众筹: 瓦猫之夏 Summer of Wamo


2021 年初,706 发现了大理——气候宜人、风景秀丽、文化包容开放、社区氛围浓厚的“人类动物园”。706 在这里成立了 “706 大理” 社区。而疫情以来,来到大理的 Web3 从业者与数字游民群体更是呈现出指数增长的趋势,形成了 Web3 、数字游民生活方式与本地文化融合的社区氛围。从某种意义上说,大理逐渐成为中国 Web3 ,尤其是 DAO 社区的中心之一。

信任、共识和热情,在这个夏天集聚起来迸发出巨大的能量。怀抱着对技术的热枕、对 DAO 的治理与自组织精神的探索、对公共物品的思考和对社区与 Web3 未来的畅想,我们将在 8 月 19 日 - 20 日,在大理举办大理 Web3 街(gāi)会:瓦猫之夏|Dali Web3 Summer Fest 。


In early 2021, 706 come to Dali. Intoxicated with its pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, inclusive and open culture, 706 established "706 Dali" community here.

Since the epidemic, more and more Web3 enthusiasts and digital nomads have come here, our numbers has grown exponentially in Dali. And to some extent, Dali has gradually become the Web3 center of China, especially for DAOs.

We want to share this diverse creativity of Dali with all our Web3 friends and invite you all to come here to party, connect and have a good time. In the spirit of WAMO, we will be hosting the Summer of WAMO | Dali Web3 Fest in this August, 19-20th.


我们将在此次大理 Web3 街(gāi)会「瓦猫之夏」搭建出赋能、开放和协作的空间,将顶尖的技术人才、创业者、孵化器和项目方团队以及 DAO 的践行者聚集在一起,彼此深度对话、相互联系和共同创造。我们希望你可以在这里找到同行者,将会场变成共同前进的起点,促进跨社区交流,打破社区 / 团队间的边界,让技术灵感和对未来可能性的想象自由翱翔。同时,我们也会将大理社区的轻松氛围与 Web3 文化展示给所有的与会者。

大理 Web3 街(gāi)会「瓦猫之夏」也将是一次所有参与者的社交大会,一次自由浪漫的自组织大会。这里既有大理社区与 Web3 文化的展示,也将涌现广泛的讨论、会议、工作坊、市集、演出、炉边谈话、派对及多种营地活动。

这不仅仅是大理的第一次Web3大会,更将是一次自组织精神下的协作、互信和共创的实验与探索。本次大会由一群去中心化的、DAO 的参与者组成,这让我们与之前在中国举办的任何大会都截然不同。


■  有超过 80 名贡献者参与其中

■  确定了举办场地,并已经完成早期场地设计方案

■  成立各个工作组,形成明确的协作分工机制

■  通过多次会议共同完成了街会策划案和叙事,确定此次街会的名称、背景、主题和目标

■  确定了我们的吉祥物和精神图腾—— Wamo(瓦猫)及Wamo 精神

■  成立 NFT 组,设计此次大会发布的 NFT 与 SBT 方案,多个版本的 Wamo NFT 白胚、及完整发布流程

■  形成明确的会务方案和执行排期

■  完善的 notion 页面和项目管理流程

■  开启了前期运作资金的筹集




可容纳 300 - 500 人,白天提供高质量的嘉宾分享,夜晚为音乐活动。接近 TED 形式,同时会后有一些 follow-up 环节会在舞台附近的会场帐篷中举行,与会者可以自由提问讨论。


每个营地同时可容纳 20 - 50 人,整个会场包含众多独立点主题营地,每个营地由中型至巨型帐篷/天幕或开放草地构成,每个主题营地由共建者自行设计主题,共创产生内容。

Sponsor 营地

由中型帐篷搭建而成,发放给 sponsor 及其团队作为露营、团建和 meetup 的场地使用。





除此之外,还有音乐人演奏的 音乐营地,提供滑板、毽子、飞盘、德扑的 嗨玩营地,提供手工艺品制作、植物拓染、鲜花饼制作等大理特色活动的 文化体验营地 ,以及由大理集市摆摊艺人 / 参与者组成丰富多彩的 共创集市 。

