ERC-3525 as a Foundational Standard: A Universal Container Protocol for Blockchain Applications


There are over 40 ERC token standards; but the vast majority of applications worldwide utilize ERC-20 and ERC-721. These standards have gained widespread adoption and support due to their superior advantages in terms of security, applicability, and development costs. However, there is a need for a foundational standard that addresses universal challenges across various domains. ERC-3525 aims to fulfill this need by providing a versatile and adaptable solution suitable for diverse fields and application scenarios.

This paper explores the significance of ERC-3525 as a foundational standard and highlights its divergent perspective compared to ERC-20 and ERC-721. ERC-20 perceives the world as composed of infinitely subdivided atomic particles, with each entity comprised of homogeneous atoms that can be distinguished from one another. Conversely, ERC-721 views the world as composed of unique and distinct entities, necessitating the allocation of a unique ID and description through metadata.

Both perspectives can be utilized for modeling the real world, and one can choose to adopt either viewpoint or combine them to address specific challenges encountered in practical applications. ERC-3525 aspires to become a widely adopted standard due to its universal and foundational nature. It aims to address ubiquitous challenges that manifest across various domains. Conceptualized as a remarkably simplistic model, ERC-3525 can be employed to model specific issues across numerous application fields, showcasing its exceptional versatility and adaptability.

Within the ERC-3525 worldview, the world is perceived as a composition of different elements contained within containers. This perspective embodies a simplistic worldview that asserts the world is constituted by distinct elements. These elements can be likened to the Five Elements concept, encompassing entities such as wind, fire, water, earth, and metal, wood, water, fire, earth. Through various mixing and combining processes, these elements form the basis of all phenomena in the world.

ERC-3525 serves as a container protocol that allows digital assets or tokens to be regarded as digital containers, enabling the combination of different elements to form a comprehensive system. In its simplest form, only one element may be present within a container, while in more complex scenarios, an unlimited number of elements can be included. This container-based worldview offers consistency and universality, facilitating the description of the entire world.

Any object can be perceived as a combination and mixture of multiple elements within a container. ERC-3525 provides a universal standard applicable to describe all entities. In contrast, other standards may lack the required universality to be considered foundational standards.

Another standard that can be evaluated as a foundational standard is ERC-1155. ERC-1155 perceives the world as composed of various categories of objects, with objects within each category being identical but distinct across categories. While this perspective exhibits a certain level of universality, ERC-3525 surpasses it in terms of descriptive capabilities. Additionally, ERC-3525 may offer lower gas fees in its implementation, presenting practical reasons for its superiority.

From a modeling perspective, ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-3525, and ERC-1155 are considered foundational and universal standards. ERC-3525 was ambitiously designed to become a standard with vast application potential and a thriving ecosystem. However, the development of any entity requires time and practical validation. It is noteworthy that ERC-721 took nearly two and a half years to gain significant traction in the NFT domain since its emergence in July and August 2018. While ERC-3525 may potentially achieve rapid adoption, it too requires practical validation. Therefore, I am delighted to accept the invitation from XWINNER, as an increasing number of like-minded individuals will drive the development of the ERC-3525 standard,fostering its transformation into a flourishing ecosystem.

In contrast to other standards designed for specific problems or domains, ERC-3525 stands out by addressing a pervasive problem that arises in various application domains. Despite potential limitations, this standard continues to be widely applied in a range of blockchain use cases.

Furthermore, ERC-3525 provides a unified digital asset modeling framework that facilitates the trading and transfer of digital assets on the blockchain. This plays a crucial role in driving the development and optimization of blockchain applications. Despite the existence of some challenges, ERC-3525 has already become one of the extensively adopted standards in the blockchain application field.

The following section introduces the X WINNER gaming platform, which is built on the ERC-3525 protocol. X WINNER is a decentralized gaming platform catering to global gamers, bringing together a diverse range of games such as casual games, strategy games, card games, and lucky games. The platform offers players a multitude of gaming experiences characterized by high quality and replayability. Moreover, players have the opportunity to earn profits by engaging in gameplay.

The innovation of X WINNER lies in its disruption of the traditional game platform's control over player profits, allowing every player to possess their own gaming world and truly experience game freedom. X WINNER addresses a significant issue inherent in traditional game platforms where players are unable to derive profits from gameplay. On conventional platforms, all profits remain under the control of the platform, leaving players merely as consumers. Conversely, on the X WINNER platform, players can earn profits while enjoying the pleasure of gaming. This innovative business model empowers players to become true masters of the game, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

By integrating blockchain technology, X WINNER seizes immense opportunities for the future of gaming. Blockchain technology ensures robust security, fairness, and traceability within games. It enables seamless transfer of virtual assets and enhances transaction efficiency while reducing costs. These advantages present expansive development possibilities and abundant opportunities for both X WINNER and other blockchain gaming platforms.


In conclusion, ERC-3525 stands as a foundational and universal standard, along with ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155. ERC-3525's ambition to become a widely adopted standard is driven by its versatility, adaptability, and its potential to address pervasive challenges across various domains. As a container protocol, ERC-3525 offers a comprehensive modeling framework for digital assets, enabling the combination of different elements within containers. Despite the need for practical validation, ERC-3525 has already found extensive application and is poised to further thrive in the blockchain ecosystem. X WINNER serves as a testament to the practical implementation of ERC-3525, revolutionizing the gaming industry and opening up new avenues for player empowerment and profit generation. With blockchain technology as a catalyst, X WINNER and other blockchain gaming platforms can unlock a world of possibilities, ensuring enhanced security, fairness, and efficiency within the gaming landscape.

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