3.6.7 Intent and control vs acceptance and surrendering

*"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one.
*- Elbert Hubbard

Welcome to the world of self-discovery and transformation! This text delves into the idea that acceptance is the key to unlocking our full potential and becoming our truest selves. Through exploring the concept of surrender and embracing reality, you will learn how to let go of the survival mode that distorts our perception and discover a path to true happiness, love, and creativity.

You will discover: 1. The connection between acceptance and selflessness 2. The role of surrender in embracing reality 3. The importance of attitude towards challenges in life.

Embracing Reality: The Power of Surrender

Acceptance is a path from being selfish to being selfless. The biology of change. Survival mode distorts perception, the ability to accept. These survival emotions are like layers or masks, which block the intelligence that gives you life, that makes your heart beat, that consumes your food, the spiritual aspect that comes from you that rules and holds your body together. If we start to peel off those layers, remove the masks and start to change, then that higher intelligence will again flow through us and out of us. From that moment on we become happier, more loving, more attentive, creative and more generous. That is actually our natural state of being.

There is a unique balance between intention and surrender. The intention is meant to clarify for yourself what you want and what you see in the future. That vision of the future exists in the quantum model, potentially for a long time, because all potential possibilities are present side by side in the quantum field. According to Dispenza, getting clear exactly what we want is a conscious act in order to be able to touch some of that potential in the quantum field. It is the absolute first creative step. The intention in itself does not create reality, it is only one of the creative elements, it sets in motion.

Embracing reality is an act of renewal. Daring to look things in the eye as they are, immediately gives a feeling of liberation, strength and healing. It is not without reason that 'experiencing God' for Buddhists equals being completely 'at home' in reality. To 'land' in reality, surrender is necessary. Surrender means letting go of the so-called control over events. It has to do with detaching from your preconceived thoughts and ideas about how your life should be. It also has everything to do with stopping to force your will on reality. In fact, surrender is a celebration of true freedom.

We are constantly bothering ourselves, constantly putting life on the brakes. A general guideline: do you have the feeling that your life is on the brakes or that you are changing at full speed? Why? Because our 'I' has an opinion about everything and is overloaded with illusions and wrong assumptions.

Just when you get some bruises and start to let go of his stubbornness, space is created for being essential. So if you think there's a lot wrong in your life right now, it's just an illusion of the mind. What is good for you is usually exactly what is happening right now. The way your life looks now, the way you are now, is just the right thing for your spiritual growth, for the inner homework you have to do NOW. Tragedy is nature's great purifier.

If you feel like everything is wrong with your life, do you also have to 'accept'? No, nothing is necessary. Our 'personality consciousness' has a free choice in this life, in that sense. Are you embracing life as it is - or are you fighting it? Once again: spectrum. Start with intent based on now, but accept the uncertainty that there is no control in the future.

Warning: be wary of those that claim to know the answers, or have picked their spot in the spectrum. Do you accept your life's challenges - or do you resist them - it is your decision based on the current state of your heart and mind. Whether you believe in greater design, or not, scenarios and challenges do present themselves to you. What attitude you choose towards the experience is entirely up to you.

Pro-tip: start seeing the challenges as opportunities to test yourself. It is not a problem, it is a test in a game created by the universe to see what you are made of. To see if you are up for your next level. What do the challenges on my way say about what I have come to learn here, what I have come to teach others and what I have to give to this life? By asking yourself these questions, the challenges in your life take on a completely different meaning and meaning. When you give up this resistance, you give the opportunity to 'synchronism' (meaningful coincidence) and you start to feel more comfortable in your body and more at home in your life. There is a tremendous miracle in calm acceptance of all that is.

The sour thing is that while you think you're doing something positive with this, you're actually minimizing the opportunities to create a new reality for yourself. Because in your hope for a better situation you find yourself in such a narrowed consciousness that you are no longer attuned to the big picture. And if that connection is not there, your message cannot be heard, and no exchange can take place between you and the universe. If you live in confidence how you actually visualize nothing at all. The trick is therefore to remain part of the whole and thereby to be free and open. In this way communication can take place between your consciousness and the All-consciousness. What suits and belongs to you, what belongs to you in life can never be a goal, because it is always the result of something. It is a result of angering who you can be in this life, doing what it takes, taking responsibility, being honest with yourself and courageously defying your fears and going the inner way. It is the result of living in faith. Getting what you want is - paradoxical as it may seem - the result of transcending need. A cosmic law that if there is something you want or need, life will always give it to you, on one condition: that you have transcended neediness and are free within. Whether it is about letting go of something outside of ourselves or within ourselves; the principle remains the same: it is about giving up your attachment. With what purpose? Providing space for being essential and for real life. And what you get is more than you could ever hope, wish or visualize.

