A Comprehensive Guide to zkPerp 📜

Derivative platforms are presently among the trendiest trading commodities, enabling traders to gain from the price uncertainty of a specific financial tool without possessing the fundamental asset.

Today, we take great pride in unveiling zkPerp—a creation meticulously crafted by a dedicated team of proficient Scrollers, all united by a common dedication to enhancing the on-chain trading experience. zkPerp stands as a testament to our ambition to emerge as the foremost trailblazing Decentralized Perpetual Exchange on Scroll, offering the most competitive fees and encompassing all pivotal protocol functionalities.

What is zkPerp

zkPerp stands as a decentralized and transparent futures exchange, meticulously crafted on the Scroll network. Within zkPerp's platform, traders can engage in derivative trading involving an extensive array of esteemed cryptocurrency assets, including BTC and ETH, as well as well-known stocks and indices, all with the possibility of leverage reaching up to 200x.

zkPerp is driven by the vision of becoming the premier choice for traders seeking to maintain full control over their capital while savoring a superior trading experience on the Scroll network, replete with distinctive advantages such as:

Duo-token model

This model offers substantial benefits to the ecosystem by introducing a two-token system, typically consisting of a governance token and a utility token.

Lowest Fees on Scroll

Enter and exit positions with minimal spread and zero price impact. Get the optimal price, compared to our competitors.

Swap Integration

By harnessing the power of swap integration, users can effortlessly engage in trading on zkPerp, making it a hassle-free experience

Specific Strengths of zkPerp

The zkPerp Futures DEX stands out for its exceptionally low fees, prioritizing cost efficiency to enable users to reduce their fees by as much as 60% when compared to alternative derivative exchanges.

To put it simply, zkPerp's fees include:

  • Position Opening/closing fee: 0.04%

  • Borrowing fee: (assets borrowed) / (total assets in the pool) * 0.01%

  • Swap fee: 0.15%

  • Funding Fee: 0%

  • Liquidation fee: 0%

  • Price Impact: 0%

200x Leverage

Users can now perform swaps and perpetual trades with up to x200 leverage on various markets

Trade Real-World Assets

Trade Tokenized Assets like Real Estate, Art, Stocks, Commodities, or any asset you can imagine, seamlessly with the zkPerp user-friendly platform

A multi-asset pool presents a remedy for trading without causing price fluctuations. As you add a specific quantity of assets to the pool, an equivalent dollar value of index tokens, referred to as $ZLP is generated.

The ZLP token represents the provided liquidity to support leveraged trading for traders. A liquidity provider can withdraw at any time by burning $ZLP in exchange for any asset in the pool.

Oracle-Based Pricing: zkPerp leverages aggregated on-chain information from reputable Oracles like Chainlink to ensure the utmost accuracy in asset valuations. This pricing methodology significantly favors traders using leverage, as it substantially decreases the potential for liquidation resulting from momentary price fluctuations.

Fair and transparent incentives: 70% Of the protocol revenue will be shared for LP providers, $ZLP, and $ZKP Stakers

Rewards through Multiple Referrals: Anyone has the opportunity to become a Broker or Partner and earn appealing commissions and substantial discounts on trading fees by simply referring users who trade.

Loyalty Program: In order to motivate and acknowledge trading participation, traders will receive daily rewards determined by the size of their closed trading positions in terms of USD volume.

4 Tokens that shape the protocol


The $ZKP token functions as a dual-purpose token, serving both as a utility and governance token. It allows holders to actively participate in voting for proposals that have an impact on the future direction of the exchange.

Furthermore, token holders who decide to lock up their $ZKP through staking also enjoy three additional rewards courtesy of the protocol. Notably, 30% of all the fees generated by the protocol, which are sourced from activities like market-making, swap fees, and leverage trading, are distributed to $ZKP stakers.

Stakers of $ZKP are eligible for four unique rewards, which include:

  • Escrowed $ZKP (esZKP)

  • Multiplier Points

  • 30% of the protocol's profits

  • USDC rewards ($rUSDC)

$ZKP Tokenomics:

Total supply: 1,000,000,000 $ZKP

Contract address: coming soon

Public sale: 12% - 120,000,000 $ZKP

  • Unlock at TGE: 100%

Liquidity: 8% - 80,000,000 $ZKP

  • Unlock at TGE:12.5%

  • Cliff: On Demand

  • Linear vesting: On-Demand

Team: 10% - 100,000,000 $ZKP

  • Unlock at TGE: 0%

  • Cliff: 18 months

  • Linear vesting: 24 months

Marketing: 7% - 70,000,000 $ZKP

  • Unlock at TGE: 20%

  • Cliff:8 months

  • Linear vesting: 18 months

Community: 10% - 100,000,000 $esZKP

  • Unlock at TGE: 100%

esZKP reserve: 20% - 200,000,000 $ZKP

  • Unlock at TGE: 5%

  • Cliff: On demand

  • Linear vesting: On demand

Treasury: 33% - 330,000,000 $esZKP

  • Unlock at TGE: 5%

  • Cliff: On demand

  • Linear vesting: On demand


Users provide liquidity to earn ZLP tokens, which can be staked or exchanged for assets. Liquidity pools benefit from trader losses, and ZLP token holders share in the protocol's earnings.

