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Ramblings on Event Markets

April 01
Prediction markets have a very interesting history. Not sure if this is the first that they were ever written about but Robin Hanson is generally seen as the father of prediction markets. He first wrote about them in Idea Futures in which he describes how policy makers should turn to betting markets rather than experts for decision making (later this became Futarchy).

Ramblings on Blockspace

September 17
Below is an overview of the creation, usage, value, and trading of the new digital commodity: blockspace

Ramblings on AMMs and Orderbooks

December 28
This post is meant to provide an overview of the Automated Market Maker (AMM) space. First by reviewing some of the history and various designs. Following will be a walkthrough of using AMM pricing functions for other applications than spot trading leading to interesting dynamics and the evolving relationship between onchain orderbooks and AMMs.

ramblings on defi derivatives

January 23
in the last year options protocols have grown from around $85m to over $1b in tvl, similarly perpetual swap trading platforms have seen quite the growth in trading volume from far less than $1b to coming close to clearing $10b in volume in a single day. value locked and volumes traded will only increase in 2022 with new platforms and products being released practically weekly (as im writing this squeeth, zeta, invariant, and 01protocol all released or are releasing in next few days).