This is not passive or fatalistic, but requires discipline and courage to find out every time in unrest, chaos, fatigue and lack of zest for life where you yourself are holding back life and are not in acceptance of what is happening in front of you. A very different kind of discipline than New Age thinking, namely that we first have to work very hard on ourselves to be happy, that everything has to be different and better because we have lost our way dramatically. It's not about working on yourself or improving yourself. Conscious living or spiritual living (whatever you want to call it) is not a matter of controlling your feelings or thoughts. It is only about one thing: every moment consciously and without resistance to make room for reality. Also no suppression, denial or condoning of certain things in yourself. You are light and dark, both, human. You are not here to be enlightened, you are here to be human. Emotions come and go, you are not them, they only refer to the desire of your soul. Guides, counselors. Experience them, observe them, and ask if you can let them go, want to let them go and when. I let go does not mean 'I want to get rid of this feeling', but 'I let go of my value judgment about that feeling'. You can be a whole person, with all the positives and negatives. Enjoy the moment no matter how things turn out. That is living in the wisdom of uncertainty.

Challenges as Opportunities: Transforming Attitudes towards Life's Tests

Practical ways to learn to let go?

  1. Breathe more consciously

  2. Feel your body

  3. Give up control: fire yourself as manager of the universe

  4. Have faith that you will be taken care of when you let go of control.

  5. Realize that you are good the way you are and that everything is the way it is for a very good reason.

  6. Don't keep life at bay with rationalizations.

  7. Eliminate the word 'but' from your everyday language.

  8. Do not criticize, but accept.

Q:What is the connection between acceptance and selflessness?
Answer: Acceptance is a path from being selfish to being selfless. Peeling off survival emotions, or layers, that block the intelligence that gives you life, that makes your heart beat, that consumes your food, the spiritual aspect that comes from you that rules and holds your body together. From that moment on, we become happier, more loving, more attentive, creative and more generous. That is actually our natural state of being.

What you should remember

  • Changes happen when you think nothing needs to be changed. Transformation only begins when the urge to understand and master is gone.

  • The biggest pitfall of the spiritual path is that you are unmistakably giving it the message that you are not there yet.

  • The so-called path of working on yourself is often no more than a long detour to the now.

  • The key lies not in changing what is, but in learning to want what is. Exactly what is happening at that moment is good for you, the pretty and the ugly stuff (and not what you think is good for you). The true spiritual path is not a path that leads anywhere, but that lands you at the moment and makes you pause for who you are in your deepest being.

  • But how do you do that? Remember: it is a process, a journey, of trial and error. Practice progress, not perfection. Acceptance is the path to enlightenment. Replace “What do I want from life?” with “what does life want from me?”

  • Survival and creation do not go together, they are opposites. It is impossible to have control and be in a creative state at the same time; giving up control is the condition to be able to create. When you create you become selfless, there is a shift in your brain chemistry and it changes how the brain works. True creation takes place when you forget yourself.

  • Wanting to know is your survival instinct at work. Knowing is not the goal, growth is the goal of your soul. Acceptance is not wanting to change anything, but wanting what is. Without the sneaky hope that once you've done that, a reward awaits. Your reward is relaxation in your reality. No more. In fact, the power of intention and thoughts should only be used for one purpose: to provide space for reality, not for wanting to change the current reality. It is a tool for 'co-creation' - not for manipulation.

  • Co-creation means that you co-create with and based on trust in the higher order. Manipulation is wanting to bend reality to your will, because you think you know better than the higher order. Getting what you want is the result of transcending neediness.

  • It is therefore very important, especially when working with the laws of creation, to leave our 'I' with its megalomania at home and to have faith in 'the process'. We often receive an incredible amount of indications that we are part of a larger plan than we can foresee.

  • The 'becoming what you hope to find outside yourself' is different from 'working on yourself'. Working on yourself does not actually exist as an effort at all, it is an illusion. Because the vague thing is: who is working on what? The ego keys to reality because it always has something to whine about. The idea of ​​working on yourself suggests that something needs to be fixed or improved or that incredible changes have to take place before you can be happy. Working on yourself is an expression that comes from the thinking comes; it's a term of "I". Something isn't right, so we're going to do something about it.

