空投MES’s New Cross-Rollup Mode Tutorial

We just went on two testnets today (Arbitrum and Polygon zkEVM) and rolled out our Cross-rollup features at the same time!

Let us walk you through the new features and how to use them!

Faucet ETH and USDC

Before you start trying out the new cross-rollup MES, you may go ahead and obtain faucet ETH and USDC using the link on our homepage and bridge them to different rollups using the following bridges:



Polygon zkevm:

The Magic Button

First of all, this is the most important magic mode-switch button that we have added on our page which you can find on the top right corner of the page.

Before you deposit, trade and withdrawal you should first choose the mode of which you want to operate in.

Also, a gentle reminder that it is currently quite slow on Polygon.

Deposit Demo

Deposit is the most straight-forward because it is the same regardless of you trading on single chain mode or cross-rollup mode. You will simply be depositing to the chain that you are currently on.

  1. Single-chain mode
    This is basically the same as usual, where the order will only be filled by liquidity on the same rollup. For example if you were to place an order on zksync, it will be filled by the liquidity on zksync only.

  2. Cross-chain mode

Under Cross-chain mode, deposit is exactly the same as how it is under Single-chain mode.

Trading Demo

  1. Single-chain mode

Again this is the same as how it works previously, just simply place the order and sign the message and you will see that the order is created under the zksync chain.

  1. Cross-chain mode

Under cross-chain mode, orders can be taken up by liquidity of other rollups. After you sign the message, an order will be created under zksync but specified as “cross” under route so the order can be filled with other rollups like Arbitrum or Polygon.

Another thing to note here is the “Order-split” function. The Order-split function will be triggered when there is not enough liquidity in the current chain for the order placed. In this case it will automatically draw liquidity from the next chain with the most liquidity to place the order. Whenever this is the case, there will be a reminder as shown.


  1. Single-chain mode

When you are withdrawing under single-chain mode, for instance zksync, you simply have to sign the message and the funds will be withdrawn to the same chain (ie. zksync).

  1. Cross-chain mode

This is quite a useful function in our view where users will be able to withdraw their liquidity from different rollups to one designated rollup. For instance if you are currently on zksync, under cross-chain mode you can choose to withdraw liquidity to Arbitrum.

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