A Distributed Almanac For All Future Farmers

From Horsepower to Lightspeed

I've poured hundreds of hours into researching agriculture, technology and economics. There is a massive opportunity for our fields.

Tech innovation in the agriculture industry will change everyone's life; it will change the trajectory of humankind and the animals of the earth.

Canada will rank as a premier place for tech innovation. And Alberta will be a top contributor. If not, the future #1 innovative tech hub for agriculture across Canada.

Innovative tech of this decade will lead to tail-end outcomes that improve our province's agricultural capacity in ways we cannot even imagine now.

Truthfully, it's likely nationwide as small towns across Alberta have the collective brain power, motivation and pride to shoot for the top.

After all, we host the greatest outdoor show on earth— the Calgary Stampede. 🤠🇨🇦

Alberta farmers have worked for over a century in some of the most challenging conditions, hot and dry summers and lengthy, frigid winters. But they've supplied the world with nourishment, and we are a global leader in agricultural products and research.

Solutions are on the horizon, and if we extrapolate principles like Moore's law, the fields will get revolutionized again. Akin to the introduction of the steam engine.

Innovations of technologies result in new power sources:

Human Energy → Animal Energy → Machine Energy → Fossil Energy → Reusable Energy → Stable, Sustainable or Infinite Energy?

Arguably, the industrial changes during the green revolution of the 1970’s (the 3rd agricultural revolution) catapulted our societies, especially the Americas, into the agriculture powerhouse we know today. All because farmers adopted cutting-edge advancements to increase productivity and production capacity.

Are Farmers Nerds?

Revolutions are a cycle of history and a repetitive one. This time it's the digital revolution. Check out this timeline and see the present decade. The software will eat the world— an anecdote because it will feed the world for a fraction of the cost we incur right now. And we can build these systems now.

Like the engines revolving many thousands of times a minute, our machines now compute millions per second. 🧑‍💻

Alberta producers recognize more than most people that there are significant and practical reasons to adopt new technologies. Farmers often adopt new technologies without much friction; however, the friction present is accessibility and education.

I co-founded a tech startup to help increase digital literacy; we noticed that the opportunities for open technology to elevate society are huge. 

However, we needed to determine an intersection, an industry that would create MAX IMPACTand one with UNLIMITED POTENTIAL. *

Unless we believe we won't need to eat, we will refine our food systems forever.

After research and pondering, we realized it was right in front of us, and we overlooked it— it's agriculture

Our food, productive capacity and livelihoods as a collective depend on us finding solutions to food security and sustainability. The room to improve our food systems unlike any other, and the problem are bigger than any of us. It's a problem for all of us.

More capital, energy and ideas are required to integrate solutions for farmers that use technology, but no cohort benefits more than the producers themselves.

The mission of DecentrAgora is to empower the world with powerful software. By using blockchains, namely the Ethereum Network, we are creating incentives for people to adopt automated programs and data systems, and the community actively proves there is much work to get done regarding public goods and sustainable network infrastructure.

Blockchains are transparent by design, which would propel the agriculture industry to new heights. Clear, honest insights about commodities across the board will increase efficient exchange. The point of blockchains isn't to make third parties obsolete but to increase transparency, reduce fraud and facilitate 'trustless' interactions. A system exists that enforces a trust layer, and cryptography secures and verifies it.

There are a few ways blockchain technology makes agriculture better: supply chain tracking, automated systems improvement, reduced paper load, enhanced accounting and decreased infrastructure costs. Producers also minimize dependency on centralized entities & third parties by harnessing a public blockchain. Should there be a monopoly on grocery providers? Is that in our best interest as a collective, profit before health?

We must speak up to see the changes we ask for. 🧘

Here is a visual representation of how distributed ledger technology (blockchain) improves agriculture:

Visualization of our typical supply chain.
Visualization of our typical supply chain.

Open Green Gates: Let the Fields Extend Beyond the Cloud

With open-source software, growth is larger, and with distributed networks, many practical use cases exist for applications built on top.

Problem: Canada and Alberta specifically have a lot of red tape that hinders our innovation as a group. We need more areas that support experimentation.

Whereas people shouldn't be worried about who they are dealing with, incentives need to get outlined clearly to level the moral high ground and facilitate economic participation for the greater good.

Together, united, we can all build a system of neighbours helping neighbours— differing from neighbours racing neighbours —but no different than cooperatives, whether farmers or industry persons.


It's an ancient value. 💚

It comes full circle. ♻️

It's regenerative as a feature — not a bug. 🐛

Helping people with their goals is helping your future self, the children, grandkids, grandparents and people you don't know you even care about.

We'll let you know soon what we plan to build and release for farmers so they can reduce steps in the supply chain, increase productivity and profit margins.

From farms to communities with less steps!
From farms to communities with less steps!

In the meantime, you can stay updated by subscribing to our blog for updates and following us on our socials.

Use the links below to learn more about DecentrAgora & follow updates! 🤓

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