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Speedtracer Season 2

Speedtracer Season 2 is here! After the inaugural 130 day Season 1, we’re making some changes to experiment with new incentive structures. A shorter 28 day season with ETH prizes starts Sunday, May 19th. Season 2 Track public mint starts Friday May 19th.
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Speedtracer: 1 Month In

February 09
Today marks the 31st day of Speedtracer, my daily casual mobile game for people who are too dumb for Wordle. Speedtracer challenges users to trace a racetrack as quick as they can, without crashing. Tracks start off as algorithmically generated shapes, but they are also NFTs that grant the owner customization rights, so we’ve seen a lot of branded tracks in our first month.
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Go Speedtracer, Go!!!

January 08
Speedtracer is a fully onchain longform generative art project that uses a Solidity algorithm to create automotive racetrack artworks used in a casual mobile game.
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PWA Push Notifcations for web3 apps

September 09
The successful launch of friend.tech instigated a new meta in the web3 discourse about Progressive Web Apps, with many commenters heralding the approach as the next big thing in crypto consumer applications. PWAs are not a new concept, but recent changes in the Apple ecosystem, combined with app store rules restricting the sale of virtual goods in native apps, have helped create a new opportunity for web3 apps that would benefit from native app features but would likely not be approved by app store reviewers. In particular, Apple's support for PWA push notifications, added in iOS 16, makes PWAs a viable alternative to native applications that would benefit from reengaging users with mobile push.
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Crosschain Token Gated Minting

Grant minting privileges for Layer 2 drops based on Layer 1 NFT ownership with NFT Global Entry
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🍑 ASSPLayers for Open NFT Gaming ⛓

November 23
What frustrates me most about the current NFT space is how much attention is given to these assets as profile pictures. There are many innovative artists I deeply respect creating with this new medium, far beyond animal cartoons. But even if we focus on “unoriginal” “10k” “pfp” projects, NFT creators, collectors and critics are all still not grasping the power of these tokens existing on a public, immutable ledger.
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Play L2 Games with L1 Assets

October 13
I’ve spent the last few months building Wrasslers, a blockchain-based battling game for NFT avatar projects that’s designed to be open and permissionless. While most web3 games are constructed as vertically-integrated walled gardens, the vision for Wrasslers is to allow anyone to create NFTs that conform to an open-source Wrassleable standard. Any NFT developer can craft assets (or wrap existing ones) for compatibility with the Wrasslers on-chain fighting game, and other game developers can build new or competing experiences that utilize the same standard. I’m seeking positive sum outcomes, where the Wrassleable standard, compatible tokens, Wrasslers itself and other on-chain games all become more valuable by being composable NFT LEGOs.