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Scale 1440

December 03
This is 24 hours scaled to 1 minute. No two days are the same, but they kind of are: fleeting and eternal. Time at a scale of 1:1440.
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Little Lyell Machines - Context, material, catalogue

October 18
Machines mentioned: p5.js; historical documents; a story sequence; the microfiche; View-Master; tunnelling equipment; railways; company organisations; global trade; the share market; an escaped convict’s tent scraper fabricated in 1859 as (empty belly) he tries to clean away mud after a futile day slashing through thick scrub looking for signs of precious metals.
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Seasonal Maps: Games of limited agency

May 03
Like the 4 environmental seasons, with their opposing features of heat / cold / scarcity / abundance, each piece is a stand-alone work with its own seasonal texture or mood:
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Little block machines

February 06
I did a spontaneous stealth Little Mint Experiment a couple of days ago so am taking a minute after the fact to briefly describe the work.
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Tarot Code is a deck of animated cards, offering advice for the terrible 2020s.

September 04
The four suits relate to themes of labour and resources (Coins), intellect (Swords), emotions and the subconscious (Cups), and creativity and enterprise (Wands). These themes are reflected in imagery and movement (the cyclical Coins, directional Swords, psychedelic Cups, and colourful and interactive wands). Each card has an upright meaning and a reversed counterpoint, and their relevance lies in the tension between.