你不妨纵情想象。在每个时刻交错发生的各种重叠事件,能够使与会者经验到超乎寻常的活动密度和选择自由度;既可以在主会场倾听感兴趣的讨论,也可以自由探索主题会场,或者与朋友找到一个共同聊天 hangout 的空间叙旧,又或者参与到一项集体飞盘活动中。我们想在这短短两天里,将「瓦猫之夏」打造成最自由,最浪漫的地方,让会场会时刻充满惊喜。

或许在不经意的漫步间,你就发现了一个令你感到有趣的 Workshop 、一场音乐会、或在转角发现一场正在进行的精彩技术讨论,或进行中的免费烤肉 party 。

在休息的间隙, 你也可以走进冥想瑜伽的空间参与免费体验、穿梭于在地社区与数字游民的营地, 了解这片土地的生活魅力和文化背景。或者,你也可以随性的拜访一些集市摊位,参与户外活动,买一杯咖啡,享受一会儿自然音乐。


我们创建了 瓦猫(Wamo)——大理Web3的吉祥物。它基于一个大理神话生物——瓦猫,一个非常强大的守护神。 它代表了积极的外部性、理性的体现、共识、开源和乐观的精神。

我们希望精灵 WAMO 将通过将我们的激励措施与彼此的福祉相结合、促进共同创造、更好的协调和正和结果来帮助人类成长。


With the genesis of 706Dali, Summer of WAMO | Dali Web3 Fest is not only the first Web3 festival in Dali, but also the first massive Web3 event in China that owned, co-created and organized only by its members, without any centralized leadership.

Summer of WAMO | Dali Web3 Fest will bring together Web3 & DAO communities to hear from the most sought-after thoughts and experience a wide range of discussions, meetings, parties, music performances, dinners, fireside chats and much more. This is the only outdoor festival showcasing and celebrating all sides of the DAO, crypto, NFT, and Web3 ecosystems, we are dedicated to bring DAO, crypto, NFT, and Web3 ecosystems all in one place to learn from each other, to connect & collaborate.

We will create spaces for empowerment, openness and collaboration, and bring together top technical talents, entrepreneurs, incubators, project teams, and DAO members, for deep dialogues, connections and co-creation. We hope you can find like-minded people here and be inspired.

We hope we can build a place where communities move forward together. Together we create opportunities for onboarding, ideation, debate, positive sum discussion, and spreading web3 & DAO vibes.

Spirit of WAMO

We created WAMO, the mascot of our Web3 fest based on a Dali mythical creature — tile cat, a very powerful tutelary deity. It represents the spirit of positive externalities, embodiment of reason, consensus, open source and optimism.

We hope the sprite WAMO will help humanity grow by aligning our incentives towards the wellbeing of each other, facilitating co-creation, better coordination, and positive-sum outcomes.






Wamo Tier1 NFT福利:活动门票4张,欢迎酒会入场券,圆桌讨论前排席位,礼品及纪念品;

Wamo Tier2 NFT福利:活动门票2张,欢迎酒会入场券,礼品及纪念品;

Wamo Tier3 NFT福利:活动门票1张,礼品及纪念品。



How It Works

We are a decentralized team, coming together for a common vision, voluntarily collaborating with each other to make this event happen.

Funds raised will primarily be used for expenses related to the conference such as venue, facilities, performances, stage set-up, lighting and sound, production, tent rental, bus, portable toilets, installation art, music, utilities, security, etc.

As a backer you will receive:

As a corresponding NFT holder who supports us, you will receive certain participation benefits in return. Possible benefits such as event tickets, admission to the reception party, seats in roundtable, gifts, and souvenirs, etc.

Tier 1 nft owner Benefits: 4 event tickets, reception party admission, round table seat, gifts and souvenirs;

Tier 2 nft owner Benefits: 2 event tickets, reception party admission, gifts & sourvenirs;

Tier 3 nft owner Benefits: 1 event ticket, gifts and souvenirs.

Welcome to join us on Telegram: t.me/daliweb3

Official Twitter: @dali_web3

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