3525 Lottery Player Instruction

1. Connect your wallet

Go to 3525 Lottery website and click the wallet icon on the top right to connect your wallet.

Choose the your preferable wallet and connect to finish setting up your account.

2. Sign to authorize your wallet, and once your wallet is connected, you can return to the main page to get the Whitelist Quota by Click “Get Whitelist Quota”

Click on the “Get Whitelist Quota”, type in your invitation code in the pop up window. Once you get the Quota, you can start to purchase the tickets.

No invitation code? No problem! Once the countdown is over, punch in the official invitation code “666666” to obtain the Quota for your purchase.

Ticket sale will be divided into multiple rounds, ticket price stays the same throughout but the amount of shares (LOTS) will be reduced by each round. Thus the sooner you get in, more LOTS will be rewarded.

3. Once the invitation code was entered, you can now purchase the ticket(s).

In order to purchase the ticket(s), there are two authorizations required to complete. i) Give permission to access your USDT ii) authorizing the contract of ticket purchase. Once these two authorizations are completed, you will be able to start purchasing the tickets.

On the main page, you have the option of purchasing a single ticket or a bundle of TEN at the price of 2 USDT per.

The number of ticket(s) purchased will be displayed in the circled window below.

4. Once the ticket(s) is purchased, you can then check your result(s) either individually by clicking “VIEW” or all results with “VIEW ALL”.

Below is a demonstration of “VIEW ALL”, 10 tickets with a combined result of 15 USDT, 200000 LOTS per ticker, 2000000 LOTS in the first round totally.

5. By clicking on the wallet icon on the top right, you can check your available funds in your wallet as well as the shares (LOTS) rewarded.

The example here shows the LOTS is currently worth $28.80 USDT and can be converted to USDT by clicking “BURN LOTS”.

Also on the wallet page, you will see the profits you have received from the ticket(s) purchased. The profits can be cashed out by simply clicking on “Withdraw to Wallet”.

All these are done through smart contracts to ensure the security of funds.

Below “Profits Received” is “Dividend Received” which indicates the profits generated through your invitation link. This can also be withdrawn just like ticket profits.

6. The LOTS can be transferred in your wallet by entering the recipient’s NFT ID and the amount of shares.

Clicking “Transfer” to complete the transfer.

7. Your SFT profile picture can be registered for sale at any given time. One thing to keep in mind, once the SFT profile picture is registered for sale, the shares (LOTS) that’s associated with such SFT will also be sold. Thus the LOTS should be taken into consideration when it comes to trading the SFT.

How could NFT profile picture be traded?

By clicking on your NFT profile picture

After clicking on the NFT profile picture, the pop up window will take you directly to Opensea.

The following is a showcase of some of the Opensea registrations. What you see on the bottom left is the amount of shares (LOTS) that are associated with this SFT profile picture. The shares (LOTS) could be transferred while being registered on the Opensea thus it is suggested to refresh metadata on the top right before making any purchases for the most updated information.

8. Now let’s take a look at the “Sharing” icon on the top right. The gas fee is initially required upon generating the invitation link. The reason for the gas fee is all the people invited and all the dividends generated are stored on the blockchain.

Clicking the icon below

Follow the reminder and click “OK” to generate an invitation link.

Once the invitation link is generated, click the “sharing” icon again, which brings you to the “Agency” page. On this page, your Whitelist Quota, Agency Level, Total dividends, Direct and Total associates will be listed. Your Agency levels up to “PROFESSIONAL” when the total dividends achieves 500 USDT. When the total dividends reach 1000 USDT, “MASTER” level will be unlocked. The higher the agency level, higher the percentage of dividends you will receive.

When you have plenty of Whitelist Quota, you can invite your friends to become your associates by transferring your Whitelist Quota. Entering the wallet address and Whitelist Quota amount to complete the transfer.

Those who clicked your invitation link but have not yet made a purchase will be labeled as “SUSPICIOUS”, which can be found under “Unlinked”. You can manually link them to your agency at a cost thus it will be up to you whether or not to link them.

9. Clicking your profile picture on the top right will take you to your winning history page, where lists all your reward histories.

The remaining two icons are “Notifications” and “FAQ” respectively.

In “Notifications”, you can find the latest updates from the dev team.

“FAQ” covers the in-depth explanation regarding some of the most discussed questions. If there are any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team via Discord.

  1. We are now done with all the icons, let’s go back to the main page and scroll down a bit. You shall then see the Jackpot prize as well as the total prize pool.

As you keep scrolling down the home page, you shall see a price chart for LOTS as well as our recent winners. You will find more details about our social media at the bottom of the page.

Above is all you need to know to master 3525 Lottery! Overall, it should be rather straightforward and once you are familiar with some of the innovative features it shouldn’t be hard to master it. You buy the ticket, check the result, no stress over the results because you are rewarded with shares (LOTS) that generate a passive profit. The earlier you get into the game, more shares will be rewarded!

Now you are an expert on 3525 Lottery! Why not put it into action and try it by yourself!

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