3000万美元融资项目Space and Time的Crew3任务教程

整理:BE Labs
作者:小鱼没事爱玩币 作者 Twitter @xiaoyubtc
BE Labs微信空投社群:dey220



Space and Time 是一个 Web3 原生去中心化数据库,旨在连接链上和链下数据,为智能合约应用提供广泛的企业级用例




Nate Holiday 作为space and time 的首席执行官,同样也是Chainlink Labs 的战略顾问。另一位联合创始人Scott 在 Web3、数据仓库、云和衍生品交易方面拥有产品开发专业知识。另外大使包括chainlink的联合创始人、Teradata的CTO、YOUTUBE的首席增长官等。


现阶段只有Crew3任务,不间断更新,完成可获得Crew3 discord角色身份


1⃣️现阶段只有Crew3任务,不间断更新,完成可获得Crew3 discord角色身份
2⃣️项目更新动态时,BE LABS会第一时间同步在 Twitter 小鱼没事爱玩币社群dey220


进入到 Crew3 的 Space&Time 的任务平台

链接入口➡️ Crew3 的 Space and Time






1. 输入“ YES ”,点击“ claim reward ”

2. 直接点击“ claim ”

3. 点击“follow”关注官方推文之后,点击claim

4. 加入Discord

进入Discord后点击”verify“进行验证,验证完之后,可以获得discord的“community role”

回到crew3,点击“claim reward”。

5. 点击“visit this page”,等待十秒,点击“claim reward“

6. 同上

7. 每周任务“recurring”,点击“claim reward”获得奖励

8. 订阅youutbe频道

9. 订阅电报,截图,同上一步步骤类似,加入电报之后,截图保存,进行下图所示操作。

10. 关注 S&P官方medium,操作与上面两步相似,但需要注册medium账号,注册完后,点击follow,截图保存,再进行下图操作。

11. 关注官方raddit,操作与上面三步相似,但需要注册reddit账号。注册完成后,点击join,当变成“joined”之后,进行截图保存,再进行下图操作。



quiz1 E

quiz2 B

quiz3 Proof of SQL

quiz4. Proof of SQL

quiz5. both


quiz7.hybrid transactional/analytical processing

quiz8. to handle both transactions and analytics in real time

quiz9. its ability to scale to meet the needs of applications

quiz10. D

quiz11 in the first half of this year

quiz12. allow users to easily run queries and create visualizations of data in Space and Time

quiz13. e

quiz14. smart contracts to run queries directly

quiz15. to optimize their advertising efforts and improve the return on their advertising investments

quiz16. a simple, powerful, and familiar on-ramp for enterprises to adopt blockchain technology

quiz17. normalizes them into a relational state that you can query

quiz18. The ability to seamlessly incorporate off-chain data into tokenized energy grids

quiz19. to facilitate new immutable earning schemes for creators on chain

quiz20. as a trustless intermediary between enterprise data warehouses and the limited storage of the blockchain itself.

quiz21. a straightforward means to join a nearly-infinite amount of data with any DeFi function or application

quiz22. to easily join large volumes of off-chain game telemetry with on-chain ownership data in one request, then send that answer back on-chain

quiz23. against both on-chain and off-chain data and connect the results back to smart contracts with cryptographic guarantees

quiz24 to being able to run an entire blockchain-based social media

quiz25 SNARK


quize 26 acts as the trustless intermediary between enterprise data and the blockchain, allowing the two to communicate and interact seamlessly

quize 27 g

quize 28 can load data from any source and run sub-second analytics that produce verifiably tamperproof results, while remaining fully decentralized


发推任务,截取一张S&P相关的图片,发推,推文中要有“ #SpaceandTimeDB and #BUIDLwithSxT ”。推文发完后,截图保存。回到crew3,按照要求,上传截图,点击“claim”


**以上为Space and Time当前所有交互

目前Fuel暂无其他值得交互的项目,有新项目或交互动态时,BE LABS会第一时间同步在 Twitter 小鱼没事爱玩币社群dey220。


BE Labs空投社群,进群添加微信dey220


需要 顶级币安返佣/手续费折扣 的可以添加我微信➡️dey220
返佣比例:现货45% / 合约35%


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