State of Affairs: Bera Etiquette

Are you feeling the heat? You're not alone. 🫡

It's a global 'risk-off' environment. Resulting in a traditional bear season, which means Bulls are actively getting hunted.

In Simple: yields are low, and most tokens are at -90% from ATHs.

It's a brutal reality, but the point of this article is to empower you to power forward— toward an Optimistic future. The users left and projects still building are here to stay. So, there are a couple of things you should keep in mind.

  • As a project/founder, put your focus on community building and funnelling users. Less noise means your voice gets through. 📣👱

  • As a trader/investor, put your focus into research. These are the times when dimes return dollars. 🧑‍🔬💸

  • As a freelancer/newcomer, focus on hard and soft skills. Take this time to build out your personal and professional abilities. 🧰🧑‍💻

You may win the war if you adjust your strategy in this environment.

Loose Rules of Economic Engagement :

  1. Bulls lure bears. (+)

  2. Bears eat bulls. (-)

  3. Bulls gore bears. (+)

  4. Repeat.

Bera rule #1: It's a not-so-obvious secret; the market reacts to a positive feedback loop and then up-only. The market reacts to a negative feedback loop and then blood-only. The current feedback loop trumps the other until the pendulum gets hammered in the other direction.

It's a balancing act; it's yin and yang. It's the negative and positive influence. ☯️

An esteemed philosopher best summed it up sometime over 2500 years ago:

"There is nothing permanent except change."


You're here now; what can you do?

First, cut losses if you need to be capital efficient. Second, check all your investments and do your best to analyze your current position. Are you making more money than you are spending? In other words, do you have a positive cash flow?

If you need more clarification, you may be spending too much, and ensuring that your outgoing payments are comparable to your income is valuable. It would be best to aim for a higher ratio of funds (incoming) than expenses. (outgoing)

During a salvage operation, you want to scrap all your bad investments. Cut emotional ties with positions if you are already underwater. If not, wait out the market and don't get spooked out of a valuable place.

Just breathe, and extract value elsewhere. Anything that is high risk is safe to dump as the opportunity to buy lower could be prevalent. As the risk-off continues, you can stand on the sidelines and deploy capital as needed— Bera rule #2curb the downside and reduce consistent losses. Conversely, the lower the investment risk, the more likely the market environment is weakening your hands and tricking you into cutting your position.

Sometimes, the market is purely irrational, and you may have suitable investments you can expand— which will reduce your average cost. But take great caution when doubling down on any position that has underperformed. Although, this will ease the pain slightly as you now have the capital to either:

a) handle your affairs: bills, debts, personal expenses etc.

b) deploy a more efficient and lucrative strategy

Ultimately, the above conditions lend themselves to the final rule of depressed markets. So get educated, comprehensive and vigorous.


Grizzly Preacher Mint 🐻

The Final Rule: BYOG

Establish a solid routine and set goals. Do anything you need to do to find the energy within you. Balance your life, tend to your relationships and take care of priorities. A healthy body reinforces a fluent mind.

Bera rule #3: Be Your Own Guru. 🧘

Focusing a small amount of energy could be all you need to gain the edge; it could be more than your opponent— other market participants.

In a long war, you'd be mistaken if you think you don't need to go the extra mile. Does it feel like you are doing whatever you can to make the best of your situation? Probably, but the feeling gets reinforced by complacency.

Dust off books and expand into areas that are foggy for you. Become adept where you lack depth. An integral part of growing is the zone of discomfort. And one thing I've learnt is that when you feel so bad that you're physically ill, it may indicate that you will win big or lose more than you're comfortable with— but that's growth fren. Take it or leave it.

But please be prudent with risk management because monetary losses are temporary, and money gets earned repeatedly. However, losses are traumatic and cause psychological duress. So don't paralyze yourself when you analyze things you can't change.

We are all in this together, but not sure everyone will make it because it depends on perspective. So it's not prudent that we all make it at the same time, the same way or to the same place. What matters is that we achieve our goals.

Although personal goals are merely a stepping stone or an individual boulder, it's your mission to make moves. Extrapersonal or existential goals change your life, and the world benefits. So, set goals and achieve them.

Bear Movements

During difficult times, unless you have short positions, it's wise to sit on your hands, deep dive into protocols and cut losses where possible.

Follow the three rules, and you should be alright.

  1. Bera rule #1: It's a not-so-obvious secret; the market reacts to a positive feedback loop and then up-only. The market reacts to a negative feedback loop and then blood-only

  2. Bera rule #2curb the downside and reduce consistent losses.

  3. Bera rule #3: Be Your Own Guru.

Take care and be wise with your time when the markets grind downward. 💙

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