The ZLP token represents liquidity for leveraged trading and can be minted by depositing supported assets. The liquidity pool includes assets like BTC, ETH, USDC, USDT, and LINK, with more assets added via governance.

Holders receive 70% of the protocol's profits.

For example, if a user employs 5 ETH (valued at $1,500 each) to contribute liquidity when the entire pool is worth $100,000, they will receive ZLP tokens.

As traders engage with the pool, the total pool value and the proportions of assets within the pool will fluctuate based on factors such as profit/loss outcomes, the specific coin used for the margin, the trading pair, and the value of each asset.

During this period, the liquidity provider has the option to exchange (sell) ZLP tokens to receive any asset from zkPerp's list of assets, like ETH. At this point, the overall pool value stands at $200,000, with 1 ETH valued at $1,500.

The calculation for determining the overall redemption value and the quantity of ETH acquired is as follows:

  • Redemption value = ($1,500 * 5 / $100,000) * $200,000 = $15,000

  • Received ETH = $15,000 / $1,500 = 10 ETH


$rUSDC functions as a reward token in the zkPerp ecosystem, and its value is identical to that of USDC. It serves as a reward for both investors and traders.

$rUSDC has been specifically created to cover trading fees on the zkPerp platform. There won't be a dedicated liquidity pool for it, and there won't be any extra incentives for holding, trading or transferring $rUSDC.

Each user will be provided with a single Reward Wallet to earn and use these rewards. These rewards can be obtained through zkPerp's Marketing programs, and users can acquire them by completing simple tasks or staking them in the zkPerp Staking Pool.

This reward is utilized to decrease the trading costs associated with Futures positions on the zkPerp platform.


$esZKP becomes obtainable when you deposit ZKP and maintain an equal ZKP value. These esZKP tokens can be transformed into ZKP during a 180-day vesting duration.

Escrowed Zero-Knowledge Proof (esZKP) serves two main functions:

  • $rUSDC can be staked to receive payouts similar to those of standard $ZKP tokens.

  • It has the capability to undergo vesting, transforming $esZKP into genuine $ZKP tokens over a span of six months.

$esZKP Vesting procedure

.When vesting is initiated, a certain amount of ZKP or ZLP tokens used to earn the esZKP rewards will be reserved. The specific quantity of ZKP or ZLP tokens to be held during the esZKP vesting process depends on the account and is limited to the rewards earned by that account

It's recommended not to obtain esZKP tokens from the market or through over-the-counter transactions, as they cannot undergo the vesting process.


zkPass comprises 1,000 NFTs that grant holders complete control over the protocol, including the Forum, Treasury, and Voting Power. However, our vision goes beyond a simple protocol. We are dedicated to building a vibrant and interconnected community where members have the power to voice their thoughts.

Central to our vision is the idea of a constantly evolving environment shaped collaboratively by the community. zkPass club is dedicated to offering outstanding experiences, meaningful connections, and chances for personal and professional growth. Our goal is to create a supportive environment where ideas can thrive, and partnerships can thrive.

zkPass details

  • Total supply: 1,000 NFTs

  • Chain: Scroll Mainnet

  • Mint price: 0.05 ETH

  • Royalty fee: 5%

zkPass UseCases

Utilizing a portion of minted revenue, with 20% allocated to protocol development, and the remaining 80% managed by zkPass holders in the zkPass treasury, profits generated from the treasury will be distributed weekly to staked NFTs in proportion to their holdings, with esZKP as the payout asset. An additional 20% of the profits will be directed to the Treasury.

Furthermore, the full royalty fee will be channeled into the zkPass treasury, ensuring an attractive APR for NFT stakers. Expect more functionalities to be introduced as the zkPass club devises innovative concepts through the governance protocol.

The zkPass Treasury

The zkPass Treasury's inception stems from the revenue generated through NFT minting, embodying a community-driven ethos. It intentionally avoids external governance, entrusting the management solely to our NFT-holding community members.

The initial makeup of the Treasury's portfolio encompasses various assets, including $ETH, $USDC, $ZKP, and $ZLP, with their proportional weights determined collaboratively by the zkPass community.

