiate holders of specific regions with colors. You could check if there are OwangeNFT holders in specific regions and can easily connect with them. Perhaps you would have an opportunity to get a mystery box.

  2. The Commercial Guideline
    We definitely believe an IP brand is decisive for a project. Since 2011, Owange is continuously growing up in this industry, with his loyal fans. NFT unlock the potential of Owange’s IP brand for more significant and commercial purpose. Each OwangeNFT could get an exclusive license for commercial by the holders with specific traits and categories. We create The “Commercial Guideline” for our holders so they can acknowledge their rights but still in line with The Owange brand. Because we found many projects released their license rights, but with no guidance for utilizing and profiting.

3.Previous Project

The Owange team has released two series of 1/1 PFP Collection previsouly. There are 200 genesis 1/1 Owangeboy, each was hand-painted by Kong Andri. Its floor price was 0.44E at present, with 175 Unique Holders (addresses holding 1 and above). Kong characterized the classic IP with a variety of custome themes.

Owangeboy and Frens:
A series of hand-painted PFP Collection collaborated with 130 NFT artists. If you are a subscriber of Wanzi at an early stage, you must have benn familiar with some of those 130 NFT artists according to Wanzi Community’s Daily Artist Sharing!
Meanwhile, We could find 130 unique OrangeBoy in this fantastic collection.

4.About Artist

Kong Andri is an outstanding artist, painter and toy-designer, from Indonesia. He is well known in Asia especially in the collection field of Toy&Figure, for participating in many fashion carnivals and collaborating with other world-famous brands.

His derivative toys, based on the Owangeboy, are featured by different occupations, clothing brands and patterns, maintaining the original recognition of characters as well obtaining a large quantity of creating space. When designing, Kong prefers using bright, saturated colors to emphasis vintage style; While collaborating, the wide-eyed little boy with his goggles, is vividly integrating with other objects as the original character.

Currently, Kong has established personal toy distribution channels both internal and abroad, more advantageous than his competitors. And compared to traditional web2 artists, Kong is also experienced in the correlation between IP and exclusive copyright.
This is highly relevant to one of the utility of Owange NFT: Business Principles, which is one of the main roadmap of Owange.

5.Art Analyzing of Owange

Advantages enumerating: Abundant figure extended from the archetype of Owangeboy; Maintaining the previous naive style; More mellow and smooth design and brushwork; Neutralizing the sense of age in the previous vintage style; Corresponding to the latest cute cartoon PFP Collection in the NFT marketplace.

Figure 1 (upper left) represents the protagonist of Owange, a little boy, full of orange, hangs out and grows up with his friends, accompanying with each other in the Owange universe. So far, 15 Sneak-peak have been released in Discord, featuring at least 8 traits, including helmet, glasses, subject, eyes, expression, hairstyle, clothing and background. Owange’s traits are vivid and energetic with exclusive distinctiveness.

6.About WL

A little stroy of WL
You will begin your journey as a @Seed. Despite all the odds, you will grow beautifully into a @Sapling. And as you assume your identity as a @Sapling, challenges continue to face you, but you continue to thrive regardless of everything else. And eventually, after all the contributions that you've given, you achieve a permanent citizen status in Orange Town and become an @Owange (WL). But your story doesn't stop here, because now that you're an @Owange (WL), you have an even bigger responsibility to help Toshiro transform more @Seeds into @Owange (WL)s.

Simply said, there are 3 steps you need to go through to get whitelisted @Seed➡️@Sapling️➡️@Owange (WL)

What you could attempt:
1.Genuine engagement in the chat (like chatting with your friend) and Stay active!
2.Posting Fan-arts on Twitter and Discord
3.Engage in Community activities(Sing;Painting) in Discord
4.Engage in Twitter Giveaway

7.Wanzi Analyzing

Since the Owange Friends series was released at the beginning of this year, Wanzi has known Owange and kept paying attention to. From the perspective of NFT Native, the preparation period of Owange is relatively long and its correlated with Opensea and Foundation at an early stage, which influenced lots of brilliant NFT artist in Indonesia. From the perspective of data, 202.6K Twitter followers, 79K Whale indicators and 30.2K Discord followers are all excellent. The story will be narrating with four personalized protagonists, Toshiro, Daisuke, Hikari and Aozora(In Twitterscan’s banner). Wanzi believes that as it is very similiar with the distribution of the story of Doraemon, Owange’s storytelling will be extended in the forthcoming future.

From the perspective of collaboration, Owange has once cooperated with a number of Tier1 NFT projects, covering every corner of the market whether related to OG or latest NFT projects. This module demonstrates that hard strength of its own project, or the level of cooperation of market members or more reassuring. Otherwise, dating back to 2021, OWANGEBOY has already cooperated with Tencent, in the QQJOY2021 carniva and released the news of seoncd-cooperation in April, illustrating its tremendous influence.

However, from the perspective of NFT trader, Owange has released little information about MINT(We don’t know the date, the price and even the supply.) As a result, we can't deliberate on Owange’s problem which may encounter on the official Minting day from the perspective of price and volume.

If it is similar with Wonderpals, the 10K volume projects integrating with cutie and IP, the resolution of homogeneity and secondary market should be mainly focused. Boki, a 7,777 volume project, sustained its proper floor price for a period of time and also received a lot of praise about Boki’s artwork. Compared with Wonderpals and Boki, Owange benefits from its more well-known IP visibility and influence in Asia and the more detailed art components. It would launch successfully and have a great market performance without making fatal mistakes in technology and pricing. Good luck to every Owanger to getting your Whitelist~

*Official Linking:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/owangenft
Discord: https://discord.gg/owange
The founder, Kong Andri’s website: https://kongandri.com/
Official Project Introduction:https://docsend.com/view/6x88yjnm3xehvzdi

Lovely Translator: Sylvia @Sylvia_vil00
Content Creator: Softlipa @Softlipa1018 @0xCheche

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