  • How do you do all that? Very simple: by doing it. Imagine this: something happens, or you feel something. Usually you would shrink back, but now you stand in your mind (or literally in situations) where you are. You feel your resistance, the resistance in your body, but you breathe deeply and calmly. You do not move an inch, do not step aside, but remain fully present in the situation or the feeling that you experience as unpleasant or painful. Voila, that is giving up your resistance. Now you've got your "me" out of the way. That is surrender to the formless world of the now. That is acceptance. Self-examination is nothing more than observing what is going on in agitation. What do you not dare to show about yourself to the outside world? That's your shadow side. Don't suppress it, put a spotlight on it and name it. What you resist persists.

  • Don’t make enemies within yourself. You have no bad or unwanted parts. Become who you are, not who you want to be or think you need to be.


This text has provided an in-depth look at how acceptance and surrender can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life. As we move forward, the next chapter will delve into the role of the ego in our lives and how it can be both a hindrance and a tool for growth. Remember, it is through embracing reality and letting go of control that we can tap into our full potential and become truly all-one with the world around us.


  1. What is the main idea discussed in the text about acceptance and selflessness?

    A) Acceptance leads to selfishness

    B) Acceptance leads to selflessness

    C) Selfishness leads to selflessness

    D) None of the above

    Explanation: The correct answer is B) Acceptance leads to selflessness. The text discusses how accepting oneself and the reality around us can lead to a more selfless and fulfilled life.

  2. What is the role of intention in the process of change discussed in the text?

    A) It is necessary to set in motion the process of change

    B) It is unnecessary in the process of change

    C) It is a hindrance to the process of change

    D) None of the above

    Explanation: The correct answer is A) It is necessary to set in motion the process of change. The text suggests that having a clear intention is the first step in being able to access potential in the quantum field and sets the process of change in motion.

  3. What does the text suggest is necessary for "landing" in reality?

    A) Control

    B) Illusion

    C) Surrender

    D) None of the above

    Explanation: The correct answer is C) Surrender. The text suggests that in order to fully embrace reality, one must let go of control and surrender to what is.

  4. What is the purpose of challenges in life according to the text?

    A) To hinder personal growth

    B) To test oneself

    C) To cause tragedy

    D) None of the above

    Explanation: The correct answer is B) To test oneself. The text suggests that challenges in life should be seen as opportunities to test and strengthen oneself.

  5. What does the text suggest about the role of the ego in our lives?

    A) It is only a hindrance

    B) It can be both a hindrance and a tool for growth

    C) It is only a tool for growth

    D) None of the above

    Explanation: The correct answer is B) It can be both a hindrance and a tool for growth. The text suggests that the ego can be both a hindrance and a tool for growth depending on how we choose to use it.

How can I apply this today?

  1. Take some time to reflect on the areas of your life where you feel you are holding on to control. Make a list of these areas and consider how letting go of control in these areas could lead to more acceptance and fulfillment in your life.

  2. Choose one area from your list to focus on for the next week. Make a plan for how you will actively work on letting go of control in this area. This could be through meditation, journaling, or talking to a trusted friend or therapist.

  3. Reflect on your progress at the end of the week. Did you feel more at peace? Did you find yourself more open to new experiences? Did you notice any changes in your interactions with others? Write down your observations in a journal.

  4. Repeat steps 2-3 for different areas of your life, with the goal of gradually letting go of control in all areas.

Food for Thought

  1. How can accepting reality lead to a more fulfilling life?

  2. In what ways do our preconceived notions prevent us from fully embracing reality?

  3. How can we actively work on letting go of control in our lives?

  4. How can we tell the difference between surrendering control and giving up on our goals and aspirations?

  5. How can we use the idea of challenges as opportunities for growth in our daily lives?

Expand your understanding

  1. "The Power of Surrender" by Dr. Joe Dispenza: https://www.drjoedispenza.com/blog/the-power-of-surrender/

  2. "The Art of Surrender" by Pema Chodron: https://www.shambhala.com/the-art-of-surrender/

  3. "The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life's Perfection" by Michael A. Singer: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25182087-the-surrender-experiment?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=sxEb8xW1yJ&rank=2

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