Whether the objective is to fund novel initiatives, organize community gatherings, or venture into investments, the decision-making power resides exclusively within the unified voice of our community. This approach underscores the cultivation of a sense of ownership and empowerment among our community members, ensuring their active involvement and influence in zkPass Treasury affairs.

The zkPass Forum

The forum is a dedicated space exclusively available to NFT holders who are part of the zkPass club. Being a member of this club is a prerequisite for participation. Once you're on board, you gain access to a platform where you can present ideas, suggest improvements, ask questions, and voice your concerns. It functions as an open arena for discussions, emphasizing democratic involvement, transparency, and community engagement in governing our project.

Your input carries weight, and you directly impact various technical, financial, and organizational aspects within our ecosystem.

The forum isn't just about you and your ideas; it also serves as a central hub for collaboration and cooperation among all zkPass members, including developers, investors, and users. Within this inclusive environment, innovation is encouraged, synergies are created, and our project progresses towards realizing its vision**.**

Joining the Forum

To put forth your ideas in the Forum, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Acquire a zkPass NFT

  • Step 2: Claim your "zkPass" role through Guild.XYZ

  • Step 3: Join our Discord community

  • Step 4: Access the "zkPass-Forum" channel

  • Step 5: Begin presenting your innovative proposals.

The Governance

The voting system empowers our members by granting them collective control in a transparent and decentralized manner to make decisions. Our main emphasis is on working together and ensuring that our opinions are recognized.

To keep things straightforward and fair, we utilize zkPass NFTs as governance tokens, granting members the capability to vote on different proposals.

NOTE: 1 zkPass NFT = 1 Vote Power

How it works:

The voting procedure follows a structured method that emphasizes active participation and thoughtful contemplation. Currently, we have implemented a system where members don't immediately present their ideas on the platform. Instead, we encourage vibrant conversations and deliberations about the proposed concepts before proceeding to the final voting phase.

  • Step 1: Members share their ideas or proposals through the Discord Forum.

  • Step 2: The suggested concepts undergo thorough discussions and brainstorming sessions. Members have the chance to engage, inquire, and make contributions to the dialogues.

  • Step 3: Following a comprehensive discussion, we arrange an official vote on Snapshot. XYZ. Members indicate their support or opposition based on the arguments put forth during the deliberations.

By following these steps, we create a complex and knowledgeable group decision-making system. This approach encourages members to actively engage, carefully assess concepts, and contribute to shaping the future of the zkPass club.

Why Scroll?

Substantial Funding and Valuation: Scroll recently raised an impressive $50 million in a funding round that included prominent investors like Polychain Capital, Sequoia China, and Bain Capital Crypto. This investment brings Scroll's valuation to $1.8 billion, indicating strong confidence from the investor community.

Layer 2 Scaling Solution: Scroll is a Layer 2 network designed to address Ethereum's scalability issues by processing transactions of the Ethereum network and then settling them on the Ethereum blockchain. This approach enhances transaction speed and reduces costs, making it an attractive choice for Dapp developers aiming to improve user experience.

Core Values: Scroll's core principles of being community-driven, prioritizing security, and emphasizing decentralization at every level are appealing to Dapp developers who value these attributes. These principles are positioned as a competitive edge, potentially

Growth Plans: With the substantial funds raised, Scroll has ambitious plans to further develop its product, launch the mainnet, and expand its ecosystem. This growth trajectory suggests ongoing improvements and opportunities for Dapp developers to integrate with the network.

What Next

The launch of the Athena Testnet on Scroll Sepolia marks a crucial milestone in the progression of zkPerp. The team's primary goal with this test release is to identify and address any technical or user experience issues, ensuring a seamless on-chain experience for users across the protocol.

How it works

Using a community-focused approach, 10% of the total supply, which amounts to 100,000,000 $ZKP, is designated for participants in the Athena Testnet.

  • Top 1,000 with the highest trading volume: 40,000,000 $ZKP

  • Top 1,000 with the highest PnL: 40,000,000 $ZKP

  • Daily quests participants: 20,000,000 $ZKP

Check out the Leaderboard:

By engaging in daily tasks, Scrollers can acquire testnet $ZKP tokens as their incentive. The more testnet tokens you possess, the greater the mainnet $ZKP Rewards you can expect to receive.

A total of 20,000,000 $ZKP rewards will be distributed among all testnet holders based on their token balance. Those with eligible addresses can claim these rewards once the mainnet launch of zkPerp occurs. Updates regarding the quests will be regularly communicated through official zkPerp channels.

It’s important to note that for regular users, completing daily quests is the sole method to acquire testnet $ZKP tokens. If you’re interested in increasing your token balance, you can utilize your referral link to invite friends, instantly earning 20% of their testnet $ZKP, zkPerp Ambassadors can enjoy a 50% increase in earnings compared to normal users.

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