Tokens of Wisdom #2

Season 1 of BAU on DAOs has been exceptional.

The first edition of this series, “Tokens of Wisdom,” features my favorite moments with friends who shared their personal journeys innovating at the frontier of DAOs and web3.

Today I bring you the second edition of “Tokens of Wisdom”- a collection of insights from Collab.Land’s BAU on DAOs.

Parker Jay-Pachirat

In episode seven, I welcome Parke Jay-Pachirat, Founding Member at BoysClub and Investment team contributor at

Over the course of 2022, Parker has been researching the DAO tooling landscape to pinpoint the optimal approach to building a DAO.

Parker’s thesis is:

“you can not create the DAO container first and then find a community to put inside of it, instead, you should have a community that would benefit from the DAO structure.”She argues the biggest problems that DAOs face today are low participation, low engagement, and contributor burnout.

Parker goes on to say, “if you start with participants that are forced to be there or are not intrinsically motivated to participate, then the inherent problems of low engagement and burnout will arise.”

I hope you enjoyed my episode with Parker. If you would like to give it a listen or share it with your friends, follow this link: Episode 7 of BAU on DAOs w/ Parker Jay-Pachirat!


In episode eight, I welcome PETH, Founder of MetaGame, a massive online coordination game for onboarding and educating both users and builders to web3.

PETH’s background is in gaming, game theoretical design, community building and organization design. He is often called on as the resident philosopher in web3, where he is continually shedding wisdom on those he touches.

In this episode, PETH talks about his journey coming into web3 and explains why web3 offers the perfect blend between coordination game design and token incentives to engage stakeholders in a community.

PETH plays  a pertinent role in the web3 community; He contributes to compelling educational initiatives that support the adoption of web3 tools through MetaGame.

This episode unfortunately was not recorded, so if you want to check out more or chat with PETH, find your way into the MetaGame!

Isaac Patka

In episode nine, I welcome Isaac Patka, Founder of Logos, DAO standards supporter at DAOstar one, co-conspirator helping build the Zodiac module, and builder-of-all-things-DAOs.

Alongside sharing his personal journey into the DAO space, Isaac offers listeners a wealth of knowledge on best practices in DAO governance, decentralization, and security.

My favorite Isaac quote is when he shares what keeps him motivated to contribute in the web3 and DAO space:

“My core driver is individual autonomy, or making it so that no one feels like they are stuck or unable to do the thing that they really care about.”

Isaac goes on to explain how individual autonomy translates into DAOs, saying, “we are creating systems that allow people to have very low to no exit costs, which ultimately results in more freedom for contributors and changes how DAOs are governed and managed.”

If you want to hear more on what Isaac has to share, Check out Episode 9 of BAU on DAOs w/ Isaac Patka!

Joshua Lapidus

In Episode 10, I welcome Joshua Lapidus, Founding steward of Opolis and SporkDAO, Public Goods supporter and Co-Creator of RainbowRolls & Public Nouns.

Joshua’s journey is unique and fascinating to me because he came from a background in rideshare and not the tech industry. After diving into crypto, he learned about a protocol called Chaser, which was focused on disintermediating the ride-sharing economy using its own native token (ERC-20). After contributing at Chaser for a bit, Joshua joined Consensys Academy in their blockchain fundamentals course which prepared him for a career in web3.

Joshua’s path into web3 solidified at ETHDenver 2020. There, he came in touch with a number of projects that he would later join and contribute to, including DAOhaus, RaidGuild, Peeps.Democracy, and DefiSignalsDAO (DSD).

My favorite quote from this episode is when Joshua talks about the “Moloch” meme,

“I think the biggest paradigm shift for me was going from the biggest DAO or Moloch skeptic, to being one of the people who talks about Moloch DAOs the most.”

If you want to hear more on what Joshua has to share, Check out Episode 10 of BAU on DAOs w/ Joshua Lapidus!


In Episode 11, I welcome UI369, early contributor to Holocracy One and core team member at DAOhaus.

UI offers an invaluable look into the DAO space as a personal coach, teacher, and facilitator. He is passionate about creating explicit power structures with code, a stark contrast to traditional companies that operate and mostly rely on implicit power structures.

My favorite quote from my conversation with UI369 is when we are talking about the distinctions between DAOs and traditional modes of organizing with respect to power structures.

UI369 says,

“a human system does not do anything unless everybody playing understands the system and plays by the rules.”

He goes on to say that, “Code enforces itself. So with DAOs, what you have are people who have agreed to operate within some unbreakable rules. Right now in DAOs, it is a minority subset of the total structure that is encoded in smart contracts, but it touches two important areas, finance (having a shared bank account) and governance (mostly limited to financial transactions), but you are starting to see some expansion in governance to cover more of the domains that are possible within governance

Good DAO Technology provides a lot of explicit structure right off the bat. It really lowers the bar.”

If you want to hear more on what UI369 has to share, Check out Episode 11 of BAU on DAOs w/ UI369!

Dianna Chen

Episode 12 features Dianna Chen, founder & host of Rehashweb3. Diana contributes to various DAOs including paperclipDAO, ink_dao, and rehashDAO.

Dianna brought an array of insights to our conversation around how DAOs can manifest and organize around shared purpose. We talked about decentralized social media and how it may act as a catalyst for user adoption.

My favorite quote from Dianna is her empirical observation that crypto is too detached from reality, stating,

“I'm surrounded by people who are so in touch with the Earth that we live on and have such a different perspective on what life is, in the sense that they try to optimize for what they actually enjoy doing in life. Not only do they have hobbies, which a lot of people in crypto do not, but they optimize their life around those hobbies and they see work as the means to be able to do more of that hobby.”

Dianna is delightful. If you want to hear more on what Dianna has to say, listen back to Episode 12 of BAU on DAOs w/ Dianna Chen!

Thank you so much for reading and listening! If you enjoyed my learnings from guests, please collect, retweet, and follow along with "Tokens of Wisdom" the official companion to Collab.Land’s "BAU on DAOs.”

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